"Bite Me" - Alastor x Reader
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You were a strange addition to the hotel.
A quiet sinner demon with no merit to speak of who just waltzed in without much fuss or fanfare. No blowing up walls, no trying to kill anyone, no entertainment what so ever.
You were so boring, Alastor didn't even want to mess with you.
At first.
Then, quiet and unassuming, you slowly established yourself as both over-forgiving and sharply blunt.
It was amusing watching the whiplash on a demon's face when you flip between them so much in a single day.
Once, Angel Dust was high as a kite and practically lobbed a brick at your head. Your response was "No harm done, don't worry about it." later that same day, the spider-fellow draped an arm around Vaggie's shoulder and slung some sort of ridiculous insult. You moved his arm off of her and said "You need to learn to watch what you say or I'm ripping this arm off and shoving it down your throat."
Usually that last threat would lead to some other comment, but the flat way you said it and moved on to a different subject left the spider fellow standing there without much else to say.
How amusing!
Even he was no exemption from your two-faced nature, it seemed. One moment apologizing for accidentally blocking his path, the next informing him that you'd use his antlers as forks if he didn't leave you alone. Silly little threats that were oh-so pathetic when said by such a...underwhelming, individual.
Alastor's favorite of yours was 'I'm going to eat your kidneys'. Then how rude you were to decline the cooking lesson he offered!
Typically your quips and comments were about trivial things, little things that Alastor would purposely do in order to get a reaction.
He had a particularly annoying run in with Vox one day, trudging back to the hotel with his patience already at its limit. Husk knew better than to comment on it, shying away from him as he prowled through the lobby. Angel Dust was at the bar counter, eyeing Alastor as he strode on through.
"Ya look like shit." He commented passively.
"Thank you ever so much for the keen observation." Alastor said with a smile. Husker flinched, ears dropping. It was only then he noticed you there as well, a forgotten drink in your hand as you gaze lingered on Husk, a frown setting to your lips.
The rest of that particular exchange wasn't of any significance. It wasn't until later when you sought him out in the Hotel's parlor things escalated.
"You need to calm down."
His grin hitched up and he leered down at you. You were more than a foot shorter than him and your big eyes did little to make you look more intimidating.
"I beg your pardon, dear?"
"I said you need to calm down." Your tail swished in agitation. "I get you had a bad day but that's no reason to take it out on other people."
Alastor chuckled "Oh goodness. My apologies, my dear. But you have absolutely no ground to tell me to do anything."
He back you up against the wall, hands planted on either side of you. His antler stretched out and his eyes took on the appearance of dials as he leaned down. Sharp teeth grazed your face, hot breath stung your eyes. Claws carved their way into the wall on either side of you.
"So, my dear, what was it you said? I'm afraid I didn't quite catch it."
"I said you need to calm down."
Alastor's eye twitched, his grin twisting into something so much more unhinged. No hesitation. Were you stupid?
A look at you said yes, but you knew damn well the danger you were in. You were trembling, pupils shaking breath shallow. But you still had the nerve to speak to him that way?
"All right, what if I don't?" He purred, tracing a claw over the side of your face "Go on ahead and let me hear whatever pathetic threat you have."
"I'll bite you." spoken in that flat tone of yours.
Alastor laughed "As amusing as always-"
Pain burst from his shoulder, sharp and sticky as fangs burst through flesh. Perhaps it was shock that had him stumble back, perhaps it was amusement that allowed you to get away from him. You opened your jaw, withdrawing your teeth from his shoulder as skin and cloth clung to the spaces between your bloodied fangs.
You gave him a pointed glare as your wiped some excess blood off of your face and prowled off without so much as giving him a second glance.
He had every right to hunt you down and rip apart your soul right then and there.
Instead he found himself losing his balance, falling onto his rear on the floor. Fingers curled over the fresh and large bite mark on his shoulder. The damn thing nearly covered the entirety of between his collar bone and his arm socket.
He pulled his hand away to stare absently at his own blood.
You must be venomous. That was the only way to explain why his heart was suddenly racing and his face suddenly felt far too warm. His breathing was off, shallow and uneven.
You actually bit him.
Were your threats actually not so empty?
Did you really intend to use his antlers as forks?
He laughed to himself, letting his hand drop back to his side. This was ridiculous! If you meant even half the strange threats you threw at him....then...
Well. He was in danger.
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Hi friends just wanted to say I'm really happy "Selfish" make so many people happy! ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノThank you for the kind words and all the kudos!
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Selfish - Alastor x Reader Oneshot
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You face-planted on your bed, what semblance of energy you had left disintegrating and blowing away in the wind.
Today was too long a day.
Charlie needed some comfort after seeing the news roast the hotel again.
Vaggie needed to be calmed down because everyone got on her nerves.
Angel Dust needed a good hug and reassurance that he was worth something.
Husk had drank too much and threw the empty bottle at you when said as much. (He apologized afterward and the guilt made it easier for you to usher him to bed)
Lucifer was disassociating hardcore and you had to walk him through basic selfcare.
Nifty....Was Nifty.
Not that you minded that they needed different help here and there. Everyone needed a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to. And as far as you were concerned, it really was the least you can do. You couldn't fix their problems, but you can carry some of the load for them. That was...something, right?
A knock on the door made you grimace. Masking your agitation with a neutral expression, you opened your door to see none other than the Radio Demon himself.
He grinned down at you, his arms crossed behind his back, his posture straight, his clothes smooth and unwrinkled.
But...his grin seemed a bit strained, at the corners.
Alastor was difficult to comfort as he insisted he didn't have emotions anyway. And he hated to be touched. And his favorite food was raw venison or demon meat. So most of your techniques didn't have much ground.
However, he did love to laugh. So when he needed it, you would often play the role of a clown.
You leaned against the doorframe, crossing your arms across your chest and looked up at him with an exaggerated grin.
"Whazzzzah?" You said, intentionally making your voice nasally and high pitched.
Alastor picked you up like a suitcase and carried you back to your bed, sitting you down on the edge of it and kneeling in front of you. His expression didn't change as his eyes flicked over you.
You swallowed thickly. "Er...What bees the ups my dudes?"
No change in expression. No confusion, no mild irritation.
You started to get fidgety. Maybe you needed some new material? You like doing the funny voices and the purposely incorrect grammar, but if he was sick of it it'd be-
You train of through abruptly derailed as Alastor's hand came up to cradle your face. The other one brushing some of your hair out of your eyes. One claw lightly grazed your skin and you winced.
"So Husker's little fit did hurt you, hm?" He said, pressing the pad of his thumb against a spot typically hidden by your bangs - now adorned with a partially scabbed-over cut.
You winced again "What're you talking about?"
"Oh, my dear. I heard what happened between the two of you. The drunkard got a bit too brash and ended up hurting you."
You sighed "It was an accident."
Alastor's eyes narrowed "Ah yes, it's always an accident with you."
You met his glare "What do you mean by that?"
The Radio Demon waved his hand, materializing some first-aid equipment. He didn't even let you know when he applied some antiseptic to your cut making you hiss through gritted teeth.
"A little heads up would've been nice!"
"An accident, my dear."
You deflated immediately "Ah. Okay, sorry-"
"Thank you for proving my point." He cut you off, a slight growl to his voice. Alastor slapped a bandage over your wound and pulled back, glaring at you intently.
