allfortheaesthetic · 5 days
people on tiktok and twitter are the most purposely obtuse people that i have ever seen.
and with the things people keep saying about blood & cheese, it has only gotten worse. now if what people are saying is true i am going to be unhappy, but people are still using it to misconstrue the past events of driftmark when aemond lost his eye.
people have started placing blame on alicent and criston for not being there and while i do agree that the adults have a lot of blame in this incident it is not there. alicent was not there because she was in bed. where the kids were SUPPOSED TO BE. just because she is their mother does not mean that she needs to be awake 24/7 watching them. notice how viserys is not getting any of the blame there?
people are saying that since criston’s a kingsguard he should’ve been there since he is supposed to protect the whole family, and that is partially true. he is supposed to protect the whole family, but he is sworn to ALICENT, which means that when she is asleep he is supposed to keep watch over her. he cannot possibly watch every single member of the family at once, which is why there are multiple members of the kingsguard. this means that there should have been another member of the kingsguard assigned to the kids unless viserys never bothered, which i would not be surprised by.
now onto alicent asking aegon where he was. i do not agree with her here, but people are not understanding why she did this.
1. all of the children besides aegon and helaena (and joffrey) were there, so why wasn’t aegon? because he was drunk and passed out. now that doesn’t mean that he should be punished for being asleep like he was supposed to be, but when your younger son lost an eye when he got 4 v 1’d it might be a little irritating that the reason your oldest wasn’t there is because he was passed out drunk. still not his fault.
2. alicent has been trying to make aegon see the danger that he and his siblings are in and trying to make him take responsibility to protect them as the oldest and he has resisted and now he has “failed” and aemond lost an eye. agree with her actions or not, but she is trying to save her children’s lives even if it backfires.
now rhaenyra and daemon. people get upset that rhaenrya gets blame when alicent doesn’t. and while i get that since they both shouldn’t have to watch their children sleep to make sure they don’t get up to anything after they’ve been sent to bed, i do think people need to remember that their situations are a little different.
alicent sent her children to bed and wasn’t there because she also went to bed. rhaenrya sent her children to bed and wasn’t there because she went to sleep with her uncle at his wife’s funeral. let me repeat that. SHE AND DAEMON FUCKED AT HIS WIFE’S FUNERAL. THAT IS THE PROBLEM, at least for me. maybe i would be more sympathetic there if laena was cold in her damn grave before they did the horizontal tango.
now all in all i hope you all realize that this situation is a little more complicated than people act like and that if you’re going to blame anyone blame, viserys because really this is all his fault.
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allfortheaesthetic · 7 days
i just saw one of the leaks for the new house of the dragon season where alicent is saying aemond shouldn’t be in the room. i do not like many of the vibes between aemond and alicent because they don’t feel right. i mean i get she’s upset but aemond looks too smug here??? BUT
AEGON DEFENDED HIM??? and im so happy about that because all im thinking is about how stormbreak ( @bbygirl-aemond ) aegon would absolutely have done the same thing.
a win is a win
gotta take what i can get.
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allfortheaesthetic · 15 days
also,if i remember right, aemond is also standing in front of helaena. so she’s sending criston over to helaena (and aemond) but also aemond is also doing what no man (besides criston) did for alicent. he’s standing in front of helaena.
i’m not articulating this right but this scene is just so telling of their dynamics.
alicent sends criston over to helaena, but aemond is already standing in front of her like alicent is doing aegon. alicent is focused on protecting aegon but does not like him. the child following her lead and protecting helaena with his body, she is not focused on at all.
it’s so good. *chef’s kiss*
i think alicents reaction to rhaenys disrupting the coronation is soooooo indicative of her relationships with each of her kids bc like. she tells criston to defend helaena, who she thinks of as the most fragile and in need of protection (ahem she sees her younger self in helaena ahem), but doesn’t do it herself, bc i think there is a fundamental distance between them, since alicent loves her daughter but doesn’t understand her. aemond doesn’t get a mention, because he has always been the child she sees the most as an adult, her equal she believes on some level can take care of himself. and aegon. she stands in front of aegon. which is suchhhhh a significant thing because. it will not do anything. alicents body won’t protect aegon if meleys decides to burn them, it will just kill them both. alicents life is aegons life, she was married to viserys for him, she became queen for him, everything she did from when she was a teenager was for him. and how beautiful and tragic and horrible that she just decides in this moment that if aegon dies she will die too.
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allfortheaesthetic · 3 months
no but worse what if they do this except they don’t play mania anymore mania. i would have to fight them, i think.
what are we doing if their last show fall out boy just throws out the set list and plays all the songs they haven’t played yet and then release a movie that’s them playing their entire discography live?
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allfortheaesthetic · 3 months
what are we doing if their last show fall out boy just throws out the set list and plays all the songs they haven’t played yet and then release a movie that’s them playing their entire discography live?
