iron-and-ink · 6 years
modern day human meet cute
Alec was out jogging because jace called him fat
He wasn’t but it was a principle so he started going for morning jogs when there was the least amount of people out on the streets
He was turning down a street and he’s not sure if it was him not looking or the other party's fault but next thing he knows there's something bumping his knee, burning a line down his leg and he’s on the ground
Someone had hit him with a fuckin bike, what the fuck
Alec sits up to yell at the offender when he catches sight of the other
He’s gorgeous, he’s dressed in tight work out clothes and his hair is pulled back in a small bun, sweat beading around his forehead and lips curled downward
“I’m so sorry I didn’t see you” “No I should have been looking where I was going”
The guy helps alec up and gasps when he sees the state of alecs leg, there are black streaks from where the tire had burned his leg and a thing cut running down his shin from the fall, his palms are a little scuffed up too but alec barely notices
“I’m so sorry!” “It’s fine really” “No, your bleeding please let me make it up to you” “Oh?” “There’s a coffee house right down there”
Damn he’s smooth too
“Yeah, okay”
The coffee house is small and quiet, they order their drinks and sit at one of the tables in front of the window, they make small talk and alec is so totally head over heels for this guy already
He finds out his name is magnus and he has a cat named chairman meow that he adores, he’s a fashion designer and loves america’s next top model
Magnus learns about alecs love for his family and that he’s studying literature in college, about his lovely sister isabelle and his annoying adoptive brother jace
They end up realizing that jace’s clary is the same clary that magnus was friends with and alec can’t help but comment on their sickening hetero relationship
Magnus can’t get enough of him
Magnus asks him out for a proper date and of course alec says yes
The rest is history   
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iron-and-ink · 6 years
hollow bones
The thing no one thinks about is that even though shadowhunter are part angel they can still get sick
It doesn’t happen often but it does sometimes
And when it happens that shit is real and nasty and sometimes they don’t even realize its sickness until it turns into a tailspin
So of course when Alec Lightwood gets sick he brushes it off as fatigue, especially with being the new head of the institute and trying to clean up all the shit mess his parents and Aldertree had created
It starts as something small, if he stood from his desk to fast his vision would cloud over and his feet would rush up to him, the cough comes a month later, the dizzy spells still happen but they don't happen enough that he feels concern, but the cough is persistent
There's a fleeting moment, where he's laying in bed next to magnus after a night of patrol, he's curled around magnus and his skin is warm and he feels happy, he has to roll away from magnus and dart into the bathroom to avoid waking him with his coughing fit, it leaves him breathless and on his knees, his chest heaving with the exertion, his hand comes away from his mouth spotted red
He tries to think about how long he's had the cough but it's been so long he doesn't even know when it first sprung up, but it's no big deal he tells himself, maybe a cold or the flu, he knows shadowhunter can contract human illnesses, it'll go away he tells himself, he washes his hands and wipe away a small spot of blood on his chin and goes back to bed, back to magnus
But things don't get better they get even worse, he notices himself getting weaker, his strength rune starts losing its touch no matter how many times he activates it, he can't draw his bow string back all the way and every time he shoots an arrow it leaves him gasping for breath
His cough gets worse, it rattles his bones and leaves him breathless and weak, with the coughing spells comes fainting spells, thankfully they only happen when he's alone but he notices himself losing time
"It's fine." he tells himself after a late night of doing paperwork, he had told magnus he would be home two hours ago but lost track of time, he's almost to the door when everything blurs together and then black out
He wakes to magnus hovering over him, blue sparks fluttering over his face “what happened” “why don’t you tell me. I came to get my boyfriend, who was late by the way, just to find him passed out with a nasty cut to his head.” alec feels for the cut but it’s already been healed “I just need to sleep it off” (not really but okay alec)
Magnus knows something is wrong but doesn’t ask, doesn’t push, because he knows alec will only push back, so he just watches his boyfriend
Izzy points out how bad his dark circles have gotten, simon comments on how their skin color is almost the same in paleness, luke tells him that even though he is the head and is responsible for this institute he’s more responsible for his own health (who’s gonna take care of everyone else if alec isn’t there), but ultimately it’s jace who notices the most
He can feel something through the bond, he can feel how weighed down alec is, how tired and weak he is, but there’s something physical there that he can’t determine, he asks luke about it but the former parabatai doesn’t have answers
When jace brings up that he can feel all the bad things from alec the later dismisses his worries but now knows something really might be wrong
So after two hours on the internet, webmd, mayo clinic, wikipedia, he exhausts all engines and there's a grim reaper hanging over his head
Apparently it’s cancer
Alec stares at a white screen for another hour not believing it, hes a shadowhunter, he’s one of the best shadowhunters, he fights demons and creatures that go bump in the night everyday, he’s leading his people when everyone told him he would never be able to
And he’s going to die because of a mundane illness
All the websites tell him to go see a specialist, so he finds the first mundane doctor he can and make an appointment
He hides his runes and dresses down in clothes izzy had gotten him to blend in, the doctor is a woman named Dr. Lazarus and alec can’t help but laugh, she asks him for all his symptoms and for how long they’ve been around and alec realizes it’s been about a year, she finds rashes on his back and when she presses on his abdomen it’s extremely tender, she takes vials of blood and assures him it’s probably not cancer, that his imagination is probably just running wild, but he can see the shadows in her eyes
It’s cancer
Leukemia apparently
She talks about never having seen the strain that's killing him and alec bites his lip, it’s probably his angelic blood messing with the disease, she talks about doctors who will want to see him and review his file, talks about finding trials for him to join but all alec feels is tired and so done
She must notice it because she sends him home with a follow up appointment in two days and a pamphlet for a group
It’s a double negative because Alec realizes that his own people won’t be able to help him, they haven't followed mundane illnesses to closely because shadowhunters only get sick once in a blue moon and when they do it’s usually just a cold, not terminal cancer, no one can help him
He has a one man pity party for about three hours before he cancels his follow up appointment with the doctor and throws out the papers she had given him, including his test results
Two weeks later izzy had talked him into a sparring session and alec needs to keep up appearances so he says yes, it starts out okay, he’s slow so she gets in a couple jabs, when she has her back turned he activates a couple runes that don’t really do anything for him anymore, the cancer is doing something inside him and it’s affecting his angelic side
He’s sweaty and breathless when izzy gets a good jab to his chest with her staff, his lungs lock up and he can’t breathe, his chest heaves and thuds in protest, his knees hit the mat hard and is hands fly to his chest, izzy is screaming for help as she gets him on his back and draws an iratze over the bruising wound, it doesn’t work, his bruise doesn’t heal and he passes out
He wakes up in the infirmary, izzy, jace, clary, simon, and magnus all talking around him, about what happened and what to do, he bites back a cough that tries to break free, his chest rattles and a breathless sound escapes
Izzy tells him the silent brothers are on their way, that they'll figure this out, but they can’t, jace must see it or sense it because he calls him out
“you can’t fix this” “of course we can alec” “no, not this” “and what is this”
“alec it’s gonna be okay we’re gonna-“
“it’s cancer. i have cancer.”
Nobody speaks, izzy has tears streaming down her face and simon is hugging her, clary has her arms around jace who won’t stop staring at him, but alec is looking down at his hands, can’t stand to face their reactions
The bed dips next to him and ring covered hands cover his that are limp in lap, he looks up at his boyfriend, magnus’s eyes are soft just like his smile, he doesn’t offer alec and kind words or false hopes but just to be there
It’s what alec needed, what he wanted
They keep alec’s diagnosis under wraps, less the clave find out, Lydia comes back from alicante to help oversee the proceedings of the institute, she gives kind words to alec who just smiles and nods his head
The cancer becomes more aggressive over the next month, his strength deteriorates the fastest, eventually he can’t even stand on his own for more than two minutes, he starts losing weight rapidly and his hair starts to fall out
The doctors have never seen this strain nor the cancer act so aggressively, they’re baffled by his case and urge him to join experimental trials but he turns them all down
Magnus dove head first into finding a cure, he enlists the help of Catarina who is hesitant at first but does agree to lend help
They don’t find anything and it’s getting too near to the shadowhunters end that all alec wants is to spend time with those most precious to him
Magnus spends the next three days curled up in bed with alec, help him lean over the trash can as he throws up, wiping the sweat from his body and rubbing his back when he falls into coughing fits
On the fourth day alec says his goodbyes to magnus who cries and tells him that it’s not fair, that he just found him and wasn’t ready to leave
Alec is too delirious the next day to notice magnus slip out of the bedroom and go to his study, magnus digs out an old book that had been tucked behind other books on his shelf, the pages are yellowed from time and there’s a film on dust between the pages
He finds the summoning spell and takes his time to draw the circle in the middle of his floor, the candles he lines the circle with flare black as he chants the spell
The demon he summons is old, older than magnus and probably older than the warlocks father as well, he is sat in a black cushioned hair in a pressed black suit, a blood red tie and a small pin on the lapels of his suit jacket
“I know what you seek young one” the demons words are soft and even “can you grant me what i seek” magnus tries to appear apathetic about the situation but the demon only smiles at him and stands, the chair disappearing in a cloud of black smoke “you know everything comes at a price” “name it” “what you seek is time, what I want is some of your time”
Magnus agreed because what would his useless eternity of time without alec?
