I’m having one of those “scene stuck in my head” things except I’m not even sure what the scene is cause I can’t remember the words or the exact situation, I just have a general idea, so I can’t look for it and it’s driving me crazy…
But basically the scene was along the lines of this couple talking after the guy was somewhere with another girl or sth and the girlfriend asks him if he got a lap dance or made out with the girl or sth like that (but in a joking manner cause she knows he didn’t and she trusts him) and he says yes, basically he goes with it, except they both know he’s not serious and they’re just being playful but later he still says that ofc nothing happened
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I love shows where the main character is an academic professor and we get to see them give lectures (like Perception or Numbers, I’ve seen HTGAWM but there are barely any scenes like that there). Those scenes are my favourite part of these shows. Like, in Perception, I didn’t care about the crimes they solve, or the plot, I just wanted to watch him be a lecturer and I wouldn’t mind if the show consisted only of that. And I know my college classes are nothing like that, but I think that’s why I love their classes so much, because they are interesting and they actually teach you things and those are the classes I’d want to be in.
If you have any tv show recommendation where the main character is a profesor and we get to see them giving lectures (becase the lectures are the thing that I’m looking for) please let me know, I’d love to see it.
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Also lately I’ve become desperate for a good c/k-drama that focuses on exes getting back together (please don’t say Queen of tears), but the ones I’ve watched so far (Our beloved summer, Emergency couple, Cunning single lady, Lovestruck in the city) have disappointed me cause I want a drama where they fight and bicker and yet you can see the love is still there, where you can see the sparks flying but also where the couple addresses the issues that made them break up before, not just decides to get back together and brushes them off.
If you have any recommendations please let me know.
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So I’m a bit unhealthily attached to My demon so I’ve rewatched it again and one thing I love is when her cousin tells Jeong Gu-won that “I’m on her side” so he asks what it means and he says stuff like “I’m happy when she’s happy, sad if she’s sad” and we can see Gu-won processing it and then he says that he’s on her side too! Meaning all of those things are true for him too! And I just love this, him saying that, so so much.
Next rewatch I’ll list all scenes I love
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So recently I saw some clips and comments about Queen of tears and honestly, I don’t really understand it all. Like, people are talking about how romantic one scene is or how heartbreaking is some other one and it’s like they want the main couple to be together and I just don’t get it. I’m a romantic and yes, sue, I like some scenes and I appreciate how he cares but for me it’s too little too late. I mean, the moment when he was actually happy to find out that she was dying was it for me, that was the moment when it ended for me and I don’t want them to get together now and honestly despite her flaws I still think she deserves better and honestly I’m astounded by how people just ignore or get over the fact that he was actually glad that she was going to die (and some of his actions). I mean, I can understand him wanting a divorce or not loving her anymore, but this? Being actually relieved that she’s dying? I don’t know how to get over that. And I have no idea how I’m supposed to want them to be together after that.
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I’m watching Cunning single lady and I have one question, is the ML stupid or is he pretending to be? Cause he just gave her brother millions and she said she took the money cause why not and he said that they are done now that she got the money but soon after she came to his company for work and he didn’t want her there but she said she can’t find a job anywhere else so he let her stay there and like… don’t these two things connect in his brain? Like, if she had all that money she wouldn’t need the job so much so does he not realise or did he figure out that her brother actually took the money?
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It’s so annoying having a quote stuck in your head and not know where it’s from, like right now I’m stuck on “frankly I am beginning to question your motives” and I can hear it exactly the way he says it but I can’t for the life of me remember why movie or show it’s from or the context of the situation…
I’d ask here but don’t know the tags
Edit: It finally came back to me after a few days - it was Shadowhunters.
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I’m so annoyed that they dub over the actors in c-dramas. I know they have their reasons but whenever I watch dramas with dubbing I can’t get over how fake it is, because I can’t get over the fact that it’s not the actor’s real voice. And sometimes the voice doesn’t match the actor at all and it feels so weird I can’t make myself watch it, especially if I’m used to a different voice of the actor, cause it feels really weird to see the same person but have them sound completely different every time. It’s one of the reasons I don’t watch some of the dramas even though I’d like to, I just can’t get over the dubbing. I really wish they’d stop doing that… or that I could find the version of the drama without the dubbing, listening to the actual voices of the actors…
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So I’m back to watching c-dramas and I’m so tired of every single one of them being about how they fall in love and get together… even if the drama has another season, it’s still about the same thing, cause the characters either get thrown into an alternate universe where they don’t know each other or there some time travel to times before they met or their memory gets wiped… and once again, the restart button is pushed and the story is about how they fall in love and get together. And I’m. So. Tired. I don’t want to see that anymore. I want to see what happens next. I want the struggle of being in a relationship, or them dealing with the problems other people and the world and the whole universe throw at them, but dealing with them together, as a couple… I’m tired of watching the beginning over and over again, I want the next stage.
