ahrikima · 6 days
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" this world... have always exclude us... little flower... because we are diferentes to the rest.. but i continue my path alone.. in a hope.. to find again that light ... that i really miss... "
conecte to this
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ahrikima · 8 days
Memory's of Light - The Mirror's
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|| Memory's of ligth (cover) || The mirror's || The bubble || The Cards || The Hug || The Walk || The Pancakes || The Concert || The Ramen || The labyrinth ||
It was our first meet alone, a really nice day for visit a Game Dev exposition and get mesmerized by the mirror room it was on there… I will never forget that…
this time i worked with a little help of unreal engine for work on the mirror's
Memories de llum - Els miralls
Portava molt temps volen torna a quedra amb tu desde la primera vegada que ens vam veura amb el zaspian i la jeni, per tenia molta vergonya o por de demartu... pero finalmente al cap duns menos o vaigs cuseguir demanartu aunque tu amb vas dunar la empetan que nesesitava. Tu ja sabias que jo volia quedar per que to habian chibat pero et vas descuidar, pero encara aixi , era millor que fosi aixi per el meu propi be. Aixi dons recordu que estavem jugan, crec que estavem fen una carrera de grifos a domini de instan i jo et vaigs di que volia demanarte una cosa pero amb donava molta cosa dirtu, i tu amb vas dir " respira profun i digau rapit"... o vaigs prosesar mentalment les teves paraules, vaigs respira i to vaigs dir aunque amb tremolava la veu i finalment o vaigs dir, i tu et vas alegra de que u fesi per mi mateixa...
Jo sempre e sigut algu que li agrada organizar les cosas i on anar, i portava temps amb el ull ficat en una exposision que volia anar, aixi que te la vaigs sugeri...la exposisio de sengona pantalla crec que es deia, ja que es tractava del mon del game dev i als dos ens interesava per que estavem migs ficats en el tema i jo habia estudia d'aixo
Finalment el dia va arriva... era un matir de julio, i jo i tenia moltes ganes i por a la vegada, por de que et sentisis fursat a quedar amb mi o serte una carrega... sensasions que habia tenit en el pasat i que no volia que pases amb tu tambe...
Vaigs arribar habas dora on habiam acordat, recordu mentres tesperava veura un pallo vaixan amb monopati amb un lloro que paralaba i amb va fer molta grasia.. i finalment tu vas aparexia... Jo tinc sempre la mania de mira sempre capa habaix cuan quedo per que amb fa por esta mira si ve la persona i creuar mirades, sempre ma dunat serta cosa, aixo mai u as segut pero si estas llexin aixo.. ara o sabras ..
Cuant finalment tu et vas apropa a mir jo et vaigs dir hola i et vaigis oferir el puny, una cosa que sempre e tingut la custum de fer per saludar a la gent, i amb vas pregunta que feia, i et vaigs di aixo , i amb vas donar el puny i hobrime la ma despre, i sense preguntarme ni res amb vas abrasar, jo mai estat acustumada amb que mabrasein, ningu acustumava a fero.. era algo extrany per mi... pero allo que vas fer tu, el fet de que tu mabrasesi sense preguntar ni ress amb va reconfurtar, i amb van allivera les pors que tenia al prinsipi de si et senties obligat a quedar o de si era una carrega.. amb va fe felis allo per mi de serte manera... i despres dallo vam ana capa dintre del museu a veura la exposisio , mentres parlaven de les nostres coses.
Jo mai habia estat alla , pero mentres entravem amb vas explicar que tu vas fer un concert del te grup d'orquesta alla en la part del jardi i jo et vaigs dir.. algun dia magradaria veurat tocar, i tu cuan tingui un altre consert tinvitare
Vam finalment entra a la sala de la exposisio, el prisipi era apartat de so , animacio, etc que recordu al final de la exposisio vam retorna lla i vaigs veura que estva en uns dels apartats el nom de un dels meus atics profes de so, va se molt rasios allo per que vam mirar si el resta de gent que habia , era profe meu, pero nomes era aquell
Despres vam pasa a un pasadis de llums de colors transitoris, anavam cambian de colors tota la estona amb un mirrall i era molt guay aquell cami amb es colors neon blau, magenta , blanc i verda, entre algun mes que es combinava
I ensegudia vam entra al prinsipi de les sales de miralls... En la primera sala es reflectava esense de jocs , alguns conegust uns altres no tants, pero era molt guay veura tot refletat per tot arreu, i la segona part era mes encara un bucle de refletas entre els mirall expectaculars que tu fins i tot vas fer unes cuantes fotos all, era tot super mesmeritzant i mencantava
La seguent sala era com un pasadis a les foscas fen zigzag, amb petitas tauletas on ni habia jocs d'empresas indis, i alla tu vas agafar notes dels noms de les empresas per tira CVs i jo et vaigs demanar que mo pasesis tambe.
