allikawaii · 4 months
This is why I like this boy so much and why he is my second favorite. He is blunt, not dumb. And extremely emotionally intelligent.
Beelzebub isn't dumb
Whenever I see an assumption that Beel is less intelligent than his brothers, I get frustrated.
If you read into his dialogue and look into his devilgram, you find out that he was once a royal guard in the celestial realm. He was trained to protect the lives of others so thoroughly that he's able to function blindfolded due to the training drills he once did. He doesn't lift weights to look big, or for his own appearance, but so that he's able to be confident in his ability to protect the ones he loves against any possible danger.
He is by far the most emotionally intelligent. This man was born with the ability to literally feel the emotions of his twin. Intimately experiencing the emotions of another person is something that is ingrained within him. It's not so much of a stretch for him to apply that same empathy to other demons and people.
Did you notice that he never once mentions how MC is human and not a demon, he never makes any sort of remark that could make you feel outcast or different? Did you notice that he's the first to genuinely talk to MC about Lilith, Belphegor and the pain of loss?
Yes, his dialogue is often simple and centered around food. But the sin he was assigned is by far the most painful. Imagine how you'd act when you haven't eaten for an entire day. For a week. The hunger consumes. It turns to anger and irritability. Survival instinct kicks in. A gnawing, nagging ache inside your core that barely leaves behind any mental energy.
This perpetual void is also why Beelzebub takes everything at face value, and won't catch on to social nuance. Deciphering social cues and passive aggressive interactions takes energy that this demon simply does not have.
So no, Beel isn't stupid. He's candid and honest, and whatever he's thinking pops right out of his mouth. He's an absolute meatball who chews holes in furniture and doesn't catch on to things the fastest, but he's doing his best to deal with the literal hell he's been handed.
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allikawaii · 4 months
This is giving me ideas but I suck at elaborations AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH-
This gives me the vibe of some anime where the main character reincarnated as the villain in some game and tries to somehow change their fate, like 'Vilainess Level 99', plus one anime I heard about: '7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!', where the protagonist ends up living with the one responsible for all her deaths on past loops as a way to change things and live a long life.
The drama: you want to go back to your world, leave the game behind. But your best chance is approaching the yandere and possible serial killer (< depending on route if I remember) of the story. The person who can free you is the same that wishes to keep you there. How would you convince him to help without revealing the truth? If he finds out, would he still help MC out of the game? Or would he lie and keep MC trapped?
... or maybe run away with you?
Hi, i love your work and due to many modern otome reincarnation trope. I was wondering how would ren and redacted would have reacted if we travel to their world and are using our own bodies instead of angel. How will they recognise us and its feels awesome when we fangirl about ren in the game, but i think we will react negatively or hide because his behaviour will be damn scary if we are really there. And maybe we will escape the town or try to avoid every route to even meet him in the first place, as we are not angel technically and does not share a childhood past with him, its like living with a serial killer in town. If i ended up there, i really wonder how he will treat angel and us? And damn we will look different in their world(3d vs 2.5d) not to mention i will try to find ways to go back.
✦゜ANSWERED: Canonically, Ren — and everyone else in 14DWY — aren't able to tell the difference between the player and Angel (they don't know your world exists), so nobody would genuinely notice if you took the main character's place.
"Fangirling" over Ren would honestly just make things easier for him, as all he wants is to be your top priority and the person you want to be closest to. So he wouldn't react negatively at all!
And assuming you took over Angel's place, you'd no longer be able to make choices or progress the game (I mean... Who's the player in your world that's clicking the mouse and pressing the buttons?), so there's no chance of you escaping Corland Bay or trying to avoid a certain route. You'd just be stuck in the game with Ren, and would have no choice but to go along with all of his whims (He is the only one who can manipulate the game, after all!! ^^).
As for looking different (2D vs 3D), the backgrounds of the game are already real-life, 3D images — so you'd honestly fit right in! Though if you wanna get really technical (and let me godmod a lil bit), you'd probably turn into a 14DWY sprite, and in turn, look like everyone else shgsjg
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allikawaii · 6 months
Guess what?
Another sideblog...