He rolled his eyes "Everything everyone ever hurts you with is an 'accident' to you. No one ever means to hurt you."
You scowled "Husk didn't mean to hurt me!"
"You're allowed to be mad you know." He huffed "Even if it was an 'accident', you could be mad he threw a fucking glass bottle at you!"
"He didn't mean to." You insisted.
"And Charlie didn't mean to dump all her woes on you, and Vaggie didn't mean to make you play peacemaker, and Angel Dust didn't need you to be a therapist. And Lucifer didn't need you to play nurse. And nifty...." he trailed off, unsure how to categorize your helping Nifty today. He shook it off and met your eyes. You glared back at him and pushed him away.
"No! None of them meant to! I chose to-"
"Would it really kill you to be selfish once in a while?" He said, tilting his head. Red eyes narrowed as his ears pinned back on his head.
"Firstly, i'm already dead. Secondly, I'm always selfish!"
"Give me an example."
"WELL, Mister Everything-Is-My-Business, I slept in to like, noon, yesterday-!"
"Because you spent all night listening to Vagatha."
"-and yesterday I ate the last of the spaghetti-!"
"From the meal you skipped while you helped Nifty hunt bugs."
"I hid in my room all day-!"
"Due to everyone not paying any attention to your immense discomfort at their ruckus."
"...You're dumb." You said, crossing your arms across your chest. Alastor rolled his eyes and pushed you down so you were lying on your bed. His hands were on either side of your head as he leered over you.
"Despite doing nothing but listening to everyone's endless ramblings all day, you're immediate reaction upon seeing me is to play jester and make me feel better."
"You looked upset." You said.
Alastor sighed "Exactly your problem, my dear." He moved away so he wasn't pinning you to your bed, calmly removing his monocle to clean it before gingerly placing it back onto his face.
You rolled onto your side to watched him. "...I don't think it's a problem to care."
"It is a problem to care too much."
"Well, you don't care enough so I guess we even eachother out."
Alastor hummed, looking away from you. You bit your lip. Maybe...you pushed that too far? You never really held back the sass with Alastor, but he was already irritated....
"Ask me for something." He said.
He snorted, ears flopping in agitation "As you said, you care too much, i care too little. So now we'll do this: you care less about what I want and you care more about what you want."
You blinked, confused "....That's. Oddly sweet of you?"
Alastor snorted in response, still locked in a staring contest with the opposite wall. There seemed to be a bit of red creeping up the sides of his face.... Now was he turning red because he was mad or because he was....flustered?
"So. Can i ask you for anything?"
"Within reason."
"....Can I get a hug?"
The record scratch was audible.
"You have the Radio Demon offering you to do a favor for nothing in return, and you ask for a hug?"
"That's what I want?" You said, snuggling underneath your duvet. "Don't worry about it if you don't wanna-"
"Oh for the LOVE OF!" Alastor cut himself off, grumbling something under his breath that did not sound as jovial as his permanent grin may imply.
The man briefly disappeared into a puff of shadows before reappearing under the duvet with you, wrapping his arms around you and pressing your head into his chest.
You laughed. "Was it that hard to just lift the blanket?"
"Quiet, you." Alastor muttered into your hair. You sighed contently, snuggling closer to him.
"Can I hug you back?"
He tensed up next to you, so you dropped it. Despite his insistence on you being selfish, he didn't push you any further. Instead relaxing more as you made no move to hold him.
"Thanks, Alastor. I'm gonna drift off, so you can head out if ya want." You mumbled into his shirt.
"We'll see."
You didn't bother trying to fight sleep, letting the exhaustion of the day catch up with you and your troubles drift away as you listened to the Radio Demon's heart.
Alastor was still there when you woke up, but don't you dare mention it.
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Firstly, he hates the term 'pet name'
'Term of endearment' makes more sense to him
His partner is not a cat (Husk), they're not a pet
His lovely partner is who they are and anyone who calls them a 'pet' got themselves a role in his broadcast
Alastor's pretty oldschool with it.
'Dearest', 'Darling', 'Love', etc.
He might have a unique nickname for his partner based on any attributes they may have.
'Doe' for a doe, 'Dove' for a form with wings, 'Honey' for a bee because he finds it funny
Pretty much never uses his partner's name once he has a nickname established
He doesn't get why they're called 'pet names'
His partner can give him a 'pet' name but only in the bedroo- *cough* anyway
His go-tos are 'Starling', 'Bluejay', 'Magpie'.... a lot of songbirds.
Now this is just my thoughts on it: a lot of people think he'd call his s/o 'Duckling' or something but...I just. Don't think so? Like. 'duckling' seems like something he'd call Charlie or a child. (No hate if you do I just think that)
Anyway. Other than that he'll just come up with the goofiest nicknames to call his partner
'Apple of my eye', 'Lemonade on a summer day', etc etc
Will use nicknames sprinkled in with variations his partner's name.
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How about headcanons for luci x reader and alastor x reader where they neglect reader and they have to fix it? I just need some fluffy diabetical sweet hurt-comfort xD if you could please 🙏 ☺️
WAP-BAP-BOOM ALAKAZAM here's a thing. I hope you don't mind I make it pre-relationship because I love me some pining
Lucifer x Reader, Alastor x Reader
Summary: Your friend has been avoiding you lately. You spiral and wonder what you did wrong.
Warnings: Anxiety go brrrrrr. Alastor is a low-key stalker, but not in a creepy way? more like a.... 'i adore you from afar' way. Luci disassociates hardcore. Reader does too.
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Alastor started drifting away when he realized he enjoyed having you around
He couldn't find a twisted justification for it and he just couldn't handle it
He didn't want your soul, he had no real use for you, and yet he wanted you with him
So he pushed you away without much thought.
With no explanation to you, btw
Deer boy mcgee wouldn't be (intentionally) rude or hostile towards you, but certainly more aloof.
Conversations turned into curt greetings and goodbyes
Times spent lounging around in the same room turned into a little wave here and there
Attentive listening to your venting shifted to a 'Well that's not good. Tootaloo!' before he left
The guy didn't even ramble about HIS stuff with you anymore
It hurt.
You didn't know why he was suddenly so distant with you. But surely you did something WRONG, right?
You always do something wrong
So you just had to fix it. But you needed to find out what 'it' was
When you passed by him in the hallway one day, he gave his increasingly-common wave before waltzing right by you-
"Wait, Alastor?"
He glanced at you, tilting his head at an unnatural angle. His smile was too tight.
"Did I....Did I do something wrong?"
His eye twitched.
Absolutely not, he'd think. You could do no wrong in his eyes (though his ethics were slightly askew so that might not mean much)
But you looked absolutely distraught
You were trying to cover it up - you always do - but he could tell.
He watches you a lot
"Of course not, my dear!"
"...why are you avoiding me, then?"
He didn't have a lie ready and his usual quick wit appears to have failed him
Looking at your eyes. Your lovely, currently tearing up eyes-
No no no no no
He turned his attention to you fully, gently cupping the side of your face in one hand.
"Oh, my dear, no need for the waterworks. You did nothing wrong, I assure you."
"Don't lie to me, please. just- just what did I do? I'll fix it..."
He'd typically murder someone for making you feel like this. However, he was the one making you feel like this so that complicated things.
