3zethe3zr · 1 year
Hello! I saw your post on your opinions and you brought up many interesting questions on Mudwing society, so I'm curious: what responsibilities do you think are placed on a bigwigs? DO they suffer consequences for their siblings actions, are they seen as de facto leaders for their troops? Id love to hear any ideas you have on generic or specific inter-sibling dynamics/responsibility, even if it's not related to my question.
(If you'd like, I am fully willing to read a full on rant/essay on this/whatever you want to answer with. Mudwings deserve better and I always love seeing other people's creative stuff/fun ideas!)
In canon im going to be honest, im not sure: Tui has woefully underdeveloped them, The Guide To The Dragon World is coming out in seven billion years, so i might write paragraphs upon paragraphs to be hit in the face with a canon contradiction years down the line
So, to give you the essay you truly deserve im going to apply these questions to my Flying Postal Companies edition of Pyrrhia. Essencially ''the same world as canon'', except for the fact that i have gotten my grubby little worldbuilding fingers all over it and happened to create 200+ ocs in the process of doing so.
Mudwings, from the ages newly hatched to seven years old, dont really have the concept of a Bigwings outside Record Keepers noting down who hatched first.
The second they become adults in the eyes of mudwing community, the Bigwings becomes of great importance. Bigwings are often seen as the de-facto leader of the bunch, despite how they may have been raised, and have responsiblities surrounding the upkeep and stability of the sibling group as a whole.
This can manifest as: Being the manager or being placed in a bookkeeping role in a family busniess, being a slightly higher rank than their siblings in military postions, being the ones to primiarily guide or raise dragonets even if said children are not thiers, or breaking up sibiling fights and other acts of emotional labour
The most important role a Bigwings can play in Mudwing culture is: Keeping the sibling group together.
No matter what. Mudwing culture shames distant or sepertated siblings, whether that be beacuse a sibling has died, a sibling has become a criminal, or the group as a whole have different goals in life, and have seperated to go achieve them.
The Bigwings is often to blame for these happenings by other mudwings, and the amount of societal pressure can push said bigwings to horrible mindsets and drastic actions to live up to the standard presented.
Often the current Queen and her siblings will be used as the standard to live up to.
Unfortunately, as sibling groups are insular, and no outsider sees it fit to intervene as long as said siblings are 'together', this can sometimes create abusive enviroments that victims find it incredibly hard to leave.
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Hello small, frosty, cyan Slugcat! What are you doing in such a dangerous area? Do you know where you are right now? Do you have a name? …also, is that a Karma Flower on your crown?
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[???: The following is a translation, for accessibility.] { . . . yes to all applicable questions, at least. I'm quite aware of where dad sent me,, I've been here multiple times. . . Never seen you before,,! That's, new. . The, flower is attached directly to my head though, I don't have a crown. . . although one would look pretty on me, maybe. . . hmm. . . } { . . . Oh, you asked for a name,, dad calls me Remedy, if you wish to use that as well,,! }
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thehappiestgolucky · 8 months
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The Spearmaster Collection Part 2 - How many messangers?!
Halfway there with all these Spearmasters, all have which have been an absolute blast to draw! Splitting every spears I was given to give as many full spotlight was definetly a good choice - because each have been more fun to sketch in full than a blob. Again, credits under cut - let me know if I have made any mistakes with the @'s!
@frostseeker-draws @seven-skies-above @foxett @chocobewyartist @subwaybug @scarapanna @electro-popsicle @soaricarus @vchumis @cheddar-inq @myrirdraws @i3utterflyeffect @randomfaeriedragon @sp1resong @kakyogay @gwagwagwagoogoo @emperormoth101 @autism-yaoi @prismaticpinky @sevenrs @pixieplanets @bunteaart
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good-wizard · 1 year
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Thankyou all for showing up now let's get our tea on!!
[I drew everyone's profile pictures, if they didn't have something I could draw I looked at their headers and if those didn't have anything I looked for ocs, I hope you all like it!!!]
[and if you didn't make it just draw yourself in somewhere! I don't mind! We are all invited!!]
Here's a list of everyone I got in the picture:
@the-gnomish-bastard (3rd picture in the center)
@slutty-wizard-council (second picture in the center)
@the-gnomish-bastards-dad (3rd picture upper left)
@combustion-wizard (first picture, upper middle, your teas exploding)
@yourlocalbreadenthusiast (3rd picture behind large beige creature, top right)
@the-better-goblin-union (2nd picture middle right)
@siley-the-wizard (1st picture just off from the center to the left)
@dalob (3rd picture bottom left, next to me)
@circuslemon (your lime is bottom middle, you are off middle top right)
@well-dressed-sewer-rat (3rd picture between the gnomes)
@username-not-registered (3rd picture top middle)
@saul-moleman (3rd picture, middle, to the left, over my arm)
@the-kobold-bastard (next to mole, 3rd picture)
@funny-short-man (3rd picture, right of center Gnomie)
@sluttyambiguouswizard (3rd picture falling right of Gnomie)
@ashen-the-tiefling (2nd picture middle far right, your cat is with you)
@randomfaeriedragon (3rd picture middle right)
@mug-of-shark (3rd picture bottom right corner)
@chaos-familiar (3rd picture top left)
@monsterfucker-research-wizard (top left with clip board that says MFR {Monsterfucker research})
@wizardcrow (1st image middle, I drew you in human form, ig?)