(If anyone has any recommendations please let me know)
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Okay, a short list of characters, can’t express what makes them be on the list but I know the reason so it’s enough:
- Shawn (Psych)
- Reid (Criminal minds)
- Felicity
- Chandler Bing
- Lorelai Gilmore
- Stiles (Teen wolf)
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So, I’ve read one of the Bridgerton books. I’m not a fan of the show, I was so disappointed after the first season I stopped watching (what Daphne did was horrible and I just couldn’t stand it), but now the media is talking about the upcoming season three and Colin and Penelope and I got kinda interested in the storyline so I’ve decided to read the book. And oh, was that a mistake. The book is awful, the relationship is toxic and I can’t understand how the books became so popular but I am sure I won’t be reaching for another one. And I know what some people say (I was curious if others would agree that the book was horrible so I’ve read some comments) : that the book was written twenty years ago so things were different now. Except that that behaviour was still toxic and horrible twenty years ago. And it’s not like other people didn’t know that, so if “it’s just what was consider romantic back then” is the explanation then… maybe I should be worried for the author of the books that she saw this behaviour as romantic? Because I assure you, there were people who didn’t.
Others say “you have to consider that she’s not writing about modern times, in that period that behaviour was considered romantic”. Okay, yes. But there’s a difference between saying “people thought it was romantic” and romanticising the behaviour. Just because a long time ago people thought that something was romantic doesn’t mean it should be shown as romantic. I’m not against showing that it was viewed romantic, I’m just against saying that it is romantic. That’s a huge and very important difference.
And some people say “those are just the rules of this type of books, that’s what people want, that’s what the society considers to be romantic, that’s the genre”. No to the genre part - I’ve read historical romances where people weren’t toxic and abusive. But if the “people want it” part is true… well, then there really isn’t much to say to that - it’s sad, and very worrisome, and the author is someone who’s decided to use it to earn money… but what else is there to say?
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So I’m watching this show Mindgames and I love it and I need so much more of it! I mean, it’s predictable and all, but I need a Clark in my life! Or, more accurately, I want to be him so, so badly. I want to be the person who knows so much about human behaviour, and so energetic and focused on his projects and yes, I know his bipolar but I still want to be him.
Also I’m a sucker for shows in which there are brothers who may fight but they are still there for each other anyway.
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Okay i really tried to like Annabeth in the new PJO tv show but I can’t. Don’t know why, I just don’t like her at all. The book Annabeth was one of my favourite characters, but this one… just no.
On the other hand, I’m really liking Luke.
Although I’m still not sold on the show, and the fact that I’m not the target audience isn’t helping, cause I just see all these kids and I want to protect them and yell at the adults for sending them on quests.
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So I’m watching TBBT season 10 episode 22 and I have to say I’m in love with all the new things Sheldon is trying (making croissants, juggling, riding a unicycle) and I’m jealous because I want that too. Not just the regular new things part but the part where everyone around him treats it as just another day and they all support him and try to come up with ideas of what else he can do. And I love it. And I want this too…
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One thing I love about TBBT are the conversations they have: mummies aren’t zombies, who’s the best Batman, who would win in a fight…
I love it because it’s so natural to them and you can see it’s just something they do on a daily basis. And I love it because I’d love to have this kind of discussions with someone too…
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I feel like we’re not talking enough about Percy Jackson as a boyfriend.
Like, yeah, he literally jumped into hell after Annabeth and refused immortality to be with her (among other reasons ofc), and that’s big, sure. But can we talk about the small stuff?
I mean one novel mentions the picnic they went on and him packing her favourite pizza. And multiple times he’s in the middle of the actual battle and he’s like “oh she looks so beautiful” 😆 Like, Percy, please, I know she’s your girlfriend but could you focus on staying alive? But also he was talking Annabeth up while fighting with a giant to said giant so I don’t know what I was expecting XD
Will write more just not rn
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So I’m making a new list called “my favourite tropes” (cause I like making lists, though I forget about them five seconds later but that’s not important now):
- A is concerned/worried about B/tells sb to take care of B first even though A is way more hurt than B
- A and B (best friends/brothers/…) are fighting with each other and mad at each other but the moment sth happens and they immediately cooperate without saying even one word
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