alastors-sthuff · 8 days
“Grandmaster of her clan and Sub-Zero’s cherished wife, the Xie Bao and Lin Kuei have been allies for generations, finally bonding them as one upon the two clan heir’s marriage, despite the concerns from the fellow Xie Bao.
For years, the two clans have stood as one; sharing their missions, assisting one another without fail, always standing as one, keeping united…
Despite her loving loyalty, unending adoration and utmost care for her husband, Apex’s feelings begin to falter into conflict upon Sub-Zero’s unprecedented moves, causing an unwanted drift between the two, a drift that harms both of their hearts deeply…”
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◆ Apex
◆ Xie Bao Grandmaster
◆ Hope
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Redesign of MK1 OC!
Stay tuned if you’re interested in her story!
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alastors-sthuff · 8 days
“Bi-Han’s widowed wife, Apex turned to her twin brother for aid in her grief, being helped with open arms and a warm heart, even if proven difficult for the sorcerer.
Apex, the fearsome yet secretly gentle tiger hybrid, is long gone, making her return with her birth name of Shang Li, stronger than ever before with her mastery of the forbidden, fearsome magic; vowing to make all around her pay for her husband’s ruin and her madness, to show that she is all but weak, helpless.
Much like her twin, Shang Li is willing to pay any price to reach her life’s goal, even if it means losing her life in the process… But is Apex truly forever dead, without a change for her goodness to shine once and for all?”
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◆ Shang Li
◆ Master of Evil
◆ Hope
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Re-design of OG MK OC!
Stay tuned if you’re interested in her story!
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alastors-sthuff · 3 months
Ash & Ember - Sesamoid Wiki
Sesamoid’s - and even Veilport’s - most eccentric duo, this otherworldly duo find themselves thrown into the human world against their wishes.
Now, armed with the mission - and passion - to support the humans they’ve both grown attached to, this dynamite duo push through to make their closet human friend’s dreams come true… While trying to better pass as humans and not cause any otherworldly, past-related drama… - Official Description
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True name: Ash
Likes: Humans, demons, fire, confidence, strength, music
Dislikes: Vampires, water, human rules
Sexuality: ‘Pansexual’ ‘Genderfluid’
Music Playlist: Ash’s Playlist
Species: Demon - Host
Gender: Fluctuates, currently presents as male (he/him)
Age: Immortal - mentally & physically 20
Status: Alive
Affiliation: Sesamoid
Occupation: Lead singer, performer coordinator, special effects coordinator
Family: Ember (symbiont, alive), Hellfire (father, deceased), Luna (mother, deceased)
Friends: Quinnton Huckley (best friend/‘boss’), Clodagh Huckley (mother-figure), Rue Cervello (close friend), Warren Webber (acquaintance), Piper Stubbs (acquaintance), Griff (acquaintance)
Enemies: Drain (rival/natural enemy) , ??? (natural enemy)
Official Description
The only child of the mighty Sire family and the top of his demon-kind, Ash’s authority got stripped from him when going against his family’s ways, alongside questioning their rules & moralities.
Run out of his realm alongside his symbiont Ember and finding themselves amongst humans, the mind-bonded pair were lucky enough to find a human family with a good heart to take them in and care for them, keeping the family as a permanent new-found home, as well as managing to bond with the family’s gothic boy, which in time developed into a close bond between the host and the boy.
Now, as years passed and the two got even closer, Ash took the mission of assisting the boy with his group of music-adoring humans, supporting the overall group in any way he can muster, either in a human or not-so-human way.
Despite his unfortunate past, is the incident as behind him as he claims? Has he even unveiled all of it, especially to his human family? Or, more-so, what is being hid from him that could disconnect him with the humans?
Going through many form, Ash took the decision to settle on a gothic form; messy black short hair with shorter scaled side bangs, red eyes, a lightly darker skin tone with a rather skinny and tall build, a spinal chord tattoo along his back, alongside a rather playful and flamboyant British accent.
While Ash formed his own clothes, the styling of the overall clothing was done by Quinn, who as well assists Ash when he feels like changing up his looks; often times wearing a black sleeveless crop top, black baggy pants that sport a gap which exposes the skin above his knees, the two pieces connecting with small but thick black pieces of fabric, black ankle boots with red laces and a red sweater he lowers down to his middle back which is supported by his forearms. When it comes to accessories, Quinn is once again to thank for Ash’s Phenex sigil pendant that hangs from the green necklace string that the host ties around his neck, as well for his red nail polish.
A hot-headed host, Ash’s impulsive and headstrong behavior has done both good and bad in the past, but he seems to struggle to see on how it can harm him again.
Seen to always carry a demeanor best described as fancy, it’s extremely rare to see the host in manner or pose that isn’t either fancy or elegant; shown to struggle to let go of the martinet side of himself, it is clear that Ash is working on adjusting it with the help of all those around him. To those he cares for, Ash wastes no time to care for them when they are in need, especially to Quinn and Ember.
Despite how he introduces and displays himself, Ash can and will be pants-shitting terrifying, enjoying to harm those he harms and treasuring the moments, especially to his natural enemies.
Shape Shift (🟥): Ash is able to shape shift his entire body to any human-resembling form he desires, as well as being able to copy someone’s form to perfection; in both instances, the voice is included.
Clothing Creation: Ash can create his own clothing to perfection.
Music Creation (Dormant, 🟥): Ash’s voice was possessed with demonic purity which made it possible for him to enchant those he sung to and getting his points and facts across better, but because of his lost of authority, now he simply able to render his voice perfect to the ear.
Fire Control (🟢): Ash is able to bend to his will active fire around him.
Higher Power (🟥): Ash can control his environment by breaking objects, bending objects and making objects float, as well as making the overall aura darker via lowering the active firelight around him.
Telepathy (🟡): Ash can communicate with Ember through his mind, thinking the words and establishing the connection via looking in Ember’s direction.
Time Freeze (🟥): Ash is able to freeze time in the area he finds himself him, being able to pick who shouldn’t be affected by the time freeze.
Demon Form (🟥): Just like other demons, despite their race, Ash is able to transform into his demon form, also referred as ‘True Form’.
Commutation (🟥, 🟡): Because of the bonding he and Ember share, the host is able to share his powers with the symbiont; Ember will be able to use the shared power but in a weakened state, unable to use the shared powers to their full potential.
The commuted powers (from Ash to Ember) are marked with 🔴, the shared powers they both use equally are marked with 🟡 and his own powers that are not shared but that he was born with are marked with 🟥.
Ash has no birthday, but a celebration for him is held the 31st of October, carried out by Clodagh and Sesamoid.
Ash had a last name (Sire), but he lost it once his authority was stripped from him.
Ash’s last name, much like other hosts, was his title of authority.
It’s known that Ash is best friends with Quinn, but it’s unclear if there’s something else going on between the two.
It is less known that he is close friends with Rue.
Ash has lived with the Huckley family for 10 years.
To this day, Ash still lives with them, mostly spending his time with Quinn but moves to the main house if needed.
Every time Quinn goes out, he asks Ash to mirror his appearance so he can see what he looks like.
Quinn finds it funny how Ash tries to avoid the task, hence why he keeps asking Ash to do it.
Ash’s sexuality is common amongst host demons.
It’s rare for it to differ, but it does happen; Ash’s sexuality is the most common one.
Apart for Ember, nobody knows the full extent of his past.
Quinn, Clodagh and Rue know more than the rest of Sesamoid do and they refuse to share it unless they have both Ash’s and Ember’s consent.
Ash was raised by his symbiont from the age of 1.000.
When a host reaches the age of 1.000, the host’s parents detach from their offspring and leave the commutated symbiont to raise and take care of said host, sticking around as material caretakers and not emotional ones. The only one to ever defy this nature was Luna.
While listed as ‘Family’, Ash shares no blood with Ember.
Ash is, currently, 4.000 years of age.
Ash cannot stomach human food, apart for Clodagh’s cooking.
Clodagh refuses to share how she accomplished such a task, labeling it as a ‘secret ingredient’.
Ash does eat burned/smokey objects; his favorite human objects to eat are eyeshadow and blush.
Ash dislikes kids and dumps them to Ember.
Host demons lack parental instincts with children that are not their own as well as children that are above 1.000 years old, even if their own.
Ash despises vampires to his core, listed as ‘natural enemy’.
Ash prefers firelight to any other form of light.
Instead of sleeping, Ash mediates as a means to recharge his spent energy.
He mediates for 9h. at the end of each day.
Ash has a preference to work on special effects & performances rather than singing.
Singing drains him emotionally.
He prefers Griff’s voice over his own.
He has more fun working in special effects & choreographic performances rather than singing, even if he does enjoy singing.
Ash rarely uses his demon form ever since 10 years.
It’s after affects harm him now.
Humans don’t like it; apart for Quinn, nobody else has ever seen his demon form.
Ash is the last of his bloodline.
When a host family is separated through realms, the older hosts of the family will slowly become dormant.
Ash is confused by human antics.
He cannot understand why humans shed tears during fictional events, but he doesn’t ignore it.
Sesamoid, as well as Clodagh, know who he used to be, some more than others.
People outside this group know nothing about it.
Ash and Quinn have fun teasing one another whenever they can or want.
