amaranthakertia · 7 months
Ao3 is actually massively culturally important and very very good at being what it is. I’m so serious when I say that ao3 needs to be protected as the anti censorship, by fans for fans, nonprofit, volunteer run, expertly designed archival site that it is. You don’t have to read or like fanfiction to understand that on principle, ao3 is a site that should be defended.
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
He ain’t dead he ain’t dead he ain’t dead he ain’t dead he ain’t dead he ain’t dead he ain’t dead he ain’t dead he ain’t dead he ain’t dead he ain’t dead he ain’t dead he ain’t dead he’ll get revived trust me i don’t know how but he will be fine he’ll live he ain’t dead he ain’t dead he ain’t dead hr ain’t dead he ain’t dead.
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
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i hate myself so much rn.
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
Thisss I couldn'tve said it better
Although character arc is arguable -- I do agree (a lot!!!) That he deserves more development and closure ™ after that time sealed in the box
Because honestly, while this is not exactly an abrupt decision (I can see that if gojo win then basically the story is meh) he deserves better than that abrupt end ... Damn
gojo in jjk 236
i’m not one to advocate for prying away creative control from a creator’s (mangaka’s) cramped, overworked hands, and i understand that with oftentimes fandoms get so big that the story warps itself into something out of the creator’s control, but i do know what a good character arc looks like (i’ve seen it in this very story before) and i do know what public pressure can do to a creative mind.
that being said, keeping gojo dormant for more than a hundred chapters, then unsealing him only for him to gain nothing from his long-drawn out fight with sukuna is insane. i was assuming we were building up stakes in his character arc! i didn’t think he’d die prematurely without resolution! how could he be given a meaningless death when it was all he and geto talked about at one point?
gojo could’ve been living proof that change is possible and that fate is breakable. he was born after multiple cycles of six eyes and limitless users, he was born a baby-shaped building block, jujutsu’s atlas with the world on his shoulders. alone and untouchable. but he changed because he met geto. he changed because he met shoko, because he met megumi and yuuta and yuuji and every single character that has loved and cared about him. love changed him. to be loved is to be changed, and to have him go without an ending line to, “this is just a personal theory, but love is the most twisted curse of them all,” is such a loss. it’s like a sentence without a full-stop, abruptly cut short with no continuation.
i initially thought that he’d be weakened by sukuna, but then his allies would come running to back him up—there is strength in solidarity! his true strength should’ve stemmed from solidarity and love! interdependence and connection should’ve been the peak of his character arc! why did we end up with nothing even after tens of chapters of him fighting for his life? why did every other character sit still instead of using their advantage in numbers?
but i do see where gege is headed. with gojo gone, the baton has been passed onto the next generation. there is no longer a biological “hierarchy” of power amongst the sorcerers (to an extent), and perhaps sukuna himself will falter because the balance of the universe was pulled from under their feet. besides love, jjk is also about generational second chances: sashisu and itakugifushi; toji and maki; geto and yuuji and yuuta; geto walking to tengen’s quarters alone, delivering riko almost hesitantly, and yuuji waking to tengen’s quarters with megumi, yuuta, choso, and yuki. silhouettes in the dark of the tunnels. hell, you could even count yaga as a teacher and gojo as a teacher. or yaga’s CT and how he gave a child another chance at life. yuuji’s multiple resurrections. kenjaku and tengen. i get it, i do—i understand what gege’s trying to do here, but i’m tired of him using these characters as plot devices instead of giving them the resolution they deserve. (especially for jjk’s cash cow…he deserved more than a rushed end.)
i do hope that that one theory about gojo only being able to die if his head is cut off is true. but even then, after all of the fake outs we’ve had to read, that would be a shitty cheap shot. i’ll try to have faith; even that is wavering.
