alters-garden · 3 years
ya got a token for the bot 👀
"Yes! Have something for robot friend."
Wormwood pushes aside a different bed of flowers. He pulls out a small, red, robot toy. It's decorated with a few loose wires and wooden vines. It has a very tiny piece of flint in its hand.
"Can't remember where found this, but thought of robot friend." Wormwood sets the toy down. "Gave more colors. Because robot friend has colorful per-son-ality!"
"Dunno how to make small pokey stick. So has little part of pokey stick. Similar enough!"
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alters-garden · 3 years
alter, what do you think about wormwood staying with the other survivors? what do you think of those said survivors?
"It's exactly what I need from them."
"It's easier to watch all of them, when a fragment of my very being is down there. I feel it."
"They've all become playthings of the darkness. Soon they will be free."
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alters-garden · 3 years
heya alter ever played catch with your kid before, i know it might seem a little hard but im sure we can fashion a catching mitt and a baseball
"... Kid?" The voice is in your head. But it seems like it's coming from everywhere at once. It echoes off of empty air.
"Your terminology is mistaken. I cannot make children. I have projects. They are projects."
"I know who you're thinking of. I know what you're thinking of. My first project does not need to partake in the tiny games you think of."
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alters-garden · 3 years
dont send mom or dad, but instead send "Alter"
it'll be funny
Send "Mom" or "Dad" and a question and my muse's corresponding parent will answer.
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alters-garden · 3 years
"Can... show somehing?" Wormwood is hopeful, but they have a small fear that Wes will just shake his head. "Want friend to see project."
"You may like! See you like color." The plant nods to the bowl of white Wes set aside. Whatever it is.
The first person Wormwood spots is Wes, the quiet, not so little human. He’s not really doing much right now, the plant thinks, just sort of… grinding.
Hey, he doesn’t talk. And he’s pretty nice, well, all of Wormwood’s friends are nice, but Wes is especially nice.
Timidly, Wormwood approaches him.
“Hello, friend? Not bothering you?”
Wes had just finished the white paint, testing a swatch on his hand. But he was startled out of his focus hearing someone walk by. Not as frightened hearing Wormwood’s voice tied to that.
The plant always did have something on the mind, not like Wes could really ask about it. In all his attempts to teach the creature sign language, at least how to read it, Wormwood just seemed lost. But, it was easy to convey thoughts otherwise.
He shakes his head, setting the bowl of paint down next to him to listen what they had to say.
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alters-garden · 3 years
Token + Reverse for Webber maybe?
"Leggy bug friend! Yes, have thing for leggy bug friend."
Wormwood beckons you closer. He gently pushes aside some growing flowers. They hide a small chest. It could probably hold a few trinkets.
The plant opens it and pulls something out.
He shows you a spider ring. Inside the ring part, various silk strands run through. It's a messy web, but it seems pretty stable. Dead leaves are also weaved onto it.
"Found this leggy bug. Thought was alive. Wasn't. Reminded me of friend!"
"Knows friend likes to craft... tried." Wormwood smiles. They're actually pretty proud of their craft. "Now have fake leggy bug to remind of real leggy bug."
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alters-garden · 3 years
Your muse has a single token to they keep to remind them of my muse. What is it?
A locket? A ticket stub? Something more sinister? The more backstory behind the object, the better!
Send “Token + reverse” to find out what memento my muse keeps to remind them of your muse. 
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alters-garden · 3 years
Wes had been tending to his own work. He was mulling paints, gathering resources, reorganizing. Not really wanting to bother anyone, he stuck to camp and preferred to work on things for himself rather than wander and get hurt. It was easier than needing help every two seconds, right?
At the moment, he was back to mixing up paint for himself. Trying to refresh his supply of white paint with light bulbs and white flowers, if only so he wouldn’t run out in the next few days.
Sitting cross-legged in the grass, he had to grind the plants together. It probably wasn’t a safe substance to use. He probably shouldn’t be using this on or near his face, or on any canvas… But he hadn’t died yet, right?