The demon takes two hundred years of magnus immortal time, magnus doesn’t get it at first, what is two hundred years to him as an immortal but then, everyone has a set life span don’t they?
All the demon does is pull some of magnus’s time from him and then snaps his fingers “it is done” and then a cloud of black smoke rushes through the room disturbing the summoning circle
Magnus climbs into bed that night with a smile on his face knowing that his beloved would be okay
It takes a week for alec to recover from the disease but they call it a miracle, magnus knows alec suspects something but he never brings it up
Things are good after that, magnus and alec grow closer and even more in love with each other
They get little Max, their blueberry and alec doesn’t think he could be any happier, but then magnus proposes and they adopt Raphael
And things are perfect
(alt ending)
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iron-and-ink · 6 years
hollow bones (alt ending)
beginning of post
The doctors have never seen this strain nor the cancer act so aggressively, they’re baffled by his case and urge him to join experimental trials but he turns them all down
Magnus dove head first into finding a cure, he enlists the help of Catarina who is hesitant at first but does agree to lend help
They don’t find anything and it’s getting too near to the shadowhunters end that all alec wants is to spend time with those most precious to him
Magnus spends the next three days curled up in bed with alec, help him lean over the trash can as he throws up, wiping the sweat from his body and rubbing his back when he falls into coughing fits
On the fourth day alec says his goodbyes to magnus who cries and tells him that it’s not fair, that he just found him and wasn’t ready to leave
Magnus searches all day the next day, alec too delirious from the illness, but finds nothing, no solution, no cure
Alec has a moment of clarity and asks magnus to bring his mother, he of course agrees and sends a fire message
Maryse arrives the next day, izzy and have having filled her in on alecs sickness, it’s obvious to magnus that she has been crying when he opens the door to the loft, he leaves them alone in the room
Maryse can hardly recognize her own child, he’s gaunt and pale, his hair is missing clumps and he’s so still on the bed
“oh my sweet boy” “mom?” his voice cracks and she gets on the bed with him, she cradles him in her lap, his forehead is sweaty and she uses the washcloth on the end table to gently dab the sweat away
She hums to him, an old lullaby she used to sing him when he was younger, his hands curl around her legs and he smiles, his eyes half lidded
“thanks mom” he whispers before his eyes slip shit and his grip goes lax, maryse finishes the lullaby before she presses a kiss to his forehead, she carefully slips out of the room and goes into the living room where magnus is sipping on a soft lilac colored cocktail
She sits down next to the warlock and takes his hand, “I can’t do this, I can’t watch him waste away, there has to be something we can do” her other hand covers her mouth to stifle her sobs, magnus puts his glass down and offers a hug which she takes, she cries into his dress shirts pleas to save her baby boy, her first born, her strong soldier
The pleas fall on deaf ears, they never do find a cure for alecs cancer
He passes away on a Thursday
Wrapped in Magnus’s arms with his mother and sister and jace curled around them, magnus presses gentle kisses to his temple as the day turns to night and it’s all alec could have asked for
For alec it was as simple as telling them all he loved them and falling asleep, it didn’t hurt anymore and he was at peace
For them it was brutal and painful, izzy sobbed into jaces chest, her face growing splotchy and snot dripping down her chin and onto his shirt, maryse presses one more kiss to his forehead with a silent ‘goodbye my beautiful boy’ before covering him with the sheet
They have a proper funeral for him and he’s buried among his ancestors in the city of bones, magnus holds a wake back at his apartment, after they bury his angel, shadowhunters and downworlders alike show up to lay their respects
Surprisingly maryse sticks close to magnus’s side for most of the night, sharing hushed conversation with the warlock as people over their condolences and tales of alecs bravery
Magnus mourns the love of his life for years to come, never really getting over the raven haired boy, he knows it’s not what alec would have wanted but he can’t help it
He adopts a small blue skinned warlock boy and names him Max for alec, isabelle and jace are still a part of his life as well as maryse
He starts to heal, ever so slowly
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iron-and-ink · 6 years
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werewolves in a winter wonderland 
Sterek Christmas fun/Series
[read here]
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iron-and-ink · 6 years
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roman holiday
“I can’t control it.”
[read here]
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iron-and-ink · 6 years
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bone deep
Stiles really could not have known that joining the military would have lead to him meeting Iron Man and getting a boyfriend.
[read here]
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iron-and-ink · 6 years
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they were built on ancient legends
Stiles makes a wish to bring the Hales back to life. Everyone is happy they’re back, but no one knows it was because of Stiles, and he’s fine leaving things that way. The Hales are hesitant to trust this human (not) boy. But in the end, nobody can resist the Stilinski charm.
[read here]
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iron-and-ink · 7 years
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the strongest sense series
Empaths are cursed with great power and most don’t know it. Stiles never had anyone to tell him that he was an empath but he knew what he could feel was not all human. Stiles always thought that he couldn’t be the only one who was special. Turns out he was right. 
[read here]
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iron-and-ink · 7 years
stiles grandmother is a fuckin badass
basia stilinski is a fucking badass and nobody will say otherwise
she lived in poland during world war two and was imprisoned in one of the concentration camps when she was seven. Her parents were ripped away from her but she and her brother were sent to the same camp but were separated on arrival
she was housed with woman younger than her and up to the ages of twenty-two
she remembers a lot about the camps but also so little about them
basia remembers two women out of the whole ordeal
kezia and florence are the only reason basia survived, she owed them her life
they were romany woman who were imprisoned simply because they were gypsy
to basia it didn’t make sense at the time, why all these people were being sent away just because they were different but anyway
she learned they were not only romany but werewolves as well, separated from their pack
they help basia and two other young girls escape, smuggled out of the camp
basia never see’s the woman again and she never does see her family again
she gets taken in by a nice family who raised her well and she marries a nice man and has a son, john
she’s 85 and an old bitty terrorizing the old people community she lives in cause she’s still young and spry at heart
every summer she comes up from florida to visit her son and her only grandson (as well as pay her respects to claudia)
stiles loves his babcia
she’s the one who taught him how to pull pranks and make a mean dish of paczki
side note: the hale fire never happened and everyone is still alive and the hale family are werewolves. Claudia still died from frontotemporal dementia
stiles loves it when she comes and stays with them for a week in the summer
basia knows the hale family are werewolves, knew what they were when john and claudia settled in the small town, she’s got connections
she’s know talia since she was just becoming alpha
so when she learns that stiles has been hanging around the hales lately she needs the inside scoop
stiles goes over the hale house one day whilst his babcia is visiting to ask about banshee’s because he’s 98% sure his classmate and long time crush is one
stiles is this close to losing his shit because basia and talia hale are just sitting at the kitchen island sipping tea and shooting the breeze
“umm?????” stiles is shook to the bone
“stiles honey how are you” talia smiles warmly at him
basia has shit eating grin, she knows
“how long have you known they were werewolves?”
“since your parents moved here”
“how long have you know about werewolves?”
“since i was seven”
and yeah stiles connects the dots on that one, realizing that it would have been around the time she was in the camp and that the two women who helped her out were probably werewolves, dAMN
basia extends her stay for a little longer because she wants to know her only grandson is safe in beacon hills
she sees how well her wnuk gets along with the pack is pleasantly surprised at how integrated he is in the pack without actually being pack - yet
then there was derek hale
sweet boy, basia remembers him when he was younger
she’s not sure how she feels about the way he’s looking at her wnuk
it’s not the age difference that bothers her, not that they are both boys, not even that he’s a werewolf
it’s his intentions she wants to know
make sure no six-foot brooding werewolf is gonna break her baby's heart
and yeah she sees the way stiles looks at the wolf too
it’s at a hale family bbq where she pulls derek aside and asks about his intentions
derek tells her he’s serious and that he loves stiles
basia smiles at that but then puts the fear of god in derek with ‘if you ever hurt him i know strands of wolfsbane that are worse than death’
and yeah she slips in some poland she derek isn’t a hundred percent sure what she’s saying which makes it twice as terrifying
this little five four woman scaring a hulking mass of supernatural muscle
stiles gets derek alone later
“your grandmother is terrifying”
“derek what?”
