alusionshipper-blog · 6 years
Is it okay to request for Alucard x Gossen?
two pretty hoes
These two combined are the Insufferable Pricks.
Constant banter. Gusion is so tsun-tsun it’s practically one of the easiest things to use and poke fun at him.
The sexual tension is hilarious
There’s always cook-offs, these two are really good cooks- it’s not even funny anymore.
Gusion is the little spoon- and his tickle spot is on the hips. Of course he wouldn’t want anyone else to know about that- it’s already unfortunate that Alucard knows.
At least one person in the house thought that these two had an ‘on and off’ relationship- which is pretty darn accurate actually.
Gusion likes kisses in the morning because he’s gross
That one (1) couple that goes home with bags full of groceries and only makes one (1) trip to the kitchen
Would deny anything people say about their relationship- then hold hands if they look away
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alusionshipper-blog · 6 years
Don't Leave [ Oneshot ]
WARNINGS: Major angst.
WRITER / CREATOR: Adhara from Wattpad ( @flxttering ), https://my.w.tt/qyPLttl4zO
EXTRA: This is an unedited piece, there may be spelling and grammatical errors
Despite Alucard's best efforts, the creaking and dip of the bed woke Gusion up as he tried to silently get off of it.
❝Do you have to take a piss or some shit?❞ Gusion mumbled out, sleepily watching Alucard through half-lidded eyes.  His mumble earned a quiet chuckle from Alucard.
❝No.  Mission.❞
A sigh escaped Gusion and he sat up, lifting up a hand to stop Alucard from protesting against him getting up.  A bit more alert now, he stated, ❝I'm coming with.❞
A solemn look appeared in Alucard's face and he shook his head.  ❝No.  There is no way in hell--❞
❝We both know I'm the stubborner one out of us, Al.❞ Gusion remarked, raising a brow.  It was true--once he was determined, there was about no damn chance that he could be persuaded to do otherwise. 
Alucard's lips slightly turned downwards,  ghost of a frown on his face as he crossed his arms, knowing it was true.  Sucking in a breath, he continued to protest, ❝My missions are dangers, and have a high chance of--❞
❝Death.  I know, asshole, why do you think I'm going with you?❞  Once again, Gusion had butt into Alucard's sentence.  An annoyed look quickly crossed  over Alucard's face.
This time, it was Alucard's turn to sigh, shoulders slightly sinking.  A posture of defeat.  ❝Fine, just.. Don't do anything stupid, alright?❞  He asked, uncrossing his arms as Gusion smirked.
❝Same goes to you.❞ Gusion responded, walking over and giving Alucard a small peck on the cheek.
The demons they were brought to could be categorized onto two categories--the usual level of horrifying, and then horrifying.  As in gut-wrenching-I-want-to-puke horrifying.   The creatures were tall and lanky, what could be considered as their 'ribs' could sickly be seen defined through their rotting flesh.  Their flesh, though, it had multiple sunken spots on it, looking like holes ranging from small to large littering their bodies.  The top half of their heads were nonexistent, having no eyes to see with.  They seemed to navigate and attack based on sounds created by their adversaries by extending their arm length, its flesh branching off similarly to a tree branch.  Ironically enough, their skin was about as tough as tree bark.  They were quite difficult to kill, but not impossible.  Their attacks were dodgeable enough, thankfully.
The horrifying demons were their first and main target before the other ones, and they were quickly eradicated by the duo. 
❝Do you have anything in mind for breakfast?❞ Gusion asked over the ruckus of the fight, throwing a dagger at one of the demons and rushing over to it, killing the thing before it could fight back.  They were surprisingly weak.
A disbelieving huff came from Alucard.  ❝It is three in the damn morning and you're asking what we should eat for breakfast?❞
❝Congrats, you were listening to what I said.  But no reward, you didn't answer what you wanted.❞
❝Are you serious--❞ Alucard was cut off as a dagger flew through the air in front of him and slammed itself through a demon near his side, instantly killing it.
❝Completely, love.❞Gusion hummed, a smirk appearing on his face at the glare he received from the demon hunter, a crack of a twig breaking underneath his foot as he stepped upon it.
Alucard had turned his attention back to the remaining few demons in front of him, about to throw a remark back at Gusion as he slashed his sword in an arc, killing the demons in front of him and the few behind them as the effect of the blow continued on wards when he saw a sight that horrified him.  One of those tree-like bastards hidden in the nearby edge of the forest, his arm pointed directly at an unsuspecting Gusion in the clearing beside it.  ❝Gusion!❞  Alucard yelled out, time seeming to slow as he dragged his head to look at the demon to the diagonal of Gusion and point his finger at it.  A brief, momentary confusion appearing on Gusion's face as he looked at Alucard before his gaze flicked to the demon, surely a curse uttered under his breath as his eyes widened in panic.  He turned to face the demon, arm brought up to throw his dagger at it.  Every moment seemed to pause and embed itself into Alucard's memory, the only thing he could think being 'Not him' as the demon's arm seemed to slowly branch out towards Gusion's, the other's dagger silently flying above the arm as it slowly went to its target.  Too late, all too late.  A sudden contortion of pain appeared on Gusion's face as the arm made its way through his chest, its branches piercing his shoulder and lower stomach, staying there for a few seconds before disintegrating at the dagger hit its mark, killing the creature. 
❝A-Ah...❞  The word was softly choked out, Gusion's eyes impossibly wide as his body started to fall downwards, Alucard running forward as fast as he could, dropping his sword in the process as he caught Gusion's falling body before it hit the ground completely.  Gusion's eyes were already slightly glassed over, a look of shock on his face.  ❝I-I guess I w-wasn't.. fast enough...❞  He mumbled, his breaths becoming shallower.
Alucard slowly sunk to his knees, bringing the two to the ground.  ❝Gusion--please, no--d-don't do this, don't--❞Hechoked out, the word die falling getting caught in his throat, unable to say the word.  Frantically, he used one of his hands to try and put pressure on the largest wound, the main hole in Gusion's chest caused by the main part of the demon's arm slicing through him.  A groan of pain left Gusion at the action.
❝No, I can't let you--❞
❝Alucard.❞  Gusion rasped out, eyes boring into the other's.  ❝It's too late.  I-I wasn't fast enough.❞ He mumbled out, raising up a hand to cup Alucard's cheek weakly.
Reluctantly, Alucard let his hand slip off the wound, and instead grabbed Gusion's hand with his own bloodied one, taking the hand off of his cheek.  Tears ran down his cheeks, dammed up streams, rushing downwards.  ❝Please--❞  He sobbed, cutting himself off.
❝No.  You can't di--❞
❝--you brought me so much happiness--❞
❝--I'm so, so happy that I--❞
❝--got to spend a part of my life with you--❞
❝Don't die, don't die, don't leave me--❞
❝--I love you.❞
❝Gusion--❞Alucard called out, shoulders heaving at his unusual breaths as he didn't see Gusion's rise, didn't feel his lover take another breath.  ❝Gusion!❞  He screamed out, eyes tightly screwing shut as he gripped's Gusion's still warm body, head lowering onto the no longer rising or falling chest as sobs racked through his body.  ❝Don't leave me, please, don't leave me--❞  He blubbered out, repeating his earlier words to ears that wouldn't hear anymore.  ❝I love you--please--❞  He begged, grip tightening on the body in his arms.  ❝P-Please.. don't leave me... ❞
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alusionshipper-blog · 6 years
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