alexcybs · 7 months
Teacher Quotes #1
“To be fair, everything is edible. It’s just whether or not you survive after.” “For future lab lessons, [Name] please stand outside.” (Talking about the same student in the Bio quotes) — Chemistry (My classmate drank a mixture)
“I don’t care what you do, just don’t lick the [animal part].” — Math (Don’t ask)
“If another one of you brats(affectionate) says that [thing] falls at different rates on even though I said it didn’t , I’m going to commit defenestration on myself. And STILL FALL AT THE SAME RATE!” — Physics (We were joking with him, lmao. We’re not that dumb)
“Don’t drink the acid solution, I’ll get fired.” “Are you always like this?” “Please take your hand out of the hydrogen– Please don’t drink the [acid].” “[Name]! What did I just say. Don’t lick the scalpel!” “Chicken is chicken.” “Why are you drinking the forbidden chicken soup.” — Biology (Fun fact : This whole para is said to one student.)
“[Name], what the hell are you doing with the plant!” “Wave, wave. I wave your head away then you know.” “[Name], I know she’s your girlfriend and can’t stop starring at her but sit here now!” — History (She was not, in fact, his girlfriend)
“Stop acting like last years 3-6, you guys know what he did last year.” “Return the plants–” — Social Studies (She was talking about and to our senior in both quotes lmao)
“Here *hands a poem about birds dying* that’s your homework.” — Literature
“Please, stop fondling your friends hand.” “Your hands look like noodles. But uncooked.” — Theatre Coach
“[Name], you got to be more fierce! And go tell your classmates to clear the trash. If you can’t, ask [Name] to. She’ll do it for you.” — Homeroom teacher
“Your wood, doesn’t look like wood.” “[Name]! Watch your fingers!” “What animal is that suppose to be?? Let me see your theme again.” “Oh, I thought your theme was monsters QAQ. Sorry, haha…ha..” “Why is your side lamp design a cornetto(croissant) with a bow?” — Design n Technology
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