“i’m serious”
“okay big guy”
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iron-and-ink · 7 years
alec needs glasses
simon is actually the first one who notices
he’s walking down a nondescript hall in the institute on his way to the training room where he’s meeting clary when he walks past alecs study
it’s real quick but he pauses and back tracks, the door is cracked open enough that he can see into the room
alec is sitting at his desk hunched over papers and writing on them, he pauses and raises his head
simon thinks he hears him out in the hall but alec just sits back in his chair and pinches the bridge of his nose, his eyes squeezing shut and his forehead scrunching up
simon immediately thinks it’s because of stress after all alec really is the head of the institute even if the clave won’t acknowledge it
but then he sees alec pick up his stele from the desk and watches alec undo the top two buttons of his shirt and pull it to the side to reveal the voyance rune just under his right collarbone and redraw the rune
at this point, simon feels like a creep and rushes to the training room
he and clary go for coffee and simon asks her what the voyance rune does
clary tells him it’s one of the first few runes a shadowhunter gets, that it’s one of the permanent ones, that it makes it easier for shadowhunters to see past glamour and identify downworlders on the spot
simon makes the connection the next day when he’s back at the institute with izzy
she’s showing him her new whip and they pass alec in the hall
alec is rubbing at his eyes and his hand is resting on his stele at his hip
simon waits till alec rounds the corner, heading to his study before he excuses himself and follows after him
he knocks on the closed door and waits for alec to call him in, the shadowhunter surprised to see him
“do you need glasses?” simon always was blunt
alec’s face does a thing that's a mix of confusion and absolute denial
“i don’t think the voyance rune really helps with your vision” simon points to alecs shoulder where the rune is
alec tells him to get out
magnus is the second person who notices
it’s a rare day off that alec has and magnus canceled all his appointments to spend a lazy day in with his boyfriend
alec is stretched out on the couch in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt with a book propped up on his chest
magnus is coming out of the bedroom with chairman following after him
he watches alec as he walks into the kitchen, sees alec already filled chairman's bowl and there’s a cup of  steaming tea with his name on it
alec lets the book drop onto his chest and presses the heels of his palms into his eyes and rubs
magnus had been noticing him rubbing at his eyes lately
“everything alright?” he asks as he sits down at the end of the couch, pulling alecs feet into his lap
“fine” alec mumbles and picks the book up and continues reading
“you know there’s nothing wrong with needing glasses alexander. it won’t make you any less of a shadowhunter” magnus pats his ankle and turns on project runway
the next time alec see’s simon he asks for help
simon takes him to the eye doctor he used to go to when he was still a mundane, the doctor smiles and simon and remarks on simon not wearing his glasses
turns out alec really needed glasses and that he’s near-sighted, just like simon was
the prescription he gets is stronger than simons and simon helps him pick out a basic black thick-lensed glasses
simon makes a comment about him looking like clark kent that is completely lost on alec
it takes a week for the glasses to come in and simon ends up picking them up for alec because the shadowhunter has been swamped with work from the clave
simon drops them off at the institute and everyone is shocked when simon says he’s there to see alec and not clary or izzy
alec doesn’t wear them at first, keeps forgetting to put them on and still isn’t a hundred percent okay with admitting he needs them
but simon keeps reminding him and eventually alec starts wearing them
izzy gushes at how cute they look on them
jace pats him on the back and smiles
clary wants to paint them
simon still has his old pair and they all compare who looks better, alec wins
magnus has the best reaction of them all
it was a rare day when magnus had woken up before alec who had gotten in late from patrol
the warlock was in the kitchen actually cooking breakfast for him and alec, the coffee maker alec had made him buy chugging away
magnus hears alec shuffle out of their room and into the kitchen
the warlock turns to see his boyfriend bend down and scratch at the chairman and when alec stands up straight he has his glasses on
he’s sleepy-eyed and soft-headed with a pair of black joggers on and one of his more rattier sweaters that magnus refuses to admit he loves
the chairman paws at alecs leg and the shadowhunter is filling up his bowl and then moves to clean out the cat’s water bowl
honestly, alec takes better care of his cat than he does
sure magnus pictured the shadowhunter with glasses because it was obvious he needed them but this is nothing like what he imagined
magnus never thought he would use the word sinful to describe a pair of glasses
once alec is done taking care of his royal highness aka chairman he walks over to magnus and presses a kiss to magnus’s temple and wraps his arms around the warlock
magnus turns in his arms and pushes the frames up his nose as they slide down the bridge of his nose and presses a chaste kiss to his lips with a smile
max goes fucking ballistic when he sees alec with glasses
he talks a mile a minute about how they match and how alec looks like clark kent
(alec is shook because simon said the same thing like?? who???)
and alec smiles and nods his head and tries to follow what max is saying
max asks to try them on and of course, they’re too big for his face and max scrunches up at how strong the prescription is and tells alec he could be legally blind
alec is okay with wearing his glasses now
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iron-and-ink · 7 years
stiles and water?
two hours
stiles held derek up in the pool for two whole hours
his arms had gone numb and his legs were cramping from the constant kicking motion he had to make to keep them both afloat
as soon as derek said the kanima was gone stiles pulled them over to the edge of the pool and somehow managed to climb out while still holding up derek and then hauled his bulking body out of the water
stiles made some excuse that he was going to the locker room to change and then promptly high-tailed it out of the pool room
derek was just gaining back full control of his body when the pack and the others came into the pool area. derek was sitting up and rubbing at his shoulder where the kanima had gotten him. erica was telling him to man up while boyd asked if he was okay with a look. isaac was looking around the pool and sniffing, the chemicals still harsh on his over sensitive sniffer
scott was there too
“what happened?” isaac had asked
“kanima got me to the paralytic and we were stuck in the pool for two hours” derek grumbled as he stood up
“we?” scott asked with pinched eyebrows and a slightly knowing/confused look
“stiles. he held me up”
isaac made a noise of surprise, erica was laughing and boyd was trying to get her to be quiet, scott looked terrified
“where did stiles go?” scott asked as he started taking deep breaths in
“locker room?”
the rest of them looked just as confused as derek when scott started hauling ass towards the locker room
“he’s afraid of water?”
“how can someone be afraid of water?”
“he almost drowned when he was seven”
the door to the locker room slammed against the wall as scott practically ripped it open. they could all hear one of the showers running
they found him sitting against the wall of the shower. his track jacket since gone, just sitting there in a tee shirt and his track pants. the wolves could hear his heart still beating wildly in his chest, smell the pure panic and anxiety that hung in the air like a thick fog
“hey scotty”
“you okay?”
“why would you do that?”
“well I wasn’t going to let you drown”
“it was stupid of you”
“are you yelling at me for saving your life?”
“thank you”
everyone was kinda shocked and stared at derek’s back as he left.
derek had never actually said those two words. ever.
two days later stiles gets home at like midnight and when he walks into his room derek hale is sitting at the edge of his bed
he looks constipated and is literally sitting on the edge of the bed
“you okay dude?”
“i’m still afraid of fire”
and stiles didn’t really know what to say to that
“you’re allowed to be”
“and you’re allowed to be afraid of water”
and just like that derek was gone
okay. stiles could work with that
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iron-and-ink · 7 years
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Misguided Ghosts
Stiles was hoping that his summer before his senior year would be uneventful but no the supernatural hierarchies can't leave Beacon Hills alone, can they? Stiles gets lead into the woods by a ghost wolf but what's the most a ghost can do, a lot apparently because here he is, 18-year-old Stiles, in the friggin past. What's the first rule of time travel? Don't change the past. Stiles never was one to follow the rules.
(read on ao3)
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iron-and-ink · 8 years
Alec and Downworlders (part two) - The Reactions
Alec and Izzy had been sent on a recon mission to find out about a new drug that had been on the market, a few mundanes had overdosed on it and that was a problem
they were at a club called Pandemonium, Izzy tells him it’s funny, Alec doesn’t think it’s very funny, Izzy is dressed in a dark green body forming dress, meant to draw the eye, Alec was in all black shadowhunting gear
they were to find a seelie in the club, apparently he had information on the new drug, Izzy easily slipped into the role of the distraction
“I don’t know big brother, I don’t see the se-”
“parvulus” and even after all these years Alec remembers that voice, Izzy whips around her hand outstretched ready for her whip while Alec turns around more slowly a slow smile curving at his lips, it was Kheelan, his hair was a soft bubblegum pink now and he had what looked like a flower tattoo on his neck, his clothes were a lot different from when Alec had met him
“my my, you have grown up” the seelie smiled at him, Izzy looked between the seelie and her brother
“Kheelan” Alec gave a tilt of his head in acknowledge, the seelie cupped the shadowhunters face and brushed his thumb over the boy's cheekbone
“what brings you here parvulus”
“were investigating the new drug Yeru, know anything about it”
“I do, please, follow me”
“Izzy stay here, keep an eye out”
Isabelle Lightwood stared at her brother as he melted into the crowd after the seelie, after they were out of sight her mouth dropped open into an ‘O’ and she shook her head a few times, so sure what she had just witnessed was a dream or an illusion or something, how did her brother know a seelie, so many things didn’t make sense but five minutes later her brother was back at her side and the seelie trailing after him
“thank you Kheelan, this will help a lot” Alec had a manila folder in his hand, Izzy’s brows twitched
“please do visit more, your presence is always pleasant, parvulus” the seelie smiled at her brother as he melted back into the crowd
“ready Iz?’
