almadinaestate · 9 days
Smart home technology and its influence on the real estate market
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In recent years, the integration of smart home technology has transformed the landscape of the real estate market, revolutionizing the way people live, work, and interact with their living spaces. From automated security systems to energy-efficient appliances, smart home features offer a host of benefits that appeal to modern homebuyers and shape the dynamics of the housing market.
Enhancing Comfort and Convenience
Smart home technology is synonymous with convenience, offering homeowners unprecedented control over various aspects of their homes. With smart thermostats, lighting systems, and appliances, individuals can adjust settings remotely via smartphone apps or voice commands, ensuring optimal comfort and energy efficiency. Moreover, smart home devices such as virtual assistants provide hands-free assistance, allowing users to perform tasks, access information, and control connected devices effortlessly. This seamless integration of technology into daily life enhances the overall living experience and adds a layer of convenience that modern homebuyers increasingly prioritize.
Promoting Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
In an era marked by growing environmental awareness and sustainability concerns, smart home technology plays a pivotal role in promoting energy efficiency and reducing carbon footprints. Smart thermostats, for example, optimize heating and cooling schedules based on occupancy patterns, thereby minimizing energy wastage and lowering utility bills. Furthermore, smart appliances equipped with energy-saving features consume less power without compromising performance, contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle. These eco-friendly solutions resonate with environmentally conscious homebuyers who seek to minimize their environmental impact and embrace green living practices.
Enhancing Security and Safety
Security is a top priority for homeowners, and smart home technology offers advanced solutions to safeguard properties and provide peace of mind. Smart security systems equipped with cameras, motion sensors, and smart locks allow homeowners to monitor their homes remotely and receive real-time alerts in case of suspicious activity. Moreover, smart smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms enhance safety by promptly alerting occupants to potential hazards, mitigating risks and preventing property damage or personal injury. These innovative security features reassure homebuyers and contribute to a sense of security and well-being within the home environment.
Increasing Property Value and Marketability
The integration of smart home technology can significantly enhance the value and marketability of residential properties. Homes equipped with smart features command higher prices and attract a wider pool of prospective buyers, as they offer modern amenities and lifestyle conveniences that resonate with today's tech-savvy consumers. Additionally, smart home upgrades differentiate properties in a competitive market, making them more memorable and desirable to potential buyers. Real estate agents recognize the appeal of smart homes and leverage these features to market properties effectively, highlighting the added value and lifestyle benefits they provide.
Embracing the Future of Homeownership
As smart home technology continues to evolve and become more accessible, its influence on the real estate market will only continue to grow. Homebuyers increasingly prioritize smart features and connected capabilities, recognizing the value they add to their everyday lives and the long-term investment potential they offer. In conclusion, smart home technology has emerged as a game-changer in the real estate industry, reshaping buyer preferences, driving demand for modern amenities, and redefining the concept of homeownership. By embracing innovation and incorporating smart features into residential properties, homeowners and real estate professionals alike can adapt to the evolving needs and expectations of the digital age. Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 9 days
The Rise of Online Certifications and Micro-Credentials
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In today's fast-paced world, where industries evolve rapidly and skill requirements shift continuously, staying competitive in the job market demands a commitment to lifelong learning and upskilling. With the rise of online certifications and micro-credentials, individuals are empowered like never before to acquire new knowledge and enhance their expertise conveniently, flexibly, and cost-effectively.
Embracing Digital Learning: The Shift to Online Certifications
Online certifications have witnessed a meteoric rise in popularity due to their accessibility and convenience. Unlike traditional in-person courses, online certifications offer learners the flexibility to study at their own pace, fitting learning around busy schedules and personal commitments. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for working professionals seeking to advance their careers without sacrificing their current roles. Furthermore, online certifications often provide a diverse range of courses, covering various industries, disciplines, and skill levels. Whether one aims to delve into digital marketing, data science, project management, or creative arts, there's a certification program tailored to meet their specific needs and interests.
The Advent of Micro-Credentials: Personalized Learning Paths
In addition to online certifications, the emergence of micro-credentials has revolutionized the learning landscape. Micro-credentials, also known as digital badges or nano-degrees, offer bite-sized chunks of learning focused on specific skills or competencies. Unlike traditional degrees or certifications, which require months or even years to complete, micro-credentials can often be earned within weeks or even days. This granularity enables learners to customize their learning journeys, selecting micro-credentials that align precisely with their career goals and interests. Whether one seeks to master a particular programming language, acquire proficiency in a niche area of expertise, or demonstrate competency in a specialized skill set, micro-credentials provide a pathway to targeted skill acquisition and validation.
The Advantages of Online Learning Platforms
Flexibility and Convenience Online learning platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, and edX have democratized education, breaking down geographical barriers and making learning accessible to individuals worldwide. Through these platforms, learners can access a vast repository of courses taught by leading experts and institutions from the comfort of their homes. Cost-Effectiveness Compared to traditional educational pathways, online certifications, and micro-credentials often represent a more affordable option. With lower tuition fees, no commuting costs, and the ability to continue earning while learning online learning presents a financially viable solution for many aspiring professionals. Industry-Relevant Content Online learning platforms collaborate closely with industry partners to ensure that course content remains relevant, up-to-date, and aligned with evolving industry trends and demands. This industry relevance equips learners with the practical skills and knowledge needed to excel in their respective fields.
Leveraging the Power of Accreditation and Recognition
While the convenience and flexibility of online certifications and micro-credentials are undeniable, their value hinges significantly on accreditation and recognition within the industry. Learners should prioritize programs offered by reputable institutions or endorsed by recognized accreditation bodies to ensure that their credentials hold weight in the eyes of employers and peers. Moreover, some online certifications offer the option to earn college credit or stackable credentials, providing a pathway to further academic advancement or career progression. By strategically selecting accredited programs with clear pathways for advancement, learners can maximize the return on their investment in online education.
As the digital economy continues to evolve and technology reshapes the nature of work, the demand for continuous learning and skill development has never been greater. In this dynamic landscape, online certifications and micro-credentials serve as invaluable tools for individuals seeking to stay ahead of the curve, adapt to changing industry demands, and unlock new opportunities for personal and professional growth. By harnessing the power of digital learning platforms, embracing flexible and cost-effective education solutions, and prioritizing accreditation and recognition, individuals can navigate the complexities of the modern job market with confidence and resilience. Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 9 days
Leveraging Digital Transformation for Business Success
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In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, digital transformation has become a cornerstone strategy for organizations striving to remain competitive and relevant. Companies can unlock new opportunities, drive efficiency, and enhance customer experiences.
Embracing Digital Transformation
Digital transformation involves the integration of digital technologies into all aspects of a business, fundamentally changing how it operates and delivers value. This includes adopting technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to streamline operations, improve decision-making, and create innovative products and services.
Impact on Business Operations
Digital transformation leads to significant improvements in operational efficiency, agility, and scalability. By digitizing manual processes and embracing automation, organizations can streamline workflows, reduce costs, and accelerate time-to-market. Furthermore, leveraging data-driven insights enables informed decision-making, drives agility, and enables organizations to adapt proactively to market changes.
Enhancing Customer Experience
Central to digital transformation is the focus on enhancing customer experiences through personalized, omnichannel interactions. By harnessing data analytics and AI-powered algorithms, companies can gain deep insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and expectations. This enables the delivery of tailored products and services, personalized marketing campaigns, and seamless omnichannel experiences, fostering customer loyalty and satisfaction.
Driving Innovation and Competitive Advantage
Digital transformation fosters a culture of innovation and agility, enabling organizations to experiment rapidly with new ideas, products, and business models. By embracing emerging technologies and fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, companies can stay ahead of the curve, drive innovation, and maintain a competitive edge in the market.
Overcoming Challenges
While the benefits of digital transformation are substantial, navigating the journey comes with its own set of challenges. Legacy systems, organizational resistance to change, data privacy concerns, and talent shortages are common hurdles that organizations must address. However, by fostering a culture of collaboration, investing in employee training and development, and partnering with experienced technology providers, companies can overcome these challenges and unlock the full potential of digital transformation.
Success Stories in Digital Transformation
Company A, a leading manufacturing firm, embarked on a digital transformation journey to modernize its operations and drive efficiency. By migrating its infrastructure to the cloud, the company streamlined its supply chain management, optimized inventory levels, and enhanced collaboration across geographically dispersed teams. As a result, Company A reduced operational costs, improved productivity, and gained a competitive edge in the market. Enhancing Customer Engagement with AI Company B, a global retail giant, leveraged AI-powered chatbots to enhance customer engagement and support. By implementing conversational AI technologies, the company automated customer inquiries provided personalized product recommendations, and delivered seamless shopping experiences across online and offline channels. This resulted in increased customer satisfaction, higher conversion rates, and improved brand loyalty for Company B.