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
thinking about shoko who lost both her best friends in a span of a year, and even worse, had to watch one of them dying right in front of her eyes
thinking about yuuji who lost his grandpa and joined the jujutsu world only to be cursed with sukuna and losing both nanami and gojo in less than a year, the two parental figures he had and admired so much
thinking about megumi whose name means blessing but he only got cursed with the burden of losing the only person who took care of him in his youth by his own hands
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
Nothing from what I've learnt this morning is true, I'm gonna cuddle up with my cats and stay in bed all day and daydream about everyone being alive and happy
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
God bless those people who are INCREDIBLE writers but decide to use those skills to write gay fanfiction
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
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Best of Ru-kun’s twitter shitposts, a thread
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
One of those fandom things that I love is when there’s new characters around and, with the unwavering confidence of an old farmer appraising cattle, fanfic authors take one good look at them, tilt their imaginary hat, and go “Aye. Praise kink, that one. Mighty case of praise kink if I ever saw one.” And everyone else just “aye.”
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
May Death Never Stop You Entire Plot, Except its Memes
Some writers make bulleted lists, some meticulously graph out plots, some scribble a rough outline… and I apparently just make a bunch of memes lol. To celebrate 1989 Bookmarks for this fic (this is also my 500th post on tumblr??!😭), I’m posting my working timeline/plot outline for May Death Never Stop You … which is a bunch of Ru-kun twitter posts in some semblance of order. 
Fair warning, this is very vaguely spoiler-ish since it’s the outline for the whole story, as told by Ru-kun’s shitposts. Idk where I got them all from anymore lol a lot from tumblr but also instagram
Keep reading
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
One of my worst trait, I realized, is that I tend to underplay what I feel when I talked about it to other people.
Some part of me just hate the thought of vulnerability that it brings
The rest of me plainly afraid if the response is not exactly supportive
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
ROXANA (Novel, Edited English MTL)
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How to Protect the Female Lead's Older Brother
The Way to Protect the Female Lead's Older Brother
I accidentally reincarnated as a character in a 18+ reverse harem novel. I've become Roxana Agriche, the older sister of the sub-villain. Now that my stupid father has kidnapped the heroine’s brother, I'm doomed to meet a terrible end as part of the heroine's revenge.
But what if I protected the heroine's brother? Would that save me from such a terrible fate?
CHAPTERS (by arc):
(Links only work on the website, not the Tumblr app)
– Cassis' imprisonment, pt. 1:
Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22
– Cassis' imprisonment, pt. 2:
Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Chapter 34
– Cassis' imprisonment, pt. 3:
Chapter 35 Chapter 36
– Roxana's coup:
Chapter 61 Chapter 62 Chapter 63 Chapter 64 Chapter 65 Chapter 66 Chapter 67 Chapter 68 Chapter 69 Chapter 70
– Roxana's arrival at House Pedelian:
Chapter 71 Chapter 72 Chapter 73 Chapter 74 Chapter 75 Chapter 76 Chapter 77
– Roxana's recuperation at House Pedelian:
Chapter 78 Chapter 79
I don't claim to be 100% accurate in converting the source to the final product/what I publish, since I'm not fluent in Korean and therefore cannot check if the machine-translated (MTL) source I use is a faithful adaptation of the original author's work.
I also take artistic liberties to make the story flow and read more compellingly, and will omit redundancies or embellish with minor, contextual details as I see fit.
MTL Novel / Source
Manhwa (ENG) | S1 Manhwa (ENG) | S2
Read on Novel Updates
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amaranthakertia · 1 year
Hello, I’ve really fallen in love with your poetry. I was wondering how you do it? I’ve been interested in writing poetry, but I have no idea how to do it. Much thanks, love your poems!
This has been sitting in my askbox for 8 months, mostly because I don’t know that I have a good answer for you. I don’t know if I can tell you “how” to write poetry. I don’t know if there is a “how” to write poetry. 
