hi! im mobile and the about link isnt working! could you maybe make a mobile friendly link? if not thats fine!
The link in the bio should work if you're in browser and not on the app c: I'm at work but I'll get back to this when I can get to my PC.
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I am pleasantly surprised! I have a sinking feeling you might still get some angry or snide remarks cos most people can't be assed to read an about page, just know that IF that happens, you're awesome and there's no reason for people to make a stink. Keep doing what makes you happy
Thanks, anon! I tried to be as clear as I possibly could be in my about, so if people still don't get it, I think that's completely on them, tbh... but I appreciate you giving it a read, and I especially appreciate your kind words!
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Dragon Kin | Dragon Hearted
Colors based off of warmth and dragon palettes.
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Wolf Therian | Wolf Kin | Wolf Hearted
Colors inspired by common wolf colors.
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Shark Therian | Shark Kin | Shark Hearted
Colors based off of shark-related colors and oceanic palettes.
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Fox Therian | Fox Kin | Fox Hearted
Colors based off of common fox colors.
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Owl Therian | Owl Kin | Owl Hearted
The colors are based off of common owl colors.
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