aestheticshe · 4 months
You have to recognize your capacity for harm. You cannot omit the harm you've done to others to remain "good." Anybody can be a bigot. Anyone can be an abuser. Anyone can harm anyone at any time even those who have been harmed themselves. The world is not made up of victims and villains only, this is life, not a Saturday morning cartoon and you are a human being who can or maybe even has hurt others and you HAVE to acknowledge that to learn to be better.
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aestheticshe · 5 months
there’s a misconception that grief only happens when we lose people. this is not true. we can grieve circumstances, relationships, missed opportunities. in fact, sometimes when you find yourself plagued with waves of emotion from sadness to melancholy you may be grieving yourself. the version of yourself that you might have been if things had been different, or if only you had said something, or if someone had stood up for you.
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aestheticshe · 5 months
Reblog if you think a woman can be complete without children
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aestheticshe · 1 year
I swear.
It's cathartic feelings like these that you could write a poetic blurb about.
A surreal narrative.
A lasting spiel.
I thank you for it.
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aestheticshe · 2 years
𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬
please link the original post when reblogging :-)
—————— ♡
french vanilla— what’s something you want to tell your followers?
chocolate— what song is stuck in your head right now?
cotton candy— do you prefer savory or sweet food more?
strawberry— do you know how to dance? if so, what’s your go-to dance move?
cookies & cream— what’s one thing you would say to an ex? whether it be an ex partner, ex friend, or ex boss is up to you.
pistachio— which do you prefer: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
mint chocolate chip— what’s your favorite thing in your closet right now?
cookie dough— do you prefer jewel tones or earth tones? (so, do you like cool toned colors more or warm, earthy colors more)
coffee— how do you like your coffee made? and what’s your go-to order at a coffee place?
buttered pecan— what does your last text message say?
mango sherbet— do you prefer to watch sunsets or sunrises?
neapolitan— do you have a favorite scent? scents that you like in perfume, in candles, and in general?
green tea— do you have any pets? if so, what kinds do you have and what are their names?
coconut pineapple— do you have any nicknames? and, is there anything you’d want to change your name to?
salted caramel— what color and shade would you describe your eyes?
cherry— would you rather be gifted roses or baked goods on a special day?
peach— have you ever gone camping? if so, do you like going camping?
peppermint— what song lyric describes your love life right now?
chocolate fudge— would you prefer a stargazing date or a picnic date?
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aestheticshe · 2 years
For me, two days later is the complete m a x💀
sometimes i actually get my shit together but then i lose it again like 2 days later
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aestheticshe · 2 years
I've felt this idea from the day my life was halted and I still feel it every day that I'm low...💟🩹
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aestheticshe · 2 years
Tumblr writers making me feel some kind a' way, lately ... 💫💫💫
waking up... prompts
in a stranger's apartment
accused of murder in a police department
in someone else's body
to a hand clamped over your mouth
and the clock reads yesterday
in your mother's arms
in a casket
in a hospital
and you're in a new country
and people have mistaken you for someone else
and people have mistaken you for a god
in a fire
feverish, but someone holds a cold towel to your forehead
in a yelling stranger's arms
in the middle of the road, headlights flashing
and you smell poison
in the villain's lair
kicking and screaming to someone with a knife in hand
and you've missed the battle
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aestheticshe · 2 years
Where The Cobwebs Should Be . . .
**DISCLAIMER** This is my first actual written work on here! Be aware that I m a y have made errors in spelling and/or grammer in one or more areas! Some areas may come off as rushed, as well. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this little flick of mine!
Another night.
I thank my bitter half-mother for being a heavy sleeper at this time. I don't know how anyone could sleep on that damned couch with the embroidery on it. Although, I just might get away with it this time . . .
My deprived eyes see my little cousin's aura on the screen before my savvy thumb shifts over to it.
Only . . .
My thumb just hovers over it. Because the air in the dark, downstairs room has shifted to something frigid. Because my eyes, as neglected and as they are, can see It's face in the dark reflection of my endlessly cracked screen.
It's behind the chair I'm sitting in.
The face of It is shuddering. It's shuddering, and yet everything else about it is as catonic as the structure of our house. Just that same void expression, and this faint static tune that'll inevitably increase.
The familiar weight in my entire being comes over me again. It's this utter fear and dread in me that occurred the last time I had seen it, and even the time before that. It has long been the most unsettling of deaths of me - or, perhaps, the me that was long before.
I close my eyes and suck in the chilled temperature and look to a corner of the ceiling.
I blink,
O n e . . . ,
T w o . . . ,
T h r e e !
Another corner - I blink,
One . . . ,
T w o . . . ,
T h r e e -
-d o n ' t p a n i c !
Next corner -
b l i n k . . . ,
b l i n k . . . ,
b l i n k -
It's getting loud in my ears, now - tears in my eyes, now-
But again, I
b l i n k . . . ,
b l i n k . . . ,
b l i n k !
And like that . . .
it's gone. It's left me alone again.
No more static to hear. No more incoming doom to possess me. O n l y . . .
. . . all four corners of the downstairs ceiling, and there were no cobwebs to see. As my chest heaves in the remaining chill in the room, I would rather the little legged life forms be there, couped where they would accompany me through the last few dire moments...a t a d i s t a n c e .
...And I d o n ' t want to think too much on one particular possibility...
All is quiet. No more static to hear.
I know my bed will still be in one place by 1.
Until another night.
0 notes
aestheticshe · 2 years
Just thought to repost this for anyone out there who happens to see this <3
you’re going to find people that won’t leave. you’re going to find moments and hobbies you’ll keep going back to. you’re going to make a life worth sticking around for, i just know it <3.
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aestheticshe · 2 years
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aestheticshe · 2 years
A m working away on a lil' something . . . ✍🕸✍🕸
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aestheticshe · 2 years
...not me getting several-something followers in the course of five frigg'n days on this artsy-fartsy app 🙈🙈🙈 t h a n k s a b u n c h , though! 💘
O h , and 🎄🎀🎁🦌✨🎅
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aestheticshe · 2 years
-you guys have zero clue about the clown sh❤️t I've been working on in my Notes app for the past three f__king years...🙈🙈🙈
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
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aestheticshe · 2 years
When y’all are writing is there ever a point when you’re like “if someone does not lose their mind over this specific bit right here then what am I even doing?”
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aestheticshe · 2 years
-swear to god, I might as well be declared legally blind without them 🙈👓
reblog if you wear glasses. too many mutuals don't know they have glasses wearers in their midsts
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aestheticshe · 2 years
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Harley Quinn | 12-28-21
If you like this, please feel free to reblog!
You can also find me on instagram, twitter and deviantart or support me on Patreon!
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