Hi! It’s been awhile since I posted anything on here and I wanted to let all my followers and mutuals know that I’ve moved accounts since this blog is no longer active due to Tumblr locking me out. As much as I hate to leave this blog, there’s no other choice but to do so. If you wish to follow me at my NEW BLOG go here: @amarauderwrites to get more activity. There’s not much there now but I promise you there’s more to come soon!
Much love,
Rue x
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do you ever have some ships where you multiship the characters into oblivion but then you have other ships where you’re like “I literally can not picture either of you with anyone else no matter how hard I try”
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and all you’re yet to be. [x]
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character from le otp: *talks about former love interest*
other character from le otp: *isn't jealous*
me: *is jealous af because someone has to be*
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“WHAT IF SHE’S THE ONE?”       – Beauty and the Beast (2017)
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So I saw someone else post their wanted plots in a wish list form, and realized that it was a great idea so I decided to do the same. However, I wasn’t quite able to get it done in time to call in 2k15 and get them filled before the start of the year so instead I’m kicking 2k16 off with a bang and the plots that I would love to start the year off having. (side note… while some of these are my own creation, others are based on other plots that i’ve seen and were just compiled into one list) Without further ado…..
T W O   N I G H T   S T A N D Muse A has just recently gotten out of a relationship and is on the rebound, Muse B is looking for a way out of their relationship. Both create accounts for online dating and start talking, after only a few minutes its decided that they’re going to meet up for a booty call and then leave it at that. However, in the morning when one goes to leave, they end up stuck at the other’s place due to a storm. 
P E R F E C T Muse A is a rising movie star who is dabbling in the music industry while Muse B is a rising musician. Their relationship is based strictly on when they can meet up in the same town, but when they do sparks fly. They spend their evenings causing trouble and falling head over heels, but since they keep their relationship a secret, when they aren’t together they often are out with others causing jealous comments to fly and destroy their moments together.
T R Y   H A R D Muse A is a famous celebrity’s sister and she hates her brother’s celeb best friend (Muse B). Ever since he’s been in her brother’s life she’s tried her best to ignore him because he is cocky and stupid and just way too much of a bad guy for her. However despite all this, he falls for her (more than likely because he likes chasing after what he can’t get) and tries to get her attention. He sends her gifts and talks about her in interviews and then over time she starts to sort of like him.
R O A D T R I P Muse A and Muse B used to date and at one time even thought they might have loved the other one, but after a not so nasty breakup they decided to try and be friends. However, little did Muse A know that this would mean Muse B would think it was okay to ask if they could drive home with them for the summer to visit their new other half. 
T E L E P A T H Y Muse A and Muse B have always had the gift of being able to communicate mentally. Each one grew up thinking the other was simply an imaginary friend, someone they could talk to. As kids, they thought the other was really there, but after an incident with their parents convincing them that it was an imaginary friend, it stays mental (talking about first kisses, teasing in their heads). Neither believed the other was real, it was just this voice that they could always turn to when they needed someone. When he gets to college Muse A hears a familiar voice and returns with a witty comment out of habit, thinking he was just hearing things, whenMuse B hears him and gasps.
L O N G E S T   R I D E Muse A is a professional bull rider, Muse B is a student. She happens to run into him one night in a bar and before you know it she is being dragged into the crazy world that is PBR. With all of his injuries and her own studies, how will they ever survive together?
R O Y A L S Muse A and Muse B are both from royal families, and have grown up together. As they’ve grown both have grown to care less and less about the crowns that they might one day have to wear, and that they will most likely be forced to get married as a way to unite countries. Instead, they take advantage of their semi-freedom and laugh about the big shots they hang out with and have McDonalds “friend dates” and go thrift shopping and donate to charities because they just don’t care about money as long as they have each other. And Muse A is so in love with Muse B, and Muse B is so in love with Muse A – but they’re so oblivious. But it doesn’t even matter because they’re both lost in blissful ignorance and they make each other so happy. And you can see it in their eyes how much they love each other – and the happiness they share is bestowed upon them by the other half. And they’re always flirting during fancy dinner parties, sneaking away while everyone bores themselves with business talk and petty gossip to wander around on the beach wearing a tux and an evening gown. 