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True name: Ember
Likes: Humans, demons, fire, quietness, gentleness, music
Dislikes: Vampires, water
Sexuality: ‘Aromantic’ ‘Asexual’
Music Playlist: Ember’s Playlist
Species: Demon - Symbiont
Gender: Male
Age: Immortal - mentally & physically 30
Status: Alive
Occupation: Special effects operator, Ash’s symbiont/right hand
Family: Ash (host, alive), Firestorm (father, alive), Flare (mother, alive), Burnout (sister, alive)
Friends: Quinnton Huckley (close friends/‘boss’), Clodagh Huckley (mother-figure), Rue Cervello (close friend), Warren Webber (acquaintance), Piper Stubbs (acquaintance), Griff (acquaintance)
Enemies: Drain (natural enemy), ??? (natural enemy)
Official Description
Ash’s loved and trusted symbiont, Ember’s loyalty and love for his host will never be broken nor questioned, despite the loss of authority he faced.
Run out of his realm alongside his host Ash and finding themselves amongst humans, Ember was quick enough to seek help for both of them, being lucky enough to find a human family with a good heart to take them in and care for them, growing fond of them when they assisted him with his sudden inability to speak, alongside their great care for Ash.
Now, alongside Ash, Ember assist the music-adoring humans the best he can, mainly in a not-so-human way; despite the hardships faced, Ember follows and obeys Ash without protests, yet questions his host’s impulsive actions as he hopes to guide his host to the right path for the unending future in the human world as the symbiont only has the best interest at heart and mind for Ash.
Ember knows some things are better left between him and his host, even if it means hiding them from the humans he cares about and hurting them as a consequence.
Going through less forms than Ash has, the symbiont decided to study Ash’s appearance and take inspiration from it; settling on long straight black hair with medium-length side bangs, green eyes, fair skin with a somewhat muscular and taller build, the same spinal chord tattoo along his back.
Unlike Ash, Ember’s clothes are human-crafted and hand-picked by Quinn; usually and nearly always wearing a v-necked short sleeved green shirt, black baggy jeans, black sports shoes with green laces and a black biker leather jacket he always sports unzipped. When it comes to accessories, Quinn is once again to thank for his red choker with a Buné sigil sewed to, as well for his green nail polish.
A level-headed symbiont, Ember’s opposite nature to Ash has saved his host numerous times and supported him twice as much, setting the host aside and helping him reason with himself, showing him how his impulsiveness can harm himself as well as others around him.
Seen to always and consistently carry a calm and rather alert demeanor with a gentle and faint smile, the only time the large man’s expression and demeanor shift to a more obedient one is when he communicates with Ash; show to consistently be loyal and caring of Ash, the symbiont clearly cares for his host more then he cares about himself, always keeping his eyes on him and protecting him the best he can. While he does care for his human group, Ember will drop all just for Ash, regardless of what it is, even if it’s himself and his own needs.
Shape Shift (🔴): Ember is able to shape shift his entire body to any human-resembling form he desires, yet needing to carefully study Ash’s appearance and taking inspiration for all of it.
Clothing Creation: Ember cannot create his own clothing and needs to acquire his own, whilst making sure it is inspired by his host’s current ones.
Music Creation (Dormant, 🟩): Ember’s voice was possessed with demonic purity, giving the same effects as Ash’s voice once had, but he has lost the ability to use it because of his loss of voice.
Fire Creation (🟩): Ember can summon fire, enlarging it, making it scalding or cold as well as making it burn at a faster rate.
Superior Power (🔴): Ember is able to control the heat in objects, as well as controlling the heat in the environment around him.
Telepathy (🟡): Ember can communicate with Ash through his mind, thinking the words and establishing the connection via looking in Ash’s direction.
Time Stop (🔴): Ember is able to freeze certain people in time.
Demon Form (🟩): Just like other demons, despite their race, Ember is able to transform into his demon form, also referred as ‘Pure Form’.
Commutation (🟩, 🟡): Because of the bonding he and Ash share, the symbiont is able to share his powers with the host; Ash will be able to use the shared power but in a weakened state, unable to use the shared powers to their full potential.
The commuted powers (from Ember to Ash) are marked with 🟢, the shared powers they both use equally are market with 🟡 and his own powers that are not shared but that he was born with are market with 🟩.
Ember has no birthday, but a celebration for him is held the 31st of October, carried out by Clodagh and Sesamoid.
Ember has a last name (sire), but he lost it once Ash was stripped from it.
Ember’s last name was the same as Ash but with a lowercase ‘S’, as symbionts share their host’s last names once they commute.
Ember is the closest to Quinn and Rue, as he sees them as close friends.
Ember has lived with the Huckley family for 10 years.
To this day, Ember still lives with them, mostly spending his time with Ash as per usual.
Ember’s sexuality is common amongst symbiont demons.
It’s rare for them to differ, but it has happened; Ember is one of these rare cases as ‘Asexual’ is uncommon, while ‘Aromatic’ is the most common one.
Apart for Ash, nobody knows his past.
Ember raised Ash when the symbiont was 4.500 years of age.
When a symbiont reaches 4.500 years of age, a symbiont is shown their host and commutes with them once they find one another; the symbiont’s parents assist their child in raising their respective host for a period of 5 years, then detach materially and assisting emotionally from time to time.
While listed as ‘Family’, Ember shares no blood with Ash.
Ember sees Ash as his own son.
Ember is, as of now, 7.500 years of age.
Ember creates his own nutrients, which gives him feeling of always being full and never craving any kind of food.
Ember adores children and excitedly takes care of the ones that Ash dumps on him.
Symbiont demons are natural-born caretakers.
Ember despises vampires, less than Ash does, listed as ‘natural enemy’.
Ember prefers firelight to any other form of light.
Ember does not sleep nor does he meditate.
Symbiont demons need no consistent rest, rather they rest for 24h. once a month, a day in which a symbiont and their host cannot be separated.
Ember enjoys helping Ash on whatever the host is working on.
If Ash works on special effects, Ember assists with his fire and suggests where what should be put, when it should appear and how it should, etc…
If Ash is working on performances, Ember assists the best he can.
If Ash signs, Ember always encourages Ash and reminds Ash to take it easy.
Ember rarely uses his demon form ever since 10 years.
It’s after effects harm him now.
Humans don’t like it; no human has seen his form.
Ember’s family is still alive.
He is closest to his younger sister.
Ember is confused by human antics.
He cannot understand why humans shed tears during fictional events, but he doesn’t ignore it.
Sesamoid, as well as Clodagh, know who he used to be, some more than others.
People outside this group know nothing about it.
Clodagh taught him sign language.
Ember isn’t fond of pranks done to him nor of Quinn’s teasing, but nevertheless finds it adorable when Ash and Quinn do so between themselves.
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Here it is, the Wiki pages for the new-added Far-Fetched OC’s!
This is not fully finished and will change in the future as episodes comes out.
Hopefully you enjoyed this, even if it was long!
Excited to see more about them? Stay tuned for more!
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alastors-sthuff · 3 months
“Sesamoid’s - and even Veilport’s - most eccentric duo, this otherworldly duo find themselves thrown into the human world against their wishes.
Now, armed with the mission - and passion - to support the humans they’ve both grown attached to, this dynamite duo push through to make their closet human friend’s dreams come true… While trying to better pass as humans and not cause any otherworldly, past-related drama…”
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◆ Ash (red)
◆ Age - immortal; mentally & physically 20
◆ Pronouns - fluctuates, currently presents as male (he/him)
◆ Sexuality - ‘Pansexual’ ‘Genderfluid’
◆ Ember (green)
◆ Age - immortal; mentally & physically 30
◆ Pronouns - he/him
◆ Sexuality - ‘Aromantic’ ‘Asexual’
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Got into @farfetchedshow recently and fell in love with it, so decided to make my own OC’s for this wonderful show!
Interested in these two? Stay tuned for more on this dynamite duo if they peaked your eye! Questions and curiosities are always welcomed, don’t be shy!
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alastors-sthuff · 3 months
Pietra - Overwatch Wiki
Italy’s former hero, Pietra will stop at nothing to make sure Omnics burn in their own oil. Even if it takes away his life. But dare not touch his home, his loved one, less you want him as your enemy. - Official Description
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“I’d let myself burn if it meant saving them…”
Real Name: Massimo Caputo
Age: 30
Birthday: October 21st
Nationality: 🇮🇹 Italian
Massimo: Singer, Performer
Piera: National Protector, Military Aid
Former: (Rome, Italy) Base Di Difesa Italiana, (Bengaluru, India) Vishkar Corporation
Current: Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Atlantic Archology
Former: Vishkar Corporation, Militare Italiano
Current: Overwatch Agent, Solo Protector
Relations: Marisa Mezzasalma (mother, unknown but believed to be deceased), Silvio Caputo (father, deceased), Niran Pruksamanee (boyfriend), Satya Vaswani (friend), Jean-Baptiste Augustine (close friend, doctor), Sofia Segreto (manager, boss)
A masked and cold protector, Pietra’s determination and golden heart for his people and nation were the main factors that pushed the man to let go his life of luxury and take on a life full of pain, death, disappointments, broken hearts and suffering.
The once happy and cheerful singer turns into a cold-hearted and brutal protector when the horned mask is placed on his face, trying his hardest to leave that facade with his mask but finding it extremely complicated to separate the two, especially when it comes to his night terrors and difficult consequences attached to Pietra, but he’s lucky enough to have found people who care for him, willing to get close and remind the man that he’s not alone, that he has support and that it’s more than okay to detach to take care of one’s self.