“what just happened?”
Magnus Bane had heard whispers through many supernatural communities, about a young shadowhunter boy who was so unlike his people, who respected downworlders, who was kind to them, who treated them well, a young shadowhunter boy with inky black hair and hazel eyes, a large rune brandished on his neck
he wondered if he would ever meet the boy, it happened that night that he had seen Kheelan practically run after the two shadowhunters that were in Magnus’ club, Magnus had watched from the balcony, the care the seelie showed toward the boy, how when the boy turned he could see the rune
the shadowhunter boy who was no longer a boy but a man and seemed to still respect downworlders
Jace and Clary
Alec is twenty two the second time he calls Luke
Jace had rushed into the Institute with a red head cradled in his arms, heading straight for the med bay and calling for Alec to follow
Alec stood to the side while he watched his parabatai draw an iratze on the redhead with no runes, Alec scowled as the rune did it’s god and healed her
two hours pass before the redhead wakes up and states that her name is Clary, there's horror in his eyes as he steps out of the wing and pulls his phone out to call Luke
“Luke, I think Clary is in a bed in the med bay in my Institute” Alec almost choked calling it his Institute, it wasn’t, but it was, there was silence before Luke rushed out that he was on his way
Alec stood by Clary’s bed as Jace explained to her the shadow world and all that it entitled, Alec grimaced she didn’t even know the man who raised her was a werewolf
Luke rushed through the open archway that lead into the med bay, A frazzled Raj trailing after him, Alec waved off Raj
“Clary, god i’m so sorry”
Luke swept her up into a hug, Clary cried on his shoulder and Jace stepped away to give them a moment, he turned to give Alec a look, after a few minutes Clary calmed down enough for Luke to pull away and pull Alec into a hug
“thank you”
Jace gave him a look like he was constipated and Clary’s brows were pinched together
Luke still had the two pictures he had taken of young Alec holding Clary, he showed all three of them, Jace laughed his ass for a straight five minutes
“should I call you big brother”
Alec was now the one who looked constipated   
Simon and Raphael
“Lo juro, si no te callas” (I swear, if you do not shut up)
“Raphael I told you I don’t speak spanish”
“gracias a Dios por eso” (thank god for that)
“I feel like I should be offended and if you didn’t talk so fast I would so be writing down what you’re saying so that I can look it up la-oh hey Alec’s here”
Raphael turned and saw the shadowhunter being lead in by Lily, he had his bow strung over his shoulder, and a frown a constant on his face, Raphael sneered at the shadowhunter
“what are you doing here”
“Clary’s been worried about Simon, told her i’d check up on him will out patrolling”
“she could've texted me”
“she has been”
“Idiota” (idiot)
“well you’re fine so i’m gon-”
Raphael kept his face neutral as he turned to look at the two people who entered the room, every few centuries the two vampires who founded the New York Clan liked to drop by and check in on the clan, Lavi and Delphi were always welcomed faces around the hotel, all the vampires loved them, Raphael and Simon watched as Delphi rushed Alec, all the other vamps in the room tensed, but Delphi wrapped Alec up in a tight hug, even more surprising, the shadowhunter hugged her back
by the time they pulled back, Lavi had made his way over to the two, he clapped a hand on Alecs back and gave a squeeze
“Tu as grand” (you got big)
“Et tu es toujours en vie” (and you’re still alive)
Lavi snorted and cuffed the back of Alecs head with a fond look on his face
“how have you been, you look good”
Alec smiled down at Delphi, he was taller than her now and she seemed much smaller than he remembered her being, him and Lavi were about the same height but he was broader than Lavi
Alec turned a glare on Raphel who was sneering at him, Simon was glancing around the room nervously, the rest of the clan were giving off every mixed signals
“Rapha” Delphi clicked her tongue at him
said vampire let his face drop back into normalcy and tilted his head at the clan founder
“Alec, how do you know the New York Clan founders?”
Max (in this instance max looks more like book!max then show!max)
Max Lightwood is very much like his brother Alec
at the age of eight, he likes to wander and very much like Alec, when he wanders, he gets lost
Max had been so happy to be at the Institute to see his older siblings, the reunion had included many hugs, smiles and laughs
the next day he had been wandering the halls of the Institute and was in front of his mother's office when he had heard her yelling at Alec, Max had cringed at the things he hears his mother yelling, he can hear things clattering around and when he hears something glass shatter he runs
he finds a door and keeps running until his lungs burn and his throat stings
(yes the one Alec used as a wee one)
he finds himself in a shady dark alley and he starts shivering, realizing it’s November and he’s in a t-shirt and jeans, he’s scared and alone and he doesn’t know what to do, he grew up in Idris, this isn’t the home he knows
“parvulus?” Max doesn’t know that voice but he knows they are speaking to him and Max turns around slowly, his arms wrapped around himself for warmth
“no, you’re not him, how could I mistake that” the man shakes his head, Max thinks he might be a seelie but can’t be sure “you do look so much like him though”
“my name is Max Lightwood”
the man takes off his coat and hands it to Max, Max pulls on the large jacket and huddles into it for warmth, he looks up at the man over the rims of his glasses, squinting at him, definitely a seelie
“come, let’s get you back” and Max follows him because Max reminds him of someone and the man didn’t seem the carry and malice towards whomever Max reminded him of
they’re about a block away from the Institute if Max remembers correctly when he sees Alec run around the corner, his eyes catching on Max and all the tension draining from his body, Max rushes his older brother who sweeps him up into a hug, Max clings to him like an octopus
“parvulus, I figured this one was yours”
“Kheelan, thank you so much. this is my youngest brother Max”
“Yes he introduced himself to me, quite the resemblance if i do say”
Max kept his head buried in his brother's neck, parvulus, the seelie had called him that, it clicks then that the seelie had mistaken Max for Alec which meant that Alec had knew the seelie when he was younger, Max pulls away and stares at his brother in curiosity
“thank you again Kheelan, I need to get him back before he freezes”
“good day parvulus”
Max made sure to look up what that word meant when they got back to the Institute
Magnus, Ragnor, Catarina, and Tessa
(this is like a year or so after Magnus and Alec have started dating)
it wasn’t often that the four warlocks got together
maybe once every few centuries
but here they were; Magnus Bane, Ragnor Fell, Catarina Loss, and Tessa Gray. they were gathered in Magnus’ loft because of a string of warlocks deaths across the country, Magnus stood in front of a tale table that had various reports on the many deaths laid out on it, Catarina standing across from him, Ragnor was perched in a chair pulled up to the table and Tessa had just arrived via portal
all four warlocks were deep in discussions when Magnus’s front door banged open and all heads whipped to see who the intruder was, a small gasp escaped Magnus’s mouth when he saw Alec standing, or rather, supporting himself against the door frame, his bow and arrows fell from his shoulder and he swayed forward collapsing onto the ground
Magnus rushed to his shadowhunters side and gentle blue sparks starting spreading over Alec’s body to pinpoint to duress, Catarina joined Magnus while Ragnor and Tessa exchanged looks
Alec had what looked like a tooth or claw lodged in the back of his right shoulder and another on his lower back, a gouge on his left arm and one on his stomach and chest, Magnus could sense the poison coursing through his blood, there was so much
“I can't lose him Catarina, not him”
Ragnor helped Magnus move Alec to the couch as Catarina continued working on the shadowhunter, Tessa stood off to the side and watched on, her eyes widening when the caught on the boys blood splattered face, he looked like Will
Magnus hovered by his lover's head, letting Catarina work, she was better with healing magic than he was but when she stopped working,
“Catarina you can’t stop”
a portal shimmered into existence at the end of the couch Alec was laid on, a warlock stepped through, their hair was pulled back into a platinum blonde ponytail, tight fitted maroon pants with a golden shirt hanging loosely over them, Magnus squinted at the warlock, something in his mind tickled at the appearance of the warlock, like he recognized them but yet couldn’t place them
“my baby boy what have you gotten yourself into?”