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allfortheaesthetic · 3 months
francis and boris would absolutely use each other to make charles/richard and theo jealous.
crossover AU where Theo & Boris go to university with the murdery greek gang (they’re all the same age).
Theo & Boris are friends with whatshisname, the campus drug dealer guy who i think is friends with Bunny right? so they get to know Bunny.
Boris hates him. Theo feels very uncomfortable around him but also has the urge to earn his respect/prove how straight he is or whatever.
when Bunny’s body turns up, if Theo’s honest, he feels horror, but under that, relief. Bunny was always leering at him like he knew all of Theo’s secrets & couldn’t wait to catch him.
Boris, to Theo’s surprise & annoyance, gets obsessed. he’s not sad about Bunny. fuck that guy. he didn’t deserve this but the guy sucked. No, Boris isn’t sad— he’s suspicious. something isn’t right here.
Detective Boris time!
he focuses in on the greek group, sure they had something to do with it.
Theo acts bored & dismissive until Boris starts to infiltrate the group— through Francis.
“He is poof, no?” Boris asks Theo one day.
“How should I know?” Theo says defensively, crossing his arms over his chest.
Boris nods to himself. “I will seduce him. Is only way.”
after that Theo watches Boris like a hawk whenever he’s anywhere near Francis. he starts to hate everything about Abernathy. his stupid cool red hair. his obnoxiously majestic black coat. & did he actual see him wearing a fucking pince-nez one time??? fuck that guy.
“Red is good kisser,” Boris comments over breakfast one morning.
Theo spits out his coffee.
“Ack! Potter! Is new shirt! Fancy for Red.”
“You’re DRESSING UP for him?!”
“No, no. Red is not kinky like that.”
Theo gapes. WHY DOES BORIS KNOW IF FRANCIS IS KINKY. “Have you…?” Theo doesn’t know what’s wrong with his voice. he can’t seem to breathe properly. he coughs, digging his fingernails into his palms to regain control. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he thinks in his dad��s voice.
Boris just rolls his eyes. “Why so interested?”
aaand there’d be lots more drama after that!
I bet Henry would start to see Boris as a threat to their secret & start plotting to kill him & oh boy that would be a whole thing…
how cute would it be if Theo saved Boris from one of Henry’s murder attempts cuz he’s lowkey spying on one of Boris & Francis’ dates?
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allfortheaesthetic · 5 months
basically a lot of my problems boil down to me being really bad at waking up. and also really bad at going to sleep
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allfortheaesthetic · 5 months
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why is it so pixelated 😭😭. i’m not good at art yet but i needed to get this meme out there.
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allfortheaesthetic · 7 months
need to get a partner so we can go as eleanor rigby and father mckenzie for halloween.
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allfortheaesthetic · 10 months
as someone who also went through familial abuse, i know for certain that sirius did the right thing in leaving his house and he is not to blame.
as the younger sibling though… i understand where regulus is coming from and that’s all i’m gonna say.
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allfortheaesthetic · 1 year
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no one in my conservative midwestern town knows that i’m wearing red for communism.
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allfortheaesthetic · 1 year
no one in my conservative midwestern town knows that i’m wearing red for communism.
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allfortheaesthetic · 1 year
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allfortheaesthetic · 1 year
aegon: would you love me if i was a worm?
aemond: no
helaena: would you love me if i was a worm?
aemond: of course, i would build you a whole terrarium and take care of you bring you food to eat everyday.
aegon, on the verge of tears: what the fuck
aegon, late at night: hey would you love me if i was a worm? helaena: well, worm brains don't always produce hormones to induce love. so a better question would be whether you would love me if you were a worm? aegon: aegon: can you just answer the question-
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allfortheaesthetic · 1 year
@bbygirl-aemond i know this and i love that about you bc it fuels my procrastination since i can just come up with theories instead of doing literally anything else
someone: hey I noticed this thing you did in your writing!
me, kicking my feet up flirtatiously: oh??? do you want to hear my thoughts on why I did that? do you want a play-by-play of the language choices in every related sentence? do you want an exhaustive breakdown of The Themes???
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allfortheaesthetic · 1 year
omg marauders era practical magic au with sirius and regulus as gillian and sally.
sirius has more of gillian’s personality but i think the ending possesionpart could be swapped bc regulus falls in with voldy and sirius has to help him.
i just love practical magic and the marauders y’all 😭😭
they kill voldy and he possesses reggie.
either james or remus as gary
andromeda and narcissa can be the aunts.
pandora and dorcas as sally’s friends.
y’all omg maybe i should actually write this.
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allfortheaesthetic · 1 year
god could you imagine how awful it would be?? like worse than the ending of supernatural.
It’s your friendly neighbor fanfic author here. In the light of this apparent new trend of people feeding unfinished fics to AI to get an “ending,” and some people even talking about “blanket permissions,” let me just say this:
That is my anti-permission.
Thank you for your attention.
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