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you can tell who's my favourite at this point
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need to write a crossover/for multiple MXTX works?
Nope! You only need to write about one MXTX work - for example, your work can be 50k Wangxian, with no featured characters from any other MXTX novels.
Q: Why is this event so long?
The schedule in the interest check was tentative. Here is our updated schedule:
April 1 - May 1: Writer signups
April 1 - July 1: Artist and beta signups
June 1: Writer check-in #1, fic header due (think a fic summary; we explain in detail later on!)
July 1 - July 14: Artist and beta claims
July 14: Artist and beta assignments given
August 1: Artist check-in #1
September 1: Writer and artist check-in #2, 30k wip minimum due
November 1: Writer and artist check-in #3
November 30: All works due
December 1 - 14: Posting period
We’re condensing the event so posting happens during December. This gives writers a ~6 month period to write. Since we’re requiring a 50k minimum fic, we want writers who may have other commitments (work, life, other fandom events) to have plenty of time to write.
Q: How can we join the Discord server?
A link to the Discord server will be given to participants at the end of the signup form! :)
Q: What if I already have a beta reader or artist I want to work with?
You can sign up as a pair, and let us know if you are welcome to other artists drawing for your work/beta reading your work or not.
Q: Can minors participate?
We have decided that minors will not be able to participate in our Big Bang event, due to turnout and the nature of MXTX’s works.
Q: What if I’m 17 now but 18 before July 1?
You can participate!
Q: Can it be something we’ve written already?
It cannot be something that is already posted. Otherwise, we cannot control the progress status of your work, although we would like you to keep in mind that it will be affiliated with our event.
Q: Will beta readers include sensitivity readers, or is that something the writer should figure out themselves?
Beta readers do not include sensitivity readers; we will not have signups or provide sensitivity readers for this event specifically. However, we will have resources for writers to have access to, linked both on the AO3 collection and in the Discord server.
Q: What if there is content I would rather not draw/beta for?
Artists and beta readers will claim their top 3 fics based on the writer submitted fic headers; you have control over fics you would rather (and rather not) work with.
Q: Will we need to show an art portfolio?
No, an art portfolio is not necessary. Do be aware that the first check-in for artists is in August, and make sure you are able to commit to the check-in schedule.
Q: What do fic check-ins consist of?
The first check-in, about two months into the event (June), will require a fic header from writers. Headers include fandom, ALL ships (main and side), the rating, content warnings (including any “spoilery” info), and a general summary of the fic’s plot. At this point, writers should have decided and started a fic they are committed to. This header will be for claims by artists and betas in July.
The second check-in will be a little past the halfway point, and will require a 30k+ rough draft. This will be in September.
Q: What do artist check-ins consist of?
There will be three check-ins. The first, on Aug 1 (1 month after claims start) will require the rough draft/sketches for all pieces. The second, Sep 1, will require lineart for all pieces, or at least 40% competition of the overall load depending on the artist’s preferred style. E.g. 1 roughly coloured piece, 2 drafts. The third, Nov 1, will be for all pieces to be colored or at least 90% completion. Any edits beyond this point will be between artist and writer.
Q: Can I, a writer, collaborate with another writer in this event?
Unfortunately not, as this is not a collaborative challenge between writers.
Q: Can I write a crossover between MXTX’s works?
Yes :)
Q: Are there any other limitations or requirements for the story?
Besides being MXTX-related and 50,000 words, not at all. You can write whatever pairing, rating, etc. you want.
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Welcome to the MXTX Big Bang!
The basics:
• All MXTX novels & CQL are eligible!
