aesthetickingbo · 1 year
Finished watching Make It Right The Series, and this was my take away
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aesthetickingbo · 1 year
I made a baby blanket for a pregnant woman at work and I went back and forth about it like “is this weird? To like hand make something for someone when we’re like friendly acquaintances not like bffs. God why are you so fucking awkward.” Anyway I gave it to her and she said she loved it and in the back of my head I’m like yea she’s nice and probably just humoring the weirdo. Well she texted me a picture this weekend of a scrunchy faced newborn at the hospital wrapped in the blanket I made her. And I’m like. Wow. She loved it so much she took it with her! To the hospital! To give birth! She wrapped her newborn it! I am just so filled with love and joy right now.
People will love the things you make them. Because you thought of them and you cared.
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aesthetickingbo · 1 year
I know Elon Musk gets a lot of hate, but--and I say this sincerely--I don't think he gets nearly enough. If we work together, we can make sure he's hated even more.
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aesthetickingbo · 1 year
We need like a month where nothing happens and there's no repercussions we all just stay in bed and hibernate and nothing goes wrong
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aesthetickingbo · 1 year
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Where would we be without baby name sites
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aesthetickingbo · 1 year
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Embroidered snowy steps>
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aesthetickingbo · 2 years
good news!
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why is this so fucking comical
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yeah you must fucken .... you stress out the toad and then give it a rinse, voilah
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aesthetickingbo · 2 years
[Visual description: Aster, a fat Afro-indigenous nonbinary person with light brown skin, sits in his kitchen. There is a frown on his face as he lip syncs to a song. He is wearing a purple and black hat with bunny ears, purple cat-eye glasses, a silver nose ring, a silver finger splint, and a purple sweater with arm cutouts.
The text on the screen reads, "In 1492, Columbus colonized Turtle Island. Pre-Colonization, the indigenous people of Turtle Island were a thriving population. It is estimated that 56 million natives were killed by 1600.
In 1619, the first ship of enslaved Africans were brought to Turtle Island. By the end of 1865, approximately 10 million African - and subsequently African-American - people had been enslaved. We had unlivable working conditions and were often murdered on a whim.
The genocide never stopped. Even if ◻️(white) people want to act like it did. Some people call today "Thanksgiving". We call it a Day Of Mourning. Today, while you celebrate this horrible day with your families, think of us. Of our struggle. Of our history. Remember us.
We will never forget. We don't have the privilege to. End description.]
Today just makes me really sad as an Afro-indigenous person, so I thought I should talk about it.
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aesthetickingbo · 2 years
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Today is Thanksgiving in the United States, or a National Day of Mourning for Native Americans in New England, or “Unthanksgiving Day” for some Native Americans on the West Coast. It commemorates pilgrims and Wampanoag people sharing an autumn harvest feast in 1621. Thanksgiving days by English colonists in the 17th century were frequent, and marked what were perceived as gifts from God. Chris Newell, of the Akomawt Educational Initiative explained to Nur Ibrahim: “When it comes to the 17th century English ‘days of thanksgiving,’ they have no resemblance to the holiday we celebrate today. That holiday was not created until the 19th century. The English day of thanksgiving would have been a day of prayer. If they won a victory in battle that would have been a day of thanksgiving, which was normally a day of fasting, totally different from a feast.” Some of these thanksgiving days celebrated genocidal atrocities, such as a massacre of Pequot people by colonists in Mystic, Connecticut in 1637. The modern Thanksgiving holiday as a feast began in 1863 at the behest of president Abraham Lincoln, and was made a national holiday by Congress in 1870. The Indigenous National Day of Mourning began in 1970, after Wamsutta James of the Wampanoag was invited to give a speech by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts celebrating the Pilgrims’ arrival. James was uninvited when event organisers read his speech, which stated: “This action by Massasoit [Wampanoag leader who feasted with the English] was perhaps our biggest mistake. We, the Wampanoag, welcomed you, the white man, with open arms, little knowing that it was the beginning of the end.” You can learn about 500 years of resistance to colonialism in the Americas in this book by Gord Hill: https://shop.workingclasshistory.com/products/500-years-of-indigenous-resistance-gord-hill https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2143554975829641/?type=3
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aesthetickingbo · 2 years
people are so weird about self insert ocs actually. like why wouldn't you want a made up little guy who's like you except cooler and they get to live all your fantasies? what are you afraid of? having fun? free yourself
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aesthetickingbo · 2 years
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Froggie Wizard Council
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aesthetickingbo · 2 years
I feel like Bilbo would teach the elves of Rivendell the concept of a mathom with the express purpose of oh so politely asking them over dinner how were the Silmarils not a mathom
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aesthetickingbo · 2 years
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Marie.L.Manzor 💚✨
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aesthetickingbo · 2 years
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Mt Rainier from Pinnacle Peak
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aesthetickingbo · 2 years
I think what some people need to understand about Abbott Elementary is that is a black show. The comedy style is black, it’s set in an underprivileged school in black community, so if you are not black or do not have that proximity to blackness, you are going to miss some of the nuances of the show. That’s where I feel a lot of people who are critiquing the show go wrong.
I think I saw someone had an issue with Gregory saying he’d have to be high to stop by Ava’s office. Like that’s what black people do. We check, we roast, that’s what we do to people we’re comfortable around. Gregory even explains this in the show to Jacob. You can’t critique black media through a white lense.
Don’t be stupid in the reblogs or replies. I’m not saying if you’re not black you can’t enjoy the show, I’m saying there’s nuance you may not understand.
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aesthetickingbo · 2 years
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Abbott Elementary 2x04: The principal’s office 
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aesthetickingbo · 2 years
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