amafsu · 11 years
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Hey everyone, Alpha Mu Alpha is having a bake sale at the College of Music! Come on out and get some baked goods. So yum. So cheap. We take card.
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amafsu · 11 years
Music Therapy on Landis
Hey Tumblr! 
We'll be tabling on Landis Green talking about Music Therapy. If you've never heard of it, and you're curious to learn more, come over and we'll be happy to talk! 
Hope to see you there. 
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amafsu · 12 years
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amafsu · 12 years
We played this at our meeting in case you missed it!
“[Music Therapy] is so much more than just singing songs.” 
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amafsu · 12 years
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Acoustic Levitation
Using sound waves to levitate individual droplets of solutions containing pharmaceutical drugs and drying them in mid-air. Why do this? This is useful because most of the drugs on the market are either amorphous or crystalline and the crystalline form doesn’t get absorbed by the body. So levitating the solution allows the drug to be made into an amorphous state (by evaporation) because if it were to touch any surface it would simply crystallize. They call this “containerless processing”.
The frequencies used are just above the audible range at about 22 kilohertz and when the two speakers are aligned they create two sets of sound waves, perfectly interfering with each other creating a phenomenon known as a standing wave. This allows the objects to levitate in areas within the waves known as nodes as the acoustic pressure is enough to cancel the force of gravity.
Video Source - Argonne National Laboratory
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amafsu · 12 years
Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy
What a wonderful method of interaction!
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amafsu · 12 years
Music is both an art and a science. If you don’t believe me, ask a music therapist.
(via itschelseajune)
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amafsu · 12 years
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amafsu · 12 years
Something some of my followers might be interested in. I attended a session at conference in November about LGBTQ Best Practices in music therapy and put my name down for their mailing list; received information about this group a few days ago. Closed group, but you can request to join!
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amafsu · 12 years
This is the Tumblr page for Alpha Mu Alpha at Florida State University (AMA@FSU). We're a group for music therapy students at FSU, and if you're interested in finding out more about us, just check out the About section on our page! We exist to help therapy students 'network' by meeting other students and professionals in the area, and also learn more about their field of study, not only though academic interests, but also ethical and social ones as well. 
Now as for who is actually posting this... I'm Richard! I'm one of the leadership members of Alpha Mu Alpha. I'm the historian and I've taken charge of social networking for the group, as well as taking photos in my modern take on the role. I'll let the others introduce themselves as they post. All of the posts to this blog will either be from leadership members, or approved submissions we get from our followers! (Check out the "Something to Share?" link!) 
Since this is our tumblog, you'll be seeing a more social side of the group here! We'll be sharing photos from our events, quotes from important people, songs we like, videos we enjoy, re-blogging posts, and of course keeping everyone updated via the text posts. Needless to say, it will always be therapy related!
I hope you enjoy, and if you are a FSU music therapy student, follow, and stay tuned for an exciting year. 
- Richard   
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