He leaned down, gently kissing away the forming tears at the corner of your eye.
"Simply...sorting some things out, dearest. You did nothing wrong. I just... Need some space."
Why were you staring at him like that?
Did he say something cruel?
Why was your face such a bright red-
"Well, i best be off! Let's meet for tea later, yes?"
You numbly agreed and he quickly said another farewell before shadow-travelling to who-knows-where
You gently touched the cheek had had been so gently holding earlier, a small, giddy smile on your lips
"Something to sort out, huh?"
Well. You couldn't wait until he finished that up.
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Lucifer had no intentions of being distant
Unfortunately...that just...kind of happens
Maybe that's why Lillith got sick of him
When you're older than all of humanity, time doesn't quite flow the same for him as it does for you.
Add his tendency to detach himself from everything and that gets even more complicated.
But he was doing so well for a while!
He'd leave his room often, he'd talk to Charlie and the other hotel-people, he'd like. Leave the building sometimes.
Maybe it was because he was doing so well that it seemed to you like he suddenly stopped caring.
Or maybe he was sick of you?
You could be pretty annoying sometimes...
You ramble and hyper-fixate and suck at emoting...
OH SHIT yeah he was...probably sick of you
Several days of being mopey later and Charlie ended up talking with you. When you told her what gives, she pretty much confirmed what you feared.
"AGH! He ALWAYS does this!"
"Hun, take a deep breath. Maybe something happened?" Vaggie said, putting a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder.
Charlie's words already had you spiraling.
He ALWAYS did this?
Was...Lucifer just like that?
Your Luci was like that?
Luckily Nifty happened by at that moment, sweeping up the floor with manic glee.
Her big ol' eye watched the scene and she casually stated
"His majesty hasn't moved for like, four days. I know, I dusted him. He's just staring at the wall like this."
Nifty made her eye go comically larger, mouth pressed into a firm frown. Then her usual expression popped back up and she went back to scrubbing everything.
"....oh." You murmured as Charlie was panicking and screaming how her father was dead.
Vaggie managed to calm her down enough for you to explain what disassociating was.
You had a good amount of experience with it
Charlie proceeded to put her face in her hands and feel horrible.
You went to comfort her, but Vaggie stopped you and motioned to the stairs with a tilt of her head.
Oh....Okay, she got the Charlie and you got the Luci
You scuttled away to Lucifer's room
Lo' and behold, the Nifty was correct.
Kind of.
He wasn't exactly sitting there staring at a wall, but he was hunched over his workdesk with his head in his arms.
You put a hand on his back, between his shoulder blades.
"You okay, Luci?"
It took him a moment to respond, but he did. Looking up at you with rather dull eyes.
Which suddenly turned comically large as he sprang up and flailed about, squishing your face between his hands.
His expression went from numb to panic to absolute rage in a span of a couple seconds and it was giving you whiplash.
"Who made you cry?" He growled..
Oh yeah you were crying earlier
It was so horribly ironic you laughed, tears spilling down your cheeks. Luci blinked one eye at a time.
You explained why you cried- that you thought he was sick of you.
He offered to punch himself in the face.
That made you laugh again and you hugged him without thinking, clinging onto the silly gnome-looking man like you'd be erased if you let go
He returned the gesture in kind.
Lucifer clung onto you, pressing his forehead between your neck and shoulder, laughing in shakey, watery breaths
"What are we even laughing about!?" You cackled, tears still rolling
"No idea but I needed it." Lucifer chuckled. He nuzzled your neck, his breath steadying.
"Thank you, starling." he really needed it.
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HELLAVERSE x Reader - Part 2 of ? - Life with Owl Boi
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GIF by honey-im-still-free
GIF by fatboychedda
GIF by idzymi
Summary: You're just some person who lived on your own in a slightly spooky town. Who knew demons would show up! Who knew they'd end up living with you?
Tags: Reader Insert, Hazbin Hotel Characters, Helluva Boss Characters, Fluff, Humor, Friendship, Romance
Relationships: ( & for platonic, x for Romance)
Stolas & Reader, Fizzarolli & Reader, Alastor x Reader, Lucifer x Reader
Stolas was actually a pretty good roomate. After the initial awkwardness and hour tour, you quickly established some rules:
No breaking my stuff
No stealing my stuff
No hurting my cat
No hurting me
Don't be a jerk
Stolas agreed, saying these were rather reasonable terms.
You lived in a rather run-down house which was great because it was rather cheap. It had working wifi and the roof didn't leak and the water was clean so it was ok. So what if the doors were slightly ajar and the paint was peeling?
Anyway, because you had this run-down house you had an extra room to spare. you admitted to Stolas that it was rather dusty and mainly used as a storage room but he was just flattered you were giving him his own space at all.
Between the two of you, the room got cleared out and dusted and the small family of opossums living there were chased away, You didn't know they were there but that'd explain where your peanut butter kept going.
Stolas was talkative and somehow never said a thing. He'd often ramble about plants and stars or whatever interested him at the moment but would quickly end up apologizing over and over. You let him know you didn't mind. Also that you might zone out but it had nothing to do with him you just had a hard time focusing for any extended amount of time.
"I believe that's called Attention Deficient Disorder, yes? Or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?"
You told him you had no idea and just left it at that. He didn't pry, which you were thankful for.
Stolas told you a lot of things, and you did your best to remember the things that seemed important. You got him a small potted plant you saw at the hardware store as well as some basic plant-tending supplies. He was overjoyed and was basically in tears. So much so you were confused and worried that you had done something wrong.
"O-oh my, no!" Stolas fretted, wiping the growing tears off his cheeks "These are happy tears, my friend. I just- I can't really remember the last time someone got me a gift. It makes me...it makes me happy."
That gift opened the floodgate for you to get more random things you think he'd like. Glow-in-the-dark star stickers, small succulents and flowers, a funny looking stuffed animal of indeterminable species... That last one wasn't based on anything more than you just thought it'd be something he'd like.
It was.
He hugs it in his sleep.
Once Stolas saw you fretting over bills, he started feeling kind of...well. Very guilty. He was just staying here this whole time doing nothing while you constantly gifted him with things simply because you think he'd like them (and he does! it honestly doesn't matter what it is because you gave it to him and that alone make him happy).
And here you were paying for it all. It reminded him of his rather sheltered and pampered upbringing. And how selfish and conceited he could be because of it.
So, the owl demon threw on his best human disguise, went to town, and got a job.
You know this because you had to comfort him after said job.
"-and they just YELLED at me because I sat down for, like, five minutes??? My feet were hurting and the customers were so mean even though I didn't do anything to them??"
Man was not made for retail. You asked him why he got a job at all. His answer made you feel rather fuzzy on the inside. You hadn't even brought that up, but he noticed and tried to help.
You still asked him to quit because of how stressed he was. Maybe he can be like a live-in maid kind of thing? You couldn't really pay him for that but you'd take care of the money stuff... He agreed to that but insisted he try to find a different job.
You were just confused as to how he got one so quickly in the first place.
Eventually, life calmed down and you and your new roommate got into a bit of routine. Work, play, research ways to return to Hell, etc etc...
...then The Storm hit.
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Hellaverse x Reader pt 1 of ? - Enter Stolas
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Summary: You're just some person who lived on your own in a slightly spooky town. Who knew demons would show up! Who knew they'd end up living with you?