The son of one of the most intelligent engineers and inventors in Italy, his father’s cold-heart toward his ‘stupid son’ only increased as Massimo took a major dislike to any sort of mathematical subject and love for any sort of artistic and creative subject when he was a young kid; his father’s hope was that he’d grow out of it when he became older, but it never came true. Because of this, Massimo’s father began to disregard him, emotionally abusing him to the point of making the young boy feel stupid, even though he really wasn’t; having given up on his son, Massimo’s father refused to communicate in any sort of manner with his son, forcing him to come to Vishkar with him, never telling him what happened to his mother as well as not accepting his sexuality and using it against Massimo as another means of isolation from him.
For Massimo’s entire childhood, the man remembers one thing about his mother; her screams of pain and his father’s incomprehensible insults to her, a bruise to her eye and a single letter the following morning with the simple words ‘I’m sorry, amore. Love, mamma.’ Massimo’s mother is rarely talked of as the Italian man doesn’t like to bring her up, his only memory of her being that day.
Vishkar Corporation
In his early teens at the time (early13M), Massimo was forced to follow his father to Vishkar once Silvio was offered a high-earning position, caring less to ask for his son’s opinion, as for everything else.
Quickly, Massimo hated the place… He hated the teachers, the students, how bland the building looked, how distant and uncaring everyone was, especially how much he was undermined and casted out; because of his fame and reputation, students and teachers alike rendered him an outcast rather quickly as they deemed him a snob and arrogant alongside ‘not as smart as them’, which only added to Massimo’s dislike to mathematical subjects. Safe for one student, a year older than him but in a couple of the same classes; Niran Pruksamanee (early14M - late14N).
The Thai student always had been a fan of Massimo’s music and image, taking the opportunity to meet with him when the singer organised a music club, hoping to gain some interest from his peers, but to avail, safe for Niran who was the only student who attended said club before it was permanently shut down by school staff.
Within their mid-teens (late15M - early16N), Massimo and Niran understood that they both held romantic feelings for one another, beginning to date in secret when confessing to each other; the only one who knew about their relationship was Niran’s roommate Satya Vaswani, who was quick to realise Niran’s attention was caught somewhere else when he seemed more concerned about his messages than his work, among many other things that Niran was rather careless to hide and forget them about his desk and bed. The two lover’s feelings for one another grew intensely rather quickly (mid16M - late17N), so much so that both of them agreed that Massimo could announce to his fans that he is taken, but still keep Niran identity a secret.
Meanwhile, while Massimo opened up a new chapter in his life and finished his studies before than all his peers independently and separately from Vishkar (late16M), Silvio had created a bionic arm that could transform into a huge mech, the first of its kind, creating this machine to pass down to a man which would use said machine to protect Italy as Omnic attacks were on the rise again, but Massimo managed to see that the older man, who was in his early 20’s, cared nothing about the responsibility it took and only flaunted the possession of the machine, ignoring the trainings and preparations and lying to Silvio as well as Vishkar’s higher ups; Massimo understood that the man would do nothing to change and that Italy would fall into ruins at the hands of this man.
Deciding to amputate his own left arm (early17M - late17N), much to Niran’s major distress, Massimo managed to secure the machine and began to train with Vishkar, deciding to flee Vishkar in his late teens (late17M - early18N), despite the heartbreak that it caused the couple; saying their final goodbyes and giving their last kiss, Massimo finally departed with a heavy heart and tear filled eyes, having done what he could to keep his love with him, but to no avail.
It wounded both men deeply, but it wounded Satya as well, who Massimo gave no proper goodbye to as he didn’t want to cause anymore distress to his good friend who already had her plate full with other, more important worries; he wished he’d never done that, wishing that he gave his good friend a proper, heartfelt goodbye.
Italy’s Omnic War & Overwatch (New Blood)
With the new-found identity of Pietra, Massimo fought long and hard to save Italy and its people from the omnics, losing the mechanical arm just two years into the war which led to a self-amputation as the wound was too big to let heal; as quickly as he could have, Massimo returned to Vishkar Corporations, much to the Italian Military’s warnings and denies, searching for his father in hopes of stealing another arm and fleeing again, managing in his mission rather quickly and easier than he thought, finding the perfect fit to replace his fully lost left arm alongside half of his shoulder, dismantling the arm’s tracker and alarm and fleeing back to Italy.
This theft didn’t go unnoticed by Vishkar, who were quick to send out their best forces to hunt down Pietra; quickly enough, Italy’s borders were closed to any sort of Vishkar activity or employee in order to protect Pietra to allow him to keep doing his duty without any further worries, to which they succeeded in as Vishkar quickly gave up on the search, ordering Silvio to create another one, only for the man to suffer a stroke in his sleep and pass away.
With the war over after seven years, Massimo kept up his Pietra facade to still protect Italy from any sort of other threats, specifically to recurring omnics and Talon activity, to which Italy’s people were more than grateful for, keeping up his double life for other six years, until finally letting his mask sit for longer then he wore it as he was sure Italy was rid of all omnic and Talon activity.
Just after three moths, Pietra was visited by Cassidy on his day off, who was in search of new recruits for Overwatch’s recall; after a rather intense battle and concussion, Cassidy transported Pietra with himself along his way back to Watchpoint: Gibraltar, where Pietra met one of the medics by the name of Baptiste. Much to Massimo’s displeasure, Baptiste met him without his mask and knowing his true identity, attempting to keep this happening a secret by threatening the medic, unsuccessfully. Instead of successfully pushing the medic away and keeping him at a safe distance, Baptiste managed to get the man to open up, especially once Massimo began to wear his mask less and less in their shared quarters as well as dropping his facade, being more himself, to which Baptiste majorly appreciated.
Surely enough, once Massimo had opened up and began to share his struggles with his roommate, the two men grew close rather quickly, trusting one another with their past and present worries and problems, yet always reminding themselves that their primary relationship is doctor-patient in hopes to not let themselves get too attached to one another.
To this day, their relationship is still close, with the medic throwing in the occasional flirting, both of them knowing that it’s mere teasing between close friends.
Atlantic Archology
Coming when the chapter is out! Stay tuned!
Heroes Ascendant
Coming when the chapter is out! Stay tuned!
- Massimo’s name ‘Pietra’ was chosen by himself as he believed it would represent what kind of protector he wanted to be for Italy; firm, cold, strong and always there as someone to lean on when needed
- In his opening quote ‘I’d let myself burn if it meant saving them’, its unclear who he is specifically referring to
- Massimo writes his own songs and creates concepts for the music composition, passing it onto Sofia for approval; the music composition is executed by one of the top bands in Italy, which were extremely excited to work with someone as famous and talented as Massimo
- Massimo wrote music dedicated to Niran, but he never published it nor showed it to Niran, as he was too embarrassed to do so, even though he knew his boyfriend would appreciate it
- Massimo has called Niran ‘Niran’ when they first met, then began to call him ‘Bua’ once they got close, finally calling him ‘amore’ or ‘tesoro mio’ in private when dating, still sticking to ‘Bua’ when they were in public; Niran always called Massimo ‘Max’, then began to call him ‘khon dii’ or ‘tii rak’ in private when dating, sticking to ‘Max’ when they were in public
- Massimo was extremely fearful when meeting Satya as he was scared she would see him the same way the rest Vishkar scholars do; he was proven wrong and the two hit it off rather quickly
- Massimo kept Niran’s first biolight lotus he ever created, as Niran had given it to him as a gift for their first year anniversary, then integrating it into his new arm by pacing it into his shoulder and connecting wires to it, giving him a soothing and helpful healing pulse; Niran kept one of Massimo’s shirts, which the man had forgotten in Niran’s room when he left, sowing it to a medium-sized pink teddy bear Massimo had given him on their first year anniversary, then consistently sleeping with it at night or keeping it on his desk while he worked
- Neither Massimo nor Niran knew of each other’s whereabouts when they two separated, having no method of keeping contact as well as having very little time
- Their first kiss was with one another, during Massimo’s music club; neither of them mentioned it again before they began dating
- Massimo is gay, being openly so especially in his music
- Massimo is 1.83m/6ft, being said to be shorter than Cassidy, Baptiste and Niran but taller than Satya
- Massimo’s songs are very different genres; romantic, angst, rock, hard rock, pop, EDM
- Massimo’s music has its own app; the songs became so vast and numerous that Sofia chose to move the man’s music to a free app for all to install, as well as having accommodations for those who require them
- Sofia’s age is never specifically mentioned, but she is referred as ‘the older woman’, implying that she is, at minimum, 5-7 years older than Massimo
- The only ones who know of Massimo’s double life are Niran, Satya, Baptiste; Sofia knows as well, but she has never spoken on it to anybody, even to Massimo who suspects nothing
- Massimo has always worked solo, residing in the Base Di Difesa Italiana as a place to live as Pietra, never having sent out any other soldiers during the omnic war; Overwatch is the first time the man has worked in a team
- Massimo is always kind and friendly to his fans, even to paparazzi, to which Sofia disagrees with, but she knows the man is too kind to tell them off; whenever Massimo needs to tell the paparazzi off, he can’t help but feel guilty
- Massimo has always refused to have a bodyguard around him, even if he was strongly recommended it
- Sofia has always been Massimo’s manager and boss ever since the man began to get famous at a young age, wanting to work with Massimo instead of having Massimo work for him; she is the closest to a mother figure Massimo has in his life ever since his mother departed, having unintentionally called her ‘mà’, the shortened version of ‘mamma’, some times when he was younger
- Silvio has never been to one of Massimo’s concerts and refuses to listen to his music, preferring on having no radio or phone rather than listening to his son’s ’screechy and annoying voice’
- Sofia has never liked Silvio ever since they met, always doing everything she could to keep him away from Massimo, especially when he would come to her crying and sobbing about him
- Massimo would go with Niran during his travels, not caring those who saw them together and always being careful with PDA
- Massimo would use his wealth to buy things for Niran and Satya whenever they needed, passing them off as gifts as to not make the two feel guilty about ‘spending his money’
- Massimo was never really aware of the true extent of his wealth ever since he became 16, when Sofia agreed to show and explain the sum of his wealth to the boy as he became mature enough to understand the true and proper concept of money; even after this occurred, Massimo’s attitude toward his fortunes never changed, always using and asking for his money when he needed to buy something for himself or for others, but Sofia would sometimes give him her own money without him knowing
- It’s never really explained how much Massimo’s wealth truly runs, but it is known that his fortunes are ‘three thousand times more than the Pruksamanee family’, which can imply that Massimo could be a billionaire, or even more than that; it is shown that the man does buy extremely expensive things for the purpose of it serving those close to him and not only himself as the man is only selfish with his money when spending it for the basic expenses someone needs to live
- Even though Niran and Massimo dated when they were young, the two truly loved and cared for each other, finally understanding it one year in their relationship; the two never stopped loving one another, despite the fact that they were separated
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Wow, it has been a while since I posted anything on here!