Catarina stepped back as the warlock stepped into where she had been standing and cupped Alec’s neck, white spider web-like lines glowed as they spread across Alec’s body, pooling where his wounds were the worse, sealing small paper like cuts on his cheek and forehead, it took a little longer for the gashes to heal and a cloud of black smoke escaped his parted lips before the warlock released Alec
the shadowhunters eyes flicked open and locked with the warlocks, Alec’s eyes pinches in confusion before they widened comically and he quickly sat up
“take it easy, that was quite a lot of venom I just extracted”
the warlock helped ease Alec into a seated position and placed a hand on his cheek, Alec leaned into the familiar gesture and a small smile crossed his lips
Ragnor stood quickly from where he was seated, his eyes wide and his mouth a gape
“you're still alive?”
“quite so, I’ve stayed hidden for the past two decades but yes”
Ragnor looked at his three acquaintances and realized they hadn't heard of the famous warlocks name change
as if they name itself had caste a spell all the warlocks turned to stare at the warlock who was very well know as one of the first three warlocks ever to exist, the warlock who watched the young shadowhunter with an odd look of caring
“how’d you find me?”
“when we met, i left an imprint of my magic on you” Alanis brushed a finger over where the magic was still imprinted on the shadowhunter “so that if your life was ever in danger I would be able to find you”
Alec looked over at Magnus who was staring at him with wide eyes and his jaw on the floor, Ragnor was squinting at him and Catarina had her hand over her mouth, Tessa was tense her eyes narrowed and lips pressed thin
“did i miss something?” Alec asked looking from the four warlocks to Alanis
“I might not have been very truthful with my age baby boy” “how old are you” “older than time itself” “what’s Dalmina?” “the last name I went by”
“why did you let a six year old choose a new name for you, what if i had said something stupid like Chocolate or worse, what if I had given you a demons name?”
Magnus was pretty sure he was done with the whole thing, Ragnor thinks he needs to reassess the shadowhunter, Catarina thinks it’s cute, Tessa wants to leave  
“Alec, would you mind bringing the rest of us up to date” Magnus pressed a kiss to his beloved temple
“uh I mean, I was six when I found Alanis in the Institute and we talked and Alanis asked me to pick a new name and I did and that was it” Alec scratched the back of his neck, his cheeks staining crimson
“and with that I must depart” standing and waving a portal into existence “be good baby boy” Alanis pressed a kiss to Alecs forehead before disappearing through the portal
Ragnor looked ready to shit himself before saying his goodbyes and leaving through his own portal, Tessa following after him, Catarina thanked Magnus for the hospitality and bid Alec a farewell before using the door
“I feel there's a talk we need to have, perhaps after you are fed and rested”
“sounds good”
Max and Raphael Lightwood-Bane
Max is ten and Raphael is twelve when they learn about how cool their papa is
it was a family reunion their dad and papa had said, so they had to dress nicely, Max had pulled a face but dad had reminded him that even Raph had to put on nice clothes
the four of them had portaled to the Institute where the reunion was being held
after the big war Izzy and Clary had decided that every five years they should all get together, as one big happy family, no one had dared to fight Clary when she had set it stone, the woman had been seven months pregnant
so here there, they had transformed the main room into a party hall, many tables were spaced out and there was food everywhere
their dad had wandered off to greet fellow warlocks while Raphael kept his grip on his papa’s hand, Max balanced on his hip
they had been making their way over to Aunt Izzy and Uncle Jace when two vampires stopped them, since their papa had taken over has head of the Institute the building had become a sanctuary for downworlders who needed it
Raphael peered up at the two and Max turned to greet them, the woman had cooed over how cute the were, they are introduced as Delphi and Lavi, they knew papa when he was really young and had saved his life, Raphael thanks them before pressing closer to his papa, Max liked seeing other downworlders
with promises to see them again the three of them continued to where Uncle Jace and Aunt Izzy where, Uncle Jace was tossing their cousin, Will, up in the air
Once they had reached the other Raphael had finally let go of his papa and moved to his Aunt Izzy’s side, Max still settled on Alec’s hip, Clary cooed over how big they were getting before yelling at Jace that he was tossing Will “TOO HIGH YOU MORON”
Raphael was glancing around the room when he caught sight of a seelie looking at his papa, the seelie excused himself before he made his way over to Alec
Alec spun around with a wide smile on his face, the seelie ran a finger across Alec’s face and his smile was a little sad, Alec was getting older
“you still call me that, even now?”
Raphael let go of his aunt and made it back to his papa’s side, staring up at the seelie,  
“this is my son Raphael and this is Max”
Raphael could see the seelies’ eyes flicker at the mention of his brothers name, Raph pressed closer to his papa
“always a pleasure, parvulus, but I think your brother is bothering one of mine”
his papa smiled and shook his head with a laugh, dad swooped in then and blew a raspberry on Max’s stomach and lifted Raphael up into his arms, pressing kisses all over his face
“Max I’d like you to meet a friend of mine, this is Catarina”
Raphael watched the woman step up to his brother, she was a warlock, Raphael could tell
“hello Max,” the warlock’s glamor fell and Raphael watched a huge grin split Max’s face, he made grabby hands at the woman who took the young warlock, he tugged at her hair and asked why he didn’t have cool white hair too
Raphael stood by his dad but always kept his papa in his line of vision, He saw another warlock step up to his papa, Raphael couldn't tell the warlocks gender but he heard his papa say the warlocks name was Alanis, Raph watched the warlock sweep their fingers over his papa's face much like the seelie had, the warlock had a small smile for his papa and the two exchanged a few whispers before the warlock was walking away
Raphael wanders away from his dad and papa and finds a seat in the back of the room, he isn’t alone long when Aunt Clary’s dad sits down next to him he doesn’t say anything for a while and Raph is content to just watch the people move about the room
“do you wanna see a picture of your papa when he was young?” Luke’s pride and joy is that he still has those two pictures of Clary and Alec
Raphael nods quickly and looks at the pictures of his papa and Aunt Clary
“you’re Raphael right?”
“I told your papa that I would always be there if he needed me and now I’d like to tell you the same thing, I know you don’t know me very well but I’ve been around for a long time and you’re papa is a great guy”
Luke tells Raphael all about his papa and all the cool things he did and how he fell in love with dad and changed all the rules
Alec and Magnus find Raphael asleep in Luke’s lap at the end of the night, Magnus had a Sleeping blueberry in his arms and Alec takes Raphael thanking Luke for watching him
the four portal home and Magnus tucks Max in while Alec is walking to Raph's room, his baby stirring
“papa you’re awesome” Raph muttered into his neck before falling back asleep, Alec tucks him before joining Magnus in their room, their matching rings glint in the moonlight and Alec thinks about all the people he’s meet over the years and wonders how he got so damn lucky
(part one)
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iron-and-ink · 8 years
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Alec and Downworlders (part one) - The Meet
Alec Lightwood is six the first time he meets a downworlder
he is sitting on the floor in the training room watching two older shadowhunters spar, they’re good, really good, Alec is jealous, he hasn’t started training physically yet, still only history lessons and runes 101 and okay Alec really doesn't mind it because, real talk, the boy is a closeted nerd and he loves to read
he has a whole stash of books on downworlders under his bed, if his parents ever saw them he was sure they would confiscate them, downworlders interest him the most, he’s only ever heard other shadowhunters, including his parents, talk negatively about them and Alec believes ‘a coin has two sides’ so
after he’s been sent to bed he’ll read about downworlders until his head hurts and his eyes can’t focus in the dark anymore
(got off track there, anyway)
he was only half paying attention to the two sparring when he hears something out in the hallway
he wanders out into the hall with wide curious eyes, because it’s the Institute and nothing bad can get in, he walks down hall after hall his hand dragging across the wall and his feet stumbling every once in awhile
he ends up in a part of the Institute he’s never been before, it’s dark and cold and there’s nothing on the walls, the floor is uneven and trips him up even more, there’s a door at the end of the hall
someone comes out of the door and Alec freezes because even though they are standing far apart Alec can tell the person isn’t a shadowhunter and his heart beats hard in his chest
“well, well, well. what do we have here? a little lost shadowhunter? so sweet.”
the person’s voice is pitched high but posses a gravelly undertone, Alec can’t tell if it’s a male or female, when they walk closer to him he still can’t identify them
they are dressed in a loose fitted grey top that is tucked into a pair of black fitted pants, a velvet green overcoat with sparking rings and necklaces, think black circles for earrings and necklaces both on view and tucked into their shirt, their hair is a platinum blonde and cropped to their shoulders with straight bangs
“lost little one?”
the person’s voice doesn’t scare Alec like he thinks it was meant to
“who are you?”