The Future of Digital Transformation
As technology continues to evolve and disrupt traditional business paradigms, digital transformation will remain a cornerstone strategy for organizations seeking to thrive in the digital age. By embracing innovation, fostering a culture of agility and adaptability, and prioritizing customer-centricity, companies can unlock new opportunities, drive growth, and sustain long-term success in an ever-changing landscape. Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 9 days
Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
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Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Revolutionizing the Financial Landscape
The field of decentralized finance, or DeFi for short, has emerged as a disruptive force in the traditional financial sphere. Unlike conventional financial systems that rely on centralized authorities like banks and governments, DeFi uses blockchain technology as a decentralized alternative to well-established financial services. What Defines DeFi? At its core, DeFi encompasses wide financial services and applications built on blockchain technology. These services span lending, borrowing, trading, yield farming, asset management, and insurance. What sets DeFi apart is its decentralized nature, enabling peer-to-peer transactions to take place without intermediaries. Key Components of DeFi 1. Smart Contracts: Smart contracts form the foundation of DeFi. These self-executing contracts are coded with predefined conditions and automatically execute transactions when those conditions are met. Smart contracts eliminate the need for intermediaries, providing security and efficiency to users. 2. Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs): DEXs facilitate the trading of digital assets without the involvement of intermediaries. Users retain control of their funds throughout the trading process, enhancing security and transparency. 3. Liquidity Pools: Liquidity pools are pools of funds locked in smart contracts, providing liquidity for decentralized exchanges and other DeFi applications. Users contribute their assets to these pools and earn rewards based on their participation.
Advantages of DeFi
1. Accessibility: DeFi opens up financial services to anyone with an internet connection, irrespective of their geographical location or socioeconomic status. This accessibility is particularly beneficial for individuals in underserved or unbanked regions. 2. Transparency: Transactions on blockchain networks are transparent and immutable, fostering trust among users. This transparency reduces the risk of fraud or manipulation, enhancing the credibility of DeFi platforms. 3. Lower Fees: By eliminating intermediaries, DeFi significantly reduces the fees associated with traditional financial services. This cost-effectiveness makes DeFi attractive to users seeking to optimize their financial transactions. 4. Innovation: The decentralized nature of DeFi encourages innovation, as developers worldwide can build and experiment with new financial products and services. This rapid pace of innovation drives the evolution of DeFi and contributes to its continued growth.
Challenges and Risks
1. Security Vulnerabilities: While blockchain technology provides a high level of security, DeFi platforms are not immune to security vulnerabilities. Smart contract bugs, hacking attempts, and exploits pose risks to users' funds and the integrity of the DeFi ecosystem. 2. Regulatory Uncertainty: The regulatory landscape surrounding DeFi remains uncertain, with governments and regulatory bodies grappling to understand and adapt to this emerging technology. Regulatory changes and compliance requirements could impact the future development and adoption of DeFi. 3. Market Volatility: The decentralized nature of DeFi means that it is inherently more volatile than traditional financial markets. Price fluctuations and market instability can result in significant gains or losses for DeFi participants.
The Future of DeFi
Despite the challenges and risks, the future of DeFi appears promising. As blockchain technology continues to mature and evolve, we can expect greater innovation, scalability, and adoption of DeFi solutions. With its potential to democratize finance and empower individuals worldwide, DeFi is poised to reshape the future of the financial industry. Conclusion : In conclusion, decentralized finance (DeFi) represents a paradigm shift in the way we think about and interact with financial services. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, DeFi offers unprecedented accessibility, transparency, and innovation. While challenges exist, the potential for positive impact and transformation in the financial landscape cannot be understated. Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 9 days
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology
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Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have piqued the interest of investors, technologists, and legislators alike, promising to transform the financial landscape. This article will look at the latest trends, advancements, and prospective effects of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology on banking.
The Evolution of Cryptocurrency
Bitcoin, created in 2009 by an anonymous individual or group known as Satoshi Nakamoto, marked the beginning of the cryptocurrency era. Since then, thousands of alternative cryptocurrencies, or altcoins, have emerged, each with unique features and purposes. Growth of Blockchain Technology Blockchain, the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies, has also evolved significantly. Originally devised as to record Bitcoin transactions, blockchain technology is now being explored for a wide range of applications beyond digital currencies.
Latest Trends in Cryptocurrency
Decentralized finance, or DeFi, has emerged as a major trend in the bitcoin sector. DeFi platforms seek to duplicate traditional financial services including lending, borrowing, and trading without the use of intermediaries such as banks. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have received a lot of interest due to their capacity to represent ownership of unique digital goods like artwork, collectibles, and digital real estate. The NFT industry has expanded rapidly, attracting artists, investors, and collectors alike. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) Central banks are looking at the prospect of releasing their digital currency, known as central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs. These digital currencies seek to increase efficiency, lower expenses, and promote financial inclusion.
Developments in Blockchain Technology
Blockchain developers prioritize interoperability and scalability. Projects such as Polkadot, Cosmos, and Ethereum 2.0 are developing ways to improve blockchain network interoperability and scalability. Enhanced Security and Privacy Advances in cryptography approaches and privacy-preserving technology improve blockchain network security and privacy. These advancements are critical to establishing trust and confidence in blockchain-based systems.
Potential Impact on the Financial Landscape
Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology can potentially disrupt established banking institutions by providing faster, less expensive, and more inclusive financial services. This disruption could result in a shift of power in the banking industry. Financial Inclusion and Access Blockchain technology has the potential to provide financial services to the unbanked and underbanked populations worldwide, opening up new opportunities for economic empowerment and financial inclusion. Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities The rapid growth of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has prompted governments and regulatory bodies to develop frameworks and policies to address concerns such as consumer protection, money laundering, and tax evasion. Clear and balanced regulation is essential to foster innovation while ensuring investor protection and financial stability.
Finally, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are fundamentally changing the financial world. The future of finance appears to be becoming more decentralized, digital, and inclusive, with the rise of non-fungible tokens, the research of central bank digital currencies, and advancements in blockchain technology. As these technologies advance and develop, their impact on the financial environment will only increase, ushering in a new era of innovation and opportunity. Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 1 month
10 marla plot on installments, Park view city phase 2 Islamabad
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10 Marla plots on a two-year installment plan at Park View City Phase 2, Islamabad! Ideal location near Ring Road. Key Features: - 10 Marla residential plots - Gated community with 24/7 security - Modern infrastructure - Lush green spaces - Convenient location near Ring Road, Rawalpindi Payment Details: - 2-year installment plan - Total Amount: Affordable prices starting at PKR 85,00,000! - Downpayment: 21,25,000 - Installment Plan: 796,875 x 8 Contact us at +92-300-3690000 or +92-333-3690000, or email us at [email protected] to book a plot in Park View City Phase 2 Islamabad Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 1 month
5 marla plot on installments, Park view city phase 2 Islamabad
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5 marla plots on a 2-year installment plan at Park View City Phase 2, Islamabad! Ideal location near Ring Road. Key Features: - 5 Marla residential plots - Gated community with 24/7 security - Modern infrastructure - Lush green spaces - Convenient location near Ring Road, Rawalpindi Payment Details: - 2-year installment plan - Total Amount: Affordable prices starting at PKR 50,00,000! - Downpayment: 12,50,000 - Installment Plan: 468,750 x 8 Contact us at +92-300-3690000 or +92-333-3690000, or email us at [email protected] to book a plot in Park View City Phase 2 Islamabad   Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 1 month
Park View City Phase 2 Islamabad
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Park View City Phase 2 in Islamabad brings a new level of luxury living against the peaceful backdrop of the Islamabad Capital Territory. Continuing the success of its earlier version, Phase 2 aims to raise the bar for high-quality living standards. It is a mix of natural beauty and modern convenience, adding to the charm of this esteemed community. Being a crucial part of the renowned Park View City project, Phase 2 maintains the legacy of enduring quality and elegance. Whether it's a residential area or a lively commercial area, every aspect of Phase 2 is crafted to meet the discerning preferences of residents. The project guarantees an unmatched lifestyle experience.
Developers of Park View City Phase 2:
The project shows how skilled the developers, the Vision Group, are. Led by Abdul Aleem Khan. Since 2012, they've done many big projects and become important in Pakistan's real estate market. They focus on luxury living, making things look nice and work well. They always make sure their projects are better than expected. This project shows how much the Vision Group cares about making beautiful and high-quality places. It's one of their most important projects in Islamabad, mixing nature and city life perfectly. It sets a higher standard for other nearby residential areas. The Vision Group is known for being reliable and leading the real estate industry in Pakistan. Developers’ Previous Projects: The projects developed by the Vision Group include the Abdul Aleem Khan Foundation, Park View Icon situated on I.I. Chundrigar Road in Karachi, Park View City in Islamabad, Park View Corporate Centre on Mall Road in Lahore, Park View Signature Apartments in Gulberg, Lahore, The National School, and Park View Villas on Multan Road in Lahore.
Park View City Phase 2 Location:
Park View City Phase 2 is located at the intersection of Main GT Road and Ring Road. Its strategic placement will offer residents easy access from Rawalpindi Ring Road, ensuring smooth connectivity to major areas.
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Situated in a perfect balance of city convenience and peaceful surroundings, Park View City Phase 2 offers residents easy access to everyday needs and leisure activities. Its location near important landmarks and transportation routes makes it an excellent option for modern living in Islamabad.
