aesirwind Ā· 5 years
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ā€œWe... arenā€™t... going... to talk. About my FUCC stat.ā€
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ā€œNo, Arthur.ā€
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
The fr scrying game is really fun but Iā€™ve got one better than scries -
Actual fandragons of all my muses (Forseti, Levin, Sety, Seti but with a y because he was originally my Sety, and Arthur because I donā€™t feel like posting his separately to his blog).
Plus a bonus alternate Seti outfit, since the one he currently wears isnā€™t exactly something Seti would actually wear, because I made it for him before I started rping him, you see,
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
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Indie Lex blog
Multiship friendly
OC friendly
5+ years Tumblr RP experience
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
like the bullets of a gun they drove my tears, and my feet to run the hell out of here
Itā€™s May 14th and that means itā€™s annual fe4 anniversary Forsetifam pmv! Instead of doing Sety this year I switched things up a bit and did Levin, because I love him.
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
wasnā€™t a good year for you
Did you know I never posted this to tumblr before? Because apparently I hadnā€™t (unless you count the art for it).
Description of events under the cut, since itā€™s probably not my clearest:
The scene in fe5 where Karin yells at Sety for leaving Silesia, because now his mother's dead and his sister is very upset
The bed is meant as a visual indicator of "hey, Fury's dead"
Apparently in Oosawa Sety got stabbed in the back and captured before he could join Seliph's army
Seliph is here with his army, and some very familiar faces! Everything's gonna be okay now, Sety :'')
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
Somebody left almighty; my god friend
A video about how it feels to have a dragon for a dad
Also my contribution for the fe4 anniversary! which is totally coincidental; I started this up months ago and only realized when I finished it today.
Anyway, I love Sety and his weird dad who is totally, 100%, absolutely Levin
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
((Happy fe4 day! Since they all feature blog-relevant characters, Iā€™m going to schedule my three fe4 anniversary pmvs have them post here, one every hour (hopefully...)
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
Mun Related Shipping Questions!
1. OTP(s) for your muse?
2. NOTP(s) for your muse?
3. Which canon muse(s) do you currently ship with?
4. Are you oc shipping friendly?
5. Do you currently have any oc ships?
6. Do you have an OT3 for your muse? Are you open to polyshipping?
7. Is your muse difficult to ship with?
8. Does your muse get jealous easily?
9. Are you multiship?
10. A ship in your fandom you love (that does not include your muse)?
11. A ship in your fandom that you dislike (that does not include your muse)?
12.Do you believe rpā€™ing a ship adds to character development?
13. Do you get jealous of your partners other ships?
14. How many ships is too many?
15. Is there a ship or type of ship that you will never write, no matter what the circumstances are?
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
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When itā€™s motherā€™s day but your mother is dead and you blame yourself for her death, even though there was literally nothing you could have done to prevent it, because you werenā€™t there for her when she died because you were off in a different country trying to find your father, mostly because you convinced yourself that he was the only person who could save her but you also know deep down itā€™s because you were selfish and thought that if anything could reunite the family it was this.
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When itā€™s motherā€™s day and everyone talks about loving their mothers and what sacrifices their mothers have made for them, sometimes even sacrificing their lives for their children, but you canā€™t relate to that at all, since your own mother was kind of absolutely horrible to you, but you also canā€™t bring yourself to acknowledge that she was because you think her anger towards you is Deserved because you were always a Bad Kid.
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
Music is like... hugely important in Silesse, especially in the royal family. Music is associated with Forseti, as wind makes noise and music; music also helps cheer people up through long winters and such. Thereā€™s songs and hymns still played today, both during festivals and at other times, that were penned by Seti himself, though some (including some of his darker, sadder, post-Forseti songs) are not credited to him, their origin unknown.