Alec stands firm with his little fist clenched by his sides
“I've had many names over many, many centuries”
“are you a warlock?” and just like that Alec relaxes
“quite the observant one you are” the warlock hums at him “I am indeed”
“that is so cool, I've been reading about warlocks. a lot of the information in the books is based off of past shadowhunters information so i’m not sure what’s truth and what’s been made up. a lot of it is negative towards warlocks as well so I think a lot of it is biased because just because you guys have demon blood in you doesn’t make you bad. a lot of shadowhunters don’t get that and I don’t understand why,” Alec trails off when he see’s the warlock staring at him “I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?” a red flush stains his cheeks and he looks down at his feet
“oh no my sweet baby boy, you did nothing wrong. It’s not often that we see someone with such a unique outlook on downworlders. It’s refreshing is all.”
the warlock kneels down on the floor so they are eye level with Alec, he’s rune less and still a little too pale from always staying cooped up in the Institute, his hair is long and shaggy and hangs in his eyes, the warlock brushes his hair back so they can have eye contact, the warlocks skin is warm and it’s something Alec thinks to write down latter
“I haven't had a name in a long time, would you like to give me one?”
Alec thinks long and hard about a name to give the warlock, or at least he thought he should have but as soon as the warlock had asked, a name shone bright in his mind  
“Alanis” Alec looked up at the warlock who even on their knees had a few inches on Alec
the warlock tried out the name before flashing Alec a wide grin and nodding their head
“from now on my name is Alanis. thank you baby boy”
the warlock swiped their finger behind Alec’s ear, leaving an imprint of their magic on him, the boy was too pure, too good, if his life was ever in danger the magic imprint would alert Alanis to it, with a kiss on the forehead Alanis summoned a portal and with the fleeting thought ‘I hope he grows up well’ the warlock left the boy
Alec Lightwood is seven the next time he meets a downworlder
a werewolf named Luke
Alec had been away from the Institute all day, his parents had been in a screaming match and Alec didn’t want to be around, that's how he found himself sat on a bench in a park from from the Institute
it was warm and he was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, his feet swinging back and forth on the bench, there was a playground about twenty feet from his bench, mundane children running around with frazzled parents chasing after them, something panged in his chest
a man pushing a stroller came up and sat at the other end of the bench Alec was sat on, the man had a diaper bag slung over his shoulder and was currently digging around it, not noticing the stroller slowly rolling away, Alec stood and used his foot to stop the stroller, the man looking up
“oh thank god, Jocelyn would have killed me if I’d lost Clary the first day I take her out on my own”
Alec tilted his head and squinted at the man, the young girl in the stroller squealed and Alec turned and look down at her, her hair was blazing red and her eyes were a light mint green, she looked to be around Izzy’s age, Alec bent down and allowed the little girl to take his finger and grab on tight, Alec smiled at her
“she likes you”
“I’m Alec, Alec Lightwood”
Alec didn’t see the man freeze up at his name, didn’t see him half reach for the stroller
“Robert and Maryse’s boy”
it was Alec’s turn to freeze and turn toward the man, his eyes wide, the little girl - Clary - gripped his fingers tighter and babbled more
“I’m Luke”
Alec nodded at the man, Clary giggled and squealed, both turned to look at her
“would you like to hold her?”
Luke took her out of the stroller and Alec sat back down on the bench, Alec cradled Clary in his lap just like he’d been taught to do with Izzy, Clary was smaller, younger than Izzy and her features were a lot brighter, Izzy was a quiet baby, Clary smiled and giggled and gurgled and squealed, Alec smiled down at the little red head and brought up his hand for her, she grabbed his hand eagerly and squeezed it tight, Luke smiled at the two, he snapped a photo with his phone
“how do you know my parents?”
Alec looked over at Luke who in turn flashed green eyes at the young shadowhunter, Alec’s eyes flickered wide before returning to normal
Alec asked Luke a bunch of questions like if his teeth would regrow if they were knocked out while he was in full wolf, if he liked to have his fur brushed, questions about pack, Luke took it all in ease and answered the child's questions
“what are you doing so far from the Institute Alec”
“mom and dad were fighting”
Luke watched the small boys smile fade, Clary seemed to react to the shift in emotions and her bottom lip quivered, Alec smiled down at her and smacked a wet kiss on her cheek, she giggled and clapped her hands at him, now sat up in his lap, Luke smiled at them and took another picture, he pulled out a card from his back pocket
“If you ever need anything, just give me a call, even if it’s just to talk, I know I’m a stranger but I promise you Alec, I’ll be there if you need me”
Alec had nodded and took the card, tucking into his shorts
Alec is fourteen when he call’s Luke
it’s late at night and he’s worried Luke will be mad about the time but the man is calm on the phone when Alec says his name
he tell’s Luke about how he’s gay and how he’s terrified, he knows the Clave will never allow it and Alec is so, so scared about what will happen if anyone ever finds out, he tells Luke he’s scared he’ll be stripped of his runes, Luke lets Alec rambled until the young teen had worked himself into tears
Luke hushes him and tells him everything's gonna be okay, that times are changing and the Clave will have to be okay with it, he tells Alec that he’ll find someone to love and who will love him, even though that wasn’t a concern Alec had verbally expressed
Luke tells Alec everything will work out in the end
Alec Lightwood is eleven when he meets his first vampire(s)
Max had been born two years ago and Maryse and Robert are all about the two year old, as is Izzy, not that any of that bothers Alec, actually quite the opposite, he’s had more time to train on his own without his mother breathing down his neck ‘fix your form alec’, ‘what was that? do it again!’ he loved his mother dearly, but it felt like sometimes she forgot he was eleven years old and that he was far from perfect
he tucks a seraph dagger into his boot and draws a glamour rune on his forearm, leaving the Institute through a back door no one uses
Alec had just wanted to go for a walk, honestly, he had taken up going for walks outside the institute since his mother had gotten pregnant and his parents were more often than not, in Idris
his head full of thoughts he hadn’t noticed he had wandered close to a port, large freight ships docked, shipping containers stacked tall and wide, Alec tilted his head and squinted his eyes, where was he?
turning to leave the port a black shadow passed overhead and the small shadowhunter froze, he gulped and slowly turned around, he really wished he hadn’t
standing fifteen feet away from him was a Kuri demon, Alec had seen drawings of them, seen what their poison did to other shadowhunters, there was no way his eleven year old self could take down one of these, he bit his lip and slowly pulled the blade from his boot and gripped it tight in his hand, the Kuri demon hissed at him and snapped it’s pincers at him
Alec let out a slow breath and as if that was the demon’s cue, it rushed at him, all eight legs scrambling towards him, the demon was a lot bigger than him so he was able to duck and roll under the Kuris body and come out behind it, he struck out with his seraph and sliced one of the demons back legs, the creature screeched and turned around on clumsy limbs, it swiped at Alec and this time it caught his arm, Alec whimpered as it tore through his jacket, shirt and into his skin, he could feel the blood running down his arm, Alec knew he would probably be okay as long as he avoided the venom tipped fangs the Kuri demon possessed
it didn’t take long before the demon obviously got the the upper hand and Alec was left with a large gash on his left bicep, another on his left thigh and one on the back of his right calf, his left hip was scored up, two matching strips down his still narrow back and one stretched across his chest
Alec had been able to duck into one of the warehouses on the port and collapse onto the floor, the demons either thinking he was dead or not wanting to waste anymore time on him, slinked away in triumph, Alec was able to draw on two iratze before his stele fell out of his shaking hand and he passed out
it only took a few minutes before two vampires passing by could smell the blood, they were old and had good control of themselves, silently agreeing to check it out, they weren’t expecting to find a young shadowhunter bleeding to death
“I say we just leave him, shadowhunters never did anything for us, why should we help one of their own?” “Lavi, he’s just a boy” “Exactly” “I can’t leave him” “Delphi” “He looks like my boy, he looks so much like my Kail” silence, then “Alright”
Lavi had some medical training under his belt and was able to staunch the worse of Alecs wounds while Delphi pillowed the boy's head in her lap and ran a soothing hand through his hair, once they were sure he wouldn’t bleed out Lavi scooped the boy up and they flashed back to the den
Alec wakes up slowly and honestly confused because he’s alive and he has no idea where he is
“Delphi, the kids awake” a man with a hint of an accent says, Alec’s eyes dart over to him and it’s easy to tell he’s a vampire, a woman rushes into the room with a bowl in her hands
“oh honey, how are you?” the woman - Delphi? places the bowl on the ground and places a hand against his forehead, her hand is cool against his feverish skin and it feels nice, Alec glances down at his body and see’s his wounds had been stitched closed, like literal stitches line his wounds and he pokes at them, the man smacks his hand and sneers at him
“Lavi” the woman chastises him
“who are you guys? I could guess vampires but where are we? why did you help me?”