• Writers, artists, and beta readers are all able to participate
• 50k minimum word count for writers, 1-2 pieces of art for artists
• Beta readers would provide feedback on 1-2 works
Interest check here
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a few people on twitter expressed some interest in my 3zun rec list so here are some of my faves! this isn’t separated by ship but by the kind of fic. there are some i didn’t rec because i can’t rec them in good conscience even though i like them. YEAH
THEY WIN I PROMISE (or: happy ending fics)
there is just one thing i need by MonocerosRex. modern au, rated G, 11k! primarily nieyao, but it’s 3zun. nieyao go on a cross-country road trip to pick up lan xichen from the airport. it is SO FUN, i laughed SO MUCH. the nieyao dynamic is DELIGHTFUL
just one kiss (for our fake date) by thefaceofno. 4k, rated T, modern au! xiyao. jgy brings his friend lan xichen as his fake boyfriend for a family gala. somewhere along the line, he forgets to mention the word “fake” to xichen. the misunderstandings are really fun and cute! 
you seem, secretly, to love everything by jelendra. 11k, modern au, M, 3zun but the focus is on a nieyao get together. it’s part of a big series but tbh i havent read the rest of the series. but THIS ONE is that lan xichen is dating jgy and nmj separately and wants them to date each other! meng yao feels really weird about this. 
Synced by theherocomplex. T, 23k, nielan, space au! nmj and lxc become partners to explore a little satellite planet. featuring fun mental bonds and AMAZING wordbuilding. the atmosphere is so quiet here. i love the vibes
soaring, carried aloft on the wind by skadiseven. E, 68k, nielan, au! lan xichen is forced into an arranged marriage with “”””warlord”””” nie mingjue and finds out that there is more than he had initially assumed about the people who are invading his kingdom. AMAZING prose, the worldbuilding is so fun, the fic itself is so soft and sweet. if you want to be sold on nielan this fic sure will sell you! 
holding off the rust by me! :3c 3zun, 3k, T, modern au. jgy THINKS he’s cheating on nmj and lxc with each other. he is wrong. it’s a good time! 
Becoming Prom King in Ten Easy Steps: A Guide by Jin Guangyao by me. 3zun, 40k, modern au, T. jgy wants to become prom king and schemes his way to the top. along the way he gets some boyfriends. this is a teen comedy movie in fic form. 
Nevermore to Leave also by me! nieyao, 17k, canonverse, rated T. meng yao’s first 100 days as the vice general of the nie sect. he learns how to be safe and the nie bros eagerly adopt him. lots of family content! 
FOR A GOOD OL’ CRY (bittersweet fics!!!)
to exist, in reaction by autoclaves. 6k, modern au, T, nielan with past xiyao. lan xichen learns to handle his grief of losing the husband he thought he knew thanks to the help of a plant shop, two cats, and the cute man who keeps coming into his shop. this made me tear up ;u;
tell me what I already know by daughterson. M, 9k, modern au, nielan with past xiyao. the entire series is AMAZING but this is the flagship fic and its honestly one of my favorites. lan xichen cheats on his husband nmj with one of the students at his university. he learns to deal with the fallout. it is heartbreaking and amazing and AAAGH JUST. AAGH!!!! LAN XICHEN AH LAN XICHEN!!!
to hoard promises that could sniff out the lie by Mayarene Rose. 3zun, 50k, T, pacrim au. please. my god. if you’re gonna read any fic on the list, read this one. i don’t know shit about pacific rim and i loved this. it cycles between their povs and it is AMAZING. it GETS the 3zun dynamic so well. im choked up thinking about it. the epitome of “they’re in love and it wasn’t enough.” 
favor by venndaai. T, 30k, focus is xiyao but 3zun is important too, hunger games au. WIP!!! this makes me SO emotional. meng yao volunteers in nie huaisang’s place and meets lan xichen in the games. im miserable over this. the prose is gorgeous and i don’t know where it’s going but i am delighted to see where! 
the ruins left inside of you by aroceu. M, 26k, canon divergent au. 3zun, focus on nieyao. technically a jennifers body au. this is one of my favorite 3zun fics of ALLLLLL time. its a GREAT character study of nmj and how a demon whose power you absorbed for your own and an evil spirit that you let corrupt your soul arent all that different in the end, huh!!! the ending is so tasty. my god. i love this one.