Levin, despite a lack of musical education in his youth (Rahna, the person who had the most authority/control over his Princely Education as his father was very rarely around, was not from Silesse, and didnā€™t quite understand the importance of Music to the Culture), is like. a gods damned near genius of music. Give him an instrument and a few minutes to experiment with notes and he can figure out how to play it. He can hear a tune by ear, or think of one in his head, and be able to put it to an instrument (even one different than whatever he first heard it on) and play it with only a few errors the first time. Itā€™s why heā€™s a spectacular bard, though he usually chalks it up to beginnerā€™s luck, or people that just arenā€™t familiar with good enough music to call his bluff.
Sety, continuing his streak as the odd one out amongst the major Forsetibloods, is like... the worst. Like, heā€™s not bad at music; heā€™s talented enough as a singer (even if heā€™s the worst of all my muses, including Arthur - but thatā€™s only because literally everyone else is Absolutely Amazing), and can play if he wants, and unlike Levin he knows how - itā€™s just. He Doesnā€™t, Really. He Dislikes Playing Music Where People Can Hear Him.
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
Instead of having a fancy sceptre, or whatever else Granvallean nobility are using to indicate power these days, the ruler of Silesse gets a healstave upon ascension to the throne. Itā€™s partly symbolic (the duty of the ruler is to take care of the people; this includes quite literally healing the sick and wounded), partly a callback/reminder (Crusader Seti helped Bragi treat people in the infirmary before his bloodpact with Forseti, as magic was all he was good at doing and it was the dragons who introduced magic to Jugdral).
Usually youā€™re supposed to know how to use staves before ascending to the throne, so that having it isnā€™t just symbolism but also practicality. Levin did not learn how to use staves before his father died; he was always more interested in Wind Magic and assumed there would be enough time to learn staves later. This, obviously, was not the case. He only starts learning in Sigurdā€™s army, where fighting and injury is inevitable and any hands that can help heal are necessary; by the time he returns home to Silesse and takes the throne, he can use them well enough.
Sety learned earlier than Levin, because while he loved wind magic, healing was also something very important to him. Of course, staves donā€™t treat strange, probably incurable illnesses, but the ability to heal injuries and warp people to safety was nigh invaluable in his time leading the Magi Squad.
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
Truth be told, Forseti couldnā€™t say he was looking forward to yet another meeting. It was rare, if ever, that he could say he looked forward to meetings; they seemed to alternate between dull enough to sleep and everyone has very different opinions that they are very stubbornly defending and they are all wrong. So, when he lands outside the temple and spies some bright red eyes - well. Itā€™s a welcome distraction to say the least.
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ā€œHey!ā€ he called back, and if thereā€™s an extra sparkle in his eye, spring in his step, or flap of his hands as he also races to greet the young dragon - well. Thatā€™s between him and himself. Upon reaching him, Forseti bounces on the ball of his heels, as though to drain himself of excess energy.Ā ā€œYes! Of course Iā€™m back! Howā€™re you?ā€
His grin falters at the mention of the meeting.Ā ā€œHuh. There sure was, huh...ā€ Forseti trails off, blinking down at the younger dragon. Maybe heā€™s projecting, just a little, but it doesnā€™t seem like the kidā€™s any more enthusiastic about the meeting than he is.
ā€œOh, theyā€™re always boring - believe me, I know,ā€ he says, closing his eyes as he waves his hand and huffs.Ā A moment later, his hand freezes midair, and one eye cracks open. ā€œSomething fun, you say? Well. Oh, what should I do, a boring olā€™ stuffy meeting, too boring for kids like you, or something fun, that the others will surely get on my case for later...ā€
He puts a hand to his chin and taps one foot, putting on a show of this being some great debate, when in his heart, he already knows the answer. ā€œ...Oh, who am I kidding. What sorta fun are we talking here, kid?ā€
It wasnā€™t as if anyone there really expected him to be responsible, after all. And even if they did, well. Would anyone be able to blame him for trying to keep the kid occupied?
@aesirwindĀ : forseti
Xane loved when people visited.
Not every visitor, of course. Some of the older dragons who came to see Gotoh were boring, and didnā€™t like when Xane would ask them questions. Or maybe what they really didnā€™t like was how heā€™d tug on their robes if they ignored him. Who could say.