Park View City Phase 2 NOC:
Ensuring the legality of a project, especially in real estate, is crucial for building trust with developers. That's why Park View City holds an approved NOC from CDA. Additionally, the developers are focused on obtaining NOC approval for Park View City Phase 2 from CDA, demonstrating their commitment to earning the trust of buyers and investors.
Park View City Phase 2 Master Plan:
The master plan for Park View City Phase 2 is a detailed blueprint for a lively and sustainable community. It includes residential and commercial areas, parks, green spaces, and essential infrastructure, promoting a balanced lifestyle. Residential areas are linked with recreational facilities and amenities, while wide roads and well-planned neighborhoods ensure easy accessibility and smooth traffic flow. Prioritizing environmental sustainability, the master plan incorporates greenery and eco-friendly initiatives throughout the community, creating a harmonious living environment. With careful urban planning and design, the Park View City Phase 2 master plan reflects thoughtful consideration. Additionally, the strategic location of Park View City Phase 2 further enhances the effectiveness of its master plan.
Park View City Phase 2 Plot Size:
Park View City Phase 2 offers residential plots tailored to meet the varied needs and preferences of its residents. With plot sizes available in 5 marla and 10 marla, residents have the flexibility to select according to their specific requirements and lifestyle preferences. The 5 Marla plots are perfect for individuals or small families seeking a convenient yet cozy living space. These plots offer enough room for a compact home while also providing space for a small garden or outdoor area. On the other hand, the 10 Marla plots provide a more spacious layout, ideal for larger families or individuals seeking extra room for expansion and customization. These plots offer ample space for creating a dream home, with plenty of room for gardens, lawns, and outdoor amenities.
Park View City Phase 2 Payment Plan:
Park View City makes buying property easy for everyone with a simple payment plan. You just need to pay 25% of the total cost upfront to secure your property. Then, you can pay the rest in equal parts over two years, making it flexible and easy for you.
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The organized method helps buyers handle their money well while enjoying the perks of owning property. The payment plan for Park View City Phase 2 ensures a simple and trouble-free process, making property ownership a reality for many, whether it's for a home or an investment.
5 Marla Plot for Sale in Park View City Phase 2:
Park View City Phase 2 provides a payment plan for 5 Marla plots. The total price for the plot is 5,000,000 rupees. The downpayment cost is 1,250,000 rupees, and the remaining balance for the plot is 3,750,000 PKR. There are 8 quarterly installments of Rs 468,750 each provided for this block.
10 Marla Plot for Sale in Park View City Phase 2:
Park View City Phase 2 provides a payment plan for 10 Marla plots. The total price for the plot is 8,500,000 rupees. The downpayment cost is 2,125,000 rupees, and the remaining balance for the plot is 3,750,000 PKR. There are 8 quarterly installments of Rs 796,875 each provided for this block.
Facilities and amenities:
Park View City Phase 2 offers a range of facilities and amenities for residents, including 24/7 security, modern infrastructure with well-planned roads, parks, green spaces for leisure, mosques for spiritual needs, and convenient shopping centers. With schools, healthcare facilities, and sports complexes, it ensures a comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle for its residents. Gated Community: Park View City provides a gated community, offering residents a secure and exclusive living environment. With controlled access points and professional security personnel, the community ensures the safety and privacy of its residents round-the-clock. 24/7 Security: The project emphasizes the safety and well-being of its residents by offering comprehensive 24/7 security measures. Trained security personnel and advanced surveillance systems ensure continuous monitoring, providing peace of mind to residents and their families. Modern Infrastructure: Park View City features modern infrastructure tailored to meet the needs of its residents. With well-designed roads, sidewalks, and effective street lighting, navigating within the community is safe and convenient, promoting a hassle-free living experience. Parks and green spaces: Park View City offers a variety of parks and green spaces, thoughtfully incorporated into its landscape to provide residents with peaceful retreats surrounded by nature. These lush green areas provide tranquil settings for relaxation, leisurely walks, and outdoor activities. Shopping Centers: Park View City boasts modern shopping centers strategically located within the community, offering residents convenient access to retail outlets and services. Designed with residents' needs and preferences in mind, these shopping centers provide a hassle-free shopping experience for daily necessities and leisure activities. Basic Utilities: Park View City provides essential services such as electricity, water, and sanitation. The community ensures reliable access to electricity for powering homes and businesses. The water supply is consistent, offering residents clean and safe water for daily use. Documents required for booking: Buyers need the following documents for booking, as having these documents ready will facilitate a smooth booking process. To book a property in Park View City, you'll need the following documents: - Copy of the buyer’s CNIC (computerized national identity card). - CNIC copy of Next of Kin (in case of emergency or legal matters). - Receipt of payment as proof of the transaction. - Two passport-size photographs for documentation purposes. Conclusion : In conclusion, Park View City Phase 2 offers a range of amenities and facilities designed to cater to the diverse needs of its residents. Park View City Phase 2 aims to offer a comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle for its residents, with its secure gated community, modern infrastructure, lush green spaces, and convenient shopping centers. With a focus on safety, convenience, and quality living, Park View City Phase 2 is a testament to careful urban planning and design, making it the perfect option for those looking for a vibrant and sustainable community in Islamabad. For booking and details: Al Madina Estate Muhammad Imran Rasheed +92-300-3690000 +92-333-3690000 Email: [email protected] Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 1 month
Park View City Phase 2 Islamabad
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Park View City Phase 2 in Islamabad brings a new level of luxury living against the peaceful backdrop of the Islamabad Capital Territory. Continuing the success of its earlier version, Phase 2 aims to raise the bar for high-quality living standards. It is a mix of natural beauty and modern convenience, adding to the charm of this esteemed community. Being a crucial part of the renowned Park View City project, Phase 2 maintains the legacy of enduring quality and elegance. Whether it's lavish homes or lively commercial areas, every aspect of Phase 2 is crafted to meet the discerning preferences of residents. The project guarantees an unmatched lifestyle experience.
Developers of Park View City Phase 2:
The project shows how skilled the developers, the Vision Group, are. Led by Aleem Khan. Since 2012, they've done many big projects and become important in Pakistan's real estate market. They focus on luxury living, making things look nice and work well. They always make sure their projects are better than expected. This project shows how much the Vision Group cares about making beautiful and high-quality places. It's one of their most important projects in Islamabad, mixing nature and city life perfectly. It sets a higher standard for other nearby residential areas. The Vision Group is known for being reliable and leading the real estate industry in Pakistan. Developers’ Previous Projects: The projects developed by the Vision Group include the Abdul Aleem Khan Foundation, Park View Icon situated on I.I. Chundrigar Road in Karachi, Park View City in Islamabad, Park View Corporate Centre on Mall Road in Lahore, Park View Signature Apartments in Gulberg, Lahore, The National School, and Park View Villas on Multan Road in Lahore.
Park View City Phase 2 Location:
Park View City Phase 2 is located at the intersection of Main GT Road and Ring Road. Its strategic placement will offer residents easy access from Rawalpindi Ring Road, ensuring smooth connectivity to major areas.
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Situated in a perfect balance of city convenience and peaceful surroundings, Park View City Phase 2 offers residents easy access to everyday needs and leisure activities. Its location near important landmarks and transportation routes makes it an excellent option for modern living in Islamabad.
Park View City Phase 2 NOC:
Ensuring the legality of a project, especially in real estate, is crucial for building trust with developers. That's why Park View City holds an approved NOC from CDA. Additionally, the developers are focused on obtaining NOC approval for Park View City Phase 2 from CDA, demonstrating their commitment to earning the trust of buyers and investors.
Park View City Phase 2 Master Plan:
The master plan for Park View City Phase 2 is a detailed blueprint for a lively and sustainable community. It includes residential and commercial areas, parks, green spaces, and essential infrastructure, promoting a balanced lifestyle. Residential areas are linked with recreational facilities and amenities, while wide roads and well-planned neighborhoods ensure easy accessibility and smooth traffic flow. Prioritizing environmental sustainability, the master plan incorporates greenery and eco-friendly initiatives throughout the community, creating a harmonious living environment. With careful urban planning and design, the Park View City Phase 2 master plan reflects thoughtful consideration. Additionally, the strategic location of Park View City Phase 2 further enhances the effectiveness of its master plan.
Park View City Phase 2 Plot Size:
Park View City Phase 2 offers residential plots tailored to meet the varied needs and preferences of its residents. With plot sizes available in 5 marla and 10 marla, residents have the flexibility to select according to their specific requirements and lifestyle preferences. The 5 Marla plots are perfect for individuals or small families seeking a convenient yet cozy living space. These plots offer enough room for a compact home while also providing space for a small garden or outdoor area. On the other hand, the 10 Marla plots provide a more spacious layout, ideal for larger families or individuals seeking extra room for expansion and customization. These plots offer ample space for creating a dream home, with plenty of room for gardens, lawns, and outdoor amenities.
Park View City Phase 2 Payment Plan:
Park View City makes buying property easy for everyone with a simple payment plan. You just need to pay 25% of the total cost upfront to secure your property. Then, you can pay the rest in equal parts over two years, making it flexible and easy for you.
