#rw the companion
Does RI consider anyone in their local group as a friend? just curious.
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[RI: Like, one time I tried to send an overseer over just to say hi, and it almost instantly destroyed it! Kinda hurt a little. . . I don't understand why someone would want to be alone, but I guess if it makes it happy then I shouldn't judge! Heheh... I'm sure if one of you new overseers were sent over to it as well it would've already been destroyed!]
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altitudeofalcatraz · 1 year
Could I request my favorite iterator sillies Softly Flowing Water, Six Ears Listening, and Gnawing On Metal? Or Reckless Infatuation and Violet Sky Hues? Or Spearmaster and Suns! You can just choose between any of those three! I’d love any of them! ^^ I plan on drawing some more of your sillies soon, just got a few necessary drawings I have to do first!
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(Here is their ref sheets if you decide to draw these sillies!)
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Uhhh how about all of them! Doin a lil chat! About what, who knows ☆
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randomfaeriedragon · 1 year
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insaneiceshard · 1 year
Dude I thought I submitted this attack like a week ago!! Anyways here's CinderTobGlow's oc "The Companion" meeting a friendly lantern mouse!
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shkika · 1 year
do you think slugcats actually wawa? It is a fairly popular fanon sure but I have been wondering for the last few days. We know slugcats must have some decent hearing - some of the map markers are explicitly the slugcat using its hearing to differentiate between other living creatures in other rooms and so on (although the actual passages they apparently just commit to the memory). Probably not as good as black lizard hearing but pretty good. However this part of gameplay as proof of canon worldbuilding might be taken with a grain of salt
that may suggest that audial communication between slugcats may actually be pretty hard to hear for humans - similar to how we cannot hear most of audible signals of various rodents. The problem is, well, it is a gameplay concession for the most part and tbh the way gameplay is integrated with worldbuiding - the devs made an attempt but the realization is imho wonky at best and misleading at worst.
back to wawas, we can try to draw a comparison between domestic cats and slugcats wherein meow is something mostly relegated to 'babytalk' and a specific type of call which some cats, especially those who grew up with humans, adopt for cat to human communication (with cats who grew up without much human interaction sometimes never taking up a habit of meowing even if they end up living with humans later on and actively engaging with them positively). In this case a wawa is a specific signal that is either used for example in danger (owing to how we hear a wawa like sound in one of the danger alert osts) or during communication with the young.
this assumes we take danger osts as actually symbolically reflective of something.
Howerver! While just like the map it seems to be largely a gameplay concession, most of slugcat out of cutscene (aka the gourmand ending slides) communication is reliant on body language. Pointing, jumping, things like that. Even with the pups we mostly interact via those things. Which... either suggests a dimension of pup interaction we do not see because of the gameplay limitations or we should take it as wawa not being a slugcat 'babytalk'.
Which leaves wawas with a very dubious space as a potential 'can be fit into canon' or not.
Oh I'm SO sorry, but I don't think slugcats wawa at all,,
I just think Rivulet ONLY can scream.
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Slightly longer ramble under cut!
I think lore and gameplay are mostly done pretty well! For example the cycle mechanic is something you can only really theorize on if you look at both gameplay and lore. You get to experience the pain of cycles all on your own!
As for wawas.. as you have mentioned, they mostly use body language and art. Picture from Gourmand campaign ↓
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Spearmaster draws too, and uses sign language to communicate with Suns. And I hear you. "Spearmaster is domesticated, they don't count" and you're right!
The fact they can learn such complicated sign language would imply they have the capacity for it in their brain to learn and memorize a language so complicated in the first place. Unless that was modified as well.
But it is more intuitive for slugcats to understand gestures than speech, which is why they need the mark of communication as they otherwise just hear incomprehensible garble. Their brains weren't made for many complicated noises. Yet when they DO have the mark they are capable of understanding extremely complicated sentences and such.
The wawas in threat themes are just the track not actual noise your slugcat makes. A lot of tracks have quite the bizarre sounds in them.
I think slugcats draw, point and jump to communicate. They're rodents that sign!
My only self-indulgent funny headcanon is.. as forementioned, that Rivulet can scream. There is no proof or basis for this. It's just incredibly creepy and funny to me.
This is why that creature wanders alone. Cursed being.
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wispance · 21 days
I drew these by tracing my friend's dogs
My friend also made the captions
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localceilingdevil · 10 months
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iterators for ever
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sososcareds · 5 months
ill finish this later maybe
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To SLS, PU, LOF individually: How did you obtain your slugcat? (The one that you fed.)
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admin note: thank you @cloverlady for helping with the coloring!! and adding some shading too hehe
Also, it should be noted that Umbra is not being entirely forthcoming here... But about what exactly, I'll let you figure it out!! :P
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wolfisblank · 11 months
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I was replaying Hunter while streaming to some friends and it quickly went from a halfhearted "speedrun" to a casual playthrough but with kids now. So I doodled them
I name all my slugpups so we named them - Light blue: Muffin, short for Blueberry Muffin - Dark blue: Chip, short for Chocolate Chip The food theme was not intended
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Hello local group! I have a few questions:
How many pearls does VSH have, and what's their favorite pearl?
How are HA and STB doing?
Can HA read pearls? If so, do the pearls on their circlet or braclet say anything? (Also, can I give them a hug through this overseer?)
Do STB's antenna pearls say anything?
Would anyone appreciate a pet lantern mouse? One seems lost and I'm trying to find it a home.
That is all. Thank you!
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[VSH : There's plenty others that I'm fond of though. Hard choice!]
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[HA: Aaaaree-- Is this huggg? Nnnew. . .]
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[STB : Nothing too special, but they are still nice to keep around for remembrance.]
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[RI: I, I promise I can take care of it!! I won't hurt it!! This lil guy here, they can, they can have a friend! We can all be friends! All three of us!]
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m1lkyw4yw1sh3z · 2 months
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A bunch of Artfight 2024 attacks we did :) !!! We started off a little slower than last year, lots of stuff going on this month, but we managed to make a few pieces with actual backgrounds this time, plus a bunch of animations (not shown here)! A huge achievement!!
We're gradually posting the attacks we did now that Artfight is over. It was a fun year, can't wait for next year!!
OC Credits: @that-other-dead-person - The Ghost and Lizard Mimic @jsabaddict - Blitzpop and The Eclipse @puppypop5 - Parfait and Carmine
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Has anyone ever made boreas laugh?
i mean at the start of it all when he was still stainless mischievious kid he did giggle quietly at the pranks he'd pull
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But Then Came The Politicians (and paralyzation drugs) and poor bastard is now stuck on Pain by Three Days Grace
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nobody has managed to make Boreas laugh after that, no. and damn has Euros tried hard. Haboob tried a lil too but got frustrated rather quickly
Boreas doesn't laugh, doesn't giggle, his eyes don't squint in a smile, doesn't say "I love you", the best positive thing one will get out of him is relaxation of the face and the tiniest hint of a smile. and him acknowledging the other Anemoi as his siblings as a silent confession of his love for them. "little sister Notus, little sister Haboob, little brother Eurus, sister Zephyrus" are the warmest things that will come out of him. he's just really fucked up, man. doesn't have it in him anymo
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laly-481 · 1 year
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luminumarashi · 1 year
Art fight attacks (and revenges) I did!
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Ali by @/hogwashherbert (inst)
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Cherry Sundae by @/Ahatinspace (twt) (and LuMin by me)
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All characters by @eakiturtle
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Six Moons of Falling by TravelingFeline (art fight account)
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wispance · 4 months
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This picture came from a conversation that me and my friend had: who would win, Companion or Feral?
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