This time it's not Obey Me related. It's What in Hell is Bad, so... NO KIDS ALLOWED!! Even if no adult things happen there, it's an adult fandom. I'll be checking every follower profile for their age.
EDIT.: I'll be reworking this idea... it's not working for me.
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allikawaii · 6 months
Gonna add some stuff because I see some of myself on Levi (except he is the most unhinged one): I see him out of the spotlight on purpose.
It's easier to deal with things when you're not the focus, the main character, plus he has the whole "I don't deserve it" mindset. But mostly it's just a confort things. Even with the whole nickname thing (referring to the player as 'his Henry' when he uses the Lord of Shadow title. Yes, I know it's his fave character in TSL, but it's also a SIDE character if I'm not mistaken, while Henry is the main).
There's no problem with being a side character, if that means you can protect the things important to you.
We love our unhinged side character snake boi, our protagonist in heart.
Hot take: Leviathan is criminally underappreciated as a character, and his potential is agonizingly underutilized by the fandom. And I'm not just saying this because of my sea monster bias, either.
Maybe it's just me, and if so I'll feel quite silly for this, but from what I've seen - and with the obvious exception of Levi-centric fics, which I assume must exist, but have yet to actually find - Levi seems to primarily be used in fanfics for one of two things:
As a narrative foil to, and/or to act in direct opposition of, one of his brothers
Comic relief
And there's absolutely nothing wrong with having a character around only to serve as a foil, or as a narrative punching bag, or not at all. Hell, one of the AUs I'm working on right now originally had no Levi at all, and it took until draft 3 (of 10, currently) for him to really play a truly necessary role in the story's events. I'm not claiming to be immune to the Invisible Leviathan Phenomenon, that would be a lie - and fanfiction authors don't owe anybody anything.
But consider: This man is just... Utterly Unhinged. And that has potential.
Leviathan is the Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy. He's been tracking Mammon's debt to him, with interest, for millennia. He once found a celebrity's home address, and then decided that it was now his duty to keep people from being weird towards her... As if he wasn't also being Extremely Weird by finding her address in the first place. He broke into his sleeping brother's room to rob him because he wanted something Mammon had - which, Envy Moment, so that tracks. He found a giant, man-eating snake in his kitchen, and he immediately decided that he would die for this creature... Who he then proceeded to eventually release into the palace dungeons.
This man is simultaneously the type of person who would put the fish back in D:BH, and the type of person who would play The Knife Game. He's feral. He's a respected, highly ranked military officer. He's soft-spoken and socially awkward. He'll quite literally assault you for cheating at trivia.
Leviathan is emotional, and petty, and insecure. Leviathan is cunning, and observant, and hard-working. He is a sailor, and a soldier, and an artist, and a brother. He likes to study dream symbolism and psychoanalyze his family.
Leviathan is so many things. He has the potential to be so many things.
So... Why is that, with startling consistency, the thing he ends up being is... Well... A sidekick?
Is there just something that I'm missing?
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allikawaii · 6 months
I vote on 'very cute guy' because there is no 'I'll hold him like a baby' one. I wanna give this poor boi all the headpats
very important for the "What in Hell is Bad?" fans
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allikawaii · 7 months
The last few days on Obey Me! Nightbringer have been about cats... that made me think that Satan is behind it.
Like, today is about a nap with a purple cat, AND GUESS WHO IS PURPLE???? BELPHEGOR, HE IS FRICKING PURPLE!!!!11!!
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allikawaii · 7 months
I was thinking of maybe trying to make something out of this. I don't remember all details but the vibe still lives rent free in my brain, so...
But I don't know how to make that: Write a whole story here? Try to make a small game (I tried making one using twine, like, really basic game)?
Weird dream
I had a weird dream:
I was playing a visual novel/text based game and was pretty fun. Then my mother started to watch me play when I was close to finishing a route (literally the last choice) and I got anxious with a watcher and the fact I had to explain the game, and that made me take a bit too long to make a choice.
That time was enough to trigger something, but I had clicked in an option already and saw the ending: boy love interest going full stalker and breaking in with a knife. And game closed.