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The organized method helps buyers handle their money well while enjoying the perks of owning property. The payment plan for Park View City Phase 2 ensures a simple and trouble-free process, making property ownership a reality for many, whether it's for a home or an investment.
5 Marla Plot for Sale in Park View City Phase 2:
Park View City Phase 2 provides a payment plan for 5 Marla plots. The total price for the plot is 5,000,000 rupees. The downpayment cost is 1,250,000 rupees, and the remaining balance for the plot is 3,750,000 PKR. There are 8 quarterly installments of Rs 468,750 each provided for this block.
10 Marla Plot for Sale in Park View City Phase 2:
Park View City Phase 2 provides a payment plan for 10 Marla plots. The total price for the plot is 8,500,000 rupees. The downpayment cost is 2,125,000 rupees, and the remaining balance for the plot is 3,750,000 PKR. There are 8 quarterly installments of Rs 796,875 each provided for this block.
Facilities and amenities:
Park View City Phase 2 offers a range of facilities and amenities for residents, including 24/7 security, modern infrastructure with well-planned roads, parks, green spaces for leisure, mosques for spiritual needs, and convenient shopping centers. With schools, healthcare facilities, and sports complexes, it ensures a comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle for its residents. Gated Community: Park View City provides a gated community, offering residents a secure and exclusive living environment. With controlled access points and professional security personnel, the community ensures the safety and privacy of its residents round-the-clock. 24/7 Security: The project emphasizes the safety and well-being of its residents by offering comprehensive 24/7 security measures. Trained security personnel and advanced surveillance systems ensure continuous monitoring, providing peace of mind to residents and their families. Modern Infrastructure: Park View City features modern infrastructure tailored to meet the needs of its residents. With well-designed roads, sidewalks, and effective street lighting, navigating within the community is safe and convenient, promoting a hassle-free living experience. Parks and green spaces: Park View City offers a variety of parks and green spaces, thoughtfully incorporated into its landscape to provide residents with peaceful retreats surrounded by nature. These lush green areas provide tranquil settings for relaxation, leisurely walks, and outdoor activities. Shopping Centers: Park View City boasts modern shopping centers strategically located within the community, offering residents convenient access to retail outlets and services. Designed with residents' needs and preferences, these shopping centers provide a hassle-free shopping experience for daily necessities and leisure activities. Basic Utilities: Park View City provides essential services such as electricity, water, and sanitation. The community ensures reliable access to electricity for powering homes and businesses. The water supply is consistent, offering residents clean and safe water for daily use. Documents required for booking: Buyers need the following documents for booking, as having these documents ready will facilitate a smooth booking process. To book a property in Park View City, you'll need the following documents: - Copy of the buyer’s CNIC (computerized national identity card). - CNIC copy of Next of Kin (in case of emergency or legal matters). - Receipt of payment as proof of the transaction. - Two passport-size photographs for documentation purposes. Conclusion : In conclusion, Park View City Phase 2 offers a range of amenities and facilities designed to cater to the diverse needs of its residents. Park View City Phase 2 aims to offer a comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle for its residents, with its secure gated community, modern infrastructure, lush green spaces, and convenient shopping centers. With a focus on safety, convenience, and quality living, Park View City Phase 2 is a testament to careful urban planning and design, making it the perfect option for those looking for a vibrant and sustainable community in Islamabad. For booking and details: Al Madina Estate Muhammad Imran Rasheed +92-300-3690000 +92-333-3690000 Email: [email protected] Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 2 months
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almadinaestate · 2 months
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almadinaestate · 2 months
Faisal Town Phase 2
Faisal Town Phase 2 is a captivating residential project nestled in the heart of Islamabad. It offers a unique living experience that seamlessly integrates modern conveniences with nature's tranquility. Home to a diverse community of residents, this enclave has quickly become a hotspot for those seeking an elevated lifestyle.
Developers and Owners:
Zedem International is the official owner and developer company of Faisal Town Phase 2. The company is top-rated among Pakistan’s best real estate developers. Mr. Chaudhry Abdul Majeed owns the development company. Zedem International is often regarded as a development company that delivers high-standard housing projects.
Zedem International's Previous Projects:
The company has worked on several successful projects over the years. Some of them are as follows: - Faisal Town Phase 1 - Faisal Hills - Faisal Villas - Faisal Margalla City  - Faisal Residencia - SEA Square B-17 - Faisal Towers
Faisal Town Phase 2 NOC:
The Non-Objection Certificate for Faisal Town Phase II has not yet been approved because it is still in its early phases of development. Even if Zedem International's reputation is trustworthy and well recognized because they have shown themselves in the past, it is standard procedure to wait for NOC permission before spending money on the project.
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Faisal Town Phase 2 Location:
The location is critical to enticing investors to invest. The location of Faisal Town Phase II is advantageous because it provides easy access to several neighboring monuments as well as the capital city itself. The project is located between Capital Smart City and the Thalian Interchange.
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Accessibility Points: The Faisal Town Phase 2 location map shows that it is a highly accessible housing project. Some of the accessibility points include: - An almost 2-minute drive from Airport Avenue - Almost a 2-minute drive from Main Chakri Road - Almost a 4-minute drive from Thalian Road - Almost a 4-minute drive from Lahore-Islamabad Motorway (M-2) - Almost 1.5 km away from Thalian Interchange - Almost an 8-minute drive from Islamabad-Rawalpindi Interchange - Almost 9 minutes drive from Girja Road - Almost 11 minutes drive from Srinagar Highway - Almost 15 minutes drive from Islamabad-Peshawar Motorway (M-1) - Almost 25 minutes drive from Rawalpindi Ring Road
Faisal Town Phase 2 Payment Plan:
Faisal Town Phase 2 offers an easy installment plan that will last for 54 months (4.5 years). The quarterly installments make it easier for people of all classes to afford the plots Faisal Town Phase 2 has to offer. The picture below shows the pre-launch rates for the plots, and the prices are subject to change at any time according to the policies of the developers and constructors. The prices include all development charges.
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The prices of all the plot categories are discussed in detail below: 5 Marla Plot Price in Faisal Town 2 - Total Price: 27,95,000/- - Down Payment: 595,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 120,000/- - Last Instalment: 145,000/- 8 Marla Plot Price in Faisal Town 2 - Total Price: 38,10,000/- - Down Payment: 750,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 170,000/- - Last Instalment: 195,000/- 10 Marla Plot Price in Faisal Town 2 - Total Price: 49,10,000/- - Down Payment: 845,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 225,000/- - Last Instalment: 240,000/- 14 Marla Plot Price in Faisal Town 2 - Total Price: 60,80,000/- - Down Payment: 11,25,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 275,000/- - Last Instalment: 270,000/- 1 Kanal Plot Price in Faisal Town 2 - Total Price: 80,40,000/- - Down Payment: 12,65,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 375,000/- - Last Instalment: 400,000/- 2 Kanal Plot Price in Faisal Town 2 Overseas Block - Total Price: 1,5800,000/- - Down Payment: 1,555,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 750,000/- - Last Instalment: 775,000/-
Faisal Town Phase 2 Balloting:
The inaugural balloting is scheduled for May 12, 2024, for Faisal Town Phase 2. However, the venue remains undisclosed at this time. Rest assured, we will promptly notify you once the administration of Faisal Town Phase 2 unveils the venue details. To be eligible for inclusion in this ballot, all customers must clear their dues by April 26, 2024. Balloting Criteria: The balloting criteria vary based on the type of customer, which are outlined below: First Category: Customers who have purchased files with lump-sum payments, benefiting from a 20% discount, fall into the first category. They will receive priority, and their plots will be allocated in the front sectors of society. Second Category: The second category includes customers opting to pay a lump sum against their files. They not only receive a 15% discount but also qualify for inclusion in the first category, prioritizing their allocations. Third Category: Customers in the third category are those who have submitted at least 9 installments against their plots. They will receive a 7% discount and will be prioritized after first-category customers. Fourth Category: Customers who opt for regular installments belong to the fourth category. To be eligible for this balloting, they must clear at least 6 installments. How do I book a plot in FT2? To book a plot in the housing scheme, please visit the booking office along with: - Down payment - A copy of CNIC - Passport-size picture Frequently Asked Questions: The following are FT2 FAQs: What is Faisal Town Phase 2? Faisal Town Phase 2 (FT-II) is one of the best and most reliable residential societies. Where is Faisal Town Phase 2 located? It is located at M-2, just outside the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT). It can easily be accessed from Taxila, Wah Cantt, and the twin cities. Who are the developers of Faisal Town Phase 2? It is another promising project of Zedem International. Is Faisal Town Phase 2 legal? The Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) will soon approve the housing society's NOC. What is the total land area of Faisal Town Phase 2? It will cover almost 30,000 kanal to 35,000 kanal of land. Is Faisal Town Phase 2 easily accessible? The housing society can be accessed from various routes, including M-1, M-2, Rawalpindi Ring Road, and Srinagar Highway. What types of properties are available in FT2?  Phase 2 of FT offers residential at affordable rates.  What sizes of residential plots are available in FT2? The residential society offers residential plots of the following sizes: - 5 Marla - 8 Marla - 10 Marla - 12 Marla - 1 Kanal - 2 Kanal What sizes of commercial plots are available in FT2? The housing society will soon announce the size of the commercial plots. Does FT2 offer apartments? It plans to offer residential apartments in the not-so-far future.  What types of facilities and amenities are available in FT2?  It offers facilities including basic utilities, security, mosques, electricity backup, hospitals, roads & boulevards, a community club, and an eco-friendly environment for its residents. Is Faisal Town the same as FT2? Faisal Town is commonly referred to as Faisal Town Phase 1. Is Faisal Hills the same as FT2? Faisal Hills is yet another, entirely different, and promising housing project of Zedem International.