Just remembered that character Wiki pages are a thing and decided to make one of Pietra!
This is not fully finished; it will be updated as chapters get added and as we all get to know the character together!
Hopefully you enjoyed this, even if it was long!
Excited to see more about him? Stay tuned from more!
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alastors-sthuff · 6 months
Lifeweaver & Pietra - Anput & Anubis [couples skin]
“Have you missed me, Anubis?”
“chuckle From the looks of it, you have missed me more, Anput…”
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Wanted to make a matching skin for these two lovebirds! Idk why this theme specifically, could be for the fact that I’ve been listening to ‘Anubis’ too much lol.
Anyway, hopefully you enjoy it! More skins for Pietra coming in the near future, with featurings from other heroes so stay tuned to find out more!
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alastors-sthuff · 6 months
Crash - Passing Out.
Self-amputation (implied).
Trauma - Loneliness, PTSD.
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Despite having so many skilled heroes on his side, Cassidy still decides to set out to find another ally, already knowing who he wants- no, who Overwatch needs...
Pietra crosses his arms as his blue eyes gaze up at the big screen, his eyebrows knitted together as he looks at the familiar figure who talks with the Base’s soldiers; just what did this man want?
But either way, Pietra is well aware what such a visit from armed people means; a new alliance, or rather the hope of a new alliance…
Sighing, Pietra gestures for a group of four soldiers to follow him; he felt lightly pissed as this was his only day off of the month, the last thing he wanted was trouble on this day “Pietra? What are your orders? Should we deal with him?” One of the soldiers nervously asked, her gaze shifting to look at the ground in front of her as her arms rest at her sides, following the taller man in front of her.
Pietra shakes his head, looking in front of him as he turns the corner, nearing the meeting place where the figures are located “No, talking will do, but keep your weapons ready… this man’s dangerous. Don’t get swayed, va bene?” He says, his voice modulated tone making the built man sounding deeper and colder than he is.
The soldier nods in agreement, gesturing for the rest of the soldiers to check their weapons “You know this person, Pietra?” She asks with curiosity and light surprise “Yes, I recognize him from a classified mission…” Pietra answers with a light nod, glancing behind him and looking down at the soldier “You worked with him?” Another soldier questions, raising his eyebrows with pure surprise “What part of ‘Classified Mission’ do you not understand?” Pietra bites back with a sharp tone in his modulated, cold voice, causing said soldier to stiffen, looking away from Pietra.
“I don’t wanna cause a stir, sir, just want to talk to Pietra, that’s all.” Cassidy says, taking his hat off, his smooth southern accented tone sounding as polite as he could “Non importa. This is a military base, not a bar. If you want to talk to Pietra, you have to follow your chain of command.” The soldier supervising the gates of the Base says, his thick italian accented tone sounding as annoyed as it possibly could “I assume you know how to do that?” He sasses, looking at Cassidy up and down with furrowed brows.
“Soldier!” Pietra shouts as he nears the meeting place, his blue eyes set on looking at the said soldier in the eyes “I’ll handle the situation from here. Go back to your post.” He says, nodding at the soldier’s previous post, his eyes fixed on the man’s own gaze; it made a shiver run down of the soldier’s spine… after all, such a cold gaze coming from Pietra would cause anyone to fall silent and obey.
Doing what he is told, Pietra stares at the soldier as he walks back to his post, then turns his gaze to Cassidy, looking up at the cowboy, his hands in his pockets, nodding at Cassidy, waiting for him to speak; Pietra knew what Cassidy wanted to say, and he was already ready to reject him.
“Though you worked alone, sir?” Cassidy chuckles as he places his hat back on his head, his usual smirk on his face. Pietra blinks in surprise, not expecting such friendliness “I do, I just reside here for professional purposes…” He simply replies “Ascolta, I know why you’re here, signore, and I’m not sorry when I tell you that I’m not even in the least bit of interested…” Pietra continues, shaking his head “But you came from far away, so in order for this trip of yours to not be wasted, I suggest taking a stroll around here…” He says, sighing at the end as he raises his right arm, the holographic screen on his sleeve showing a multitude of tourist places around Rome “You’re welcomed to stay in Rome as long you want…” He says, sending the files to Cassidy, then flicking his wrist to turn off the holographic screen. Giving a nod to Cassidy, Pietra turns to leave “I just came to talk business, we can do that civilly, I hope?” Cassidy speaks up, which causes Pietra to stop in his tracks and look at the cowboy from over his shoulder “Ho detto il mio… leave, please.” Pietra says, his blue eyes staring into Cassidy’s brown eyes.
Cassidy takes a step forward, causing the soldiers to place their hands on their guns strapped to their hips “You’re not even the slightly bit curious in what I have to say?” Cassidy says, raising his hands and looking at Pietra. Pietra grunts, looking forward again “No, because I’ve heard the speech over and over again” The italian responds, beginning to get even more pissed, but his thoughts are interrupted by the Base’s main alarm ringing loudly “Intruso, Intruso! La sicurezza della base è violata!” the speaker’s robotic voice announces.
Pietra’s blue eyes widen in alert, looking at the small holographic screens that began to appear around the area “D’you my help, Pietra?” Cassidy offers, grabbing his gun and cocking it as his brow eyes shift between the Italian man and the gun “No, for all I could know you’re part of this…” Pietra answers harshly as his eyes scan the three figures entering the Base’s arsenal through the broken wall ‘Omnics? Why are they in the arsenal?’ Pietra thinks with curiosity, his mechanical hand’s palm now shining with a black light “Think that, maybe, they plan on stealing weapons?” Cassidy hypothesizes as he takes a step closer to Pietra, his loaded and cocked gun in his hand as he looks up at the screen “Or maybe activate them.” The masked Italian concludes, turning to look at the soldiers behind him “Lock the Base down! Nobody walks in or out! Chiaro?!” He shouts the command at the female soldier in front before he runs off toward the arsenal, his mechanical hand in front of him as the black sections of the arm begin to light up, an ever-so-soft whirring sound coming from Pietra’s palm.
Pietra’s blue eyes scanned the entrance of the arsenal, a quiet ‘tsk’ coming from his lips ‘My mech isn’t going to fit…’ He thinks with annoyance; he knows that this predicament means that he’s forced to fight these omnics without his mech, but rather head-on, and while it isn’t a big problem for him, it still slows him down and makes the process much more difficult ‘You’ve done this before, Max! You’ve fought omnics twice your size without your mech and you won…’ He encourages himself, quietly opening the door and stalking in the shadows of the arsenal as his blue eyes stare out the omnics who tamper with the various dangerous and lethal weapons ‘They’re not as big as the ones back then, but they’re still bigger than I am…’ He ponders, his eyebrows furrowing at the disadvantage he holds.
One of the omnic stops working on the weapons in front of it and snaps its head to look behind, its camera zooming in and out at the shade behind it; Pietra freezes, closing his mechanical hand into a fist which causes the whirring and lights to cease, his heart beating hard against his chest…
Cocking its weapon, the omnic points it toward the shade, its camera turned red as a loud sound played from the omnic, ready to shoot its weapon toward the shade its looking at; Pietra gasps softly and rolls away with a quiet grunt, his blue eyes closing as the omnic shoots at the spot ‘How did it see me?!’ The Italian ponders with panic, opening his mechanical hand and pointing it toward the, now, aggressive omnic, hitting the omnic’s camera which cause it to stumble backward with a loud whirring.