At the end of the day, a poem is just a handful of words. That is to say, if you know how to write a few words, then you know how to write poetry. I suppose the question is which words, and in what order. And there are no rules for that. All I do is pick words that sound pretty together, that echo and ricochet between my ribs, that beat with the same rhythm as my heart –– which is an unnecessarily and perhaps pretentiously poetic way to say that I just write down what looks, sounds, and feels right. And sometimes, when no words look or sound or feel right, when every syllable tastes like too-dark coffee, then I just write down a few words anyway, and let it be. 
The words that look and sound and feel right to me will not necessarily be the words that look and sound and feel right to you –– they may not even look or sound or feel right to anyone else in the world. But they’re right to me, and so they’re my poem. 
Do structured poems feel good to you? Then write a sonnet, a sestina, a villainelle. Do structured poems feel stifling? Then write as many free verse poems as you wish. If you like tragic love stories, write those –– and if you like metaphors about the weather, then write those. If you like short poems, write a haiku; if you like long poems, write a hundred-line epic. If you like alliteration, feel free to look up all the words in the dictionary that start with al–. If you prefer caesuras to speak for you, then break your lines with all the commas and periods you want. Short lines or long lines? Punctuation? Rhyme, or meter, or neither, or both? It’s all up to you. It’s all about what serves to tell the story you want to tell, and only you can decide that. 
Yes, it helps to know the difference between a caesura and an enjambment. Yes, it helps to read a thousand poems. And yes, it helps to think about poetry as much as you can. But at the end of the day, to write poetry, all you have to do is write. 
About what? Listen to the things your heart says in the silence before you fall asleep. Look out for the flashes of scenes that catch your eyes and replay in your dreams. Pay attention to the moments or words or strings of melodies that make your bones shiver in recognition. In one way or another, consciously or unconsciously, these are the things that will decide the story you tell and the words you pick. 
And write. Even if you don’t find the right words now, keep writing. They’ll come to you. They always do. All your poems are already in your blood, your bones, your breath. You just need to find the right words to hold it. 
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amaranthakertia · 2 years
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amaranthakertia · 2 years
// spoilers for marius' sweet chapter event storyline
hey so i just finished playing thru the phase 2 story and
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holy moly, that was good and made me so emotional jhvJKVKSHFVJSDF. once again, i cannot emphasize enough just how much i adore grief narratives and themes, and all the parallels to cyrus brown (also lol at how they changed his name from chris brown jHVSKJFVJSD) to marius' own experience with giann
but the whole brother parallel is obvious and clearly tackled within the story. what i wanna talk abt instead is how a very specific portion of this story made me realize smthing that marius has done over and over again across so many of his stories.
and thus
mini character analysis (or maybe character observation?): marius and emotional distancing
wc: 1.1k obligatory disclaimer that these are just my own thoughts and interpretations. contains spoilers of marius' sweet chapter event, his personal story 4, and several of his cards
anyhoo, the part of the sweet chapter event that piqued my interest and made my brain.
in the last part of the story, when talking about how timmy's experience with cyrus reminded him of his own life, marius opened up on his his father and giann were busy when he was younger and that made him feel like nobody cared (before giann noticed and played a more active role guiding and encouraging marius). but when marius is telling his story, mc notes that:
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the wording here nagged at me, because it felt so familiar. and i realized that mc notes something similar in marius' personal story 4, after marius opens up after nearly dying as a child because he was locked in a basement freezer, which, sidenote, im never getting over how fucked up that is!! marius are yOU OKAY???
mc was also hella concerned as i was, and notes the manner in which marius tells her about this:
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theres two more examples i want to bring up.
in SSR Sweet Wonders (marius' dreams of childhood card), marius opens up about how, due to the psychological impact of him blaming himself for his mother's death, he got really sick for a while as a child. mc once again notes on how he tells this story:
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and last example, SSR All Through The Night (marius' xmas partyland card). i dont have a screenshot for that because what i wanna add from there is speckled across the entire story:
mc learns about a picture book marius had drawn when he was a child, one that told the story that parelleled his own journey to learning about why his mother died.
