lifeonkylesfarm · 29 days
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Pre-chopped fruits and veggies make it possible for so many people with various disabilities to prepare healthy meals and maintain their energy.
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lifeonkylesfarm · 29 days
the thing is, if your younger self was a bigot or an abuser, u can't make people forgive you. but you still gotta forgive yourself, like that's non-negotiable, dude. that happens before u can even ask the question of earning forgiveness from anyone lese
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lifeonkylesfarm · 29 days
I’m not intersex and I’m not deaf and I don’t have a TBI or a learning disability or schizophrenia but I still care very deeply about issues that affect these people because nobody deserves othering and social ostracization just for being born and being alive and having a body or neurology that is different from others
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lifeonkylesfarm · 2 months
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lifeonkylesfarm · 2 months
“what if kids identify with something and it ends up just being a phase-?” good. stop teaching and expecting kids (and adults honestly) to formulate permanent traits and ideas of themselves. everything in life is a phase. that doesn’t make it any less legitimate while you experience it. let people explore themselves and know it’s okay if what you think about yourself changes.
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lifeonkylesfarm · 2 months
More queer people need to know that discrimination against intersex people isn't just bigots being bigots. It's rooted in the fact we live in a world that rejects our existence at a fundamental level.
There's only M or F on every job application.
There's only a M or F on every government form.
There's only M or F on everyone's birth certificate.
There's only M or F in everyone's mind.
Even in queer spaces, people ask if you are AMAB or AFAB. Terms borrowed from our community, then simply reduced back to M or F.
When you go to a doctor, they ask if you are M or F, regardless of how your body actually works. Any anatomy or traits you have that does not fit your M or F designation is met with pity or disgust.
You're seen as M* or F*, an aberration of what is "normal", a faulty M or faulty F, a body with a problem.
The intersex experience is being constantly reminded people believe I don't exist.
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lifeonkylesfarm · 2 months
my rats are odd little buddies, but they come running as soon as they see or hear me.
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lifeonkylesfarm · 2 months
btw amab and afab do not define chromosomes or a persons junk or their facial hair situation or even their testosterone/estrogen levels. intersex people exist.
assigned male at birth and assigned female at birth are events. thats just a thing that happened it doesnt define anything about who anyone is.
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lifeonkylesfarm · 2 months
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Happy anniversary, Stonewall riots! Stay revolutionary!
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lifeonkylesfarm · 2 months
I love this genre of tweet where cis people show that actually you can't just tell what someone's sex or gender assigned at birth is just by looking at them.
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Another banger from the "we can always tell" crowd 💀
(for those who don't get it: the picture is of MatPat, a cis man)
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lifeonkylesfarm · 2 months
I feel like people forget most trans guys still had to grow up as girls.
We were still forced to be mature early
We were still told to not to take up space
We were still subject to female beauty standards
Our bodies were still treated as inappropriate
We were still pitted against each other
We were still excluded from “male” activities
We were still treated as lesser the boys
Those things don’t evaporate once we transition they’re fucking internalized. I constantly have to remind myself I’m allowed to exist. We don’t stop dealing with misogyny.
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lifeonkylesfarm · 2 months
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lifeonkylesfarm · 2 months
Anyway this disability pride month I would like to shoutout disabled folks whose creativity has suffered because of their condition. I’m talking people with hand tremors and pain that stop them from drawing, knitting, and playing instruments. People whose thinking has become so disorganized that nothing they write makes sense to other people. People with chronic pain who can no longer dance. People so over medicated in a fruitless attempt to maintain stability that the wells of their imagination have run dry.
I see you and I love you. You are more than your creative output. You are not a shell of what you used to be. You are a whole, complete person, regardless of what your creativity has been, is now, or will be in the future.
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lifeonkylesfarm · 3 months
happy disability pride month to people whose main mobility aid is an adjustable bed
people who need to lie flat all the time
people who only sit up to eat or use the bathroom
people who are too unwell to be transported anywhere, even within their own home
people who structure their whole week around recovering from a single planned trip out of bed
people who are technically wheelchair users because they can’t walk, but can’t tolerate being upright for long enough to use a chair either
people who can’t adapt activities to be accesible, and instead have to just miss out on 90% of life
i see you and i respect you and love you. if you feel limited, confined, sick, or bound to your bed, i see you.
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lifeonkylesfarm · 3 months
Learning social skills as an adult because you didn't learn them as a child feels like having to guess how to put together a puzzle, like having no picture of what the puzzle looks, having no idea what shape the puzzle is, etc. and yet also having to guess what shape the puzzle pieces are and having to make those puzzle pieces yourself, and if you don't make the puzzle pieces the right shape, then you get yelled at
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lifeonkylesfarm · 3 months
Just a reminder that July is disabled pride month! I think we've all seen people talking about "gay wrath month" but please don't erase disabled pride month. Disabled people are already left out of the conversation enough.
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lifeonkylesfarm · 3 months
some reminders as we go from queer pride month into disabled pride month:
queer disabled people exist! we're not special rare unicorns collecting shit that "makes us special"
a lot of queer events aren't disability-friendly and a lot of disabled events aren't queer-friendly, sort yourselves out because once again, queer disabled people exist
queer liberation and disabled liberation are connected, you can't have one without the other
queers don't have a monopoly on pride, disabled pride month existing isn't appropriating fuck all from queer people
abled queers: please stop centring yourselves in july by calling it queer pride month 2.0, disabled pride month is already way less visible and you're not helping
the queer community has an ableism problem and the disabled community has a queerantagonism problem, leaving queer disabled people feeling unsafe and unwelcome in either and being stuck in tiny fringe communities
it's not "pride month and disabled pride month". disabled pride month is literally also pride month. june is QUEER pride month. again, queers don't have a monopoly on pride, queer pride is not the default
july is not wrath month, it is pride month
stop using "autistic" as an insult for queer people you don't like
queer disabled people are awesome
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