The other two omnics turn their heads toward Pietra, their cameras turning red as they raise their weapons toward the Italian, shooting the same red beam of the other omnic. Pietra shoots at the barrels of the other two omnics, throwing a punch at the camera of the omnic that spotted him, then gripping its head and ripping it off with a loud and powerful grunt, using it to smash the dismantled omnic’s gun, effectively rendering the omnic decommissioned.
Tossing the dismantled and smashed omnic’s head aside, Pietra turns to look at the other two omnics, his blue eyes shifting to look at one of the omnics, who seems to be connecting themselves to the arsenal’s control system ‘I have to stop it! If it transfers its system into the arsenal’s control system, who knows what this might do!’
Running toward said omnic with his mechanical arm lightly extended in front of him, the light whirring sound from Pietra’s hand is heard again as his palm opens, but he gasps lightly as the second omnic lunges to him and throws him againts the wall, sending the italian tumbling in the bricks with a soft sound of pain escaping his lips.
Growling in annoyance, Pietra shoots at the omnic, but the omnic dodges the projectiles swiftly, charging at Pietra again and slamming him further in the wall. Pietra grunts once more and roughly places his mechanical hand on the omnic hip, shooting and pushing the omnic down with all the force his injured body could muster, his blue eyes staring down the omnic with rage.
With a couple of seconds of struggling, the omnic finally shuts down as Pietra rips its bust off, kicking the dismantled legs to the third omnic, which causes said omnic to stumble lightly, turning his head to face Pietra.
The Italian stands up with a growl, his blue eyes staring daggers into the third omnic as he tosses the dismantled second omnic to the side “You want to end up like your friends?” Pietra growls at the omnic as he re-loads his projectiles. The omnic wips it head back to the arsenal’s control system; 60% reached, but the omnic knew it has little time to complete the transfer, which causes it to place its other hand on the control system, doubling the speed of completion.
Pietra begins to run toward the omnic, but he halts his footsteps as he feels a metal hand grasping his ankle; raising a brow and looking down, his blue eyes widen lightly as he sees the second omnic’s hand grasping him, pulling him down on the ground with a distorted sound of seemingly anger coming out of it. Pietra stumbles backward, pointing his mechanical hand to the omnic’s head, but the omnic places its other hand on Pietra’s hand, slowly crushing his hand in an attempt to disarm the Italian; the omnic’s head is so close to Pietra’s, its camera red and buzzing.
Pietra gasps and closes his eyes as a bullet flies into the side of the omnic’s head, turning his head to the side as the omnic crashes down, effectively decommissioned and sparking. Opening his eyes and kicking the omnic off of him, Pietra looks up as he hears a chuckle “You’re welcome, Pietra…” Cassidy’s southern accent is heard as he places his gun in the holster, walking toward the Italian man as his brown eyes observe him, extending his hand to him “I had it…” Pietra grumbles, standing up on his own, refusing Cassidy’s helping hand.
Cassidy chuckles again, crossing his arms as he shakes his head “Of course you did…” He says as he keeps looking at Pietra “Leave, you’ll get in my way…” Pietra retorts, pushing Cassidy back, then turning to face the third omnic; 85%… Pietra needed to hurry…
“I ain’t going nowhere, Pietra…” Cassidy bites back, grabbing his gun again and facing the omnic as well “If you want to prove to me that you’re a good guy, stai perdendo tempo!” Pietra raises his voice at the southerner, which only causes Cassidy to chuckle again. Pietra growls in annoyance, side-eyeing Cassidy with a frown under his mask “You get in my way, I won’t hesitate to decommission you, got it?” Pietra warns the southerner with venom in his tone “Don’t you worry ‘bout that, I’m a team player…” Cassidy laughs lightly, shooting a bullet at the omnic’s shoulder, causing the bullet to bounce off, making a small dent. Pietra shoots at the other shoulder, which causes the omnic’s arm to fall “The hell are those bullets made of?” Cassidy questions with confusion “The better question is what are your bullets made of that you can’t tear through them, Cowboy!” Pietra raises his voice mid-sentence as he rushes to the omnic, shooting at the other arm, jumping and locking the omnic’s head between his thighs and covering the omnic’s camera, which causes the omnic to disconnect its hands from the control system, but Cassidy’s eyes widen with alarm as his brown eyes look at the arsenal “Pietra!” He shouts, shooting bullets to the omnic’s legs, but groans with annoyance as the bullets don’t even dent the metal “I’m in the middle of something!” The italian shouts back, shooting into the omnic’s camera and tossing it to the wall, hopping off of it with a grunt, his mechanical palm whirring.
Pietra raises a brow as the omnic zooms away, taking off into the sky “Ma che-“ Pietra’s sentence of confusion is cut short when Cassidy rushes to him and grabs him by the wrist “We gotta get a move on, this place’s gonna blow!” He shouts with alarm. Pietra looks at the control system: 100%…
Pietra’s eyes widen with alarm and fear; quickly brushing off Cassidy’s hand from his wrist as the two step outside, raising his mechanical arm to the sky and activating his mech. Cassidy backs away, holding onto his hat as he looks up at Pietra, who now stands inside the mech at a much taller height than him “Hold on tight!” Pietra shouts, grabbing Cassidy and holding the southerner close to him and wrapping the huge mechanical arms around the man, protecting and shielding him.
After what seems like hours of waiting, the arsenal blows up, sending the two men flying to the other side of two traffic-ridden streets, at least 30 meters, into the blue sky and crashing into hard ground.
With a groan, Cassidy opens his eyes, pushing the mech’s hands off of him and slowly standing up, rolling off of Pietra, placing his hat back on “I ain’t paying for that ride again…” The cowboy jokes with a chuckle as he dusts himself off “Gotta admit, the safety was top-notch, I ain’t got even a scratch!” He continues, this time taking his hat off and fixing his hair, but he raises a brow when he hears nothing from the Italian “Pietra?” He calls out with confusion, looking over his shoulder at him.
Cassidy’s brown eyes show fear and alarm; Pietra… he’s not moving… “Pietra!” He raises his voice with alarm, rushing toward the meched-up Italian, tapping on the mech’s thick glass in hopes of waking him up “Hey! You hear me?!” Cassidy shouts with worry as for all he could know, Pietra could be injured, or worse. Delivering a bang to the thick glass, Cassidy’s brown eyes scan the huge mech; what could he to help? He has no clue on how to operate this suit! He can’t just leave him here…
With a low and pained groan, Pietra’s blue eyes slowly open, looking around the unfamiliar room ‘Wh… Where am I?’ The Italian man wonders as the exhaustion and mild pain begins to sit in ‘Was I…?’ He thinks once more, the pain and exhaustion quickly replaced with alarm, shooting up from his lying position and propping himself up with his hands, scanning the room with, now, wide blue eyes “Hey, easy there!” A rather friendly and chill unfamiliar voice interjects, the man turns to Pietra and looks down at the Italian with a warm smile “You took quite a hit, you know! You shouldn’t move so much.” The man speaks again, walking to the Italian as he holds a glass of water and a tablet of pills.
Pietra looks up at the man, who’s seemingly a medic, his blue eyes showing nothing but coldness and hostility toward the unfamiliar man “I didn’t expect my kidnapper to be so friendly with me…” Pietra says, his tone softer and gentler because of the missing mask around his face, yet still clearly cold and hostile. With a chuckle, the medic shakes his head and places the items on the nearby table “Kidnapper? Me? Now that’s funny!” The medic answers, pulling up a stool with wheels and placing it near Pietra’s bed, sitting down and looking at the Italian, his friendly smile not fading “I guess you’d prefer ‘torturer’, doc?” Pietra retorts, sarcasm laced in his tone as he says the last word, shifting to sit up and staring at the medic with sharp eyes. The medic sighs, shaking his head again and grabbing a clipboard from the same desk “I’m not a bad guy, I swear…” He says as he looks down at the clipboard, scanning the pages “You’re in Watchpoint: Gibraltar’s medical wing and I’m your medic, Baptiste” Baptiste says, not taking his eyes off of the clipboard as he flips through the pages.
With a sigh, Pietra crosses his legs under the bedsheets, looking around the room as his eyes set on his black armor patches which sit in a metal box “Thanks for the help, dottore, but I’ll be taking my leave.” Pietra says, taking the covers off and swinging his legs to the edge of the medical bed, his long black hair draping his figure as the ends of his hair rest of his lap and bed “I’ll send you the pay when I get back to Italy, grazie…” He continues, reaching over for the glass of water and the tablet of pills, taking two and gulping them down alongside the water “I’m sorry, but you’re not cleared yet, Caputo…” Baptiste retorts with a firm tone, setting down the clipboard and placing his right ankle over his left knee, looking at Pietra with a more stern expression.
With sharp eyes and a cold tone, Pietra scoffs, leaning over and looking at the medic in the eyes “You tell anyone you saw my face, I will hunt you down and do worse than kill you, capito?” Pietra threatens Baptiste; yet, the medic seems unfazed, merely giving Pietra the same cold expression, leaning over lightly “That doesn’t work with me…” The Haitian retorts, his tone deep and serious.