@boxell (2nd image, Misha Collins, middle far left)
@evil-apprentice-wizard (2nd image, very top right corner)
@just-a-cool-wizard (big one eyed apple, 2nd image you can't miss it)
@ayoungfather (2nd image, bottom right, your shirt says something about fatherhood)
@terrencetheshark14 (2nd image bottom right, next to a clown)
@succufaerie (1st image, middle right, next to mirror, I did my best to draw you)
@bowl-of-moss (1st image, bottom middle, slightly to the right)
@barely-living-wizard-apprentice (first image, bottom left, towards middle!)
@wayworm (1st image bottom left, with Snoopy and a corn snake)
@jhomikle (1st image, middle left, with succubus, look closely in the mirror, you're holding tea!)
@aileaxthevoidien (1st image bottom left, you're drinking coffee)
@ima-snekk (1st image, with wayworm, bottom left)
@8ball-wizard (you are falling from the sky in the first image, your tea is spilling but you've just received an amazing prophecy)
@fearlessjones (1st image, center bottom)
@bugwizard4lyfe (1st image, bottom left, I think I accidentally combined your persona with someone else, whoops!)
@kobold-sanctuary-buss-island (1st image, center to the left, drinking tea with verylegalwizard)
@profoundmiscasting (2nd image, middle, sitting in chair, next to sluttywizardcouncil representative)
@reiki-tsubetai (second image, far right, top middle on side, you are falling)
@broccoli-bitching (2nd image, middle far left, under my arm)
@evil-wild-lesbian-wizard (1st image, far left, almost very top)
@gavamont (2nd image very center, behind slutty wizard council representative)
@bladlauf (2nd image, top right, beneath the evil apprentice wizard)
@fyriefairy (1st image, super bottom left!!)
@ablasphemyofpoets (2nd image bottom middle, slightly to the left, I didn't do a very good job)
@inkwell-god (2nd image, top middle)
@chaoticz8 (2nd image center, behind purple hooded lady
@slymewizard (2nd image, upper left, behind slutty wizard
@verdan-the-druid (2nd image, middle, In front of slutty wizard)
@vsgroundnet (2nd image top right, your super small but you're there!)
Okay guys my hand is dead, there are so many more of you and I don't have the time to @ you all. So I've devised an idea, @ whoever you reblogged from so they can see the picture,
Don't see yourself in the picture? I give you permission to draw yourself in anywhere you like!
Go crazy go wild, I love you guys this is a great sky tea party!!
Good wizard out! I think it's time for me to enjoy some weed brownies from just-a-cool-wizard
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minkydinks · 1 year
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leafwings are bipedal because they sort of didn't really need big, bulky limbs for climbing trees quickly. it wastes precious energy to build so much muscle in the arms for something that can already be done by the hind limbs so effectively. dragons climbing trees are already rear-wheel drive if that makes sense, leafwings just evolved to be even faster at it by taking away excess weight, and building that on their legs instead.
so they have very, very strong legs, and they need them for the power and momentum of getting up high. their arms have the bonus of maneuvering through that, and getting a good grip to stay attached to a surface.
so their arms are useful in climbing, but mostly as stabilizers! not really as the climbing force itself.
but yknow also its just super cool lmao
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Hello local group! I have a few questions:
How many pearls does VSH have, and what's their favorite pearl?
How are HA and STB doing?
Can HA read pearls? If so, do the pearls on their circlet or braclet say anything? (Also, can I give them a hug through this overseer?)
Do STB's antenna pearls say anything?
Would anyone appreciate a pet lantern mouse? One seems lost and I'm trying to find it a home.
That is all. Thank you!
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[VSH : There's plenty others that I'm fond of though. Hard choice!]
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[HA: Aaaaree-- Is this huggg? Nnnew. . .]
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[STB : Nothing too special, but they are still nice to keep around for remembrance.]
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[RI: I, I promise I can take care of it!! I won't hurt it!! This lil guy here, they can, they can have a friend! We can all be friends! All three of us!]
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minkydinks · 1 year
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Go ahead!! steal the headcanon as you please >:D
RainWings can be bipedal, and often are, being related to LeafWings by some common ancestor or something. RainWings mostly choose to be quad though unless theyre doing activities that require hands, like weaving flowers into worn decoration, making tranq darts, that sort of thing. I hope that makes sense oog
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