Tags: Reader Insert, Hazbin Hotel Characters, Helluva Boss Characters, Fluff, Humor, Friendship, Romance
Relationships: ( & for platonic, x for Romance)
Stolas & Reader, Fizzarolli & Reader, Alastor x Reader, Lucifer x Reader
The town you called home was always low-key spooky
The moon was always a bit too bright and the wind a little too chilly.
You liked that. It was like a constant Autumn and you loved that season
One day while heading home, you heard a shriek.
Against your better judegment you investigated
The sound came from a spooky-looking house from atop a hill
Thinking maybe you heard a pained cat or something, you meandered in
The smell of blood and the sound of cracking bones made you decide to nope out
Too late
The door behind you was slammed shut by a strong gust of wind and the stupid thing wouldn't budge
The shireking got close and you picked a direction and ran like your life depended on it
It probably did
Whatever shrieked was purusing you, sounds of breaking wood and heavy panting accompanying the scratching of claws and heavy steps
You didn't know what was chasing you but you decided against turning to look at it
Until you were cornered. You didn't have much of a choice then
Your pursuer was a large bird-looking thing made of shadows and hellfire. Six red eyes burned into you as the creature got closer
You shut your eyes tight and hoped your death would be quick.
Nothing happened
You pried open one eye, trying to tame your racing heart.
The....thing. Or whatever, was staring you down, body heaving as if it couldn't catch its breath
Who are you?
The voice was in your head, hesitant and slow.
You swallowed thickly, not really sure what to do
The creature tilted its head
You're not...You're not one of them, right?
One of the people who dragged me here- You're not- You're not one of them...Right?
You swallowed down your nerves again and stammered "Uh. N-no? I just- I was going by and I thought I heard a scream and I- I just- I thought it was a cat or something and figured i should help and I-Sorry? Is this your house? Did I break in?"
The creature studied you a moment longer.
Then it shrunk down, feathers disintegrating around it and a much less menacing form taking it's place
"Ahem. My aplogies." The owl-looking person said, straightening its hat
"Uh. Sure. No worries." You said, giving the most akward thhumbs up you ever have in your life.
"Ah! Yes! Allow me to introduce myself!" The owl guy said. He gave a theatrical bow "I am Stolas, Prince of the Ars Goetia."
"Um. Hi."
Stolas cleared his throat.
"My apologies for frightening you. There was a rather... ill-intentioned cult here and I mistook you for one of them."
You shook your head. "N-nope. I'm just some idiot."
"Oh. Um. There there?" Stolas said, patting your head. You flinched back and the Prince pulled away.
"Right. I'm gonna...go home now? Please?" You said slowly.
The owl guy nodded and let you go on your way
A step or two out the door and you noticed that Stolas was just. Standing there. Looking around. Lost.
"Um. Do you live here?"
"Uh. No, I do not. I'm not sure how to get back either... Oh! Please don't mind me and have a good rest of your day, yes?"
You were ever a bleeding heart
Slap a sad looking face on anything and you felt the need to care for it somehow
So you slapped yourself internally and offered Stolas to stay with you
He was awkward and hesitant but accepted
After loading what you can only assume is a demon into your modest car you made for home
With a new roommate.
Imagine being able to tell you that this was only the beginning
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Hi, I was wondering if you could do a Lucifer Morningstar x Reader, where it's kinda inspired by the song 'Stacy's Mom', where Reader is friends with Charlie and they have a crush on "Charlie's Dad"?
Charlie's Dad has got it going on~
Sure! Doing it in bullet point format because I am LAZY
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You met Charlie when you started staying at the Hotel
Did you believe people could make their way to Heaven?
Did you believe people could be better?
Still hand-wavy
But you wanted to try
To see
So you checked in
Also. Like. The Hotel was probably safer because of the demons who resided in it
Like The Radio Demon
The Princess
Former-overlord the Gambling Demon
Some lady named Nifty who killed Adam
and. Also. The King himself
Charlie you found it easy to be friends with
She was such a sweetheart and you were so easily attached to people like that
Funnily enough, Lucifer actually caught the feelings first
He tried to keep it hidden but Charlie saw through it pretty easily
Luci had been lonely since his divorce with Lilith. The king himself silently wondered if their love was anything true at all.
Cause. Like. The only other option was Adam.
So was she just settling?
With you, Lucifer felt wanted.
Not that Lilith didn't make him feel wanted
Lilith was important to him. And he still loved her. But not as much in a romantic sense
Regardless, his romance-ability skills were kind of rough around the edges
Seduction was no problem
But that's not the kind of thing he wanted with you
not yet
and even then, only if you wanted
Charlie felt rather torn about it. She still loved her mom and deep down she wanted her parents to stay together how she knew them growing up
Still, she didn't find anything wrong with it outside of her own thoughts.
But when she found out you thought of Lucifer the same way...
She was still conflicted!
You were her friend!
She wanted you AND her dad to be happy!
She would legitimately never call you mom though!
Charlie'd try her best to be subtle about nudging you two together
Unfortunately you and the king were frustratingly oblivious
Or maybe just in a constant state of self doubt
Maybe both
Evventually she'd just end up blurting it out, ending it with 'ok now i'm gonna go before this gets weird byeeeeeee'
The two of you take a moment to process
"...so. uh. you free friday?"
"...yeah. you wanna go out?"
"sounds good."
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reader tries to cook for Al, (we all know he’s a great cook). But reader sucks at cooking so Al has to step in (Or Lucifer)
Up to u to take the req or not, take care :3
Thank you for the request! I'll do both for you <3
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You just thought it'd be a nice thing to do. Alastor was always cooking something for someone, due to him actually being a good cook. You just thought it'd be nice to make him lunch
Staring at the very burnt stonetop, it occured to you that you were never really a good cook. Or decent
Ah well. When at first you don't succeed, try try again!
"What are you doing?" Alastor said from behind you, leaning over your head to stare at the atrocity that was your third attempt at cooking.
Of course he startled you, so you jumped, and everything went everywhere.
Even on Alastor's coat-
He'd be upset, obviously, but his curiosity out-weighed his desire to destroy everything and everyone.
So at the moment he'd just give you a look and repeat his question
When you tell him your goal and motives behind it, his expression softens.
Only for a second and if you say he looked soft he'll deny it
The drama queen just snaps his fingers and everything is all clean again.
He'd be wearing an apron that says 'Oh Deer' on it
Didn't you give that to him as a gift?
"Well, if you're going to insist on trying to burn down the kitchen let's at least make something edible, yes?"
You end up feeling kind of bad because this was supposed to be a gift and thank you to him.
He waves you off
"My dear, I'll consider teaching you how to not burn down a kitchen plenty thanks enough"
He actually really likes teaching you things but he'd never admit it
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You think Lucifer'd be a lot better a cook
He has his strong points, most of which were sweets and apple-related snacks
But eating sweets alone is not a good diet
You tried making him something with more vegetables and other healthy stuff
Then you remembered you also suck at cooking
He'd appreciate what you're trying to do for him
He's thankful for his permanent blush otherwise you'd see how flustered he is
So you end up trying to learn together!
It did not go well
You didn't burn anything down though
And what you ended up making didn't make you vomit
So you considered it a success!