Faisal Town Phase 2 (FT-II) is a reliable and promising residential society located on M-2, near Thalian Interchange, just outside the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT). It can easily be accessed from various routes in Taxila, Wah Cantt, and the twin cities. Many popular housing projects and landmarks are located near the project. AL MADINA ESTATE +92-333-3690000 +92-300-3690000 [email protected] Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 2 months
7 Marla Plot For Sale in Gulberg Residencia Block F-Executive
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Explore the possibilities of investment excellence with this captivating 7-marla plot nestled in the esteemed Gulberg Residencia Islamabad Block F-Executive Block. Offering an ideal blend of location, size, and potential, this plot presents an enticing opportunity for discerning investors and homebuyers. Plot Details: - Size: 7 Marla (30x60) - Location: Gulberg Residencia Islamabad Block F-Executive Block - Demand: PKR 36,00,000 - Contact Number: 0300-3690000, 0333-3690000 - Email Address: [email protected] Key Features: - Prime Location: Strategically positioned within Block F-Executive Block, this plot enjoys proximity to essential amenities and major thoroughfares, ensuring convenience and accessibility. - Versatile Potential: Whether you envision crafting your dream residence or seeking a lucrative investment opportunity, this plot offers the flexibility to realize various residential or commercial ventures. - Serene Environment: Let yourself be enveloped in the tranquility of Gulberg Residencia, where verdant landscapes and scenic vistas create a peaceful ambiance ideal for residents seeking solace and relaxation. - Secure Community: Experience peace of mind in Gulberg Residencia's gated community, equipped with top-notch security measures to safeguard the well-being of its inhabitants. Seize the opportunity to secure your stake in Gulberg Residencia's thriving community. Contact us today to learn more about this exceptional plot and take the first step toward realizing your real estate aspirations! If you want to know more about such housing societies, then please read about Kingdom Valley Islamabad, Blue World City Islamabad, Faisal Town Phase 2 Islamabad, and Capital Smart City Islamabad to learn more about similar luxuries being offered at low prices. Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 2 months
Rudn Enclave Overseas Block
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Rudn Enclave Overseas Block
Rudn Enclave Overseas Block, a promising venture in the heart of twin cities, is creating ripples in the real estate market. Moreover, the most renowned developer team comprising Urban Planning and Design Limited (UPDL), its subsidiaries Alhaq Builders, and New Leaves has been incorporated as master developers and contractors for the most attractive projects in twin cities. Let's delve into the details of this overseas block, exploring its location, developers, payment plans, and unique features that set it apart.
Rudn Enclave Overseas Block Location and Accessibility:
Situated in Rawalpindi, the Rudn Enclave Overseas Block boasts a prime location, providing easy accessibility to major landmarks. The strategic placement enhances its appeal, making it an ideal choice for investors looking for convenience and connectivity.
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Rudn Enclave Overseas Block Major Routes: - Rawalpindi Ring Road The most anticipated project at the moment is the Rawalpindi Ring Road, whose design promises less traffic by dividing the influx across several highways. The good news here is that right next to the Rawalpindi Ring Road is Gate 1 of the Rudn Enclave, which also means the shortest distance to Islamabad’s new international airport. We can say that Rawalpindi Ring Road is at a distance of zero kilometers from Rudn Enclave. - Chakri Interchange The RUDN enclave society connects with Lahore, where Lahore Smart City is located, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi. So, along with the motorway, the road is linked to this modern society. - Rawat Link Road The most exclusive route between Rawat and Adyala is the path that connects with the Rudn Society. So, you can also get to the location through this route. - Dhamiyal Link Road Furthermore, the Dhamiyal connection road connects Rudn Enclave to the Adyala road. Individuals who take the Dhamiyal road can easily access the community. Accessibility of Overseas Block: Now, let us discuss the accessibility of Rudn Enclave Overseas Block from different places in the twin cities: It is accessible in the following ways: - Located on the main Adyala Road, Rawalpindi - Zero kilometers from Rawalpindi Ring Road, Adyala Interchange - Approximately 15 minutes from the main Chakri Road - Approximately 35 minutes from Askari 7 Rawalpindi - Approximately 40 minutes from main G.T Road - Approximately 25 minutes from Bahria Town Head Office, Rawalpindi - Approximately 5 minutes from DHA  Phase 4 Islamabad-Rawalpindi - Approximately 45 minutes from Rawat - Approximately 55 minutes from Islamabad International Airport - Approximately 40 minutes from District Courts Rawalpindi - Approximately 55 minutes from Zero Point Islamabad - Approximately 21 minutes from Bahria Town, Phase 8
Developers and Owners:
Curious about the masterminds behind this project? Learn about the developers and owners who have shaped the Rudn Enclave Overseas Block into the architectural marvel it is set to become. Understanding their vision adds depth to your investment decision. RUDN Enclave is a project of RMRSCO (Pvt. Ltd.) with NESPAK as the master planner and consultant. RMRSCO (Private) Limited Rahim Ud Din Naeem Bin Muhammad Razaque and Sons Corporation) is an organization of accomplished engineers, project managers, technical professionals, and highly professional management that endeavors to take on the most distinguished civil engineering and construction projects in Pakistan. The company is fully equipped with all the core competencies and able to challenge any dynamic project from groundbreaking to completion in an effective manner.
Rudn Enclave Overseas Block NOC and Approval:
Investors crave security, and the approval and NOC status of a project contribute significantly. This section dives into the crucial information regarding the Overseas Block's NOC, providing a clear picture of the project's legitimacy. The layout plan (LOP) of Rudn Enclave Overseas Block is allegedly approved under the PHATA (Punjab Housing and Town Planning Agency) with registration number “DG/PHATA/W-1/ PHS/84/2023. Approved real estate projects have better chances of rapid development.
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Master Plan and Plot Sizes
Uncover the master plan that lays the foundation for Rudn Enclave Overseas Block. Explore the available plot sizes, offering diverse options to suit different preferences. This section is your guide to envisioning your dream property. Masterplan: The master plan of Rudn Enclave includes the General, Executive, and currently the Overseas Block. It is located on the main Chakri Road. The Jawa Dam is close to the Overseas Block. As a result, getting to this block from the surrounding landmarks is simple.
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Residential Plots: The residential plot sizes include: - 5 marlas (25 x 50) - 10 Marla (35 x 70) - 1 Kanal (50 x 90) Commercial Plots: The administration has not yet launched the commercial plots. They will, hopefully, be released in the near future. We will provide the specifics, sizes, and payment plans as soon as the Rudn government releases them.
Booking Details and Reservation Process
Interested in reserving a plot? Discover the step-by-step process to secure your space in the Rudn Enclave Overseas Block. From documentation to timelines, we've got you covered. A limited inventory of plots is available in the Overseas Block. Almost 2000 plots were launched initially; therefore, to get a plot in the Overseas Block of Rudn Enclave, interested clients need to move quickly. Because Overseas Block has a NOC and LOP that have been granted, it is a great investment opportunity. Let's reserve your plot right away if you can supply the necessary paperwork: - A pair of CNIC copies - Two Next to Kin CNIC copies - Two photos the size of a passport - A duplicate National Identity Card for Pakistanis living abroad  - In the event of an online transaction, an online payment receipt
Rudn Enclave Overseas Block Payment Plans:
Every investor has unique preferences. This section breaks down the payment plans and categories available, empowering you to tailor your investment according to your financial strategy.