The first person Wormwood spots is Wes, the quiet, not so little human. He’s not really doing much right now, the plant thinks, just sort of... grinding.
Hey, he doesn’t talk. And he’s pretty nice, well, all of Wormwood’s friends are nice, but Wes is especially nice.
Timidly, Wormwood approaches him.
“Hello, friend? Not bothering you?”
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alters-garden · 3 years
Your muse has a single token to they keep to remind them of my muse. What is it?
A locket? A ticket stub? Something more sinister? The more backstory behind the object, the better!
Send “Token + reverse” to find out what memento my muse keeps to remind them of your muse. 
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alters-garden · 3 years
It’s cold. Wait, it’s always been like that. Perhaps Wormwood is just feeling for a change.
The throne is empty. It has been empty for what feels like forever. the plant can’t see, but they know that throne is empty. It’s so empty. Where did the king go? Where is he now? He was there. Then he left.
Wormwood curls up next to the phonograph. He has himself coiled in as much of a circle as he can manage. He’s more flexible then flesh.
His little tail taps against marble floor.
It’s cold. 
And quiet. Without a king, the court doesn’t play anything anymore. 
The court isn’t even there, save for the plant.
It’s cold.
He shifts around in his circle. It’s notany more comfortable then it was before.
It’s cold.
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alters-garden · 3 years
(@sentient78) WX approaches Wormwood, not quite as awkwardly as they did with Wes, but their steps are heavy because they really, really hate these stupid soft tasks the fleshlings keep putting them up to. WX lets out a "SIGH" once in talking distance to the plant. "YOU'RE DISGUSTING. YOUR FARM WORK IS SO GROSS AND I'M GLAD IT'S YOU DOING IT AND NOT ME. AT LEAST IT'S MILDLY USEFUL IN KEEPING US FED." If that wasn't affectionate, WX doesn't know what is!
"Friend also watching baby friends grow?" Wormwood seems completely unphased by the slew of insults. "Didn't know robot friend watched! They grow so fast! So proud."
"Know you don't like dirt, but maybe should try. Farming. Lots of hard work! Know robot friend likes hard work."
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alters-garden · 3 years
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alters-garden · 3 years
Dip. Pour. Wormwood gently breaks the surface of the pond with the watering can he borrowed from camp. He lets the wooden vessel fill up with water before standing up, sprinkling it all over surrounding flowers, hedges, and trees. Little bits of dappled sun shine down on new dew drops, making the entire garden look shimmery.
It's all so wonderful.
The plant is proud of their little friends. So many vibrant colors and healthy leaves. They're all growing so well!
Wormwood leaves the watering can by the pond when they're done. They'll come back for it later. For now, he slips out of the secret grove.
The plant squeezes out of trees as they go back to camp. Oh they can't wait to say how their friends are doing to their camp friends-!
Wait. Wormwood pauses their thought. What if the camp friends... ruin it? Pick up flowers, tramble them... Oh no, he doesn't want that to happen!
But he still wants to show someone. They just need to know who is gentle, kind, and can keep a secret...
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alters-garden · 3 years
XIX: The Sun
There's no point in being grown-up if you can't be childish every now and again. Laugh loud and often, do all the things you wanted to when you were too young to try, and let your own joy illuminate the lives of those around you.
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alters-garden · 3 years
White Pawn
You are a white pawn. Don't let pawn be misleading, this means you're full of potential. Being the white piece and a pawn means you can have the first move on the board. Will you make a good first impression? For all the spotlight is on you, watching you go across the board on your long journey. Will you rely on those around you for support? For a pawn, for all its love and hope, can do little by itself. Not until it reaches the other side of the board and has its full potential realized. Who will you be at the end of your journey? Only time will tell.
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alters-garden · 3 years
I have always known you
You have always been there in my mind
But now I understand you
And I will not be part of your designs
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alters-garden · 3 years
“Fight? Why all friends fighting? Don’t fight!”
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