Lucifer suggested just using magic next time
You told him you didn't have that kind of magic
"No worries, starling! I'll magic up something for you whenever you want!"
Even if you wanted to cook for him?
"OOoohhh... Well i mean if you want I guess I can just join you for a meal or two or whatever you want! Hahahahaa!"
Help this man
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I'm bored and have no brain. send me headcannon asks plz
(I'll write romatic stuff for Lucifer and Alastor, platonic for the rest of the cast.)
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Innocently stalks your blog 🤭
appreciates your interest <3
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Bad Day part 1 of ?
Tags: Alastor x Reader, Lucifer Morningstar x Reader, reader is having a bad day and so am I, i wrote this for me but you can read it, can be read platonically, I drew the little bunny with the umbrella
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Someone shouted your name and you ducked further underneath the covers. They shouted it again, and again, and again-
You sighed, reaching for your headphones on your nightstand. Instead your claws brushed someone’s arm.
“My my, trying to hold my hand are we?”
You withdrew your hand and told Alastor to get lost. The Radio Demon tilted his head, his grin unmoving even as his eyes narrowed. Red eyes watched you intently, trailing up and down your form and- okay now the yelling was bothering him.
Alastor opened your door for you, grin twitching at the corner.
“HEEEeeeyy- You….are not who I was expecting.” Lucifer mumbled, pointing up at Alastor.
Alastor’s grin widened, baring his gums. “Did you need something, your majesty?”
“Uh. Yeah. Move it.” Lucifer said, waving Alastor away. Alastor’s ears pinned back, grin contorting into something of a snarl.
You shoved Alastor out into the hallway with Lucifer and closed the door on them both. Radio Demon and King of Hell stood with equally confused expressions.
“What did you do?” Lucifer hissed through a false grin.
“Clearly, your persistent screeching of their name got on their nerves.” Alastor said with an equally false grin.
You yelled at them to shut up.
“…Okay, move it Bambi.” Lucifer said, shoving Alastor aside. He knocked on your door again, calling your name “Is everything all right?”
You told him to go away.
Alastor scoffed, merging into the shadows when he heard your voice again. This time, you said if he just appeared in your room again that you were going to shove his shadow down his throat. You then repeated the go away thing.
His ears twitched, glancing at the king. Lucifer looked back at him and a strange understanding went between them.
The conclusion reached: you were having a super not-good day.
Alastor and Lucifer loathed each other. Everything about the other just hit the right nerve to send any interaction they had to hostility. Yet they were willing to put that aside, for a bit.
For you.
Alastor knocked on the door “Do you need anything, dear?”
You told him to leave you alone.
“Okie-doke.” Lucifer chirped, smiling awkwardly at the door “Gimme a call if you do!”
You said okay.
The two demons meandered away from your bedroom door and ended up in the parlor. Alastor was pacing back and forth, Lucifer sitting upside down on the couch kicking his feet. You were not having a good day. That was apparent. But you did not want company either. Which made comforting you difficult.
“Hey, what’s for dinner tonight?” Lucifer asked absent mindedly, eyes tracing the intricate designs of the ceiling.
“Your question is idiotic in nature and so are you.” Alastor said without missing a beat.
Lucifer rolled his eyes “Yeah, yeah. Whatever it is, we should change it.” He recommended your favorite.
Alastor’s pacing stopped a moment, ear flicking. “…Hm. Fascinating. The temperature had not changed.”
“You had a good idea and Hell hasn’t frozen over.”
“Oh, fuck you.” Lucifer muttered, flipping him off. He rolled off the couch and onto his feet, kicking up his hat to settle it onto his head. “Right, just a quick snap-“
Alastor slapped his hand down, eye twitching “Listen you tacky circus freak, meals with actual time and effort behind them taste better and mean more than anything you can just magic up.”
Lucifer shrugged in on himself, grinning a bit sheepishly. “Oh. Yeah. Good point.”
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To Rate a Hug part 2 of ?
Tags: Alastor x Reader, Lucifer Morningstar x Reader, humor, antics, shenanigans, Alastor is a petty bitch, Lucifer is a dork, Reader is also a dork
part 1
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Alastor’s ear twitched at the sound of someone shouting your name. He glanced over, seeing Lucifer skip up to you like a lovestruck fool.
“Hey, Luci!” You said with a grin, scooping up the fallen angel in a hug. Lucifer’s eyes briefly took on a heart shape as he hugged you back, a light blush on his cheeks.
Alastor turned his attention back to his reading. A low growl permeated from his chest without his permission which agitated him even more. Wasn’t the thing you said at that silly little activity about wanting his attention? Why now has that shifted to Lucifer?
Was it because he gave you what you wanted?
Alastor gritted his teeth, grin straining. This is a ridiculous waste of thought. If this pettiness is simply because he wouldn’t indulge in your strange desires than it wasn’t worth his time-
“Alastor, you okay?”
Your voice snapped him out of his musings. He quickly composed himself and gave you a bright smile.
“Of course, my dear!” He said “Whatever makes you think otherwise?”
“Um. Probably because you’re hunched over in the corner growling.” Lucifer said, crossing his arms over his chest.
Alastor’s eye twitched. Why was this idiot still here?
“Don’t you have something you need to be doing?” He said with mock interest “I imagine the King of Hell has quite a full schedule.”
Lucifer shrugged “Not really. I’m kind of just here to look pretty.”
You snickered at that, covering your mouth with one hand. Lucifer stood up taller, puffing his chest out.
“Yes, well. I do.” He said, slipping away into the shadows.
Your ears went down, watching Alastor slip away. Did the conversation from the other day bother him that much? If that’s the case you’d need to apologize. And, well, no time like the present.
“I’m going to go talk to him.” You said, shooting Lucifer a smile. The King jumped a bit at your voice, startled out of the glaring contest he was having with where Alastor just was. He frowned at you.
“Um. Maybe you shouldn’t?”
You picked him up and held him out at arm’s length “Listen, I get where you’re coming from, but I think this is partially my fault, so I need to talk to him.”
“How is it your fault he’s an asshole?” Lucifer said, flailing his arms about.
“Well…Maybe my comment in the Truth or Dare thing made him uncomfortable…”
“That’s his problem, then.” He snorted, crossing his arms.
You sighed, gently placing Lucifer back on the ground. You put his hands on both of his shoulder and leaned down to be eye-level. “Again, I appreciate where you’re coming from. But I feel like I should talk to him about this so I’m going to.”
He bit his lip, brows furrowing. “Uh….Okay.” He ran a hand down his face “Just. Just be careful, all right?”
You grinned “Nah, I’mma run with scissors.”
“That’s like, the opposite of careful.” Lucifer pouted. He took a deep breath and gave you a small smile. “See you later.”
You said your farewell and scuttled off. Alastor would likely be in either his room or his radio tower, you figured. Which were both typically off-limits but you’d be sure to get his permission before barging in. You stopped by his tower first and knocked on the door a couple of times. When that got no response at all you scurried over to his room and knocked a couple times.
“Who’s there?”
Oh boy you could not resist. “Owl says!”
“…Owl says who?”
“That they do!” You said, cackling at your own stupid joke. There was another staticy cackle that quickly joined your own. The door opened and Alastor grinned down at you.
“Very silly joke, my dear. What can I help you with?”
