acrodec · 6 years
Dr. Steve Brule Investigates Space | Flat Earth DEBUNKED
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acrodec · 6 years
Elton John - Daniel [Videp lyric mp3]
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acrodec · 6 years
Regina Spektor - No Surprises (Radiohead Cover) Please, stop fucking with my right to liberty & the pursuit of some semblance of Happiness? I’ve plainly confessed my fault in losing my chance to be the husband & father, any f***ing idiot knows, I’ve the capability to be! You don’t want me. Because, it doesn’t meet the consuetude of what your parents will accept’s reality; which is, {that.We.Were.Made.For.One.&.Other.*} And so; if it’s decided, your intention’s  to preserve Their “Rules”? Please, stop hacking me off facebook? You were never, “...just chewng gum.”, to me: you were my “one”. Yeah, sure? It wasn’t long, before I engaged in coitus, after you left me. But your family clearly set, all of that up. You think I authentically believe that some Sister, whom “knew The Artist[Prince*]”, just so happened to be willing to drive two hours from Hammond, Indiana, to Elgin to fuck me, even though she WAS TOLD, by me:that I did not actually have Her $200 fare, but more like $60? And  I’m supposed to believe these facets are ALL just serendipitously jigs, falling into place, by chance??Give me a fucking break. That was the most [*pre-paid, Set-Up*] to ‘test my soul.’, or some christian bullshit. And YES, I FAILED!!? But you’re A. not a man whom believed that his dream-come-true, was LEAVING HIM FOR GOOD{which, by the fucking way; YOU ACTUALLY DID*} IT’S BEEN FOUR YEARS, NOW. AND YOU HAVEN’T ONCE, SAID ONE WORD, TO ME ABOUT OUR DAUGHTER, NOR A N Y T H I N G, for that matter. Not one. You’ve done as you, once “swore you would,if I ever  cheated on you...”|||you said ‘you’d ruin me....’ >~BUT I DID NOT GO OUT AND SEEK JETT EMERSON!!? It  was not organically my original idea to sleep with her the night after you drove back home. I was wickedly ensnared by the most maleficent, premeditated & essentially Satanic, malevolence I can’t even conceive of “dreaming up” to embroil my worst enemy!!! But I know someone who could, and who DID* Someone who actually paid a whore from Hammond, to execute this>~and Her name is your mother. Which is also why the entirety of the testimony, on the papers that were served, me days later>~WERE NOT IN YOUR HANDWRITING, NOR YOUR TROPE! They were disarrayed recollections of fights that we had, but there were fictional addendums about me “striking you in the face, repeatedly...”, during our fight  in  the Walgreens parking lot, for instance? AND YOU BLOODY WELL KNOW  THAT I DID NOT EVER DO THAT! THAT PART JUST DID NOT HAPPEN!? It was made-up. To make the story meatier, juicier & more justified why a “restraining order, now*? HAD TO BE WRIT? AFTER WREN ROSEMARY’S BIRTH!??!!! I never fought with you, once following Her birth at, St. Catherine’s. This is the most hackneyed, convoluted & pernicious & totally waywardly betrothed EFFORT TO SPLIT YOU & i UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never wanted anything more than I wanted you, #LisaRaddatz. All we ever could have wanted, was “in our arms”, vacker flicka. Jag alskar dig. Verkligen, nu älskar jag fortfarande. But, “He”, as Beth or Ari might put it; He will give me my comeuppance. Enjoy Her while you’re holding the winning cards.
“ Winning is fun... Sure. But winning is not the point. Wanting to win is the point. Not giving up is the point. Never letting up is the point. Never being satisfied with what you've done is the point.” ~Pat Summit~ Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/pat_summitt_777388
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acrodec · 6 years
2 + 2 = 5
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acrodec · 6 years
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acrodec · 6 years
Wham! - Everything She Wants (Official Video)
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acrodec · 9 years
If you're "going to do something": do it withALL OF YOUR FUCKING HEART, or don't waste anybody's time.; least of all~YOUR OWN?!
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acrodec · 9 years
A song I wrote for my sister, on her 40th birthday. 