Delphi is a slight woman, she’s around his mother’s height and she has grey eyes and dark brown hair pulled up into a bun, her skin is pale and her nails are cut short, she's dressed in a shirt that advertises a band Alec’s never heard of and jeans
Lavi is a tall man dressed similar to Delphi, he has on a long shirt that has propaganda for a sports team and dark jeans, his hair is a soft ginger orange and jade green eyes, he’s not as pale as Delphi but he’s still pale, vampire and all, his face is covered in freckles that stand out
Lavi is standing back a bit and watching Alec like a hawk, Alec taking notice his seraph dagger is gone but he can feel his stele tucked into his back pocket, he’ll take the small miracle
“we could smell you bleeding out a mile away, stunk like angel blood, you’re lucky we’re the ones that found you and not some thirsty fledgling”
“I thought our blood was supposed to taste good” and that’s really not a statement either vampire was expecting from the young shadowhunter, Lavi looked from the boy to Delphi then back to the boy and shrugs a shoulder
“loses its sweet taste the second time you try it” and the boy stumps them by not commenting on the fact the vampire just admitting to have drank from a shadowhunter not once but at least twice
“you're a weird kid”
“why did you help me?”
Lavi sneers at Delphi before stalking away and out of the room they are in, Delphi offers the boy a small smile and rings out the rag in the water and wipes at his neck that still has blood on it
“you look a lot like my son, his name was Kail. he was around your age when I was turned. We were not very well off and he was so small for his age. The vampire that turned me, it was an accident and when i woke up i went home and then the blood lust hit me and-and i...i couldn’t stop myself” she chokes up a little and Alec takes her hand and she smiles at him “it wasn’t until a few days later that i had regained my senses and realized what i had done. I almost let the sun burn me but Lavi found me and we’ve been together ever since” she squeezes the boy's hand and he smiles at her, her heart clenches but she she offers him a small up tilt of her lips
Lavi returns a few minutes later with a basket of bread and grapes and thrusts it at Alec and mumbles under his breath, Alec wolfs the food down faster than he should and Delphi gets him a glass of water
“I’m sorry about what happened to your son, but thank you both very much for saving my life” Lavi hisses at him and Delphi bates at the bitter ginger and smiles at Alec commenting on his wonderful manners, Delphi and Alec make small talk as he eats the rest of the food slower and Lavi continues to glare at them
someone busts the door down and comes in hissing, fangs on full display and claws poised for striking
Alec’s training kicks in and he puts himself between the vampire and Lavi and Delphi, the attacker stops and hisses
“Un chasseur d'ombres, vraiment Lavi?” (“a shadowhunter, really Lavi?”)
“Tais-toi” (shut up)
“Ces deux sont sous la protection de l'Institut de New York” (These two are under the protection of the New York Institute)
the vampire hisses at Alec, spit flying from his mouth before he backs out of the door and flashes away
“thank you” Delphi stands and shows the door back in place
“it’s the least I could do”
“if you ever need anything, feel free to call on us” Delphi pulls the boy in for a hug and squeezes him a little too tight, Lavi hisses but doesn’t say anything
“my name is Alec Lightwood and I will forever be in your debt”
once Alec leaves Delphi squeal about how cute and polite he was, Lavi just shakes his head and smiles because yeah, he was one hell of a shadowhunter
this is where Alec’s fear of spiders comes from, the first demon he ever faced was a Kuri demon which basically looks like a giant spider on steroids and Alec had been afraid to tell anyone about it
he tells Magnus
Alec Lightwood is thirteen when he meets a Seelie
he had gotten into a fight with his mother and she had sent him to his room
Alec knew no one noticed when he would leave the institute, so he went to his room, grabbed his jacket and stele, then left the Institute through the hidden door he always used
his head is replaying his fight with his mother and the harsh words she had yelled at him, his head is flashing images of Jace at him and telling him how wrong it is, the way he feels about the boy, his head tells him he needs to be better, he needs to - cat, he sees a cat
Alec loves cats, so much, they are small and fluffy and they have such strong personalities and Alec will never, ever, tell anyone how much he loves cats
the cat is small and has grey stripes all over its back with a white tummy and a white chest, it strides through the streets with the pride of a lion and Alec follows it, he wants to pet it
he chases the cat down two alley ways, over a fence, across two streets, and now he’s running through a large park, he’ll realize later he’s in Central Park
After a half hour of running after the feline they are in a dense part of the forest, so dense that Alec takes pause to look around, realizing he has no idea where he is and how to get out and that while he was looking around the cat took the opportunity to dash away from him
while he was doing a full 360 someone catches his eye and Alec sucks in a breath because
yeah because that’s a seelie
he can tell by the ethereal beauty of the being, the way they just look like they’re meant to be apart of the forest, Alec takes a step closer because he’s read about the beauty of seelie’s in books, about how the few mundanes who do possess the sight who happen upon a seelie go mad from their beauty, the man is tall and lean, he wears a loose pair of black pants tucked into black boots, his shirt is a light green color and he has on a peach colored cloak draped over his shoulders and his chest, there's an armband on his right arm, his hair is a very light lilac color and pulled back into a pony tail, the pony tail itself reaches just a little bit past his shoulders, Alec had always imagined seelies to have pale skin like vampires but this seelie skin was sun kissed
“shadowhunter” his voice was melodic, Alec could see why mundanes fell under their spells
“i-i’m sorry, i wasn’t looking where i was going, i was chasing a cat” alec stutters and blushes, the seelie looks at him like he is a grave inconvenience and right about now that's what Alec feels like
“how...unique” the seelies’ words are like liquid silk
“is it true that seelies can see other mythical creatures that shadowhunters and downworlders can’t” it slips out so fast Alec cups a hand over his mouth and his eyes are so wide it hurts his face, the seelies’ head tilts and his brows tick up, like he wasn’t expecting that
“now where did you hear a thing like that?” he’s closer now, Alec could reach out and touch him if he wanted to
“i read a lot”
“you are not like most shadowhunters are you parvulus”
“i know seelies can’t lie but that you guys talk your way around things and that's cool but i’ve never met a seelie before and i have so many questions i’d like to ask, if you have the time”
and they sit like that for the next two hours, Alec finds out the seelies name is Kheelan and that he’s around three hundred years old, he was on his way back to The Court when he had heard Alec, Alec asks all his questions and the seelie answers all the questions straightforwardly, they aren't the kind of questions he needs to dance around, even answering Alec’s first question
they can and Alec almost shits himself when Kheelan tells him there's a very fond will-o'-the-wisp attached to Alec, Kheelan does not tell Alec that it actually gave the seelie pause when he had seen the light blue puff of smoke peak it’s head out from behind the shadowhunters shoulder, the wisps were fickle creatures and were terrified of almost all things that moved, Kheelan also neglects to tell the boy that he can hear the trees whispering in Alec’s presence, he can hear the sprites in the wind chirping happily, the young shadowhunter exudes a naturally good energy and it stumps the seelie as to how the boy was born a shadowhunter and not, well, not a seelie
when the sun starts to dip in the sky Kheelan leads Alec back to a less dense part of the park where the boy assures he can find his way back, he thanks Kheelan earnestly and Kheelan smiles at the boy
“it was a pleasure parvulus”
Alec never puts two and two together when he starts regularly being at Magnus’s
he  never recognizes the small white tummied grey stripped back cat that is named Chairman Meow
never realizes the cat he chased through the park turned out to be Magnus’s beloved cat
(part two)
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iron-and-ink · 8 years
Stiles accidentally becomes a werewolf?