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Rudn Enclave Overseas Block 5 Marla Plots: 5 Marla Simple Bookings: - Total Price: PKR 1,890,000 - Down Payment: PKR 378,000 - Monthly Installments: PKR 27,563 - At Possession: PKR 189,000 5 Marla Balloted Plots: - Total Price: PKR 1,890,000 - Down Payment: PKR 567,000 - Monthly Installments: PKR 27,563 - At Possession: PKR 189,000 5 Marla Early Possession Plots: - Total Price: PKR 1,890,000 - Down Payment: PKR 756,000 - Monthly Installments: PKR 27,563 - At Possession: PKR 189,000 Rudn Enclave Overseas Block 10 Marla Plots: 10 Marla Simple Bookings: - Total Price: PKR 3,570,000 - Down Payment: PKR 714,000 - Monthly Installments: PKR 52,063 - At Possession: PKR 357,000 10 Marla Balloted Plots: - Total Price: PKR 3,570,000 - Down Payment: PKR 1,071,000 - Monthly Installments: PKR 52,063 - At Possession: PKR 357,000 10 Marla Early Possession Plots: - Total Price: PKR 3,570,000 - Down Payment: PKR 1,428,000 - Monthly Installments: PKR 52,063 - At Possession: PKR 357,000 Rudn Enclave Overseas Block 1 Kanal Plots: 1 Kanal Simple Bookings: - Total Price: PKR 5,450,000 - Down Payment: PKR 1,090,0000 - Monthly Installments: PKR 79,479 - At Possession: PKR 545,000 1 Kanal Balloted Plot: - Total Price: PKR 5,450,000 - Down Payment: PKR 1,635,0000 - Monthly Installments: PKR 79,479 - At Possession: PKR 545,000 1 Kanal Early Possession Plot: - Total Price: PKR 5,450,000 - Down Payment: PKR 2,180,0000 - Monthly Installments: PKR 79,479 - At Possession: PKR 545,000  
Unique Features of Rudn Enclave
Explore the distinctive features that make Rudn Enclave Overseas Block stand out. From an open safari park to Pakistan's highest skywalk, these amenities elevate your living experience. - Education RUDN Enclave Society will develop university campuses, schools, and colleges. There are also the best schools for education and a center for college-level education. This ensures that the children’s future is in safe hands within the community. This will provide the inhabitants of the RUDN Enclave with excellent educational opportunities. - Health The principal facility is personal and family health, which is why it matters most to the social authority. RUDN Enclave focuses a great deal on supplying the occupants with ideal hospitalization facilities. Both emergency care services and the finest doctors, who are also open to you, can be used. - Theme Parks All of the luxurious and attractive facilities are part of the RUDN Enclave. Another goal of the RUDN enclave is to provide safe entertainment within its limits. In order to achieve this target, developers are focusing on constructing a large number of open-themed parks for their residents. - Gyms There is a proper gymnasium center in World Class where you can keep yourself fit and safe. At the RUDN enclave, these gyms would make it possible to enjoy a balanced lifestyle. Professional gym trainers will also be available to help you practice on the most modern fitness equipment and follow a healthier lifestyle. - Quality Drainage System Rudn Enclave will construct modern sanitary systems. Developers intend to create a cutting-edge sewage system to relieve people. - Masjids In every block of the housing society, developers have allocated adequate land to create a beautiful mosque with some high cathedrals and traditional Islamic architecture. For every business, there are separate masjids so that people can perform their Islamic duties. - Community Center and club RUDN Enclave plans to establish among its citizens a sense of a single culture. Rudn Enclave will also have a community center and club for its beloved people, in line with the tradition carried on in other housing societies across Pakistan. - Electricity The housing project for RUDN Enclave will be a community without electrical cables or sticks hanging around the city. The whole power method is probably going to be underground so that you can enjoy a beautiful landscape. There will also be underground Internet, telephone, and other utilities supplied by wires. Both basic services, such as gas, electricity, telephone, cable, internet, and sewerage systems, are properly coordinated. - Broad-road infrastructure According to well-organized road networks, the network of roads within the home project would be impeccable. In less time, you will have the facility to enter your desired location, as there will be less traffic and wide roads.
In conclusion, Rudn Enclave Overseas Block emerges not just as a real estate investment but as a promise of a lifestyle. Its strategic location, meticulous planning, and the involvement of reputable developers assure investors of a secure and lucrative opportunity. The diverse range of plot sizes, flexible payment plans, and convenience of the reservation process cater to the unique needs of every investor. Aside from the practicalities, the Overseas Block provides a unique living experience with attractions such as open safari parks, artificial beaches, and Pakistan's highest skywalk. As the project gears up for launch, now is the time to envision your future in this exceptional community where innovation and luxury harmonize. Rudn Enclave Overseas Block is not just an investment; it's an invitation to be part of a visionary lifestyle. Secure your piece of paradise and embark on a journey where dreams meet reality.
Who is the owner of Rudn Enclave? RMRSCO Private Limited and NESPAK, with the assistance of UPDL, are the owners and developers of Rudn Enclave. Who is the brand ambassador of Rudn Enclave? RUDN Enclave proudly announces ?????? ???? as their brand Ambassador. What plot sizes are available in Rudn Enclave Overseas Block? Initially, it offers residential plots in sizes 5 Marla (25 x 50), 10 Marla (35 x 70), and 1 Kanal (50 x 90). How can I reserve a plot in the Islamabad Overseas Block? To get a plot in the Overseas Block of Rudn Enclave, interested clients need to move quickly. Because Overseas Block has a NOC and LOP that have been granted, it is a great investment opportunity. To reserve your plot right away, you have to provide the necessary documents: - A pair of CNIC copies - Two Next to Kin CNIC copies - Two photos the size of a passport - A duplicate National Identity Card for Pakistanis living abroad  - In the event of an online transaction, an online payment receipt - Is the Overseas Block NOC for Rudn Enclave approved? The layout plan (LOP) of Rudn Enclave Overseas Block is allegedly approved under the PHATA (Punjab Housing and Town Planning Agency) with registration number “DG/PHATA/W-1/ PHS/84/2023. What are the unique features of Rudn Enclave Overseas Block? For those seeking relaxation, an artificial beach provides a tranquil escape right at your doorstep. Thrill-seekers can indulge in the excitement of Pakistan's highest skywalk, offering breathtaking views and an adrenaline rush like no other. Additionally, the inclusion of a zip line adds an adventurous element to the living experience. To complement these recreational features, Rudn Enclave also incorporates organic food farms, promoting a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. When is Rudn Enclave Overseas Block launching? It has been launched successfully, and bookings for residential plots are now open. For booking and details: Al Madina Estate Muhammad Imran Rasheed +92-300-3690000 +92-333-3690000 Email: [email protected]     Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 2 months
Pakistan Naval Farms Islamabad
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Pakistan Naval Farms Islamabad stands as a luxurious housing venture located in a prime area of Islamabad near Bara Kahu and Simly Dam. This upscale project is a collaboration between the Pakistan Navy and NHS Hometown Builders, offering an extensive range of farmhouse plots spanning from 5 kanal to 20 kanal. Nestled amidst Islamabad's picturesque scenery, it provides a unique opportunity for luxury living in a serene and natural environment.
Developer of Naval Farms Islamabad
PN Farms represents a collaborative effort between the Pakistan Navy, serving as the land provider, and NHS Builders, the esteemed developer. It epitomizes a perfect blend of upscale amenities and a harmonious natural lifestyle. Investing in this venture is deemed secure and reliable due to its oversight by the Pakistan Navy, ensuring the safeguarding of investors' interests.
Naval Farms Islamabad NOC:
Pakistan Naval Farms is a fully compliant and legally approved housing project, having obtained the necessary No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Capital Development Authority (CDA) granted for 2343.26 Kanal on March 13, 1993. The sanctioned development area covers Phase 1, also referred to as A Block, which encompasses a curated collection of farmhouses ranging from 10 kanal to 20 kanal and beyond. Furthermore, Phase 2 and the Extension, inclusive of Blocks B, C, D, and E, are designed to offer smaller farmhouse plots, catering to a varied spectrum of requirements and preferences.
Pakistan Naval Farms Location: 
Pakistan Naval Farms is strategically situated in Mouza Pind Bhegwal, Mera Bhegwal, and Athal within Islamabad Zone 4, making it an ideal location. It is near Park View City Islamabad and Bahria Enclave Islamabad, offering convenience and accessibility. Accessing Pakistan Naval Farms is straightforward, as it is conveniently reachable via Malot Road, which connects from Kurri Road through Park Road and Simly Dam Road. Furthermore, there are plans for Pakistan Naval Farms Islamabad to be linked to the Murree Expressway in the future, enhancing connectivity and accessibility even further.
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Accessibility: - Mouza Pind Bhegwal Mera Bhegwal - Malot Road - Kurri Road - Simly Dam Road - Park Road - Bara Kahu route - Zero Point - Faizabad - RawalChowk Nearby Places: - Model Town Islamabad - Serena Hotel - Bahria Enclave Islamabad - BharaKahu Bazar - Oasis Farms Islamabad
Naval Farms Islamabad Master Plan:
The housing society is divided into two phases. Phase 1 primarily comprises farmhouses spanning 20 Kanals and above, attracting the elite of Pakistan who choose to construct their residences in this distinguished section, which is the oldest area within the society. Phase 2, commencing from B block and extending to C block, offers farmhouse plots ranging from 5 kanal to 12 kanal. Additionally, the extension area includes blocks D and E, each offering 5 Kanal farmhouse files for interested buyers.
