alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
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Bonnie's body was found dead slumped over Clyde. The two bodies were towed from the site still in the car.
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Before this was done, however, onlookers managed to snip hair and other souvenirs from the bodies. One man even tried to cut off Clyde’s ear and trigger finger, but the officers managed to stop him. Since their deaths, many people claim their ghosts still remain.
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The most active of these hauntings is at the site in the wooded area near where they were shot and killed in Louisiana. Today a weather-worn marker is placed at the spot were Bonnie and Clyde’s car rolled off the road.
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Many visitors to this spot have reported strange anomalies and mists showing up in their photographs. Most state that these strange lights appeared in just one of the many photos they took.
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The car itself is also considered haunted by their ghosts. For 30 years this blood splattered,bullet-ridden V8 Ford “Death Car” as it is known, was a popular attraction at carnivals, amusement parks, flea markets and state fairs. It is estimated that it made it various owners millions of dollars.
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Today the car is displayed in a room along with Clyde Barrow’s bloodstained, bullet holed shirt at Whiskey Pete’s Casino in Primm, Nevada just across the border from California.Several people who have viewed the Ford over the years state they got a creepy unnatural feeling as they stood near it. Yet again, many people who have taken photographs of this car have picked up strange anomalies in their pictures.
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One hotel that Bonnie and Clyde stayed at for several nights during their crime spree was the Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells, Texas. It is stated they haunt two specific areas of the hotel, the Brazos Room and the Ballroom. Some feel their ghosts are still present because they are reliving fond memories. Others say that it is several objects the hotel owns that keep their ghosts active.
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For the hotel once had Bonnie’s 38 revolver on display as well as photographs of her and Clyde. The hotel also once displayed a poem that Bonnie wrote for Clyde. The Bonnie and Clyde Ambush museum in 2419 Main St. in Gibsland is also reportedly haunted by the ghosts of Bonnie and Clyde. Paranormal groups from the through the state and the country, visit the location on a regular basis.
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More Bonnie and Clyde photos.... In the next post
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
Lyatt. all. the. way.
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Reblog if you are Team Lyatt
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
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I made Ms Thornhill/ Laurel Gates in Picrew !! Here's the link to the one i used [Its so cuteee :D] https://picrew.me/image_maker/197705
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
If Laurissa was in Romeo and Juliet:
Larissa (as Juliet): Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore art thou, Romeo? Laurel(as Romeo): I'm right here, Juliet..? Larissa: Wherefore means 'why' not 'where'. Laurel: It's misunderstandings like this that define our relationship.
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
Seymour: Violence is never the answer. Boleyn: You're right... Seymour: * Relieved exhale* Boleyn: Violence is the question. Seymour: ..W-What? Boleyn: [ Running Off] And the answer is yes Aragon: ANNE NO-
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
Nation’s reaction to Janet’s Little Black Dress is true wlw solidarity
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
What is more gay?
Being a lesbian,
Whatever was going through Nation's head when she saw Janet Majors in that strapless, backless, classical, little black dress?
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
reblog for jane doe to aggressively wave at people
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
Riff Raff: I was thinking i'd do some magic. Frank: You? Magic? Riff, it says TALENT show.
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
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''I ain't never seen two pretty best friends''
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
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This one goes out to the LGBTs
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
If RHPS Had Twitter: Magenta: My wife and i accidentally had matching outfits in Animal Crossing and it took us half an hour to realize. Brad: Aww, that's nice ! But you both look like women? Frank: They're lesbians, Brad.
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
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im getting a little bit obsessed with making rtc characters on picrew. you could say im losing my head over it if you know what i mean. anyway, i present to you, saltwater. aka, Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg.
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alty-gutzz-bonnie · 2 years
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