You snorted, wiping a hand under your eyes to brush away the tears. “Well, you’re in a better mood.”
“Difficult not to be when someone surprises you with a horrible knock-knock joke.” He said with the slightest shrug of his shoulders.
“Good point.” You said “Hey, can I talk to you?”
“Fascinatingly enough, you already are.” He said, tilting his head.
“Not what I meant-“
“I know, I know. Come on in.” He said, putting a hand between  your shoulders and pushing you inside. He kicked the door shut behind him with the heel of his shoe and stood there probably doing something but you weren’t paying attention, staring instead at Alastor’s room.
Half of it was a fancy-looking hunting lodge, while the other half a swamp. Fireflies blinked in and out over the waters and you could hear crickets and frog chattering. It smelled like damp moss and sawdust with just hints of coffee.
“Nice room.” You said dumbly. Alastor chuckled, pushing you over to the soft-looking lounge chairs and sitting you down. He sat across from you, crossing his legs in front of him and folding his hand on his lap.
“Now, what did you need to talk about?”
“Oh! Yeah.” You said and turned your attention away from the giant gator skeleton mounted on the wall. “I wanted to apologize.”
He tilted his head “…For what?”
“Um. I think I made you uncomfortable.” You rubbed the back of your neck “With the ‘who I’d want to hug’ comment? I really should’ve kept that to myself. I mean, I know you like your personal space and don’t really want people thinking of invading it-.” You stopped your rambling and took a steadying breath. “So. Yes. I wanted to apologize.”
Empty static hung in the air.  You started rocking in your seat, hunching over yourself. Alastor just stared at you, glowing red eyes a sharp contract to the gentle greens and browns behind him.
“I suppose I didn’t expect you to give up quite that easily.” He said, grin unmoving. He tilted his head to the opposite side, eyes squinting ever-so-slightly “If that’s something you wanted so badly, after all…”
You blinked. “Um.” Then realization hit you with a brick “…Did you want me to try hugging you?”
The audible record scratch gave you an answer. Alastor straightened up, clasped hands tightening into a white-knuckled grip.
What he wanted was your attention back on him, and not that fool of a king. What he wanted was you to pursue him and not Lucifer.
“Perhaps.” Alastor said.
You sighed. “Then you should’ve said so, Alastor. I’m not a mind reader. What I got from our talk after that was you thought I wanted something from you and that made you uncomfortable.”
Alastor’s ear twitched. “…So you’re diverting your attention to Lucifer because….?”
You shrugged “Dude’s touch-starved. You give him a hug and he turns into the happiest person in Hell.”
You jumped when Alastor had appeared right in front you. His grin was wide. “So it’s pity that has your attention on him?”
“Uh. No.” You muttered, pushing him away “Really it’s just… Well he gives pretty good hugs. Once I realized I can pick him up to the hug was pretty much perfect.”
“Oh I’m sure I can be much better.” Alastor said with a huff, waving you off. “You wouldn’t have to break your spine or pick someone up for a embrace of much higher quality.”
You rose your eyebrow, ears flicking. “Okay. Before I continue. Our conversation has lead be to believe you want me to try and hug you. Is this correct?”
“I’m sure you can figure it out.”
“Not really, saying giving mixed signals and being cryptic are your favorite past times.” You said with a roll of your eyes.
Alastor’s grin stiffened. His ears pinned back as he suddenly found the swamp more interesting. He snapped his fingers and a piece of paper appeared over your face. You jumped, startled, then took the paper and read it.
Yes pursue the hug thing and tell NO ONE.
You snorted, biting your lip not to laugh. But then you laughed anyway.
“Oooooh buddy you have no idea what kind of game you’re playing now.” You said with a sinister grin. “I’mma hug you.”
“I’m sure your attempts will be amusing.” He said casually, checking his claws.
“I warn you, I have many sinister plans at my disposal.”
“I’m sure you do.”
“Starting my first plan. A-hem. Can I hug you?”
Well that didn’t work.
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To Rate a Hug - part 1 of ?
Tags: Alastor x Reader, Lucifer Morningstar x Reader, Humor, Antics, Fluff, Hugs, Reader is cat-like, shenanigans, Lucifer is a dork, Alastor is a petty bitch
part 2
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“Who, in this room, is the most huggable?” Charlie asked, grinning ear-to-ear.
Your ears twitched, tilting your head at the question. “What?”
The residents of the Hotel were playing Truth and Dare as one of the redemption activities. Something about it being a good thing to be true to yourself and others? It was originally ‘Truth or Truth’ but Angel Dust complained saying if they had to play this game at all there should be a dare option.
You, being the hotel’s very own scaredy cat, only went with the Truth option. Charlie grinned, vibrating in her seat.
“Who’s the most huggable person in the room?”
You blinked. “Specify.”
“Huh?” The princess said “Um. I. What?”
“Do you mean who do I think would physically give the best hugs, who do I want to hug personally, or like, who I think is most likely to give me a hug?” You said, rocking a bit in your seat.
“Oh! All three?”
“Ok. Um.”
You scanned the room. Charlie was vibrating with excitement, waiting for your answer. Vaggie was watching Charlie more than you, a soft smile on her face. Angel Dust struck a pose, kicking one leg up in the air and shooting you a wink. Husk was pretending he wasn’t there. Nifty wasn’t paying much attention either, flitting about dusting and the like. Alastor hadn’t bothered looking up from the book he was reading and Lucifer… was staring right at you, vibrating much the same way his daughter was.
The Morningstars were so cute.
“Um. Okay, no judgement, though?” You said, grinning sheepishly.
“Of course, of course!” Charlie said with a smile, waving away your concerns.
“Wouldn’t be judgin’ ya unless ya told us who you wanted to f-“
Vaggie whapped Angel Dust over the head with a rolled up newpaper before he could finish that sentence. She sat back down and smiled.
“Go ahead, hun.”
“Okay…” you hummed, pretending you never thought about this before in your entire after life. You had. But that’s an embarrassing thing to mention so you pretended you didn’t.
“I’d say who seemed the best at hugs, physically, would be Husk.”
The cat’s ears twitched.
“Who I’d want to hug personally would be Alastor.”
One ear flicked to point in your direction.
“And I think Charlie’s most likely to hug me.”
“You’re right!” Charlie grinned, squishing you into a hug immediately and just as quickly letting you go. “I do love to give hugs!”
You chuckled, ears laying down bashfully. “Yeah, um, okay. Who’s next?
“You spin it, toots.” Angel said, shoving the bottle from Charlie to you. The group was using an empty wine bottle as the decider, and now it was your turn. You spun it and it landed on Lucifer.
“All right, Luci. Truth or dare?”
He jumped a bit like he forgot he was participating. Rubbing the back of his neck, he looked to the side and thought the floor was a lot more interesting. “Er. Truth?”
You hummed, tapping your claw against your chin. “Ooookaayyyy… Um. What’s your favorite color of the alphabet?”
“Well-“ He stopped mid-word, blinking one eye at a time. “….What.”
You cackled, unable to help yourself. “Well?”
“Answer the question, yer majesty!” Angel chimed in.
“Yeah, Dad!” Charlie said.
“But- What- how do I- I dunno, the number 5???”
You nodded sagely. “Good answer.”