Pietra merely chuckles lightly, eyeing the medic up and down with intrigue, but before he can say anything, Baptiste speaks up again “You and I are going to be partners from now on, and I have no doubt we’ll have fun…” He says, leaning away from the Italian, his friendly smile lightly returning, his tone softening. Pietra leans away as well, looking to the side with the same serious expression and sharp eyes ‘Partners?’ The Italian ponders ‘Me and a guy I’ve never met until today, working side-by-side?’ He ponders once more, his gaze shifting to his mechanical arm…
Massimo pants and groans, struggling to stand up as his left arm pounds with excruciating pain, his blue eyes filled with tears as the heavy rain falls on his injured body. Groaning once more, Massimo gives up on trying to stand up, crashing down on the ground on his back as he clutches his bleeding left arm ‘I-I can’t… I can’t leave it bleed…’ He ponders with a frown as tears fall to his face ‘It’s already dead… I just need… I just need to…’ His eyes shift to a sharp piece of metal not too far from him, shakily extending his right arm to it, grabbing it with much struggle, looking up at it as he holds it. Giving a big shaky sigh, Massimo places the sharp metal on his left shoulder, closing his eyes. Screams rip through his throat; Massimo is only thankful that he’s alone. Nobody can see him like this… so weak, so pathetic…
Closing his eyes with a sharp inhale, Pietra’s body tenses as the memory of that horrible night fill his mind, his face turned toward the bed with a light frown; Baptiste merely gives Pietra a pat on his knee, looking at him with understanding “Come on, your stuff’s already in our room…” The Haitian says, standing up “‘Our room’? What, we’ll be sharing a room?” Pietra questions with light annoyance, crossing his arms and looking up at the medic “It’s either that, or the couch in the common room, Pietra…” Baptiste chuckles lightly, nodding at the exit to the room with a light smile. Pietra scoffs with furrowed brows, then chuckles with a light smile after a few seconds “I get my own bedroom, I hope.” The Italian questions, looking at the medic up and down with another chuckle “Yes, well… a shame, isn’t it?” Baptiste jokes with a wink, which causes the Italian raise his eyebrows with a questioning gaze.
Cassidy chuckles lightly as he looks at the two men conversing, his cigar between his lips as he crosses his arms “Those two are gonna help each other a whole lot, you know…” He chuckles, side-eyeing Pharah with a light smile “If you say so, Cole… I’m just glad he’s on our side.” She says, crossing her arms as well as she looks at Pietra, whose back is turned toward the door as he stands up from the medical table, grabbing his mask and placing it on.
Baptiste chuckles lightly, wrapping his arm around Pietra’s shoulder and nudging him lightly, looking down at the shorter Italian “Need help settling in, roomie?” The Haitian questions as the two begins to walk out of the room “I’ll cut your tongue off if you call me that again…” Pietra growls lightly, looking away from the medic and crossing his arms “You are not a people-person, are you?” Baptiste chuckles again, which only causes Pietra to mumble “Shut up…” but his gaze softens significantly as he looks at Cassidy as the pair passes him, who shoots him a wave with a smile ‘Maybe… Overwatch won’t be the worst idea for now…’
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Here it is, Pietra’s ‘New Blood’ Issue! Holy crap, this took me so long to write but I’m super proud of this! Stay tuned on this blog to find out more about Pietra! Who knows, maybe in the near future you’ll find out about his past with a… certain inventor? Hm, wonder who that could be?
Once again, if you have questions or curiosities about this OC or any other on my blog, don’t hesitate to send in an ask about them!
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alastors-sthuff · 6 months
Abusive Father (implied).
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‘I wasn’t as smart as my father, but that didn’t mean that I was nothing…
With posters of my image around the world, radios and apps filled with my voice… any father would be proud of their son for becoming so famous, so adored, at such a young age…
But my father? Of course not…’
“Papà, I don’t approve of this…” The Italian teen says with worry in his tone, crossing his arms as his black eyes gaze at his overworked father
“Since when have I ever asked for your opinion, Massimo?” The father says, slamming his hand against the lab counter, causing Massimo to flinch lightly.
Swallowing, the young Italian takes a hesitant step toward his father “That arm, that mech… it’s a weapon that needs somebody with determination as it’s owner… not somebody-“
“Like you.” The father cuts Massimo off, his own black eyes showing nothing but coldness.
Massimo freezes, his black eyes widening with sadness and shock, his tone faltering “L-like me? I-I built my music career from nothing but-“
“But your own laziness to do nothing but sit in a chair and screech that annoying voice of yours!”
The cold eyes of his own father, the harsh and untrue words coming from that cold and vile man sent Massimo to tears.
The teen scoffs shakily, trying to search for words to defend himself, but his father’s cold and uncaring eyes give him more reason to run off in tears.
‘My father’s new invention made a hit in the engineering world, so much so that Vishkar Corporations contacted him, telling him that they saved a spot in the higher-ups for my father.
Being a teen at the time I was forced to follow him, even if I cared nothing for Vishkar and their views… I just kept making my music, kept my image the same, kept my identity… even if I became an outcast…
Just like him… only he made everything better…’
“If word got out, our families would leave us, Max…” The young Thai inventor says, his tone worried yet loving, his long white hair draping over his shoulders as he wraps his arms around the singer, burying his face in his stomach.
Massimo chuckles softly, moving one hand to his partner’s hair and gently brushing it in his fingers, his tone calm and loving, despite the painful words “When has anyone truly been here for us, Niran?”
Niran peaks up at Massimo, a light frown on his lips from the truth of those words.
Sighing, the Thai inventor shifts to sit on the Italian singer’s lap, wrapping his arms around Massimo’s neck and leaning his forehead against his, his hazel eyes looking into Massimo’s black eyes with the same sad glint “I’m here for you… don’t forget that, Max…” Niran says, his sincere tone above a whisper.
Massimo chuckles lightly, placing his hand on Niran’s cheek with a light smile, his thumb caressing his soft skin “I couldn’t be more grateful for that, Niran…”
‘I knew that the owner of my father’s invention was going to be no less of a brainless puppet and much to my disappointment, I was right.
The guy had no care for the responsibility that came with the mech, all he cared about was how many people fawned over him, all the fame he got just because “He was so brave to step up”.
I knew that, when the time came, he would run off like the coward he is.
I knew Italy wouldn't be safe with him.
I knew the people would all die with him as our “protector”.
I knew I had to make a change to this, but I also knew my cold father wouldn't listen to me.
So, I did something… frankly, something stupid, but it was the only solution…
I could feel the blood stopping. I could feel the coldness settling in.
I could feel my arm dying.’
Massimo’s painful scream cuts Niran out of his casual stroll in the hallways, dropping his device to the floor and whipping his head toward the lab doors with wide worried eyes “Max?!” He shouts, his heart beating in his throat as he runs towards the lab’s opened doors.
His stomach dropped at the sight; Massimo crouched down, holding his left forearm now turned blue, tears in his eyes with a pained frown.
“What happened?!” Niran raises his worried voice unintentionally, rushing toward his lover and crouching down beside him, looking down at his blue forearm with the same wide eyes “I’m sorry! It’s the only way!” Massimo’s pained and shaky words make Niran’s breath get caught in his throat, yet his movements didn’t falter, albeit a bit shaky.
Reaching his right hand to the nearby cabinet, Niran opens it, grabbing a syringe and taking its cap off, ready to inject it into Massimo’s arm; he hoped it wasn’t too late to save his beloved’s forearm.
Massimo’s right hand wraps around Niran’s wrist, shakily pushing the antidote away
“I can save the arm! Just-“ Niran says with a shaky tone, his glazed eyes confused amongst the sadness, looking at Massimo.
“No! Let it die! Please!” Massimo screams, tears pouring down his black eyes.
Niran froze; what was he to do now? He knows his lover too well to know there’s no debating, too well to know he can’t force him.
Too well to know he won’t listen.
‘I knew my plan would work.
My father is too much of a proud man to let me live without my left forearm. I knew that he wouldn't hesitate to give me his invention, despite me being “lazy and stupid”.
That’s exactly what he did; with no hesitation he gave the mech to me and kicked the guy to the curb.
I knew my father would treat me the same way he always did, and I was sick of him and his ways.
He was no dad… he was barely a father.
So, I left…
I left my father, I left Vishkar and its fake, holographic life; I never felt better.
But, I had to leave behind what I loved as well; no more live shows, no more meet-ups with fans, no more performances, no more music…
And my love… who parted ways with me…
Who I parted ways with, as well…
How I miss him…’
“I-I can’t lose you…” Niran’s breaking voice is above a whisper, a frown on his tear stained face; a frown that looks so misplaced, a frown that Massimo hates to see.
Placing a gentle and loving kiss on Niran’s lips, Massimo sighs shakily as he pulls away, his black eyes glazed as they peer at him “I can’t lose you either…”
“Then let me come with you. I’ll help you defend Italy… just please, I can’t say goodbye…” Niran responds, leaning his forehead against Massimo’s, his teary hazel eyes glued to Massimo’s glazed black eyes “No, you know you can't…” The Italian man says with sorrow, his tone shaky as he speaks “With your biolight… Arcology needs you. The world needs it… and you with it…” He continues, his glazed eyes now pouring down the tears he so hard tried to hold back.
Niran swallows the lump in his throat, sniffling “Just like Italy needs Pietra…” He says in the same hushed, broken manner.
The two lovers keep their gazes into eachother’s teary eyes; they both knew this was their goodbye.
“In another life, tesoro mio…” Massimo says, breaking away from Niran with a forced smile.