H O O L I G A N S Muse A works late shifts at the diner because they live with a single parent and barely make enough money to get by. Muse B is pretty popular at school and they sometimes come by the diner with their friends, but they definitely don’t run in the same social circle. Muse B is an insomniac who spends their nights roaming around the city instead of sleeping at home. They drive by the diner where Muse A is closing up alone, and offer to come in and help. then they spend the rest of the night talking and driving around. Suddenly it’s become a habit that Muse B picks Muse A up after their shift, and they talk about things they’ve never told anyone else and just do stupid shit. But oops Muse B has a gf/bf and Muse A isn’t thrilled that Muse B ignores them in school for their “image”. 
G O O D   G I R L S Muse A is daddy’s little good girl. Studies extra hard, rarely leaves the house and goes to church every Sunday just like he wants. Her father, a cop, arrests Muse B for vandalism. The next day Muse A’s father is letting Muse B out of jail when she comes for a visit. Muse B instantly starts hitting on her and making sexual advances. She immediately gets turned on by this bad boy and starts falling for him while trying to hide it from her day. He shows her the wild side, with sex in the car and in the bathroom at parties. Now she’s trying to live a more free and exciting life without him noticing. 
D I S N E Y   C O L L E G E   P R O G R A M Muse A and Muse B are both members of the Disney College program and are forced to work together as a famous couple. During their days they keep it together and convince millions of little kids that they are in fact living happily ever after, however after hours they turn spiteful and its obvious to everyone around them that they in fact hate each other. 
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clap your hands if your favorite characters were destroyed or completely disrespected by their own show
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baby boomers are structurally and systemically privileged over millennials because Glee was never a part of their lives 
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i’ve been reading for most of the day now about howard ashman, the lyricist for the little mermaid & beauty and the beast. he was one of the biggest creative forces behind both films, helping to shape their characters, narrative arcs, and themes as well as their music; he was also a gay man who was diagnosed with aids during the production of the little mermaid and died shortly after beauty and the beast was finished. alan menken, the composer who collaborated with him on both movies, said that beauty and the beast is heavily influenced by ashman’s experiences and perspective.
and i can’t stop thinking about it. i’ve always considered beauty and the beast to be one of the darkest films in the disney canon, as well as its most beautiful. it’s entirely about monsters, about the ways that people are determined to be wrong and dangerous: there’s the beast alone in his castle in the forest, and belle mocked and sneered at by her village, and even maurice carted off to an asylum. 
and that it was written and conceived of in part by a gay man who, according to his sister, trained himself out of “effeminate” physical mannerisms when he was young because he was bullied for them, and who as he wrote it was dying of an incredibly stigmatized illness— like, god. 
i mean when you just listen to those songs he wrote, the mob song (“the beast is] set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite / he’ll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free”), belle (“it’s a pity and a sin / she doesn’t quite fit in”)— and there was a cut song, human again, where the castle servants looked forward to rejoining the world.
like it’s obviously queer, but more than that, it’s the self-identification and self-validation of a man who knew this was this work was probably his last. at the end of the film, the beast is so sad, has succumbed entirely to despair and death. his society is coming to destroy him, and he can’t even be angry, because he doesn’t have anything left. but then he does. and he is still precious, and his life is still meaningful. he’s a person, and he can be loved. he can find happiness.
in the original beauty and the beast, the beast proposes marriage to belle every night and it’s her acquiescence that breaks the spell. in the disney movie, the beast only waits for belle to love him, because he cannot love himself. it’s such an unexpected blessing for both belle and the beast that they can find acceptance in each other, after both are so othered and dehumanized by their communities. their vulnerable joy in each other and themselves is so important, and their love song so wonderingly sweet. at the end, it is only when someone loves and accepts you that you stop being a monster. 
john musker, one of the directors of beauty and the beast, told this story about how ashman cried at disneyland when the little mermaid’s music was integrated into a parade and said that he was glad to know that his music would outlive him. beauty and the beast was my favorite movie when i was young and trying not to be queer, when i felt very wrong and very alone. it has been unbelievably important in my life. and so i am also glad— and so grateful— that howard ashman’s music outlived him, and that he lived at all. 