Then my mom got curious and clicked to open the game and play herself, even though she doesn't speak English (my bio says I'm Brazilian, so the fact not everyone in my family speaks English is obvious), and that means I had to stand by her side to translate stuff.
But the game broke down and was bugging the computer non-stop and we had to forcefully shut it down.
And I woke up.
... and went to sleep again.
And after another dream, I had a follow up to that situation: my father decided to use the computer, and was working fine, but just to avoid any issue I told him to not open that game... but he already clicked to check. So I told him to shut the computer down... but it was not fast enough.
Here we go again with the crashing down computer, only to something different to happen: the boy love interest showing up in a distorted screen, speaking to *me* with audio and text. I don't remember all the words, but I remember the last ones before the computer shutting down:
"Please, consider"
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allikawaii · 8 months
Guys, help me out here,
So, I convinced a friend to give What in 'Hell' is Bad a chance, and I wanted to show the kingdoms details you can see on the map.
The problem is: it was buggy when we opened the game. I would look for a post with the English descriptions, but that friend can't read English.
Does anyone have the Spanish ones? Please?? Just reblog in here or link me to the post :(
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allikawaii · 8 months
Just wanted to share the random fact my brother calls me "King Solomon" when we need to divide something or have a judge about something because of the "Judgment of Solomon" story lol
You know, the one where two woman say say they're the mother of a baby and he goes "welp, if you can't decide who is the mother, let's just cut the baby in half" and so finds out who is the real mother.
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allikawaii · 8 months
How I feel coming back to obey me after playing what in hell is bad after some time
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allikawaii · 8 months
WHB Error message ideas because the server is slow again~
Inspired by the fact I also play Obey Me!, which have some funny error messages, I'm creating some inspired by some stuff I know about What in 'Hell' is Bad lol
Gabriel raided Gehenna again and destroyed the server room. Please wait while we fix it.
It seems Satan kicked a demon straight into the router. Sorry for the server going down.
Beelzebub vanished again and took the router with him. Please wait while Bael chases him down (maybe you could help him too).
Sitri accidentally spilled tea over the router, please wait while we fix the problem.
Someone thought Leviathan died and tried to use the internet cable as a rope. Please wait while we connect the internet back on.
Mammon ordered to update the server room to be filled with gold. Please wait until the maintenance is over.
It seems Solomon's Descendant tried to download too many videos at once and the server is overloaded. Please, wait before connecting again. What are they even downloading again?
Minhyeok plugged the internet off since you neglected yourself. Please eat something and bath before asking him to turn it on again.
We're currently under a group of angel's raid. Please wait until the server is back online.
That's it lol
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allikawaii · 8 months
"What in 'hell' is bad" fandom please help me!!
How do I get into this 'Secret Shop' thing? :(
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allikawaii · 9 months
Not me obsessing with every 7 deadly sins related things I see... 👀
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allikawaii · 9 months
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Already had but still
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allikawaii · 10 months
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allikawaii · 11 months
Weird dream
I had a weird dream:
I was playing a visual novel/text based game and was pretty fun. Then my mother started to watch me play when I was close to finishing a route (literally the last choice) and I got anxious with a watcher and the fact I had to explain the game, and that made me take a bit too long to make a choice.
That time was enough to trigger something, but I had clicked in an option already and saw the ending: boy love interest going full stalker and breaking in with a knife. And game closed.
Then my mom got curious and clicked to open the game and play herself, even though she doesn't speak English (my bio says I'm Brazilian, so the fact not everyone in my family speaks English is obvious), and that means I had to stand by her side to translate stuff.
But the game broke down and was bugging the computer non-stop and we had to forcefully shut it down.
And I woke up.
... and went to sleep again.
And after another dream, I had a follow up to that situation: my father decided to use the computer, and was working fine, but just to avoid any issue I told him to not open that game... but he already clicked to check. So I told him to shut the computer down... but it was not fast enough.
Here we go again with the crashing down computer, only to something different to happen: the boy love interest showing up in a distorted screen, speaking to *me* with audio and text. I don't remember all the words, but I remember the last ones before the computer shutting down:
"Please, consider"
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allikawaii · 11 months
Okay... it's REALLY hard to make an interactive story...
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