ahlai1 4 months
Jouno Saigiku x GN traitor reader PT2
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he starts attacking the guards along side with you it was quite a tough time for you because they were shooting quickly and have bunch of bullets ready with them but over all you putted efforts in attacking them and it was worth it to watch seeing your ownself putting efforts on something after awhile they're all in the grounds bleeding while Jouno was stepping on one of the guard's head interrogating them "So where's the suitcase? If you're not gonna tell us I'll torture you as i peel your skin off and make you traumatized when you ever saw me peeling an apple" Jouno said calmly as the guard trembles from fear "I can't tell you...! They'll get mad at me!" The guard said scared as he yelp in pain feeling Jouno's nail digging into his skin "Tell. Me." Jouno said as his face darkened "Fine! Fine! The suitcase is underground.. to go there you must go to the left and look for the old ancient door the door password to get there is '25 14 1 14 4 6 21 11 21 9 3 8 9 9 19 20 8 5 15 14 5 2 5 8 9 14 4 1 12 12 20 8 9 19 16 12 1 14 ' but be careful they're watching.." the guard said warning them Jouno just nod memorizing it quickly as possible as the two starts walking listening to what the guard said as they saw the door Jouno looks at Y/n "The password is 25 14 1 14 4 6 21 11 21 9 3 8 9 9 19 20 8 5 15 14 5 2 5 8 9 14 4 1 12 12 20 8 9 19 16 12 1 14 am i right?" Jouno ask as y/n nod but quickly realize he can't see it so they spoke "Yes.." you said as he starts putting the numbers calmly after awhile the door opened and a stair going down can be seen Infront of them they start going down it was a long stairway "Geez y/n can you be more quicker?" He said when you were just two meters away from him which irritated you "I'm not even that far away you're being a complete drama queen- I mean king" you said as the two of starts insulting eachother "Atleast I'm not blind" you said "atleast i don't get to see your ugly face. Do you even brush your teeth? I can smell your breath far away from here" He said but no matter how hurtful both of you insult eachother. However you two just take it as a joke after all talking wouldn't be fun without insulting eachother while you two were finally there you two saw the suitcase. Yet there was someone watching them from far away as Jouno walks as someone stabbed him quickly in the stomach he spat out bloods from his mouth "I'm sorry jouno... It was fukuchi's order, I'm Y/n L/n i work in decay of angels along side with fukuchi being our boss there.. I had no choice but to kill you, you would have been a great member for decay of angels but Fukuchi see right through you that you would disagree. I'm clearly sorry i know you hate me more I'm a traitor" You said as you stabbed the weapon in his stomach deeply making jouno spat more bloods his stomach bleeding he can't believe his own self that he's getting betrayed by you he tries standing up getting the weapon out from his body it was painful but he did that so he can hug you. Jouno went close to you as he hugged you tightly "Oh how oblivious you are.." he said "Don't you notice how i act different around you?.. Y/n you're the only person who made me feel things i never felt for someone i love the way you talk and how you talk with full sass without a care for the others opinion." He said making you look shock as you blushed "Is this your way of fooling me?! I-i.. don't believe" you said as he chuckled"I don't believe myself either but as days passed by i started to realize I'm actually and really inlove with you." He said "Y/n?" He adds as he looks at you "What?" You ask looking at him making sure no tears fall in your eyes "I can't believe I've fall inlove to a traitor like you.. maybe in another universe we're together.." he said falling to your chest "in another universe?" He ask as you look at him tears started forming in your eyes regretting everything"Yes in another universe..!" You said as you cried hugging Jouno tightly as he dies slowly in your arms
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I'm questioning my ownself why i even made this. Whenever i post fanfics in my other social media i lose one percent of my sanity if i ever lose my sanity I'd probably making the weirdest fanfic ever.