La ultima sala ni habia unes taules per poder jugar uns parell de jocs coperatius per dos persones. Ens vam sentar una estona per jugari els dos, va se dirvertit aunque jo era molt patata. SI no recordu malament era un joc de un fastama o una cosa aixi, pero no use, pero recordu divertimer amb la tutaria amb tu
Cuan vam habandona la sala final, amb vas dir que volias fer una fotu al pasadis amb llums, aixi dons vam retorna al prinsipi per fer unes fotus alla... pero no me esperava que fosi amb mi... i sisnserament amb va impactar que vulguesis ferte unes fotus amb mi en aquell pasadis de llums que a mi magradaba molt... i si las fotus van quedar molt boniques i una de les poques que tic amb tu , la tinc molt atesurara, per que es la meva favorita i la mes maca...
Finalment vam abandor el lloc i vam desidir anar al arc del trionf a pota, pero habans vas voler fer una parada al starbucks i alla et vas agafar un te chai un espesi de espiral que no recordu ve que era, pero el te mel vas deixa provar i era molt bo i vaigs provar de dirte els ingredients de cami
So desde la diagonal fins a l'arc del triof camina fen ziggza per els carrers interst, mentres parlavem de molts coses fins que vam arriba allar
Amb vas esenyar la tenda de jocs de taula que tu frecuentavas, una d'elles, i amb vas ensneyar alguns jocs, i et vaigs dir que algun dia podriam jugar algun joc dels que amb deias o un scaperoom, i tuvas dir que si, cuan vulguesi podriam jugari
despres vam entra a veura les tendes de figures, i a la norman a veure mangas de tot tipus
Halla dintre vam combersa una mica d'amistats i tal.. i tu amb vas dir de serte manera que per tu era una amiga propera i que per mi tmb lo era.. pero ...per mi ets mes que una persona prupera, per mi tu et vas turna en una persona molt importat a la meva vida... de la cual no volia perda... alla en vagis donar conta que tan devo haguesin quedat molt abans, i que aquell matir samb feia molt curt... perque o estava pasant molt be...
vams sorti de la norman i ens vam sentar una estona per descansar habans de anar a la estasio de metro de plasa , i halla vam esta cherrant una estoneta llarga i rien , i vellen videos.. recordu que amb vas ensenyar un de tu tocan en un consert, i amb sorprenia i men semblava molt guay
despres de descansar , dons de cami a plasa, cherrant de les nostres coses, i finalment va arribar el adeu... que en el fons tenia por de que no turnesim a quedar mai mes, per sort no va ser aixi...
i ens vam despedir al igual que ens vam saludar, amb una abrasada i un "nem parlan.. ens veiem"
per mi aquell dia va ser mol dirvert i guay, i vaigs anarma molt contenta a casa... mai avia sentit aixi de be quedan amb algu... i sentir que era una carga... i en el fons marepetia molt de no haberi quedat abans...per culpa de les meves pors, pero era felis d'aquella primera vegada... aixi que d'aque put vaigs mira almenys quedar amb tu un cop al mes... pero maguesi agradat poderi quedar molt mes que un cop al mes...
Grasies per haber pasat aquell dia amb mi i tots els que vam quedar durant aquet temps... Tan devo es repetisi un altre cop...
notes: se que tinc una fcorma diferent de viure les coses... i aquestes coses simples amb poden marcar de serte manera, ja que soc molt sensiple... ja u saps...
you like my work? so feel free to support me on Ko-fi
also you can check my card fo other things!
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ahrikima · 15 days
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More fast sketches for April VS party! since last month was so really sick and i was unable to do some, but this time yes! here are!
