adachi-hanna · 4 years
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"This Dominos in San Antonio. People are working around the clock during this duel crisis of coronavirus and massive power outage. They had a weekend worth of food and it was gone within 4 hours. This team helped those that needed help. These are the essential workers that need recognition. They were the only place open in their community that was open. Every pizza place was closed but dominos stayed open to help those in need. Don’t let me ever, ever, ever hear you say these people don’t deserve a living wage. Swear to GOD don’t let me hear you say it!!"
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adachi-hanna · 4 years
So let's talk about the Lost Generation.
This is the generation that came of age during WWI and the 1918 flu pandemic. They witnessed their world collapse in the first war that spread around the globe, and they -- in retrospect, optimistically -- called it the "war to end all wars". And that war was a quagmire. The trenches on the Western Front were notoriously awful, unsanitary and cold and wet and teeming with sickness, and bloody battles were fought to gain or lose a few feet of territory, and all because a series of alliances caused one assassination in one unstable area to spiral into a brutal large-scale war fought on the ground by people who mostly had no personal stake in the outcomes and gained nothing from winning.
On some of the worst-hit battlefields, the land is still too toxic for plant growth.
And on the heels of this horrific war, a pandemic struck. It's often referred to as "the Spanish flu" because Spain was neutral in the war, and so was the first country to admit that their people were dropping like flies. By the time the warring countries were willing to face the disease, it was far too late to contain it.
Anywhere from 50 to 100 million people worldwide would die from it. 675,000 were in the US.
But once it was finally contained -- anywhere from a year to a year and a half later -- the 20s had begun, and they began roaring.
Hedonism abounded. Alcohol flowed like water in spite of Prohibition. Music and dance and art fluorished. It was the age of Dadaism, an artistic movement of surrealism, absurdism, and abstraction. Women's skirts rose and haircuts shortened in a flamboyant rejection of the social norms of the previous decades. It was a time of glitter and glamour and jazz and flash, and (save for the art that was made) it was mostly skin deep.
Everyone stumbled out of the war and pandemic desperate to forget the horrific things they'd seen and done and all that they'd lost, and lost for nothing.
Reality seemed so pointless. It's not a coincidence that the two codifiers of the fantasy genre -- J.R.R. Tolkein and C.S. Lewis -- both fought in WWI. In fact, they were school friends before the war, and were the only two of their group to return home. Tolkein wanted to rewrite the history of Europe, while Lewis wanted to rebuild faith in the escape from the world.
(There's a reason Frodo goes into the West: physically, he returned to the Shire, but mentally, he never came back from Mordor, and he couldn't live his whole life there. There's a reason three of the Pevensies can never let go of Narnia: in Narnia, unlike reality, the things they did and fought for and believed in actually mattered, were actually worth the price they paid.)
It's also no coincidence that many of the famous artists of the time either killed themselves outright or let their vices do them in. The 20s roared both in spite of and because of the despair of the Lost Generation.
It was also the era of the Harlem Renaissance, which came to the feelings of alienation and disillusionment from a different direction: there was a large migration of Black people from the South, many of whom moved to the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. Obviously, the sense of alienation wasn't new to Black people in America, but the cultural shift allowed for them to publicly express it in the arts and literature in ways that hadn't been open to them before.
There was also horrific -- and state-sanctioned -- violence perpetrated against Black communities in this time, furthering the anger and despair and sense that society had not only failed them but had never even given them a chance. The term at the time was shell-shock, but now we know it as PTSD, and the vast majority of the people who came of age between 1910 and 1920 suffered from it, from one source or another.
It was an entire generation of trauma, and then the stock market crashed in 1929. Helpless, angry, impotent in the face of all that had seemingly destroyed the world for them, on the verge of utter despair, it was also a generation vulnerable to despotism. In the wake of all this chaos -- god, please, someone just take control of all this mess and set it right.
Sometimes the person who took over was decent and played by the rules and at least attempted to do the right thing. Other times, they were self-serving and hateful and committed to subjugating anyone who didn't fit their mold.
There are a lot of parallels to now, but we have something they didn't, and that's the fact that they did it first.
We know what their mistakes and sins were. We have the gift of history to see the whole picture and what worked and what failed. We as a species have walked this road before, and we weren't any happier or stronger or smarter about it the first time.
I think I want to reiterate that point: the Lost Generation were no stronger or weaker than Millennials and Gen Z are today. Plenty of both have risen up and fought back, and plenty have stumbled and been crushed under the weight. Plenty have been horribly abused by the people who were supposed to lead them, and plenty have done the abusing. Plenty of great art has been made by both, and plenty of it is escapist fantasy or scathing criticism or inspiring optimism or despairing pessimism.
We find humor in much the same things, because when reality is a mess, both the absurd and the self-deprecating become hilarious in comparison. There's a reason modern audiences don't find Seinfeld as funny as Gen X does, and many older audiences find modern comedy impenetrable and baffling -- they're different kinds of humor from different realities.
I think my point accumulates into this: in spite of how awful and hopeless and pointless everything feels, we do have a guide. We've been through this before, as a culture, and even though all of them are gone now, we have their words and art and memory to help us. We know now what they didn't then: there is a future.
The path forward is a hard one, and the only thing that makes it easier is human connection. Art -- in the most base sense, anything that is an expression of emotion and thought into a medium that allows it to be shared -- is the best and most enduring vehicle for that connection, to reach not just loved ones but people a thousand miles or a hundred years away.