Reaching his mechanical hand to his white horned mask with blacked out eyes, Massimo places the mask on his face, stealing one final glance to his adored one before activating his mech by raising his mechanical arm to the sky.
Niran stood there, looking at his beloved with a broken heart as he zoomed away in his mech; this wasn’t how things were supposed to go…
‘With my newfound weapon, mask and name I traveled back to Italy with the determination to fight for her.
The war was difficult, but I knew I made the right choice, because in the end, the smiles of my people are what warms my heart, bringing an unseeable smile on my face.
But I also know that despite Italy being safe now, the world still needs help…
With a weapon like mine, it would be a waste to go back to being Massimo forever…
But sometimes I can’t help but wonder what could have been… of us.
What if we would have never parted ways, 14 years ago?
But dwelling on what could have been only brings tears to my eyes; tears that I know that he would hate to see…
What other choice do I have than to push forward?’
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Here it is! His origin story!
I spent way too much time on this! Hopefully, you enjoyed it!
Once again, questions are welcomed!
Stay tuned for upcoming content for Pietra!
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alastors-sthuff · 6 months
Pietra’s Kit - Overview
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Kit - Deep Dive
Weapons, Abilities & Ultimate: Mech
- Palm Fusion Hands
The guns of Pietra’s mech resemble hands, where the bullets shoot out of the mech’s palms; infinite ammo, no reloading, hitscan-type weapons.
- Disintegrate
When facing an enemy that is below 40% HP, Pietra is able to dash toward them, it is up to the player to finish them off; range of 45m, cooldown of 5s.
- Protection
When facing a teammate that is below 50% HP, Pietra is able to dash toward them, automatically body blocking incoming damage; range of 45m, cooldown of 6s.
- Brawl
Pietra plants a bug in his mech which causes him to deal x2 the damage, become x2 the size and x2 the speed; lasts 25s, ranges of ‘Disintegrate’ & ‘Protection’ halved, HP halved. When eliminating Pietra’s mech during his ultimate, the remaining duration of the ultimate continues in his pilot form.
o. I.E.: If ‘Bastion’ eliminates ‘Pietra’s mech’ during ‘Pietra’s’ ultimate in which 10s were missing, the remaining 10s will be carried on in his pilot form; in this form, ‘x2 the size’ is excluded, ‘HP halved’ is excluded, ‘range of ‘Hook-On’ halved’ is excluded.
Weapons, Abilities & Ultimate: Pilot
- Hand Gun
The mechanical hand of Pietra’s left mechanical arm is his weapon in his pilot form, where the bullets come out of his palm. Differently, in this form the weapon is long range; 200 ammo, 1.5s reload time, projectile-type weapon.
- Hook-On
Raising his right hand, Pietra will place a shield on a nearby wall which will extend toward another wall opposite to the wall it is placed on; 4.200m height, 0.4s cast time, 1.500 HP, 7s cooldown when destroyed, shield that is placed before ‘Activation’ will remain until destroyed.
- Activation
Once Pietra’s mech is destroyed, he will have to wait 60s for it to be restored in order for him to go back inside the mech, raising his mechanical arm to the sky in order for the mech to initiate the activation sequence; 1s to re-mech & 2s to activate [overall 3s], not invulnerable during re-mech, when resurrected mech will be available after 5s.
- Tank Passive
Just like all other tanks, Pietra will have this passive; effective in both ‘Mech’ & ‘Pilot’ form.
- Independent
While in mech form, Pietra needs no healing. [a/n: this section only refers to Pietra in ‘Mech’, not ‘Pilot’.]
o. Pietra’s HP system functions differently than all the others, having 1.500 HP overall as Pietra’s HP system functions as %; starting off with 10% [150HP] at the start of matches and as he takes damage the HP% increases until reaching 100% [1.500HP] where his mech will retract, leaving him in his pilot form.
u. I.E.: Starting off at 10% -> ‘D.Va’ inflicts damage to ‘Pietra’ -> HP% increases as ‘D.Va’ inflicts damage -> ‘Pietra’ reaches 20% [300HP] -> and so on…
o. Support Interactions/Healing Ability interactions:
u. Soldier: 76: ‘Biotic Field’ Ability does not interact with Pietra.
u. Sombra: ‘Hacked Health Packs’ do not interact with Pietra.
u. Health Packs do not interact with Pietra.
u. All Support Heroes cannot heal Pietra; all of supports primary healing do not interact with him [I.E.: Mercy’s ‘Caduceus Staff’ does not latch on to him.]
i. Ana: Friendly ‘Biotic Grenade’ does not interact with Pietra, hostile ‘Biotic Grenade’ only damages Pietra, ‘Nano Boost’ does not heal Pietra.
i. Baptiste: ‘Regenerative Burst’ does not interact with Pietra.
i. Brigitte: ‘Rally’ does not interact with Pietra, ‘Inspire’ does not interact with Pietra.
i. Illiari: ‘Healing Pylon’ does not interact with Pietra.
i. Kiriko: ‘Protection Suzu’ does not heal Pietra, only rids of negative effects.
i. Lifeweaver: ‘Life Grip’ does not heal Pietra, only pulls him to Lifeweaver & blocks damage, ‘Tree Of Life’ does not interact with Pietra.
i. Lucio: ‘Sound Barrier’ does not interact with Pietra.
i. Mercy: ‘Caduceus Staff’s Damage Boost’ laches onto Pietra.
i. Moira: ‘Healing Orb’ does not interact with Pietra, friendly ‘Coalescence’ does not interact with Pietra.
i. Zenyatta: ‘Transcendence’ does not interact with Pietra.
- Safety
When Pietra’s Mech reaches max%, it will retract into his left mechanical arm, leaving him in his ‘Pilot’ form.
o. In ‘Pilot’, Pietra has 325HP which functions like all other HP pools, can be healed in ‘Pilot’; ‘Support Interactions/Healing Ability Interactions’ does not apply to Pietra in ‘Pilot’ and in ‘Activation’.
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There he is! The entirety of his kit!
Hopefully this was interesting and ‘fun’ to read!
Questions are welcomed, do not be shy to ask any that come to mind! No question is a stupid one, remember!
More coming soon! Stay tuned!
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alastors-sthuff · 6 months
“Italy’s former hero, Pietra will stop at nothing to make sure Omnics burn in their own oil. Even if it takes away his life. But dare not touch his home, his loved one, less you want him as your enemy.”
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◆ Tank
◆ Italy, Base Di Difesa Italiana (formerly), Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Atlantic Arcology.
◆ 21 Oct (Age: 30)
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Overwatch 2 OC!
Stay tuned on my blog to know more about him!
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alastors-sthuff · 7 months
Hello Everyone!
I’ve been gone for a really long time, I’m sorry about it; I’ve been putting my time in working on my original characters and finally I have done enough work on them as to post them on my updated second account!
These are the OC’s listed in my character request post; in this blog you will find out all about them as time goes on, as well as artworks done by me!
Asks and questions on that blog are open and welcomed about the characters; no question is stupid or silly! Don’t be scared!
Hopefully you all will enjoy these characters!
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alastors-sthuff · 2 years
Okay so, this is my second original post but my first every writing on here. I've done my best and I hope whoever comes across this will like it!
Where?: Mortal Kombat 11
Who?: Shang Tsung, Fujin, Noob Saibot, Nightwolf.
Bonus!: Koushi Sugawara
Where?: Haikyuu!
Request?: No
Summary: Mentioned characters with a Goth reader; the reader is male and is a crush for the characters.
If anyone wants to see this type of post with any other types of reader just send it in the requests and I will gladly do it.
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Shang Tsung
The first time he saw you was when he assisted your training against Kitana; there were people watching and cheering either you or Kitana on, although it was just a practice match, everyone that was there wanted to see this go down.
You immediately caught Shang Tsung's eye; your heavy chained choker, your sharp finger rings, your platform shoes and your hairstyle. You had it all! He caught himself smirking and eyeing you up and down as you got in your stance. He admired those broad shoulders and chest as well with your arm accessorized with jewelry from your forearms to your wrists.
"Finish her!" It rang in everyone's ears as they watched you heavily breath, trying to catch your breath while you wiped your brow; Shang Tsung took a beep breath in as he took one step forward, placing his arms behind his back as he lowered his head, yet his eyes still stared at you. The fighters watched as your fatality went down, Kitana just lying in a pool of her own blood as you finished in your starting stance.
You were just too perfect, perfect for him, perfect beside him, perfect in his throne room; he knew he had to ask you to be his king before anyone else did.
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He saw you talking to his brother one evening as he was passing by, but immediately stopped in his tracks when he noticed how you were dressed... choker with chains, a lot of rings around your fingers, platform boots and a no sleeved shirt with a huge red skull on it. Least to say he was suspicious, in his world villains usually dress in dark colors, but maybe it was a common human thing? In his time on earth he rarely encountered humans dresses like yourself; I mean if he did he would surely remember, right? Right!
But his suspicions grew small as he saw you and Raiden shaking hands with a thank you as you both parted ways but he rose a brow when you eyed him up and down with question; he completely forgot that he was just standing and staring at you! He felt like such an idiot!