it wasn’t like it was on purpose, because it wasn’t
Scott was the true alpha and Stiles was well, Stiles and he was only human
sometimes humans had to get a little blood on their hands
Stiles just didn’t know that would turn him into a frigging werewolf
he could feel the burning ache of the bite on his shoulder and his hands shook with the adrenaline pumping through his body, his hands cover in slowly drying blood, his body covered in sweat, he stared at Donovan’s body, face up and arms spread wide, giant lead pipe sticking through his gut, the boy’s eyes blown wide and mouth agape
there was an instant ache that settled into Stiles’s bones, like there was an itch under his skin that he couldn’t get to
hot drags of air were ripped from his lungs and he feel forward onto his hands and knees, groans ripped through him as his body heated up and he arched his back, his hands twitching and his leg shooting out from under him
his arm broke first, then his leg, his ribs pushed out and reformed them self, his wrist broke and then his ankle, Stiles screamed but no one heard, his head jerked up and his eyes were a bright golden color - werewolf
his bones continued to break and reform themselves into the body of a wolf, honey golden hair covered his body as his clothes ripped to shreds
once the transformation was complete his head tilted back and a long howl ripped through him, reverberating against the walls of the library
he ran from the library and away from the school, heading into the preserve
it would take an hour before the rest of the pack found him
Stiles had been rolling around in a pile of dense leaves when Scott came crashing through, wolfed out, Lydia followed close behind, Liam, Mason and Malia coming in behind Stiles
you really should know not to box in a wolf
Stiles snarled at them and lunged for Liam first, snapping at him, Liam backed off pushing Mason behind him, Malia growled back, Stiles turned on Scott and let out a deep growl
“are you sure that’s Stiles�� “positive” “how’s he a werewolf and how is he in a full shift” “Lydia, call Derek”
Stiles sat back on his haunches and watched the pack as they kept their distance from him
“Derek, now is not a good time to ignore your phone, we have a-a problem that could really use your expertise, call me back”
“what do we do with him”
Stiles growled at Liam
“leave him for now I guess”
“Derek you got a voicemail”
Derek gave his sister a pinched look and listened to the message, vague as it was, Beacon Hills wasn’t his problem anymore
“well nephew, aren’t you curious” “I am”
Cora snatched his phone as Peter held his shoulder, Cora redialed and Lydia picked up on the second ring
“took you long enough” “Lydia, it’s Cora, what’s going on” Cora put the phone on speaker “Stiles is a werewolf”
silence, then
“that little shit, I offered him the bite and he turned me down, but takes up Scott’s offer” “no, Scott didn’t bite him, we found him in the preserve” “the problem being” “he’s a wolf, full shift and he doesn’t seem to recognize any of us”
Derek twitched at that, that wasn’t possible unless-
“he shouldn’t be able to master a full shift unless he’s a born wolf” “we’ll be there soon”
that’s what found the McCall and Hale pack’s in the preserve staring at a golden brown wolf
“how remarkable” “peter, shut up”
“he isn’t feral, that’s what i’m mostly surprised about”
“peter, I feel like you know something about this”
“i may, there’s a legend that there are another breed of werewolves, one’s that are born with the gene, but the gene lays dormant until they commit murder”
all heads whip to Stiles who growls under his breath, the wolf tilts its head back and howls, the howl gets cut off by a gurgle sound and they all watch as the wolves bones break and reform into the shape of a human, all cringing at the pair they see, the hair receding before a dirt covered, very naked stiles is left, he was belly down with his hands braced on the ground, breathing hard
he looked up at them all with golden eyes
“you killed someone” “it was self defense Scott”
and one Stiles stood and walked over to them, Scott handing him his jacket to cover himself, they could see the still healing wound on his shoulder
“why did it take you until now to shift back”
“i’m in the presence of my alpha”
all eyes dart to Scott before settling on Derek who’s eyes were blaring red
“heard your a werewolf now”
“bite me Isaac”
“nah, that’s Derek’s job”
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iron-and-ink · 8 years
Alec met Catarina Loss when he was eight years old.
he had been mulling around the Institute when the patrol group who had been out earlier came running in through the doors and straight to the med bay
a shadowhunter had been wounded really badly and they called on Catarina Loss because she was the best warlock in healing
and young, eight year old, Alec was hiding around the corner because his dad had been on the patrol with the wounded shadowhunter and Alec is worried 
he sees Catarina leaving the room and he steps out to ask what happened 
he accidentally scares her and her glamour flickers so Alec gets a glimpse of blue skin and white hair 
Alec is star struck because he’s read about warlock marks and he’s heard stories from older shadowhunters about how warlocks carefully glamour them and how they are all so different and that had always interested him
this small shadowhunter child is like breathless and asks the female warlock if it would be rude of him to ask to see her mark again 
Catarina thinks he’s adorable 
(I am so on board with little young Alec loving downworlders and thinking they are all awesome and they see this smol shadowhunter and are just like,,, awww)
so she checks that no ones around and let’s her glamour drop and Alec is speechless and he just kinda breathlessly says she’s beautiful 
Catarina has had a soft spot for the young shadowhunter ever since 
when ever she’s called to the Institute she always makes sure to stop by and chat with Alec 
skip forward and malec is established 
Magnus happened to be in the Institute to visit his boyfriend and he can hear Catarina in the med bay and he pops in as she’s finishing up some demon venom extraction 
Magnus thinks that he would really like to introduce Catarina to Alec 
“Catarina I have someone i’d like to introduce you to” 
she gives him a smile and gestures for him to lead the way and Magnus walks her to Alec’s office 
which obviously she already knew where it was so she’s got this sweet smile on her face because she thought Alec had seemed happier the last time they spoke 
and so when they both walk in and Alec stands up 
“Catarina this is Alec, my-" 
"Catarina? is something wrong?" 
because Alec saw her earlier and normally Catarina only visits him once when she’s in the Institute  
Catarina explains to Magnus how she’s know Alec since he was young and Magnus is kinda surprised at the genuine concern that had been in Alec’s voice when he had asked Catarina if something was wrong, which he shouldn’t be really
and Magnus is pretty sure he just feel in love all over again 
Catarina gets an urgent call from the Institute a few weeks later
something about the whole thing is just rubbing her the wrong way and when she gets to the Institute she finally knows why
it’s Alec laid out on the white sheets, his skin looking too pale and his runes standing out to harshly, his body covered in sweat and ichor
“what happened?”
Catarina rushes to his side and instantly gets to work
there’s a dark haired girl standing on Alec’s other side, Catarina believes her to be Alec’s younger sister, said boy having talked about her often and seeing a picture or two of Alec, her and a blonde shadowhunter
“i don’t know, i turned my back for a second-”
“has anyone contacted Magnus”
Catarina continues her work as the female shadowhunter leaves to call on the other warlock, she and Alec are alone in the med wing
“you fight this Alexander, you hear me. you do not let go”
Catarina is dizzy and a sheen of sweat is visble on her skin by the time Magnus rushes into the room, all wide eyed and huffing, 
it takes both their magic to save the shadowhunter
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iron-and-ink · 8 years
Stiles parents died when he was just a baby and he was taken in by the League of Assassins.
when they say it takes a village to raise a child that saying most definitely was made up in the task of raising Stiles because the child was a menace
you wanna talk about terrible twos, there were the terrible twos, threes, and fours, then again when he was six 
but the whole league loved him so much because he was such a good kid, he had natural instincts and when they started training him when he was nine he took to it so well 
he was raised up as Ra’s Al Ghul (leader of the League of Assassins) son and he grew up with Nyssa as his older sister 
who was great and wouldn’t let anyone give him crap
even though Stiles grew up knowing that his parents had died before he could even talk
he grew up knowing politics and traditions and learning swordplay and how to disappear
Nyssa was always the heir to the throne but everyone knew that if anything ever happened to her, there was no question that Stiles would take the throne
even when growing up knowing death and murder Stiles had such a good soul and always wore a smile with a laid back attitude, he was so easily liked
Stiles was fifteen when Nyssa left to go look for the Black Canary 
Stiles was sixteen when Ra’s was killed and Merlin took over the league 
Nyssa took him away from the only life he knew because despite growing up being told they were not family Nyssa loved him like a little brother and she’d be damned if anything ever happened to him
she extracted him to a confident she had met many years ago
a werewolf living with his pack in a small town called Beacon Hills in California
he was a beta in a well know pack and Nyssa had a feeling her brother would fit in well among them
Nyssa had called the wolf when they arrived in the state, the wolf quickly agreeing to take in the boy, he knew not to question Nyssa 
they had settled that unasked question years ago, who would win in a fight? a werewolf or the daughter of the alleged Demon
Nyssa won 
Nyssa and Stiles are walking up to this giant house in the middle of the woods and most of the pack are spread out in the yard to meet this person and Nyssa gestures to a man standing next to an older brunette (Nyssa tells stiles his name is Peter and he’s an asshole) 
Stiles is used to large groups like this, he did grow up in the league after all, but he wasn’t used to the instant smiles that welcomed him
Nyssa stood next to him rigid and tense
a hand always balanced on her sword
the other gripping Stiles shoulder
Stiles however was relaxed and was taking in all the faces
and Peter walked up to greet them and Nyssa simply gave a stern nod and asked for verbal confirmation that they would take care of Stiles and Peter said on word of the alpha they would
Nyssa seemed to relax if just a bit and Stiles turned to her and yeah he was about an inch taller than her, he was in the middle of a growth spurt, and he gathered her in a tight hug 
“don’t let Merlin give you any shit you hear?” 
“you use your training if you have to. this isn’t like the league, the threats out here are supernatural. you were one of our bests and i’ll be damned if you shame our name.” 
Stiles knew that was Nyssa’s way of saying she loved him
“love you too Nys.” 
she disappeared back into the woods 
Stiles turned back to the wolves who had watched the exchange with interest
Stiles zeroed in on Peter “heard my big sister kicked your ass” he snorted with a smirk and huffed a duffel bag up his shoulder
“oh, he’s gonna fit in just fine” 
Stiles later finds out her name is Laura and her brother is hot as fuck. 
Stiles thinks he’ll like it here 
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