alaskarts · 2 years
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quem é vivo sempre aparece, né?? confesso que ultimamente to sem ânimo pra editar artes, mas nada que um surto não resolva! não sei vcs, mas eu to OBCECADA com a interação do Tae com a Olivia no grammy, aquela cena ta reproduzindo na minha cabeça 24/7 há 3 dias direto, juro. e como o meme viralizou, o booktt começou a fazer comparações a personagens literários, mais especificamente a Jude e o Cardan 😮‍💨 e eu não poderia deixar passar pq amo eles!!!!!! eu sei que a Olivia ta muito fofinha pra Jude nessa foto, mas eu tinha que aproveitar esse momento, então entrei na brincadeira e ta aí o resultado 🤧🫶 quem não concorda, favor não levar tão a sério, não me atacar e nem começar fanwar por causa disso. obrigada 🙏
long time no see! I have to confess that lately I haven't been in the mood to edit, but nothing a new addiction can't solve! I don't know about you, but I'm OBSESSED with Tae's interaction with Olivia at the grammy, I swear that scene has been living in my mind rent free for 3 days in a row. and as it went viral, booktt started to make comparisons to literary characters, more specifically Jude and Cardan 😮‍💨 and I couldn't let it pass me by cause I love them!!!!!! I know Olivia is too sweet for Jude in this photo, but I had to do it, so just for fun here's the result 🤧🫶 those who don’t agree, please don't take it too seriously, don't attack me and don't start fanwar. thank you 🙏
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alaskarts · 3 years
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“They make decisions; they mold your future. The trick is to find a way to still be you through it all.”
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alaskarts · 3 years
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“Even the strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake.”
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alaskarts · 3 years
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“I have no regrets in my life, but this. That we did not have time. That I did not have time with you, Nesta. I will find you in the next world - the next life. And we will have that time. I promise.”
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alaskarts · 3 years
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“I can think of no better way to end my existence than to defend those who need it most.“
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alaskarts · 3 years
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“When you erupt, girl, make sure it is felt across the worlds.”
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alaskarts · 3 years
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enfim, a última do ano 🧡 lá no início da quarentena quando eu tive a ideia de tentar juntar duas coisas que eu amo — design e livros — pra me distrair, JAMAIS pensei que tomaria a proporção que tomou, sério. apesar dos pesares, agradeço muito a todo mundo pelo carinho imenso com a minha arte... antes disso, eu mesma não sabia que nada assim poderia sair de mim! a recepção de vcs é sempre maravilhosa, mesmo nas vezes que eu to insegura 🤧 esse ano foi difícil demais e, de alguma forma, esse cantinho aqui me ajudou a passar por ele. não faço ideia de como 2021 vai ser, mas espero que pelo menos traga um filme bom e bem feito pra deixar nosso coração quentinho! sobre a manip, não foi proposital, mas reparem o jeito que essas fotos representam as personalidades deles!!!! e, finalmente, um feliz ano novo 🎇🎆
the last one of the year 🧡 at the beginning of quarantine when I had the idea to put together two things that I love — design and books — as a way to distract myself, I NEVER thought it would get this far as it did. despite the regrets, I really appreciate everyone for supporting my art... before that, I didn’t know that nothing like this could come out of me! your acceptance is always wonderful, even when I’m insecure 🤧 this year was too difficult and, somehow, this little space right here helped me get through it. I have no idea what 2021 is going to be like, but I hope that at least it brings a good movie to make our hearts warm! about the manip, it wasn’t on purpose, but just notice the way these photos represent their personalities!!!! and, finally, a happy new year 🎇🎆
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alaskarts · 3 years
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sim, eu fiz ISSO. e todo mundo vai ter que fingir que eles estão molhados pra me ajudar, obrigada 👁👄👁 achei que eu nunca faria a famigerada dança na chuva pq seria a mais difícil de todas, mas como uma boa brasileira, eu não desisto e dei um jeitinho! acabei gostando, e seria um desperdício fazer só a tirinha, então arrasta pro lado pra ver as manips sem recorte dos dois, que se complementam juntas 🤍 os créditos dessa foto linda do Michael são do pessoal do michaelprovostnews! ah, ATENÇÃO PRA MÃO DA AMERICA NA ORELHAAAA 🗣🗣🗣
yes I did it. and everyone will have to pretend they are wet, thank you 👁👄👁 I thought I would never do the famous dance in the rain because it would be the most difficult of all, but as a good brazilian, I don’t give up and find a way! I ended up liking it, and it would be a waste to just clip it, so scroll it aside to see the whole manips, which complement each other 🤍 the credits for this beautiful picture of Michael go to michaelprovostnews! oh, AND ATTENTION TO AMERICA TUGGING HER EAR 🗣🗣🗣
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alaskarts · 4 years
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acho que chegou o momento de vcs dizerem: AGORA VC FOI LONGE DEMAIS!!!!! eu morri e voltei no mínimo umas 10 vezes enquanto fazia cada detalhe, pois sem estruturas. fiquei alguns meses sem editar nada deles juntos e eu juro que a emoção é totalmente diferente pq eles são TUDO pra mim 🥺🤎 agora estamos muito perto de saber o cast oficial e eu não to me aguentando de ansiedade (e medo, não vou negar)... me apeguei horrores nessa perfeição em forma de fancast, e não aceito nada menos que isso, ta ouvindo, Netflix? mas ó, espero ter conseguido representar o mais fielmente possível essa cena do quarto do Maxon, só quem viveu sabe. modéstia à parte, to apaixonadíssima, meu pai!