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Naval Farms Islamabad Payment Plan:
Pakistan Naval Farms has been meticulously planned with a keen focus on its location. The Pakistan Navy deliberately selected a vast area spanning 10,000 kanal for this project. The housing scheme comprises primarily five blocks, namely Blocks A, B, C, D, and E. Blocks A to C are fully developed, offering available possessions to interested buyers. However, Naval Farms Islamabad Blocks D and E are currently undeveloped, awaiting future development initiatives. Pakistan Naval Farms prices are as follows: There are different plot sizes available in Naval Farms Blocks A, B, and C, which include 5 kanal, 8 kanal, 10 kanal, 12 kanal, 20 kanal, and even bigger farmhouse plots. - Block A: 20 Kanal farmhouse plots, with prices ranging from 18 crore to 25 crore. - In Block B, 8 Kanal farmhouse plots are available, with prices ranging from 7.50 crore to 9.00 crore. - In Block B, 5 Kanal farmhouse plots are available, with prices ranging from 4.50 crore to 5.50 crore. - In Block C, 5 Kanal farmhouse plots are available, with prices ranging from 4.50 crore to 5 crore. On the other hand, only files are available for Naval Farms Islamabad Block D and Block E. - In Block D, which is currently non-developed, 5 kanal non-possession plots are available, with prices starting from 3.25 crore up to 4.75 crore. - In Block E, which is currently non-ballot, 5 Kanal (file) prices start from 1.85 crore up to 1.90 crore.   Currently, the administration of Pakistan Naval Farm Houses has not introduced any official installment plan for farmhouse purchases. However, there is a possibility of such a plan being introduced in the future. At present, buyers are required to make full upfront payments for the purchase of farmhouse land or built-up farmhouses.
Features and Amenities:
Pakistan Naval Farm Houses offers a comprehensive range of modern facilities and amenities, comparable to those found in prestigious developments like DHA. Managed and owned by the Pakistan Navy, it is committed to delivering top-notch services to its residents. Naval Farm Houses Islamabad is anticipated to exceed expectations in terms of modernization and convenience. According to officials, the project will provide all the essential basic and modern amenities required for a contemporary lifestyle. At Pakistan Naval Farms, residents enjoy a comprehensive array of both basic and modern facilities and amenities, ensuring a comfortable and convenient lifestyle. - A main boulevard boasts an impressive width of 80 feet, complemented by streets and service roads ranging from 40 to 60 feet in width. - A complete underground sewerage system contributes to a clean and hygienic environment. - Round-the-clock security services are provided to safeguard the community. - Continuous freshwater supply for the residents' daily needs. - Reliable electricity supply to ensure uninterrupted power availability. - Internet connectivity is provided by  PTCL and Nayatel.   - Gas pipelines are laid throughout the farmhouse area, enhancing convenience for residents. - Access to hospitals and healthcare facilities to cater to medical needs. - A green hiking trail for outdoor enthusiasts seeking adventure and recreation. - The Navy Club House offers a myriad of family, children, and solo activities, including wedding halls, swimming pools, guest rooms, and indoor sports and games facilities. These essential amenities collectively contribute to making Naval Farms Islamabad a serene and well-maintained residential enclave, fostering a peaceful lifestyle for its residents. Conclusion: In conclusion, Pakistan Naval Farms Islamabad emerges as a distinguished residential project that epitomizes luxury, comfort, and modern living. Pakistan Naval Farms Islamabad offers residents a serene lifestyle amidst Islamabad's natural beauty. With lush green surroundings, top-notch facilities, and secure investment, it stands as a beacon of real estate excellence. Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 2 months
Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block
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Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block is a fantastic addition to a well-known developer, Mr. Chaudhary Abdul Majeed, owner of Zedem International Pvt. Ltd. The main goal of Overseas Block is to meet the demands of foreign Pakistanis who desire to live a lavish lifestyle in their native country of Pakistan. The Overseas Block in Faisal Town Phase 2 is a new entry point for prospective buyers and investors looking to make beneficial investments. The Overseas Block of FT Phase 2 provides excellent features and amenities, including 24/7 security systems, beautiful green spaces, contemporary infrastructure, and a tranquil environment, making it a perfect place to live.
Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Enclave Details:
Ownership and Development: Zedem International, a company noted for its cutting-edge developments, is the owner and developer of Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block. Mr. Chaudhry Abdul Majeed is the brains behind the well-known company Zedem International. He is a well-known real estate developer who has earned the industry's trust and esteem. As a result, his engagement in this endeavor is the principal source of the huge spending. Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block NOC and Legal Status: The Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) has not yet approved the No Objection Certificate (NOC) for Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block. Contact the official administration of the housing enterprise for further information on the legal status of the FT Phase 2 Overseas Block. Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block Location: The Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block location is advantageously positioned within FT Phase II. The housing society is located on the Lahore-Islamabad M-2 Motorway.
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The other entrance to FT Phase II is on Chakri Road, and you can approach the society from the other side via Rawalpindi Ring Road. The housing scheme's prime position provides optimal returns and convenient access to main highways. Accessibility: The Overseas Block of FT-2 can be accessed through various convenient routes: - Located on the main Chakri Road in Rawalpindi. - Just a 10-minute drive from Thalian Interchange. - Only 7 minutes away from the M-2 Lahore-Islamabad Motorway. - Approximately 10 minutes from Girja Road in Rawalpindi. - Just 20 minutes from Rawalpindi Ring Road via the Chakri Road route. - About 15 minutes from Srinagar Highway. Nearby Landmarks: Below are the nearby landmarks and places in Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block: - Islamabad International Airport - Capital Smart City - Thalian interchange - F-17 - Tarnol - Top City-1 - Rudn Enclave - CBR Phase 2 - Mumtaz City - Jhangi Syedan - Qurtaba City - Multi Gardens B-17 - Nova City Islamabad - Kingdom Valley Islamabad - Al-Haram Rawalpindi City - Fatima Jinnah Women’s University Faisal Town Phase 2 Master Plan: The plan encompasses various sizes of residential plots, all of which are offered at reasonable rates. Following the successful launch of the Overseas Enclave in Faisal Town Phase 2 by the developers, the value of the housing venture experienced a notable increase. The Overseas Block of Faisal Town Phase 2 provides a range of residential plot sizes, strategically located at the most prime location within the housing scheme.
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  Faisal Town Phase 2, Overseas Block Map:
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Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block Plots for Sale: The residential plots in Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Enclave are available for sale at affordable rates. Residential Plots: Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Enclave is a spacious block that presents a diverse range of residential and commercial plots. The official announcement includes the sizes of residential plots, while details regarding the sizes of commercial plots will be disclosed later. The residential plot sizes are as follows: - 5.56 Marla - 8 Marla - 10.89 Marla - 14.22 Marla - 1 Kanal - 2 Kanal Commercial Plots: The official management has not announced the size of the commercial plots available for sale in the FT Phase 2 Overseas Block.
Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block Payment Plan:
The prices of all the plot categories are discussed in detail below:
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Faisal Town 2 Overseas Block, 5 Marla Plot Price: - Total Price: 3,495,000/- - Down Payment: 690,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 155,000/- - Last Instalment: 170,000/- - 20% Lump-sum Payment Discount: 2,790,000/- Faisal Town 2 Overseas Block, 8 Marla Plot Price: - Total Price: 4,665,000/- - Down Payment: 750,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 215,000/- - Last Instalment: 260,000/- - 20% Lump-sum Payment Discount: 3,730,000/- Faisal Town 2 Overseas Block, 10 Marla Plot Price: - Total Price: 6,065,000/- - Down Payment: 890,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 285,000/- - Last Instalment: 330,000/- - 20% Lump-sum Payment Discount: 4,850,000/- Faisal Town 2 Overseas Block, 14 Marla Plot Price: - Total Price: 7,585,000/- - Down Payment: 1,160,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 355,000/- - Last Instalment: 390,000/- - 20% Lump-sum Payment Discount: 6,060,000/- Faisal Town 2 Overseas Block, 1 Kanal Plot Price: - Total Price: 10,155,000/- - Down Payment: 1,315,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 490,000/- - Last Instalment: 510,000/- - 20% Lump-sum Payment Discount: 8,120,000/- Faisal Town 2 Overseas Block, 2 Kanal Plot Price: - Total Price: 19,295,000/- - Down Payment: 1,595,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 980,000/- - Last Instalment: 1,040,000/- - 20% Lump-sum Payment Discount:15,430,000/- Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block Development Charges: The development charges are included in the total prices of the FT Phase 2 Overseas Block residential plots. Therefore, you are not required to pay any extra amount later. Booking Form: The official application for Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Enclave is attached below as a snapshot. This form also includes the plot sizes as well as all of the booking criteria. For bookings, interested consumers must complete and submit these documents, along with a down payment.  
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  Salient Features: Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block provides a comprehensive range of amenities and facilities for its residents. Though the specific offerings may vary, here are some common amenities: - Gated community with 24/7 security - Uninterrupted electricity, water, and gas supply - Efficient sewerage system - Well-designed roads and streets - Parks and green spaces - Community center - Mosque - Schools and educational institutions - Hospitals or medical facilities - Shopping centers and commercial areas - Gym and fitness facilities - Sports amenities like tennis courts, basketball courts, and cricket grounds - Playgrounds for children - Jogging tracks - Community club - Underground electrification - Waste management system - Internet and cable TV connections - Boundary wall for security and privacy - CCTV surveillance - Emergency services - Community events and activities - Maintenance and repair services - Landscaped gardens These amenities collectively enhance the quality of life for residents in Faisal Town Phase 2, providing a comfortable and convenient living experience. Booking and Information: With the advantage of proximity to Rawalpindi Ring Road and a high potential for returns, this project follows the successful pattern of past ventures by the same developer. If you have any inquiries or wish to book a plot in the FT-2 Overseas Block, please contact us.
