ahit-after-dark · 2 years
May I ask is this still in progress?
I don't think so lol unfortunately
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ahit-after-dark · 3 years
Hey, I know you guys probably might not read this, but even though the project is cancelled, I still really wanted to help as a writer. I've also submitted an application, more info on me can be found there. Is there someone I can contact, so I can maybe still help with the story? Regardless of whether you will be starting the project again? Thank you in advance!
I highly doubt we would come back to this project since we all moved on from AHiT for a while. As for contact that would end up being me, Mod Sun, as I was the Project Manager although I don't know how I could help you but if you want i could add you on Discord to talk.
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ahit-after-dark · 3 years
Unfortunate News
As the Title says I have some News concerning the State of After Dark. Due to Personal reasons the project will be shut down for the forseeable future. I want to thank you guys for your interest in the project while it lasted.
-mod sun
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
Quick Question: Will it have a "Customizable MC" in the future? ( like you can have a female protagonist ) or you guys already know who the MC is gonna be?
The MC itself is going to be a representation of the player, so the protagonist isn't bount to be male. You can choose their prounoce either to be she/her, he/him or they/them.
-mod sun
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
Not an ask. I just wanted to say I really enjoy your artwork and I hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day this year!
Thank you, that's really nice to hear and we hope you have a wonderful Valentines day aswell ^^
-mod ven
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
hi! so has there been any progress on the game? btw happy new year to the staff!
Thank you Happy New Year to you as well!
There has been progress mosly on our Nyakuza Route and having to rewrite the Intro from scratch as progress on the other routes came to a halt due to the lack of writers.
-mod sun
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
The Project is still going
Hey Mod Sun here!
Sorry for the long silence. This Year has been rough on us. But we are still working on After Dark and we are slowly developing our Nyakuza and Mafia Stories. After all this is a passion project we don’t have a timeframe to finish the game so we do so at our own pace.
We are still open for others to join us if they so wish especially writers. Any Volunteers are greatly appreciated.
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
So how will the NSFW parts of the game work? Are they cut-scenes, images, interactive...?
Due to software limitations in the programm we use it will all be images and text and maybe somewhat interactive if the moment fits. But as of now we only have the inclusion of Images in mind.
-mod sun
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
Best of luck to all of you, hope you aren't too stressed with what's going on right now on top of developing this *masterpiece*.
Thank you anon! We are trying to do this as stress-free as we can especially right now.
-mod sun
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
Ive been thinking about filling out a form to help with the writing in this, but i wanted to ask if it would be possible to get a role with writing some of the non nsfw parts of the game?
While we don't have separate SFW and NSFW writing roles it's absolutely possible to just write the first few days of a route since they won't contain NSFW (maybe with a few exceptions if we have ideas) but you are not forced to write NSFW if you're uncomfortable with it as there will be multiple writers working on the routes.
-mod sun
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
Is this game still looking for developers?
We are always looking for more developers anon!
-mod Sun
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
Hello! Are you guys still looking for devs? If so, which kind of devs? (Artists, programmers, writers, etc).
Yes, we are still looking for devs. Mainly Writers right now as we prioritize the story before the art. But we also still need Composers, Background Artists and CG Artists (both sfw and nsfw)
-mod sun
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
Tumblr media
Drew fanart of @ahit-after-dark Moonjumper.
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
Will we be able to dominate anyone? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
We don’t see why not anon not with every character mind you but I personaly could think of some candidates ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), but that would ultimately be decided if the writers can think of scenarious.
-mod sun
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
question but will this count for intersex people too?
If you talking about the last ask then yes. In genaral, we don't really put a limitation on those things, everyone gets a turn
-mod Ven
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
Will Snatcher's shapeshifting abilities come into play during the NSFW scenes
We don't see why his shapeshifting wouldn't play into the NSFW(depending on the affection towards the player of course), at least in a small part as his glorious noodly self is a favorite of us mods.
-mod sun
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ahit-after-dark · 4 years
Are The Express Owls and CAW Agents Gonna be...available in game?
We have not started much on the Dead Bird Studios route in that regard it may be an option in the future if we can fit it in the story/ have ideas for them
-mod sun
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