“’Eh, I prefer-“
“Angel, I swear to heaven and back if you say 69 I’m going to rip your limbs off.” Vaggie growled.
The spider shrugged “I was gonna say 420, actually.”
“Ha! Weed.” You grinned. You’ve never actually touched the stuff because it smelled gross but it was fun to joke about.
Lucifer sighed and gave the bottle a spin. It landed on Husk.
“Right, Bar Cat, Truth or Dare?”
“I have a name, your majesty.” Husk snorted. “And. Dare.”
Lucifer grinned “Hee hee hee, okay. I dare you to… make me a drink!”
Husk rolled his eyes. “Coming right up.” He got up and left, then returned with a drink he passed to the king and sat himself back down, giving the bottle a lazy spin.
The old cat was really good at the art of misdirection. So if he carefully stopped the bottle with the very edge of his tail no one would notice. Except Alastor. But he didn’t mention anything because he wanted to see where this would go.
After all, he had it land on you.
You sighed, rocking a bit in your seat. “Truth.”
“Not even gonna consider a dare?” Angel said with a huff. “Kinda boring.”
You stuck your tongue out at him. He flipped you off. Life continued.
Husk sighed, leaning against his hand and humming as though he didn’t already know his question. “Ok. I guess… Why would I be the ‘best at hugs’?”
You sunk a bit in your seat. “Um. Well. Your fur looks soft…”
Alastor’s ear twitched again.
“…and you got those big ol’ wings.”
Lucifer found the wall interesting all of a sudden.
“…and you just kind of look like a care bear.”
Angel Dust burst out laughing. Husk’s ears went back, eye twitching. “Ex-fucking-scuse me?”
You ducked your head “I didn’t- I’m sorry I didn’t mean anything bad- I-“
Husk deflated, rubbing his face. “Right, right, m’bad.” He still looked irritated but managed to get his voice to sound indifferent. “…Why do I look like a care bear?”
“The hearts.” You said meekly, pointing a claw at him. “You have hearts in your ears, little hearts for your eyebrows, and your nose is shaped like a heart, and you have hearts on your hands.”
“…You know, they’re right.” Vaggie said, glancing over at the old cat. Charlie cooed.
“I never noticed that before!”
“I did!” Nifty chirped, scuttling on top of the table. “I did I did I did!” Her eye narrowed, pointing her feather dust threateningly at all those in attendance “But no one listened to Nifty.”
“Who’s Nifty?” You said with a shit-eating grin. The small little goober’s eye widened, surprise and wonder crossing her face.
“I’M Nifty….” She hummed, tapping at her chin.
You nodded sagely. “You are Nifty.”
“All right I’m done.” Husk said, pushing out of his seat and leaving. Charlie sighed. She thanked everyone for showing up and participating and the various people in attendance left for their own rooms.
You scurried off as soon as Charlie said you were done for the day and curled into your bed happily. Sweet, sweet privacy. Away from prying eyes-
“Hello there!”
You screeched, fur floofing up to the point you just looked like a puffball with eyes.
Alastor cackled. You crawled under the blankets to hide from him. Alastor was under the blankets with you, grinning. You flailed again, scrambling off the bed and darting underneath it. Guess where the fuck Alastor was.
Several more repeats of that later and you were laying face-down into your pillows with the Radio Demon standing over you.
“Well, that was amusing!” He said.
“I’m glad you had fun.” You muttered.
“I did, I did! Now, a question.”
“And now, an answer.”
“Very good. So. Earlier you had said that you wanted to hug me?” He leaned further towards you, quirking an eyebrow. “Why?”
“To annoy you, mainly.” You said flatly. Static surged. You flinched, ducking back under the blankets. There he was again, sitting on your bed with his legs crossed, eyes glowing brighter in the makeshift blanket fort. He had his hand on your back before you could dart again, keeping you in place.
It wasn’t forceful, though. You could sliver around if you wanted. What was awkward was how close he was to you now. Eyes shining in the dark, breath warm against your face, the smell of his cologne in your nose. And those fluffy ears squished slightly by the blanket.
The Radio Demon had no business looking so huggable.
“Now was that really the reason?” He said, eyes lidded. “From your reaction to our close proximity, I feel as though you were simply teasing me.”
“Partially.” You said. “I mean, yeah, it’d be partially to annoy you. But overall you just kind of seem really…huggable.”
He rose an eyebrow “Huggable?”
“Yeah?” You snorted “That’s what the question was about?”
Alastor leaned closer, voice dropping an octave as he purred “Absolutely nothing else you were thinking about?”
“Well now I’m thinking you need a lozenge.” You said, pushing him back “Voice sounded a bit hoarse there. And before you ask, no, I’m not that stupid and I know what you’re implying. But really that’s it.  You just seem really huggable.”
“How so?” He asked, voice thankfully back to normal.
Alastor had just been messing with you the moment prior. Usually those kinds of comments lead to certain kind of things. Though he would never partake in those ‘things’, the reactions of those who found him attractive were very entertaining. This just confused him.
You shrugged. “I dunno? I just look at you and go ‘mmm yep that’s a huggable person alright’. I mean. Assuming you didn’t hurt or kill me.”
“Oh, I might.” Alastor grinned. Your flight-or-flight instincts kicked in and you jerked back, being stopped again by Alastor’s hand. The instinct kicked in a second time when your face was suddenly pressed against his chest, a deep chuckle reverberating through him. “I jest, my dear.”
“You’re the deer.” You said. He chuckled again. “So. Uh. Is this permission to hug you…?”
“Ha! No.” He shadow-traveled out from the blanket fort and the thing crashed down on you. You reacted to this startling by running straight off the bed into the wall. Alastor’s cackle echoed in your ears as you de-tangled yourself from your blankets. You shot him a peeved look before gathering up your bedding and making yourself comfortable again. Alastor was gone by the time you were settled and you rolled your eyes and decided to forget about that encounter.
However life decided you weren’t done with the day yet. Someone knocked on the door. You groaned, melodramatically opening the door up.
“Uh? Bad time?” Lucifer said with a lopsided grin.
“Oh? Nah, I’m just being silly.” You said with a shrug. “What’ s up?”
“Uh. Well.” Lucifer said, rubbing at the back of his neck “You know, earlier, when you were saying Husk was the most huggable person ‘cause of the wings and stuff? I mean. I have wings.” He materialized his wings and spread them for emphasis. “And. Uh. So. I guess I’m wondering why I‘m not huggable….?” He ducked his head down, grin wobbly as more of his face turned red.
You blinked.
“Um. Sorry?”
Lucifer’s grin dropped entirely and he started flailing his arm around “No no no! You don’t have anything to apologize for! I’m sorry- I! Fuck I’m bad at this.” He sighed, running a hand down his face. You tilted your head, confusion beginning to cross into concern territory.
Lucifer disappeared into a cloud of sparkles only to immediately reappear right next to you.
“My apologies for my silly doppleganger.” He said, checking his nails nonchalantly. “In anycase, I have an important question for you.”
You snorted, crossing your arms “Ah, yes. Your doppleganger. Who is not you.”
Lucifer waved you off “Most certainly not, I am a superb mentlegan- Ah, FUCK!”
Lucifer poofed into sparkles again and reappeared on your opposite side. He dusted his shirt off “Whoops, there was another one of those imposters of mine. Sorry about that.”