So don't bottle it up. Don't pretend to be okay when you're not. Paint it, sculpt it, write it, play it, sing it, scream it, hell, you can even meme it out into the void. Whatever it takes to reach someone else -- not just for yourself but for others, both present and future.
Because, to quote the inimitable Terry Pratchett, "in a hundred years we'll all be dead, but here and now, we are alive."
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adachi-hanna · 4 years
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adachi-hanna · 4 years
yankeee-kun to megane chan
Rereading A manga.
you feel stuck or bored from waiting your favorite ongoing manga.
If you had the chance to reread one completed series which one you’re going to read now?
Share your answer with me by reply or reblog to this post. ^^
Me: just finished reread Gokusen and never get bored of it! One of my favorite manga <3
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adachi-hanna · 4 years
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adachi-hanna · 4 years
Hindi ko alam, wala akong alam. Ano ba ang aking dapat gawin upang mapigilan ang puso kong ito na pilit na isinisigaw ang pangalan mo?
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adachi-hanna · 5 years
BLEACH is......
BLEACH is...
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Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War arc will receive an anime adaptation. 
Additionally, Tite Kubo’s Burn the Witch will be serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump in Summer 2020 and will receive an anime adaptation by Studio Colorido in Fall 2020.
Burn the Witch anime cast
Yuina Yamada as Noel Niihashi
Asami Tano as Spangle Ninii 
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adachi-hanna · 5 years
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adachi-hanna · 5 years
badly need...
Omg I can't believe you wrote a feature in 3 days! Do you typically write fast? Also, any tips for writing fast? I have a draft due next week but with everything going on, I've been procrastinating and slower than usual. Ty.
I typically write fast! I’m very lucky but this also means I can be very lazy, because I know I can spend time procrastinating and still write pages I am happy with. Also, once you write fast once you know you can do it again, so you just need that first time to blast you through (at least in my experience). I had a professor who I thought hated me (she didn’t) with very high standards, and I had to rewrite 50 pages in one day/night. And I did. And she liked the pages! After that, knowing I had to write 30 pages a day for the feature didn’t seem so bad. 
It’s totally okay to not be a fast writer, but if you want to speed up, hopefully this helps:
1. Don’t be afraid to suck. Sometimes I have to write bad pages to figure out the good pages. Sometimes I start writing and know the first two pages are gonna be bad. That’s fine. I get into my groove after those two pages, write the stuff I need to, then go back and fix or delete those two bad pages. I’d rather have bad pages to fix than an empty page with nothing on it because I was so afraid of getting it wrong. 
2. Don’t be afraid to suck publicly. I was in multiple classes where students would end up not bringing pages to class (or not bringing many pages to class because they’d been writing too slowly) all because they had been so paralysed by the fear of sucking in front of others. And then they fell behind and their work didn’t grow and advance. It’s okay to have sucky pages. It’s okay to suck in front of others. Especially in a writing group or workshop environment. You want notes so you can grow as a writer. You want notes so you can get perspectives other than your own. Once the fear of being bad in front of others went, I was freed to write faster because I wasn’t scared of making the wrong decision. 
3. Have a great beat sheet. I once wrote a 50-60 page pilot in a day. And it was a really good pilot. It was one of the two scripts to get me a manager and I placed Top 5 at AFF with it. But that’s because I’d spent a LOT of time on the beat sheet. Beat sheets are indispensable to me when writing pilots (but for some reason I hate them when writing features). I can get notes on the beat sheet and fix problems early, work out pacing etc. And then when it’s time to write the pilot, it’s literally just making the beats larger. Just filling them in with more detail. I already have the road map for my pilot, and now I just need to flesh them out. I can write pilots quickly when I want to because of the time I’ve spent working out my beats, and then I can just let everything flow. So if you’re not someone who spends time on beat sheets then maybe experiment with them!
4. Sit your butt down and fucking do it. I can be quite mean with myself if I’m struggling. You wanna pee? Tough, write another two pages. You need to eat? Shower? Check your emails? Sure, but first you have to meet your page target. Sometimes I need to use the stick instead of the carrot to achieve my goals. It’s a “stop making excuses and fucking do it” mentality that I only use when I’m really crunched for time, but it works for me. 
5. If I’m stuck, why am I stuck? If I’m struggling to write, it’s usually because there’s a problem earlier on in the script. I take a moment and think about it, work out where I start to feel uneasy and my writing slows. Usually, it’s because something’s not working but I can only see that further down the line. That’s fine. I either go back and fix the problem then and there, or I write on as if I’ve already fixed that problem, and then go back and fix it later. 
But basically: don’t be afraid to suck and have a good road map. That’s how it works for me. And remember that it’s okay to be a slower writer. Everyone works at their own speed and still produces good work. But, if you’re in a crunch with a draft due this week, just free yourself from all anxieties and let the words fall as they may. And then fix them in the extra time you now have from your increased writing speed!
(Please feel free to ask me questions if you’re quarantining and bored! Happy to chat!)
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adachi-hanna · 5 years
We only see what we want to see but not the thing that we actually need to see.
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adachi-hanna · 5 years
no one can replace tumblr.
oh well tumblr is my refuge. :)
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adachi-hanna · 5 years
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‘sleeping position‘
yep, a laptop on my chest ‘cause why not?
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adachi-hanna · 5 years
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the one with ears is still the best.
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adachi-hanna · 5 years
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“Train your mind to see the good in EVERYTHING.”
(first time making something like this, and i know that i am not good)
Puno na ng negativity ang mundo, dadagdag ka pa ba?
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adachi-hanna · 5 years
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keep smiling.
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adachi-hanna · 5 years
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adachi-hanna · 5 years
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