whats my point here? that on many moments where marius recalls and explains very heavy things on his past, theres two things that stuck out to me.
first, the calm, collected demeanor. and second, the concept of him telling a story, one that belongs to someone else, one that he has detached himself from.
this peaks my interest for two reasons.
the "I'm Totally Over It" vibes
marius minimizes the concern that mc could possibly feel by masking any negative emotion he could possibly show.
this is hugely in line with how he is as whole, because he likes to present himself as carefree, light, easy-going, teasing and playful and nothing gets to him. tho by virtue of playing thru mc's perspective, we know this isnt true because marius' story themes are also chock full of the facades and personas he needs to don to survive as a public figure. marius had to learn how to be a good actor, and he succeeds, and this is again is super aligned with how he masks negative emotion with the mask of "i am unaffected by these objectively messed up experiences i had! This Doesn't Bother Me. I'm Totally Over It."
i found this interesting in contrast to luke. who also masks his negative feelings, but leans toward less of "This Doesn't Bother Me" and more of "no need to worry about that because it's Not Important." it's emotional minimization that could possibly leave room for "yeah, this maybe does bother me, but me being bothered is nothing of value."
but marius circumvents that process at the beginning by simply acting that he isnt even bothered in the first place.
now, this is something that maybe artem and vyn do too, but my knowledge of stories for them isnt as encyclopedic as my knowledge on luke ajhvfasjkhfvajsh so i wouldnt be able to accurately get a read on how they do on this sphere.
idk it's just cool to me to see the subtle variations in how the boys deflect and omit their vulnerabilities!
but back to the concept of "I'm Totally Over It", one way marius achieves this calm collectedness is through the next recurring commonality
the "story" involving the character who is separate from the storyteller
marius speaks of past experiences like hes a detached narrator telling another person's story. he even does this in an near-literal way with his picture book in SSR All Through The Night.
[EDIT TO ADD ONE MORE EXAMPLE of near-literal storytelling and distancing that was later pointed out by milkyway!anon: marius also does this in his very first character pv introduction, ever since the beginning
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how he frames all this in his pv is pretty clearly in a playful storybook/bedtime story kinda way, both in the visual execution and writing. i always adored his character pv for being so different and cute and playful, but now in light of how The Rest Of What We Know and what i mentioned in the rest of this analysis, it's now way more interesting and...sad
i use this screenshot in particular detaching himself blatantly. while this part of the pv does this in regards to how the public sees him as a symbol instead of a being (and thus distancing who he is from like, his inherent Being A Person), marius also does it to himself by virtue of telling the story and walking away from it, albeit cutely, as he is a cat
heres the story. hes the narrator, and the character within the story is him but not him as well.]
in doing this, he once again seemingly relieves himself of any "bother" or negative emotions that he could experience, because all stuff that happened? it's not him. it's a character in a story, one that is not him and specifically separate from him because he is the one telling the story.
i fear im not making sense now (tho tbh when am i ever making sense jHVJSHDVFJ) but let me try and explain it through this post (which no longer exists on ops blog so i have to link my rb of it huhu) that shows a collection of quotes that hit the nail on the head, regarding this concept.
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when you tell a story, as the storyteller, you are ultimately the one in control. part of being in control means that, if you know how to tell your story, you can ultimately lay all the details down while also leaving it, disconnecting from it, and distancing from it.
distance, imo, is the most fitting word to me, for how marius goes about his heavier experiences.
he distances from the emotions he felt and could possibly still be feeling, he distances from the fact that it was him who went through it, and he distances from mc's worry that could happen as a response.
of course, since mc is the best and an angel, she always takes the time to reassure marius that shes here for him and that hes not alone, that shes with him every step of the way (both him as the "character" he is Not in his stories and the person he Is in the present)
still, it's really fascinating on a characterization level that distancing and detaching is marius' go-to method. hes already somebody that has so many layers of facades and "different" selves, and here he is once more creating another self:
one that didnt go through all of what he went through.
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