Cry a river, call it rain by rheawrites. 2.6k, E, modern au. jgy kidnaps xichen. that’s it. that’s the fic. i love it
qinghe triptych by bloodletter. E, 3 part series, canonverse mostly nieyao but part three is sangyao and mosang. 40k total. a three-part examination on the qinghe trio and a three-part breaking of my heart. each fic is gutting and beautifully written and UGHHHHHH I DONT HAVE THE WORDS I JUST WANNA WAILLLLLL
there is the way the air feels by nenyanaryavilya. 9k, xiyao, modern au. E jgy visits lan xichen in his big lonely manhattan apartment. some FUCKED UP xiyao vibes that i love a lot, thanks. 
The Mountain Stood So Large by esperra. 16k, M, canonverse. very 3zun.  two weeks before nmj’s death, lxc and jgy take him on a night hunt. what follows is some light horror, a lot of hallucinations, and a character study on what it feels like to be unable to trust your own mind. 
Obligation by ilgaksu. 53k, rated M, 3zun at different points. canonverse. WIP. ON HIATUS a CUTTING jgy pov fic. non-linear timeline, but cuts across different points of canon. jgy is just a fucked up little man and it’s delightful to read. the prose is UTTERLY beautiful.
GETTIN DOWN WITH 3P (you can extrapolate what that means for urself)
Past Tense, Present Perfect by nonplussed. canonverse, around sunshot...? kind of a fix it fic. 6k, E. 3zun. 3zun get down to some fun roleplay and learn how to communicate with each other along the way! there’s a lot of fun identity stuff with this one. i am a sucker for dom jgy
softly by isozyme. E, 3.5k, canonverse. nieyao. jgy breaks nmj’s d*** for fun and profit. they’re so in love. that doesn’t make anything better. the vibes are terrible and i love it so much
études (in a minor key) by bigspoonnoya. E, 9k, modern au, xiyao with past (?) nieyao. jgy shows up on a repressed lan xichen’s doorstep one night saying that nmj broke up with him. lxc tries to comfort him and then he Comforts him ;) jgy is an absolute piece of shit here. i love it. the ending is GUT WRENCHING. part 3 of the series is also good!
half cloak & half dagger by fahye. 13k, E, canonverse. jgy and lxc are happily married but sometimes a gremlin has to scheme his way into a good bang, yknow???? its SO funny and the jgy pov is SO good
the notes on an old mistake by esperra. 26k, series. mostly nieyao but it turns into xiyao and 3zun. nmj and jgy are exes who end up sleeping together again... and again... and again..... if you love bad decisions you’ll love this series. jgy gets together with lan xichen and then ropes nmj into a terribly negotiated polycule.
ok thats all of them that i am brave enough to rec haha
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Ratatouille AU: everything is the same but Nie Mingjue’s downfall isn’t qi deviation, it’s his obsession with proving that Jin Guangyao is hiding a rat in his hat.
Bonus: the rat is Xue Yang. He isn’t controlling JGY or anything, he’s just up there eating sweets and plotting. 
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first & last time we see a-yuan with his wen family
↳ filed under: unnecessary 
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And they lived 👏 happily 👏 ever 👏 after 👏 The End ~ 🌹
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Me: [comes charges out of the kitchen dripping dish soap and water to feverishly boot up my laptop and type] MODERN AU WHERE THE JIN SIBLINGS HAVE A MY BROTHER, MY BROTHER, AND ME-ESQUE PODCAST
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Not sure if i’m happy with the outcome, but here goes anyway xD Nostalgia for Day 9 of Untamed Fall Fest 2020
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XiYao + text posts
do you know how hard it was to find posts that would fit xichen? my dash is apparently just way too chaotic for that shit
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How I first got into cnovels and also how I found out my friend is related to Wang Yibo
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I will check on Jiang Cheng.
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@mdzsnet - Lan Jingyi Birthday Event
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made a quiz. find out which mdzs ship wrecks your wedding
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Twitter / Shop / INPRNT / Patreon
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wei wuxian: i need to help my nephew. what could i do. ah yes *knock him unconscious*
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