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ahlai1 4 months
i question my ownself everytime i lose one percent of my sanity
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ahlai1 4 months
Jouno x Tecchou NSFW
Jouno was in his room which was weird he would always be with tecchou annoying him or shouting and complaining at his weird food combinations but nothing happened.Tecchou also notice it, he went to go to jouno's dorm knocking in his door and Jouno didn't answer. Tecchou knocked again more louder and tries opening the door to realize it's not locked he went inside closing the door gently.He looks at jouno to see him in his bed in a moaning mess he was completely naked stroking his cock moaning "Jouno what are you doing..?" Tecchou ask looking at him confused Jouno blushed when Tecchou saw him doing intimate stuffs on himself he immediately gets up covering himself with a blanket "Tecchou..! Have you learn nothing?! Knock before you enter!" Jouno glared at tecchou as Tecchou cheek turned bright pink "But i knocked- don't you have a heightened sense..-" Tecchou said looking down at jouno his cock was peaking on the blanket "Stop looking idiot! Plus if i didn't knock then don't enter!" Jouno said Tecchou then pinned him in the walls "You have been rude for me for awhile now, maybe i should get my pay back" Tecchou said as he smiled kissing Jouno in the lips passionately while stroking his cock gently sliding his tongue in his mouth making out with passion Jouno was moaning softly kissing back their tongues intertwined to eachother after awhile they stopped as Tecchou looks at Jouno "I'll finally get my revenge now" Tecchou said pushing Jouno in the bed making Jouno kneel down "you idiot... Once this is finished I'll hit yo!- ah!~" Jouno moaned when Tecchou shoved a tampon in his ass sliding it inside teasing his entrance going in and out making Jouno moan louder. His moaning can be heard outside but no one dared to enter "Y-you idiot!~ s-stop..~" Jouno moaned while Tecchou smirk teasing Jouno's entrance with the tampon he started stroking Jouno's cock making sure he cums quickly "I didn't know you're a slut Jouno~" tecchou teased while Jouno moaned "s-shut up..~" Jouno said to tecchou seeing Jouno in a miserable state was a good thing for Tecchou getting his long waiting revenge by teasing him. He flipped Jouno making him spread his legs wide open as he starts sucking Jouno's cock while stroking it making Jouno moan and gripping on tecchou's hair making tecchou go deeper he started liking it slowly as for Tecchou he clearly was enjoying it after awhile Jouno cums in Tecchou's mouth as he moaned and he said "Make sure to drink all tecchou..~" since Tecchou was an obedient dog for Jouno he drank it with no regrets making sure no cums are left in Jouno's cock Tecchou looked at Jouno "Wanna do it again?" Tecchou ask "No." Jouno answered as they rest in the bed
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ahlai1 4 months
Jouno Saigiku x GN y/n P1
This is my first time making a fanfic here or something.. I prefer reading rather than writing but anyway i hope I'm welcome here please ignore my grammar mistakes after all I'm still new you can request me btw anything but nsfw use any pronounce on me i don't mind.
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"I can't believe I've fall inlove to a traitor like you..."
Jouno and you are colleagues, sometimes you go in a mission together but he always sense something fishy from you, he can never tell whatever it is yet his sense of you are never wrong and he won't change his mind.You and Jouno were partnered up together for a mission, however the problem is you guys were never that close which was very awkward for the both. Even so the pair don't really have the rights to complain to Fukuchi so they just accepted it. Right now you were walking from your mission together with Jouno, it was a very unpleasant journey none of you tried to talk or strike a conversation which he likes because he prefer the silents but something is pissing him off your breathing, heartbeat, and the way you walk it was too loud for him so he tried talking"Y/n can you stop breathing? It's annoying and please! Walk silently didn't your parents taught you how to walk silently? Or did you forget the whole steps your parents gave you?" Jouno said irritatedly he always act like he has his daily week period when he's literally a man being mad or furious to everything he thinks is loud you tried talking back just to get shushed by Jouno "Don't even talk yet." He muttered under his breath "I can talk whenever i want too, you don't have my rights to boss me around" You respond with a smirk just to earn a grumpy look from Jouno this man really hates your guts from the fullest but can never hurt you "I told you not to talk back from the strongest hunting dog membe!- OOWH!" He profess before getting a stab in the ass from you while you laughed "Stop jabbing my ass! What are you tecchou 2.0?!" He shouts at you as you smiled at him before getting the weapon away from his ass as you spoke "Maybe i am, who knows" You said playfully "Let's just go finish this mission quickly" you add as the two of you starts walking again to the right destination where the mission is gonna happen while walking there was bunch of guards watching their surroundings and protecting the gate. He could literally fight the guards alone so why was he partnered up with you? It's probably fukuichi's way to get you two to get close together. "This will be easy" He uttered "Who asked" you comment before getting a smack in the head by him "Shut up i didn't ask for your opinion" he said before taking his weapon out as he ready himself to fight the guards not even thinking if you're ready or not as he fights them off dodging their attacks by using his ability he can feel that something is gonna happen but ignored that feeling and was more focused on finishing the guards off many of them tried killing him but he just easily dodged it with his ability it was taking too long on how many they are but it was worth it to retrieve the suitcase that has information fukuchi needs. When the guards were bleeding in the ground he looked at Y/n with his close eyes knowing they were amazed "Let's go get the suitcase back shall we?" He said with a smile opening the gate for Y/n "Ladies first.." He said "Or not" He adds with a cheeky grin entering first as you glared at him "Wow you're such a gentleman you deserve someone better than me" you said sarcastically and with a glare. As the two of you entered the gate Infront of it was a building the two of you entered quietly to see more guards, However they looked prepared rather than the guards who were protecting the gate earlier. They immediately saw the two of you and they started shooting you and jouno, you were trying to dodge the bullets with efforts while he was dodging it effortlessly with his ability.
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I heyts this
(OMFG i hate text limit please kill me already this is completely bullshit I'll post part 2 later or tomorrow
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