Syrrj from @bookahlogy
Gunther Dockpaw from @brightwingedbat
Nektarius Van Rex from @wilsons-journey
hope you like them as me working with!
see you in the next party! next one will end on the start of my brithday lol
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ahrikima · 19 days
Some one charr
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ahrikima · 1 month
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Skellum And Lenore playing a wvw table game!
imagen have a a true table game of wvw! that will be cool haha
ych for Acaius!
there are some ych still open waiting for your cubs to be there!
you like my work? so feel free to support me on Ko-fi
also you can check my card fo other things!
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ahrikima · 1 month
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Memories of Light
cover page
|| Memories of ligth (cover) || The mirrors || The bubble || The Cards || The Hug || The Walk || The Pancakes|| The Concert || The Ramen || The labyrinth ||
Hi all, i just wanted to illustrated some of my best memory's i have it with my friend... and write about it, to keep them with me, for don't lost them in the track of time, and getting the option.. if some day, he can found them
many people know how im actually i.. and i want to do this, because are the best moments i have it on my life for me... and i don't want to forgot them...
so every pages will have a illustration of that memory and will have a writed story of it
also juts to know, for the people that want to read the story of every pages, sry for the moment i will keep them in Catalan , but if you wish you can translated them
Memories de llum
Escric tot aixo per no olvidar els pocs bons moments que tingut amb tu, per que no els vuy perdre.. pero tambe aixo amb serveix per practica coses meves tambe.... aunque sigui doloros...
avui fa un any (19/03) de que va ser la ultima vegada que et vaigs veura... i si segueixo molt trista...
no ia dia que pase , que tingui la petita esperansa de veure un misatge teu sortin de la res...
Encunat ala illustrasio que representa la portada, es le meu personatge tocan la armonica... una cosa que jo et volia ensneyar i et vaigs dir.. la proxima vegada que ens vellem vuy ensenyart una cosa.. i era aixo... pero mai va haberi una proxima vegada.. per desgrasia...
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he apres a tocar un aprell de cansons i casi cada dia intento tocarles per no olvidarles i avegadas intento treure algunes noves amb la teoria dels numeros .. pero tambie e apres a tocar un segon instrument on tocu moltes mes cansons amb la mateixa teoria
i jo volia agafar aixo per que representesi la portada.. com "la canso que mai et vaigs poder ensenyar i nomes se la emporta el vent "
you like my work? so feel free to support me on Ko-fi
also you can check my card fo other things!
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ahrikima · 2 months
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Commission Price Sheet for 2024!
hi all! this is the new prices for this year!
if you have any question from my ToS or whatever feel free to ask me!
also there are more options and addons for comissions, just ask me or join my server to see all options and addons that probably you want to look at!
to request a commission just are you free to DM here or you can request it on a special channel that are in my discord server!
Note for full illustrations: full illustrations are limited spots, normally set at 1 spot, that means, that will be announced when the spot is open firts on my ds server, and if is not taked will be announced here
i think that's all, thanks for your attention!
you like my work? so feel free to support me on Ko-fi
also you can check my card fo other things!
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ahrikima · 2 months
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Hidden Path
This is my piece for the fanzine @gw2-zine Commander of your heart
this pieces is dedicate to my two friends zaspain and joel
Background story
me always was a fan of break maps is a thing that like for explore deep the things! but rarely i take people with me,, but many times was with them! i take them to many places that no many people know that there are and one of this is what is this piece.. A path of mushrooms!
Is one of my favorite places and many times i go there and take my time playing music alone
so i wanted to draw this, with my two friends, because this asura is not my commander and not my main, but for me my tow friends are my commanders of my heart, and always was a joy be with them
hope someday you guys see this piece... and hope you like...
you like my work? so feel free to support me on Ko-fi
also you can check my card fo other things!
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ahrikima · 2 months
Commander of Your Heart; a free Zine made as a love letter to all of the Commanders (and non commanders) all over Tyria is now available to download!
We are proud to present COYH. We would like to take this time to thank every single contributor, aritist and writer alike, for taking part in this Zine. We appreciate each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts.
If you would like a copy of Commander of Your Heart simply follow this link to download the PDF!