You covered your mouth, trying to hide your laugh. “Yeah. There seems to be a lot of those right now.”
“Indeed.” He said, checking his nails. “Can’t blame them for wanting to pretend to be the King of Hell.”
“I dunno.” You said with a hum “I’ve heard rumors the King of Hell is kind of a huge dork.”
“Ah, yes- wait really?”
You laughed. He chuckled a bit, fidgeting with his sleeves. “Uh, yeah. My antics aside. Uh. Can I ask a question?”
“Sure. I see no reason why not.” You said with a shrug.
“Um. So. How would you rate my huggable-ness?” He said, grin snaking back up on his face. You smiled at him.
“May I get a sample for study?”
Lucifer’s wings twitched “Oh-Oh! Yeah! Sure!”
You chuckled and hugged him. He went tense for a moment, stock-still. Then the King of all of Hell practically melted into you, arms wrapping around you and squeezing tightly. Wings gently curled around you both. Soft and warm.
Overall, very solid hug. Only issue is you had to lean down a bit to do so.
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Would you love me if I was a Worm?
Tags: Could be interpreted as platonic or romantic. Alastor x Reader, Lucifer x Reader, a super common question, Luci is a dork, no use of y/n, humor
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It took a moment for him to reply. Paper placed on the table in front of him, he looked at you with a tilt of his head.
You grinned, suppressing a chuckle as you repeated the question. Alastor stared at you, expression unchanging other than the slightest twitch of his ears.
"Why would you be a worm?"
You shrugged with your reply, saying it was the result of some magic or something.
"Someone turned you into a worm?"
it was getting a lot harder to not laugh. You decided to go along with this new train of thought, saying Lucifer turned you into one as a joke.
"Oh? Well I'd simply kill Lucifer, then." he said with a hum, going back to his newspaper. Right at that moment Lucifer happened to walk in and came to an abrupt stop, blinking one eye at a time.
"Huh? What'd I do this time?" He asked..
You told Lucifer he had turned you into a worm.
"I DID!?" Lucifer screeched, tugging down the sides of the brim of his hat "When did this happen? Are you okay!? How did you turn back!?"
You lost the war against your laughter, practically keeling over with cackles. Alastor threw his head back, his own staticy cackle barking throughout the room.
Lucifer was still distraught and it took you a while to convince him you were okay.
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Just a Thought
Hi I wrote a thing.
Alastor x Reader, Oblivious Alastor, Silent Reader, I write Reader with the idea they're cat-like but anything with claws and long ears work, No Smut, No use of Y/N, silly manga trope, Alastor PoV
He ran his claws through his hair, digging them deep into his scalp in an attempt to quell the spiraling thoughts. It was an accident, there was no intent from it on either side. How was he supposed to know you shadow-travelled? How were you supposed to know he shadow-travelled the same way? How were either of you supposed to know when you run into each other mid-travel you get thrown out into the solid world together in a heap.
How was he supposed to reply when you ended up on top of him?
It wasn’t anything lewd or the like, but the moment stuck in his head like glue. Just going on downstairs to whatever silly thing Charlie had planned, to being struck somehow, ending up on the floor with the wind knocked out of him, and looking up to see you.
You were just as confused as he is, taking a moment to shake yourself to be situated before realizing the position you were in. It was only a second before you had moved, apologized for the mishap, and got to your feet and dusted yourself off. Alastor had assured you no harm was done, be more careful next time, no one saw so who cared. Then you both joined Charlie’s activity for the day and (after)life went on.
It was only a couple seconds.
Why was it clouding his head so much?
Whenever there was a moment he wasn’t occupied, hell, even when he was, he’d find himself thinking of those couple seconds. The feeling of his back flat on the floor, the warmth of your breath on him, the ways your eyes focused on his, just for a moment. The small head tilt as you processed, the calm way you removed yourself from the situation.
Maybe that was it? Maybe it was because you hardly reacted? Did he want a bigger reaction?
He didn’t know and it bothered him to no end. Whatever he felt there was driving him up the wall and he needed to know what it was about.
So clearly there was only one thing to do.
Alastor knocked on the door to your room and hardly waited before letting himself inside. You were on your bed messing with your phone absent-mindedly. When he waltzed in, your ears flicked in his direction for a moment before you gave him a quizzical look and waved your hand in front of you in a ‘what’ motion.
“Hello my dear!” He hummed, leaning over you. You rolled your eyes and gently swatted him away as you sat up. Feet dangling over the side of the bed, you let your head tilt to one side. A silent question ‘what do you want’?
Goodness what didn’t he want- wait what
Alastor ignored that thought and carried on with his errand “Do you recall the other day when we ran into each other via shadows?”
You nodded.
“Yes, well, I was wondering if you’d be willing to assist me with something. You see, that encounter left me with a strange sensation I couldn’t quite place. Would it be too much trouble to ask you to re-enact that?”
You blinked at him a moment and shrugged. Then with a nod, you hopped onto your feet and immediately disappeared into the shadows. Alastor’s ears went up. He wasn’t quite expecting you to do that- he hadn’t even mentioned what part he wanted to re-enact.
However the next action wasn’t exactly unpredictable. He allowed you to materialized from the shadows and tackled into his chest back onto your bed. Just like before he felt the wind knocked out of him, saw you rise and look at him with the slightest tilt of your head. He was flat on his back and you had your hands on either side of his head….
Alastor’s eye twitched “Hm, doesn’t quite feel the same. Was something different last time?”
Your ears twitched as you thought. One hand came up by your head, and your arched your wrist forward ever so slightly. Alastor hummed.
“Oh, were my hands over my head last time?”
You nodded.
“Ah.” He hesitated a moment as this felt rather silly, but his curiosity triumphed over the slight uneasiness and put his hands up as you put your hand back down.
Over his.
Static surged for a split second before he remembered that, oh yes, your hands were covering his then weren’t they? He sighed, rolling his eyes and motioning with his free hand to mimic the action. You obliged, soft hands curling sharp claws gently between his knuckles.
Alastor hummed. The situation was more or less replicated now, but it didn’t feel the same. What else had happened? The two of you fell out of the shadows, you landed on top of him, he was in this position. Was it the location? Maybe the feeling was something akin to embarrassment then, saying it was a public space where it originally occurred. Perhaps it was surprised someone else had the ability to snake through the shadows like himself. The urgency of being on time? Doubtful, he didn’t particularly care about Charlie’s activities.
What was it?
Your hands squeezed his gently. He let his focus train back onto you and immediately regretted it. You were staring down at him, eyes wide and trained onto his own. Ears down ever so slightly and once again that quizzical tilt of your head, figure glowing softly from the light hanging above you.
His breath caught in his throat.
Ah, it was the concern that kept dragging his mind back to this moment. Such a silly thing to apply to him, the Radio Demon. As if there was ever anything to worry about for him.
And yet you did.
“Yes I got my answer.” He said with a satisfied nod. Your expression dropped back to neutral and you moved away, just as casual as the first time. Alastor dusted himself off and gave a slight bow “Thank you for your assistance, mon cher.”
You gave him a thumbs up and flopped back down onto your bed, once again messing with that stupid rectangle. Alastor bid farewell, you waved goodbye, and he returned to his own room with every concern he had about his weird thoughts now sated once and for all.
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