I think the time has come for you all to say: NOW YOU WENT TOO FAR!!!!! I certainly died at least 10 times while doing all the details. I spent a few months without editing anything about them together and I swear the emotion is totally different because they are EVERYTHING to me 🥺🤎 now we are very close to know the official cast and I am super anxious (and afraid, not gonna lie)... I got very attached to this perfect fancast and I accept nothing less, do you hear me, Netflix? but look, I hope I was able to represent Maxon's bedroom scene as faithfully as possible. modesty aside, I’m in love!
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alaskarts · 4 years
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“Please welcome to the 126th Annual Ball of the Eastern Commonwealth, a personal guest of His Imperial Majesty: Linh Cinder of New Beijing.”
The ballroom temperature spiked as hundreds of faces turned toward Cinder. She looked at Kai, his jaw hanging as he took her in. He’d expected her to come the entire time. He’d reserved a spot for her as his personal guest. She could only imagine how he was regretting that decision now.She squared her shoulders. Lifted her chin. Gathering up the full silk skirt, she fixed her gaze on Kai and made her way slowly down the steps. His eyes softened into something almost like amusement, as if such a ragged appearance was all one could expect from a renowned mechanic. A murmur rippled through the crowd and as the heel of Cinder’s boot hit the marble floor with forced precision, the sea of gowns began to shuffle aside. Women whispered behind their hands. Men craned their necks to catch the hushed gossip.
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alaskarts · 4 years
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“I know this is stupid, but part of me felt like if I could come see you today, if I could convince you to go with me tonight, then maybe I could still change things. It's dumb, I know. It's not like Levana cares if I, you know, might have actual feelings for someone.”
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alaskarts · 4 years
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Soon, the whole world would be searching for her — Linh Cinder. A deformed cyborg with a missing foot. A Lunar with a stolen identity. A mechanic with no one to run to, nowhere to go. But they will be looking for a ghost.
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alaskarts · 4 years
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“The Selection was no longer something that was simply happening to me, but something I was actively a part of. I was an Elite.”
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alaskarts · 4 years
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foi aqui que pediram essa fofura? a Samantha Cormier é uma das America’s mais amadas do fandom e também entrou no meu top! ela é atriz, tem a idade e características certas e quer muito tentar o papel ♥ 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐀, essa é pra vcs!
was this where you asked for this cuteness? Samantha Cormier is one of the most loved Americas in the fandom and also entered my top! she is an actress, has the right age and qualities and really wants to try the role ♥ 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐀, this is for you!
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alaskarts · 4 years
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até que enfim habemus Aspen!! desde a primeira vez que li os livros, imaginei ele alto, com a pele bronzeada e olhos verdes (mais especificamente o Dean Geyer 😂), mas o tempo passou e agora precisamos de jovens pro filme. Laurence Coke é modelo e pelo que sabemos infelizmente não é um ator, ainda assim, é o mais perto do Aspen pra mim. então quis trazer isso pra vcs também! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
finally habemus Aspen!! since the first time I read the books, I imagined him tall, tanned and green eyed (more specifically like Dean Geyer 😂), but time has passed and we need young people for the cast. Laurence Coke is a model, and unfortunately not an actor as far as we know, yet for me he is the closest to Aspen. so I wanted to bring this to you as well! 
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alaskarts · 4 years
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“Not consort, not wife. Feyre is High Lady of the Night Court. My equal in every way; she would wear my crown, sit on a throne beside mine. Never sidelined, never designated to breeding and parties and child rearing. My queen.”
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alaskarts · 4 years
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“And so Tamlin unwittingly led the High Lady of the Night Court into the heart of his territory.”
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