Once again we thank you all and hope you enjoy!
Love, The COYH Mod Team!
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ahrikima · 2 months
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charr cubs serie 3 is on! will be flat fullbody , 35€ each , also will look like the sample! feel free to DM! ( 2/6 OPEN)
you like my work? so feel free to support me on Ko-fi
also you can check my card fo other things!
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ahrikima · 2 months
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Here are my fast sketches for this month for the VS party of 3 feb
this time only was able to do 3, i was little stressed this month also im little sick to now ^^"
Kaia Ardentheart - @the-blazing-light
Valefor Wynther - @wilsons-journey
Revale Fireflower - @oprez
hope you like pepo o/
you like my work? so feel free to support me on Ko-fi
also you can check my card fo other things!
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ahrikima · 3 months
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so... charrs cubs serie 3 ych is incoming! and this is one of them!
stay tuned if you wish to get one o/
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ahrikima · 3 months
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" a really hard snow storm is coming near of the Eternal ice peaks, but i will keep searching for your feathers of darkness, the second one... but with out luck.. again... only some essence of your shadows and darkness of your raven's "
today.. should be 3 years of our first meet... that 23 of jan ....a thing that i celebrated when i care someone... and you was one... one like zaspian... do you remember it? be cause me yes.. and i can't forget it...
do you remember it what we have done last year? our long talk... the ramen bar, the mochi invented you? and the bubble tea, that i still keeping the bottle or the little gif i give it to you for tell you that for me you was my bestfriend... and i will not changes that...
you ask me to trust you... and i still trusting you.. with all that silence..
the only thing i can do for now on.. is wait..
and at this point... i will draw my memory's with our oc, the only thing i still have...
i really miss you ...
happy anniversary my friend... hope someday we eat again a ramen bowl together...
psa: sry if im always venting... is my only way for me..
you like my work? so feel free to support me on Ko-fi
also you can check my card fo other things!
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ahrikima · 3 months
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Commission Price Sheet for 2024!
hi all! this is the new prices for this year!
if you have any question from my ToS or whatever feel free to ask me!
also there are more options and addons for comissions, just ask me or join my server to see all options and addons that probably you want to look at!
to request a commission just are you free to DM here or you can request it on a special channel that are in my discord server!
Note for full illustrations: full illustrations are limited spots, normally set at 1 spot, that means, that will be announced when the spot is open firts on my ds server, and if is not taked will be announced here
i think that's all, thanks for your attention!
you like my work? so feel free to support me on Ko-fi
also you can check my card fo other things!
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ahrikima · 3 months
uops i never been tagged before! thanks!
1 - i have a big collection of monster hunter figures etc and dragons to! i have many more figures but the big ones are this ones haha
2 - i really love ramen and sushi so really hard!
3 - in the last longs month i started to feel deep the music for a personal thing, and from that reason i learned to play the harmonica and the kalimba using numbers thanks to gw2 since dyslexia don't let me know how to read notes, at least for me
i don't know who to tag, so i don't put anyone, just don't want to annoy someone
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog !
I was born with an extra set of ribs :D
Green is my favourite colour
I have a very unhealthy obsession with dragons (which somehow didn’t bleed into this blog )
@very-evil-bubbles @smelgor @the-ghost-of-a-spirit @thejokig23 @chasmwilt @inwayovermyhead and @ anyone else who wants to join in! (You don’t need to answer if you don’t want to!)
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ahrikima · 4 months
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a little teaser for the piece I contributed to @gw2-zine !
i dedicate lot of time with this piece and can't wait to all of you see it full!
also is dedicated to 2 important's persons for me
this zine will be released on 14th of February! so stay tuned!
you like my work? so feel free to support me on Ko-fi
also you can check my card fo other things!
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ahrikima · 4 months
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For the next month we will slowly be introducing our wonderful contributors!
Ahrikima | Asura Artist [@ahrikima]
[ID below the cut]
[Recreation of a gw2 equipment interface, the text has been changed to match the creator] Krahka +ahrikima.carrd.co
Transmuted Eternity Legendary Asura Artist I have 1k potatoes save in my inventory, to give me good luck on loot, since this was a gift from a lovely friend and I don't want to sell them. Unique Account Bound
[End ID.]
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