You slowly start walking toward the man but get stopped by Kung Lao saying your name "Hey (y/n)! I was wondering if you wanted to train together if you have some time. I've asked Jade but she declined" He says sheepishly with a chuckle as he looks at you, crossing his arms. You chuckle and roll your eyes, placing you thumbs in your pockets "Surprise surprise, 'course she did" You answer with a chuckle "Sure, I'm down, get going and I'll be there in a minute" You continue in a delighted tone "Listen uh- You see that guy with the white long hair?" You whisper to Kung Lao, stopping him in his tracks. He glances at Fujin and smirks, clearly recognizing that look "Oh, you mean Fujin? What about him?" He questions in a sly tone as he wraps an arm around your shoulder "Why is he just staring at me? It's been over 10 minutes and he's creeping me out" You shiver; you've never met that man and he could be one someone who has it out for you, you just didn't want anyone to get hurt "I recognize that look anywhere" He teases as he lets you go "Don't do anything stupid!" You shout at. He just laughs "Ok!"
You roll your eyes as he see Kung Lao dragging Fujin toward you. Man, poor guy... Oh well.
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Noob Saibot: Bi-Han
The firts time he saw you was with Grandmaster Hasashi and his brother in the temple; you were send with them because you insisted Hanzo for it, reason being you knew you could be of assistance because of your abilities, although you assured them that you wouldn't be an obstacle, just a backup.
You got into action quite fast when Noob Saibot appeared, looking for a battle when he demanded you stepped up; he claimed he'd never seen you before and wanted to see if you were a soul worth his future time. You agreed to the battle, saying that all these chains and leather around your arms and neck was not just for show and that if he was curious he could grow some balls and step up. Noob Saibot merely just chuckled and got in his stance, impressed by your sharp tongue.
After a lot of spilled blood and bloody clothes & everything else you wear, you ended up winning, preforming your fatality to finish him off and to buy the other two men some time. You chuckled and flexed your body, showing off your broad shoulders and built back to Noob as your victory pose, mocking him as a finish. He lightly laughed; he had to snach you away from his brother and killer to make you his king in his promised realm, and he knew he will. But not today, not now. Another time, soon.
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The first time he saw you he caught a glimpse of you battling with Kitana, her bladed fans pointing at your neck as you played on the floor with a pissed expression "You lost again (y/n), you're getting soft" She chuckles as she sits her fans down next to her, getting out of the stance. You laugh "You see that's not fair; you just won because I was injured. I got the cast off last month" You remind her as you grab her hand and get up, stumbling on your leg as you do "You need to get back to training if you want to be 100% next time. Raiden is waiting for you along with Fujin, start heading to them. I will be right there" She tells you as she helps you walk to a smooth ground. You nob as you hide your pain; you accidentally twisted your ankle and it was starting to hurt, but you said nothing to her because you refused to worry her; she alredy has so much on her plate, but as you walked it just became harder and harder, the pain packed tears to your eyes but did not spill "Augh, fuck that hurts. Shit" You whisper to yourself as you find a surface to lean on, gripping your arms around your leg, but it was getting way to hot to focus. You swat so much and your attire was not helping; leather bracelets accompanied by a huge choker with rings and chains, 5 chains of different sizes on your cargo pants.
Nightwolf passed by and hid behind the nearest corner; oh no, it's you! His crush! Oh god was is he gonna do?! Your attire always made him blush and sweaty, always finding you hot as hell, but way to proud to admit it. His head was taken out of his thoughts about you as he heard you hiss, followed by the noise of you taking your thick choker off your neck and throwing it in the dust. Something you really hate your style...
He took a deep breath in and came our of his closet- I mean corner, to help you walk "Greetings (y/n), do you need help?" He asked as I mentally composed himself. You look up at him as you take your hands off your ankle "Please. My leg is acting up and I can't walk. I'm suppost to go to Raiden and Fujin for training but, I can barely walk..." You explain in a dejected and sad tone "H-hop on my back, I'll give you a ride to your room" He proposes as he kneels down to you. You smile at him "You'd do that?" You ask in a hushed tone, but shake your head and cough "I mean, I can get there on my own Nightwolf, thanks" You say. He always made you forget your Goth tough guy act that you keep for your reputation "You don't need to pretend around me (y/n), I would love to get to get to know you" He says with an honest tone as he takes your hand in his.
His eyes widen as you blush a deep shade of red "UHHH-"
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Koushi Sugawara!:
"If you're just gonna eyeball him, might as well I ask him out, no?" Daichi tells his friend as Asahi chuckles with a smile and closed eyes "N-no! Look at him, he way out of my league. There's no way I can ask a guy like that out and then get a yes- theres no way I can ask a guy like that out!" He says as he points as from across the gym, admiring your figure and form dressed in dark attire like a God, in his mind.
Nishinoya laughs and jumps on his shoulders "Aww, is the mighty 'upperclassman Sugawara' getting shy over a little crush?" He teases his older teammate "Hey, get off me! Nishinoya!" Sugawara laughs as he attempts to reach his head.
"What are you doing Noya?" Your voice rings as the duo stops "(y-y/n)! We're ju- uh- He's- ya see- uhh-" The gray haired male stutters as he blushes "Hey don't turn this on my bro! He did nothing, you blushing mess!" Tanaka shouts as he pulls Noya back on the ground "B-blushing?! I'm not blushing! At all!!" He retorts back at the younger teen "Not to break this, shitfest up. But I'm gonna head to change and meet you guys here. Boss said he organized a bbq?" You inquire as you take your black bag and put its strap on your shoulder "Oh, we don't have to change if you're wondering" Yamaguchi informs you, stopping you in your tracks toward the changing room "Come on Yams, you know I got my style" You say with a chuckle at the end, walking backward facing him as you open the door with your back.
Some minutes later, you come out the changing rooms dresses as you always dress so no one gave much though to it. Apart from Sugawara; he blushed deeply as he looked at you up and down, taking in your style "A-ah, that's a new choker?" He asks you as you walk toward him "Yeah, it is. Like it? I thought it suited me when I tried it on at the store" You tell him as you lift your head up a bit higher to show it off to the gray haired male, turning around, showing him tha buckle to give him a full taste. You stop as you hear Daichi's voice "Omay lovebirds, the teams are waiting for us" He says as he opens the gym door "Teams? As in it's not only us?" You ask him curiously "Nekoma and Fukorodani is going to be there!" Hinata tells you in his cheerful tone "Wow! Is that a new collar?!" He asks you as he touches it "Okay it's a choker. Choker, got it? And yes, its new" You emphasise.
Sugawara puts his hands on his mouth as he blushes deeply. Oh Hinata...
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There we go! My first post done, and it only took me one week! Oops...
A second part will be out when I have more ideas on how to issue them.
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alastors-sthuff · 3 years
Will do:
- Heterosexual
- Homosexual:
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Pansexual, Polysexual, Omnigender, Graysexual, Demisexual, Demigender.
- Including:
Polyamonorous, Pangender, Non-Binary, Neutrios, Maverique, Gender Questioning, Genderqueer, Genderflux, Genderfluid, Bigender, Aromantic, Androgynous, Agender, Transgender.
- OC x character
Make sure to tell me all the information about your OC!
- Mixing Universes
- Body switch
- Mind controlled
No gore, murder, NSFW acts such as intercourse/rape
- Break ups
Short term, lost feelings, having feelings for someone else, long term
- Pranks
No gore, no extreme injuries, mild/light injuries only, no cheating/something which might imply cheating
- Matchups
Won't do:
- Death
- Rape
- Character x character
- Toxic scenarios
Such as toxic relationships, people & family
- Suicide
- Self harming
- Marriage break ups
With children, without children
- Cheating
- Abandoning:
Children, pets, people in general such as character/characters, reader.
- Incest
- Abortion
- Pedophilia
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- One-shots, Headcannons, Matchups: CLOSED!
- Mortal Kombat 11
Kitana, Mileena, Sindel, Cassie Cage, Jacqui Briggs.
Scorpion/Grandmaster Hasashi, Noob Saibot, Sub-Zero, Fujin, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung.
- Mortal Kombat 1
Sindel, Kitana, Mileena, Li Mei.
Lord Liu Kang, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Smoke, Raiden, Kenshi Takahashi, Shang Tsung, Titan Shang Tsung.
- Skullgirls
Cerebella, Eliza, Filia, Fukua, Ms. Fortune, Squigly, Valentine.
- Identity V
Mary, Michiko, Yidhra.
Joseph Desaulniers, Naib Subedar, Luca Balsa, Xie Bi’an & Fan Wujiu, Antonio, Eli Clark.
- Genshin Impact
Diluc, Bennett, Thoma, Wanderer, Kaedehara Kazuha, Xiao, Venti, Zhongli, Baizhu, Kaveh, Tighnari, Cyno, Neuvillette, Wriothesley.
Hu Tao, Xinyan, Yae Miko, Raiden Ei, Kuki Shinobu, Mona.
- Overwatch 2
Ramattra, Baptiste, Lifeweaver, Lucio, Zenyatta.
D.Va, Junker Queen, Sojourn, Echo, Sombra, Widowmaker, Illiari, Kiriko, Mercy.
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- Pedophile
- Racist people
- If you ship adult characters with minor characters
- Transphobes & Homophobes
- Toxic/Narcissistic people
- If you enjoy making fun of people/bullying people
- If you’re a relative: you probably won’t know it’s me, but if somehow you do, please don’t interact with my blog.
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