But there were some that did talk to him, and Xane liked those. To be safe he always had to check who it was whenever he heard the telltale flap of wings from outside.
At first only bright red eyes peeked around the edge of the temple doorway, but a mere moment later Xane was tearing down the stairs towards the new arrival with a ā€œHey! Heeey! Youā€™re back!ā€ If nothing else made it clear he was excited, his wide grin had to be a sign ā€“ even if it faltered briefly as he stumbled to a halt in front of the older dragon.
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ā€œYouā€™re here for the meeting, ainā€™t you? Gotoh said there was gonna be one.ā€ Xaneā€™s hands came together behind his back, giving him something to fiddle with nervously. It was only now occurring to him that he might not get much time before the talk of business started. ā€œItā€™s probably gonna be real boring, yā€™know. I could show you somethinā€™ a lot more fun.ā€
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  ā‡‰
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Levinā€™s series of facial expressions does nothing to convince Azelle he is as he says.Ā  He almost thinks he knows the feeling ā€“ if this were Velthomer, and every one was partying out in the hall even after Arvis had torn him a new one for running off for whatā€™s now been years, Azelle would have left for a quiet place to be alone, tooā€¦
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā But Lex would have followed him, and Tailtiu probably would, too, and Levin is hereā€¦Ā  Alone.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā Would you rather I leave..??Ā āžĀ he asks, hesitantly, but makes no move to do so.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā Orā€¦Ā  If you want to talk about it, Iā€™ll listenā€¦Ā  Or if you donā€™t want to talk about it, I donā€™t mind that either.Ā āž
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā He frowns a bit, pouting slightly.Ā  Itā€™s an awkward situation, but Azelle wouldnā€™t feel right to just leave the prince in some dark room by himself.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā āĀ You know, Iā€™mā€¦Ā  Iā€™m kinda afraid to go home, too.Ā  Soā€¦Ā  I understandā€¦Ā āžĀ 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ć€” šŸ”„ 怕
Levin doesnā€™t acknowledge Azelleā€™s words - at least, not directly. His shoulders start shaking as the Velthomer trails off, and at first it seems like heā€™s about to cry again - except, instead of starting to sob, he laughs.
ā€œSheā€™s always been like this. Sheā€™s always fuckinā€™ - g-ā€ he bites out the endingĀ ā€˜gā€™, as hard as he can manage; the realization that heā€™d done so causes him to sink back down to his seat on the floor, laughing all the way down.
ā€œThey told me she wanted me to come back home!ā€ he says, his voice and the smile on his face overly bright and cheery. ā€œTold me that she - that she cried every day from the lack of me, or whatever. And I believed it! I wanted to believe so hard that - that for once in her life she actually wanted me.ā€
Levin gives one last laugh, bitterer than the rest.Ā ā€œWell. I always have been a fool. Didnā€™t even acknowledge me, yā€™know? I stood by Sigurd the entire time, anā€™, she just acted like I wasnā€™t there. I came back home,Ā I came to her to talk, without any extra promptinā€™ from her. It was the exact thing she supposedly wanted - anā€™ she told me she didnā€™t even have a son.ā€
He drops his head to his hands, not even looking at Azelle. ā€œFucked up, ainā€™t it? Guess I shouldā€™ve stayed in Agustria after all.ā€
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
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ā€œI mean, I guess?ā€
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ā€œI think they mixed up mine with Setiā€™s....ā€
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ā€œOr, like.Ā ā€˜Love interest gets possessed by godā€™.ā€
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ā€œThatā€™s not MY fault!ā€
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
((I have a bunch of drafts I was intending to save for after I finally finished the other aether resort starter I owe (itā€™s.... been a while.... oops) but, instead of doing that, I think Iā€™m just... going to post them.
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
did you know gaming: silesia is an actual place and its in poland
((Yes! I sure did. Fembly Embly has a long history of stealing names from real places,
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aesirwind Ā· 5 years
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Redrew this pic of the 12 crusaders from the Jugdral games! Full color version under the cut!
Keep reading
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