aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
Like clouds in rain, like seas Exultant as they roll, We mix in ecstasies, And, as breeze melts in breeze, Thy soul becomes my soul.
Aleister Crowley, White Stains & the Nameless Novel : Flowers of Eros and Evil (via polykowiak)
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
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Aleister Crowley conducting the rite of Saturn, 1910. 
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
I stand above the tides of time And elemental strife; My figure stands above, sublime, Shadowing the Key of Life, And the passion of my mighty rhyme Divides me as a knife. For secret symbols on my brow, And secret thoughts within, Compel eternity to Now, Draw the Infinite within. Light is extended. I and Thou Are as they had not been.
Aleister Crowley, The Holy of Holies
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
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Aleister Crowley on the cover of French weekly magazine Détective, 1929
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
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- Aleister Crowley Confessions, Ch 82 The New Comment 1.59
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
Our love is like a glittering sabre bloodied With lives of men ; upsoared the sudden sun ; The choral heaven woke ; the aethyr flooded All space with joy that you and I were one.
Aleister Crowley, Clouds Without Water
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
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"Feareth not the Unicorn the claws and teeth of the Lion?" - Aleister Crowley, Liber III vel Jugorum
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall!”
Aleister Crowley (via myawesomequotes-com)
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
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Aleister Crowley
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
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141 years ago, on October 12, 1875, the beast was born.
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
The whole and sole object of all true magical and mystical training is to become free from every kind of limitation.
Aleister Crowley
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
I'm a poet, and I like my lies the way my mother used to make them.
Aleister Crowley, "Moonchild" (1917)
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
All divination resembles an attempt by a man born blind to obtain sight by getting blind drunk.
Aleister Crowley (writing as Frater Perdurabo), Tarot Divination (via forscryingoutloud)
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 8 years
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Aleister Crowley and Fernando Pessoa playing chess in Lisbon, 1930
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aleistercrowleyvevo · 9 years
To drink the purple of your thighs; to press Your beating bosom like a living flower; To die in your embraces, in the shower That dews like death your swooning loveliness.
Aleister Crowley, from “The Summit of the Amorous Mountain,” The Equinox (Vol. I, No. I)
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