Hello small, frosty, cyan Slugcat! What are you doing in such a dangerous area? Do you know where you are right now? Do you have a name? …also, is that a Karma Flower on your crown?
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[???: The following is a translation, for accessibility.] { . . . yes to all applicable questions, at least. I'm quite aware of where dad sent me,, I've been here multiple times. . . Never seen you before,,! That's, new. . The, flower is attached directly to my head though, I don't have a crown. . . although one would look pretty on me, maybe. . . hmm. . . } { . . . Oh, you asked for a name,, dad calls me Remedy, if you wish to use that as well,,! }
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Does RI consider anyone in their local group as a friend? just curious.
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[RI: Like, one time I tried to send an overseer over just to say hi, and it almost instantly destroyed it! Kinda hurt a little. . . I don't understand why someone would want to be alone, but I guess if it makes it happy then I shouldn't judge! Heheh... I'm sure if one of you new overseers were sent over to it as well it would've already been destroyed!]
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To Haphazardly Throwing Needles: Have you made any interesting discoveries about the wildlife recently? And what are your opinions on pole plants?
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[HTN: As for. . . pole plants, they are, nice. Mimicry is a powerful thing. I, do not believe any exist around my structure anymore, but I've seen some of the rot develop itself to resemble it. Mimicry of the mimic. . . Funny.]
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Ignoring the overseer will just make the people on the other side of it more persistent, so I wouldn’t recommend that, although I will leave to ask the others some questions, but, first, I will explain to you the basics of this. You are in an ask blog, and, I would like to believe you are here of your own free will, but I highly doubt it. The way this ask blog works is that, unless we are asking someone else questions, we don’t shut up, and we try to get answers, sometimes by having our questions answered, sometimes by continuously asking the question, although, some of us may be more . . . “forceful” when trying to get answers, but, hopefully, most of us won’t.
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[considering this non-canon to the blog since it's a lil' too 4th-wall break-y for my liking, but i still wanted to respond to it for fun]
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The reason for the change in speech patterns is because there is more that one person in control of this overseer, although I am not sure how or why that is, however, I do not think it will be leaving anytime soon.
(To Altitude: if this goes against anything you have planned, feel free to not answer it.)
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(Cutely tells in detail to DOH how to make a nuclear bomb)
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[DON: . . . Well, it certainly seems that my overseers managed to locate one of the lizards! I don't. . . think it damaged the overseer at all. That's relieving.]
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Deafening Silence, although I am not sure why this overseer is not destroyed, I do know it is not your average overseer, so most ways of destroying it will probably not work, so, save us both the trouble and don’t do that again.
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politely sniffs at DS with intrigue,,
may I ask what's it up to-?
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it's sure up to something, that's for sure!
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[Due to my own struggle to do art in the style of the VSH portrait, i cannot show it off ): maybe one day, maybe one day]
Hello local group! I have a few questions:
How many pearls does VSH have, and what's their favorite pearl?
How are HA and STB doing?
Can HA read pearls? If so, do the pearls on their circlet or braclet say anything? (Also, can I give them a hug through this overseer?)
Do STB's antenna pearls say anything?
Would anyone appreciate a pet lantern mouse? One seems lost and I'm trying to find it a home.
That is all. Thank you!
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[VSH : There's plenty others that I'm fond of though. Hard choice!]
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[HA: Aaaaree-- Is this huggg? Nnnew. . .]
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[STB : Nothing too special, but they are still nice to keep around for remembrance.]
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[RI: I, I promise I can take care of it!! I won't hurt it!! This lil guy here, they can, they can have a friend! We can all be friends! All three of us!]
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HA, how did you get your name?
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[HA: Thhhough.... Technically it cccould be consideredd... myy real name nnow... hmmm...]
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Hello local group! I have a few questions:
How many pearls does VSH have, and what's their favorite pearl?
How are HA and STB doing?
Can HA read pearls? If so, do the pearls on their circlet or braclet say anything? (Also, can I give them a hug through this overseer?)
Do STB's antenna pearls say anything?
Would anyone appreciate a pet lantern mouse? One seems lost and I'm trying to find it a home.
That is all. Thank you!
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[VSH : There's plenty others that I'm fond of though. Hard choice!]
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[HA: Aaaaree-- Is this huggg? Nnnew. . .]
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[STB : Nothing too special, but they are still nice to keep around for remembrance.]
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[RI: I, I promise I can take care of it!! I won't hurt it!! This lil guy here, they can, they can have a friend! We can all be friends! All three of us!]
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Ngl vsh you should get a cyan lizard
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[VSH : I'll look into it! Sounds fun! Would have to train it well though, can't have it destroying my pearls. . .]
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Hello, my name is Softly Flowing Water. My can is quite far away but I have finally arrived. Me, my spouse, and our friend have heard seen you. You may have seen our overseers around. That is not the only reason for my visit. We three bring a gift to you.
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We have named this creature The Companion. They should be an excellent friend for you. After all, they were genetically modified with you in mind. You are Reckless Infatuation, correct?
[RI: Huh? An Iterator-- How did you-- OH, yes, I'm Reckless Infatuation!] [RI: . . . Wait. . . a gift? You made this lil guy. . . for me? You, travelled here for ME?] [RI: Oh, oh this is amazing!! I-- this has never happened before! Gimmie! Gimmie!]
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[RI: I've never had a friend like this-- Are you sure they're for for me?? And I-- they'll stay here? And not leave? And I can stay with them?] [RI: Are you going to be staying here for a while?? How long will you be here! I've never had another iterator right in front of me-! Thhhhhis Is-] [RI: . . .] [RI: . . . Mmmaybe I'll calm down! That's a good idea-- yeah, yeah, calming down, I'm being calm!] [RI: IF-- if you're being truthful, which I REALLY hope you are, thank you!! This is-- I have a friend!! They aren't running away!! This is, this is the most exciting moment of my life-- you'll have to-- uh- you'll have to excuse me for a moment! Don't wanna-- don't wanna keep exploding things!]
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are you yeeked up
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[HA : wwwhere did-- how is-- yeeeeks?]
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DON, opinion on my favorite lizard the cyan goobers!!!
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[DON : If they are still around, they should be roaming somewhere around here. Maybe my overseers can locate one for you! We'll have to see.]
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how come all of you guys have the coolest names ever
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[RB : Your choices still confuse me though, little overseer.] [RI : The only other time anyone has complimented my name is when Sky said my name was better than Needles' name! Although I think he was just trying to be mean to them! It was still a compliment in my book though!!]
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DON, what’s your favorite modified species?
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DON: [Though I think that's pretty obvious, given my puppet's looks.]
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