Pet Hix, presents, “Can you trust me?”(Oh, Sarah)~being performed on Hazel
at Cookie Crisp! Estates, a division of the Fraser Clan’s estates>Orkney, Scotland(the birthplace of Beatrix Potter***)
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acrodec · 9 years
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Here I AM/Was I/And ARE, still.
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acrodec · 9 years
I have some, very beautiful; and i mean, fucking beautiful pictures i took of flicka[the girl, that i once, did this^ to, on purpose.[impregnated*]
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Yahoo Style Exclusive:  Posing Nude and Talking ‘Insane’ Internet Trolls
“There’s a lot, physically, that changes with your body when you’re pregnant, and I guess no one could’ve warned me about that stuff. But being in the public eye when you’re pregnant is really, really hard, and people can be so mean on the Internet, it’s insane. Pregnancy is such a beautiful time to me, and I feel like you should embrace your body in whatever stage it’s in. So it’s kind of hard being an actress, being a celebrity, and having people scrutinize how you physically look, and just saying the craziest things.”
Find the full interview here. 
Photos by Brian Bowen Smith
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acrodec · 9 years
And these are the people I should fear, as an Anglo-Saxon, Scottish~American??{But the thing is; I don’t trust~a~one~a~them, much further than i can, throw ‘em.....and if you saw me, you’d agree that i should probably avoid trying to throw anything: for fear that my lillywhite arms, might snap off & blow away in the wind? To disperse, no doubt in the rice patties, yonder:where they were grown, in the first place and sold to my mother or father~32 years ago, whence they knit them to either side of the collarbone, they had fashioned, oragami-style from Mead Construction Paper. Back when Princeton Art Class, gave my Pop, some ideas, for to make hisself a son.
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Man eating rice, China, 1901-1904
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acrodec · 9 years
"What's the point of a pair of pants with back pockets, if the pants don't even have back pockets??"
Petey Hixson, first questioning what the hell, was the object of what Ali Karalis & Ashley Nelson, were commonly seen, wearing around CEDU~R.M.A.; those pants that have the knit “shapes of pockets”, where the pockets should be!!>, but you cannot stow anything, in theere??>because...it’s not really a hole, there...it’s just stitching to “lOOk” like, there’s a hole there? Makes me want to punch a goddamn perfect, slice of Strawberry-Rhubarb pie. Why, you ask?? Because the pie needs to be punched. And furthermore why on christ’s name do we spell the sound, ‘(Roo*Barb”), with a goddamn<”H”> aiche? ;-p
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acrodec · 9 years
Debeaked (2013) from Domenic Migliore on Vimeo.
HEY YOU! Watch my leading role, as the creeper(Kenneth Sheldon*) who shot Kathleen Seely in the face, before a room of 25, 6 to 13 year olds. This was loosely based on a short story, of the same title: which I wrote in effort to avenge the soul of the woman, I knew as “Kate” who was killed by her stalker of 13 or more years, at the apex of a hostage situation, I survived at a hospital I was living in, on the Medical Ward~2 wards to thje left of Acute, where Kate + the 25, six to thirteen year olds were all being held hostage, as the mad, fucker Ken Sheldon, a custodian fired a handgun, into the walls of the hospiital, prepping Kate to be murdered; which he did  accomplish; by shooting the innocent nurse in the face, then swallowing the barrel>he blew his brains out of HIS head, in front of the hostages, all of whom were barely adolescents! This role, garnered me with WINNER-of-the-2013-BEST-MALE-PERFORMANCE-Claw-Award~(meaning it was for best performance in an Indie-Horror Film.)!!!! Watch it! Watch it, now! In the name of the soul, that THIS^* heARTIST, has never once, forgotten. That poor woman was a kind hearted love-of-a-lady, working with YOUNG CHILDREN, at a fucking hospital. Give me, one miserable 13 minute duration of your aimless life, in the name of her loving soul?! She never hurt, Kenneth. She just didn’t wish to date him. So far as I’m capable to perceive? That’s no reason to be shot in the jaw, with an automatic pistol!? September Ninth, 2001 Coeur D’Alene, Idaho up in the mountains near the Kootenai River
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acrodec · 10 years
Hey guys - check out this blog http://awe.sm/q5I7J. It's one of the coolest blogs I've seen this week
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acrodec · 10 years
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acrodec · 10 years
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acrodec · 10 years
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