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i honestly am tired of constantly telling myself “just get through this week and everything will be ok” like !!! i want everything to be ok 24/7 365 100% of the time im TIRED!!!!!!! 
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I give up on anything Sherlock on here. You either have:
A) SOME Johnlock shippers going completely ham if there are any scenes where Benedict and Martin are filming in the same place. “Omg! They’re filming the kiss!” “Who’s this bitch in red? Sherlock is gay, duh!” “Sherlock is going to say ‘If you love me’ to John, OMG!!!”. Calm your tits. Have you never said love you to your best friend? I do all the time, doesn’t mean I want to sleep with them. “It’s obvious he’s gay”. They’ve clearly stated he’s asexual, yup, totally gay. Don’t get me started on what happened here when BENEDICT HIMSELF said him and Irene had a night in his mind in Karachi. Johnlock shippers LOST IT. If you don’t support the ship, you’re homophobic and don’t understand. If the show doesn’t side with it, then they’re done with the show because it doesn’t side with them. “I’m not saying other ships aren’t possible because I ship Johnlock, but I’m totally saying that”. You guys read stuff like an english teacher reads “The blinds were blue” in a reading assignment. What if the writer literally just liked the color blue, not that blue expressed the writers emotions for the characters in the dark scene of their carrot spoiling?
2) The hate on Mary and the Baby. It’s written, it’s filmed, it’s going to happen. Plain and simple.
3) The hate on Amanda. Really? Never had an outburst in your life? Is it because she’s an actress she isn’t aloud to act human? Is it because she’s with Martin when he’s 'supposed to be with Benedict’? No. Move on.
4) The hate on Benedict’s wife and over all creeping on his life. That is just disgusting to see pop up on my feed. I literally have to turn off my phone for a good few hours and walk outside and breath. Maybe a few should do that too. Step outside.
I’m not pointing this at all of those. My girlfriend ships johnlock, but she also opens her mind to other ships and we discuss them. She isn’t pushing for it, she doesn’t care if it doesn’t happen because she enjoys the show in full. There are stories out there made for stuff that doesn’t happen in the show. Thats why it’s called non-canon. Lets your imagination run wild. Go ahead, let it run, but don’t sit here and say other ships aren’t possible. I ship adlock, I will admit. Do I hate Johnlock? No, thats fine. Just the constent bash on other ships from the Johnlock tag is killing. I don’t read the characters like most do. I’ve watched the series maybe 5 times and still haven’t understood what most see. Even if you see it as canon, there is no need to bash the show for how THEY’RE writing it. No need to bash those that have other views.
I’m speaking for all ships in this fandom. For a website that is mainly centered around teens and young adults pushing for open expression and acceptance have an amazing amount of close minded and stubborn users.
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It’s the best thing ever
it’s like being excited for the pain
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The concept of sleep is weird
Think about it. You are forcing yourself to temporarily go unconscious, and then your brain makes all these weird visions appear, and then you force yourself to wake up and forget everything that happened. But on the good side, sleep is fucking amazing and i want to marry it.
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A person doesn’t know true hurt and suffering until they’ve felt the pain of falling in love with someone whose affections lie elsewhere.
Rose Gordon, Her Imperfect Groom  (via thelovejournals)
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If you shit on or demonize Mary Morstan, Molly Hooper and Irene Adler for the purpose of shipping Johnlock, chances are I want nothing to do with you.
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I don’t hate ships because of the characters but because of the shippers and their obsessive need to bully people who don’t have the same opinion as them.
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i’m just sitting here dying of laughter thinking about McGonagall looking over Harry in first year like yeah the kid gets into some dangerous shenanigans but it always seems to be for a greater purpose and his heart’s in the right place and he’s so sweet and quiet usually, clearly he takes after his mother Lily thank goodness this is good this boy is good 
and then dead ass one year later kid shows up to school crashing into a tree with his bestie in a flying car instead of just owling the damn school that they’d missed the train and she’s just like DING DONG I WAS WRONG
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