Documentation Requirements for Booking:
The following are required for booking in Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Enclave: - CNIC of the applicant - NICOP in the case of Overseas Pakistanis - CNIC of the next kin - Payment Receipt - Passport-sized photographs
Below are the FAQs about Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block: What is the location of Faisal Town Phase II Overseas Block? The housing society is located on the Lahore-Islamabad M-2 Motorway. Is Faisal Town Phase Overseas Block a safe investment? The investment opportunity in the Overseas Block of Faisal Town Phase II appears to be potentially profitable and secure, given the reputation of the developer, who is well-reputed in the real estate industry. The developer's established name often serves as a mark of reliability for significant investments. What is the legal status of the Overseas Block in Faisal Town Phase II? It is advisable to contact the official management of the RDA directly. Contacting them will allow you to inquire about the current legal status of the FT Phase 2 Overseas Block and obtain accurate information regarding any approvals or regulatory compliance. It's recommended to seek clarification from the project's official representatives or consult legal professionals familiar with local real estate regulations for the most up-to-date and reliable information. What sizes of residential plots are part of the Master Plan for Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block? Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block has the following residential plot sizes: - 5 Marla - 8 Marla - 10 Marla - 14 Marla - 1 Kanal - 2 Kanal What is the Faisal Town Phase Overseas Block plot price? Below are the total prices of the FT Phase 2 Overseas Block: - 5 Marla: Rs 3,495,000 - 8 Marla: Rs 4,665,000 - 10 Marla: Rs 6,065,000 - 14 Marla: Rs 7,585,000 - 1 Kanal: Rs 10,155,000 - 2 Kanal: Rs 19,295,000
Following the tremendous success of Faisal Town Phase 1 and Faisal Town Phase 2, the developers have introduced the Overseas Block of Faisal Town Phase 2. This expansive block features an international standard infrastructure and a diverse range of plot sizes. Faisal Town Phase 2 and its newly launched Overseas Block enjoy significant advantages from their proximity to Rawalpindi Ring Road. The prices are highly competitive, and the payment plan is designed for convenience. This presents a golden investment opportunity for overseas Pakistanis and the local populace. For booking and details: Al Madina Estate Muhammad Imran Rasheed +92-300-3690000 +92-333-3690000 Email: [email protected] Read the full article
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almadinaestate · 2 months
Faisal Town Phase 2 Islamabad
Faisal Town Phase 2, Islamabad
Faisal Town Phase 2 is a captivating residential project nestled in the heart of Islamabad. It offers a unique living experience that seamlessly integrates modern conveniences with nature's tranquility. Home to a diverse community of residents, this enclave has quickly become a hotspot for those seeking an elevated lifestyle.
Developers and Owners:
Zedem International is the official owner and developer company of Faisal Town Phase 2. The company is top-rated among Pakistan’s best real estate developers. Mr. Chaudhry Abdul Majeed owns the development company. Zedem International is often regarded as a development company that delivers high-standard housing projects.
Zedem International's Previous Projects:
The company has worked on several successful projects over the years. Some of them are as follows: - Faisal Town Phase 1 - Faisal Hills - Faisal Villas - Faisal Margalla City  - Faisal Residencia - SEA Square B-17 - Faisal Towers
Faisal Town Phase 2 NOC:
The Non-Objection Certificate for Faisal Town Phase II has not yet been approved because it is still in its early phases of development. Even if Zedem International's reputation is trustworthy and well recognized because they have shown themselves in the past, it is standard procedure to wait for NOC permission before spending money on the project.
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Faisal Town Phase 2 Location:
The location is critical to enticing investors to invest. The location of Faisal Town Phase II is advantageous because it provides easy access to several neighboring monuments as well as the capital city itself. The project is located between Capital Smart City and the Thalian Interchange.
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Accessibility Points: The Faisal Town Phase 2 location map shows that it is a highly accessible housing project. Some of the accessibility points include: - An almost 2-minute drive from Airport Avenue - Almost a 2-minute drive from Main Chakri Road - Almost a 4-minute drive from Thalian Road - Almost a 4-minute drive from Lahore-Islamabad Motorway (M-2) - Almost 1.5 km away from Thalian Interchange - Almost an 8-minute drive from Islamabad-Rawalpindi Interchange - Almost 9 minutes drive from Girja Road - Almost 11 minutes drive from Srinagar Highway - Almost 15 minutes drive from Islamabad-Peshawar Motorway (M-1) - Almost 25 minutes drive from Rawalpindi Ring Road
Faisal Town Phase 2 Islamabad Payment Plan:
Faisal Town Phase 2 offers an easy installment plan that will last for 54 months (4.5 years). The quarterly installments make it easier for people of all classes to afford the plots Faisal Town Phase 2 has to offer. The picture below shows the pre-launch rates for the plots, and the prices are subject to change at any time according to the policies of the developers and constructors. The prices include all development charges.
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Faisal Town Phase 2 Overseas Block Payment Plan:
The prices of all the plot categories are discussed in detail below:
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Faisal Town 2 Overseas Block, 5 Marla Plot Price - Total Price: 3,495,000/- - Down Payment: 690,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 155,000/- - Last Instalment: 170,000/- - 20% Lump-sum Payment Discount: 2,790,000/- Faisal Town 2 Overseas Block, 8 Marla Plot Price - Total Price: 4,665,000/- - Down Payment: 750,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 215,000/- - Last Instalment: 260,000/- - 20% Lump-sum Payment Discount: 3,730,000/- Faisal Town 2 Overseas Block, 10 Marla Plot Price - Total Price: 6,065,000/- - Down Payment: 890,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 285,000/- - Last Instalment: 330,000/- - 20% Lump-sum Payment Discount: 4,850,000/- Faisal Town 2 Overseas Block, 14 Marla Plot Price - Total Price: 7,585,000/- - Down Payment: 1,160,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 355,000/- - Last Instalment: 390,000/- - 20% Lump-sum Payment Discount: 6,060,000/- Faisal Town 2 Overseas Block, 1 Kanal Plot Price - Total Price: 10,155,000/- - Down Payment: 1,315,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 490,000/- - Last Instalment: 510,000/- - 20% Lump-sum Payment Discount: 8,120,000/- Faisal Town 2 Overseas Block, 2 Kanal Plot Price - Total Price: 19,295,000/- - Down Payment: 1,595,000/- - 17 Quarterly Installments: 980,000/- - Last Instalment: 1,040,000/- - 20% Lump-sum Payment Discount:15,430,000/-
How do I book a plot in Faisal Town Phase 2?
To book a plot in the housing scheme, please visit the booking office along with: - Down payment - A copy of CNIC - Passport-size picture
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The following are Faisal Town Phase 2 FAQs: Q1: What is Faisal Town Phase 2? Ans: Faisal Town Phase 2 (FT-II) is one of the best and most reliable residential societies. Q2: Where is Faisal Town Phase 2 located? Ans: It is located at M-2, just outside the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT). It can easily be accessed from Taxila, Wah Cantt, and the twin cities. Q3: Who are the developers of Faisal Town Phase 2? Ans: It is another promising project of Zedem International. Q4: Is Faisal Town Phase 2 legal? Ans: The Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) will soon approve the housing society's NOC. Q5: What is the total land area of Faisal Town Phase 2? Ans: It will cover almost 30,000 kanal to 35,000 kanal of land. Q6: Is Faisal Town Phase 2 easily accessible? Ans: The housing society can be accessed from various routes, including M-1, M-2, Rawalpindi Ring Road, and Srinagar Highway. Q7: What type of properties are available in Faisal Town Phase 2? Ans: Phase 2 of FT offers residential at affordable rates. Q8: What sizes of residential plots are available in Faisal Town Phase 2? Ans: The residential society offers residential plots of the following sizes: - 5 Marla - 8 Marla - 10 Marla - 12 Marla - 1 Kanal - 2 Kanal Q9: What sizes of commercial plots are available in Faisal Town Phase 2? Ans: The housing society will soon announce the sizes of the commercial plots. Q10: Does Faisal Town Phase 2 offer apartments? Ans: It plans to offer residential apartments in the not-so-far future. Q11: What type of facilities and amenities are available in Faisal Town Phase 2? Ans: It offers facilities including basic utilities, security, mosques, electricity backup, hospitals, roads & boulevards, a community club, and an eco-friendly environment for its residents. Q12: Is Faisal Town the same as Faisal Town Phase 2? Ans: Faisal Town was launched way before Faisal Town Phase 2. Faisal Town is commonly referred to as Faisal Town Phase 1. Q13: Is Faisal Hills the same as Faisal Town Phase 2? Ans: Faisal Hills is yet another, entirely different, and promising housing project of Zedem International.
Faisal Town Phase 2 (FT-II) is a reliable and promising residential society located on M-2, near Thalian Interchange, just outside the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT). It can easily be accessed from various routes in Taxila, Wah Cantt, and the twin cities. Many popular housing projects and landmarks are located near the project. AL MADINA ESTATE +92-333-3690000 +92-300-3690000 [email protected] Read the full article
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