amarazolakingson · 2 years
Text: Amara & Romeo
Amara: Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo!!!!
Amara: Ha kidding! How are you?
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
Text || Amara and Heathcliff
Amara: Hello Mr. Mayor how are you?
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
Mmm, what kind of food do you make?  I always love trying new stuff, and I’m also always hungry.
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Its a little bit of everything, what do you enjoy? Lol well people always being hungry keeps me in the game.
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
Hey guys! So I am so excited that the opening of Kingston’s Bar and Grill is close at hand! Right now I have ads up and open for anyone who wants to be a part of my staff. If you have any questions or want to apply please come talk to me. 
I am also thinking about having a tasting for everyone if you want to get a feel for what I will be serving, you can also ask Mayor Goodwin and he will tell you how great my cooking is!
Anyways I hope everyone has been having a great week! How are you?
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
As Amara spoke, Ivan silently nodded along. It was really impressive of her to overcome her hurdles and even ended up opening a restaurant after. “That is so amazing. Wow! So much accomplishments and you’re still so young!” Ivan smiled widely. “Hm, yeah. I guess you’re right! I should be more grateful of my job. Who knows, I might be helping to raise a future president?”
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Amara smiled. “Its not like I cured world hunger or anything but I have hopes that one day I will do something about that though.” She nodded. “Grateful or at least look at it with a new pair of eyes, sometimes, all we need to do is help someone and in turn we never know who else we are actually helping.” She laughed. “Future Presidents included. Though if thats the case I am staying close to you, you are gonna have the hook up!”
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
Romeo nodded, “The hiring process is stressful since you obviously want to have people around you that you can trust to run things the way you would” he stated plainly. Hiring was actually one of the more difficult parts of the process for him. “Great, well let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. I promise that I’m not entirely useless” Romeo laughed before asking, “What kind of pie are you making?” sure that he would like just about any type she’d make.
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“Well should they become too much to bare I will be coming to your shop and hiding out, pretending I don’t know who owns that place.” She giggled. Smiling she nodded him over. “Okay well come and help me make this pie, the chicken is almost ready so when we are done we can put this in the oven and eat.” She pulled him closer. “We are making Apple pie, its simple and so good with french vanilla ice cream.”
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
“Why, thank you!” He did a little bow and laughed. “I mean you were awesome. It’s kind of your parent’s loss not seeing you in the finale. I think you might even bring a new side to Gordon Ramsey, no?” He shrugged a little. Ivan was surprised when Amara held his hand so he froze a little before smiling again. “I guess, you’re right. Sometimes it just feels so unimportant in the sea of other jobs. I mean, I’m aware that I have a huge responsibility but sometimes you just couldn’t  help but feel small. But, I don’t think you’ve ever felt that way. Have you?”
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“Gordan surprised me, yeah he is a hardass, but he was so encouraging, so helpful. Even after I won he helped me create my cookbook, he trained me to be the best and now I am here opening my new restaurant because he believed in me. And now I get to inspire someone else.” She shook her head. “Even a job as an ice cream person can have a positive affect on someone. You heard the proverb all it takes is the faith of a mustard seed to grow into something beautiful. Thats what you are you are planting these seed of love in these young lives and sometimes its gonna take root and grow.”
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
“I knew it! You just look really familiar! You really proved them wrong. I think we were all rooting for you to win,” he said, smiling back at Amara. “True, nothing beats passion. I’m just a housekeeper or nanny, in short. Not as amazing or ground breaking as your job.”
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Amara beamed. “You were? Okay you are my new favorite person!” She said. “The whole experience was so surreal for me. I didn’t even have my parents with me at the end because they hated I gave up music, but when Gordon brought out my Aunt and Uncle, my fans and friends i felt so loved.” She said remembering that time that could have been dark for her. “Whoa wait you didn’t just put yourself down for doing an important job, we can’t have that!” She took his hand. “It may seem like a not so big job to you, but to those kids, you are their world. You gotta see that so you can make a difference.”
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
For those who wondered what I did before I became a Chef. Music will always have a special place in my heart. 
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
Heathcliff understood Amara’s fears - he had been there at one point in his life.  “Amara,” he said, “here’s the thing about dating:  almost everyone makes a fool out of themselves at least once.  It’s just part of it, and if by some chance you don’t, then you’re one of the lucky ones.  Trust me, I’ve been there.  But it’s like…a right of passage.  It’s just something you have to go through to get to the good stuff.”
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Looking over to Heathcliff she chewed her bottom lip. “Cant we just skip to the good stuff?” She said with a soft laugh. “I guess everyone starts somewhere huh? Does this place have a speed dating event or something like that I can go to but be surrounded by other people?” She took a sip of her drink, “So does that mean you found your person? Because if you can that does give me hope.”
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
“Ah, masterchef!” He grinned at the mention of the show, now having some idea of where he had seen her before. “What a life you’ve lived! I think you won, right? I’m so sorry if I’m wrong. It’s been awhile since I watched it,” he said. “Well, for me, not as amazing as opening a restaurant but a fresh start and also a new job.”
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Amara smiled. “Yes I did win MasterChef. It was the first time anyone thought I could be more than just some R&B singer. It was an amazing time.” She nodded. “I guess whats a fresh start if you aren’t doing something you love right? Congrats on the Job, what do you do?”
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
“Ah, yes. But it’s probably just dejavu. Nothing more,” he said, embarrased. Though he is bad with faces and just get caught staring at her, he couldn’t help but still wonder where she was from. “Nice to meet you too, Amara. It’s a beautiful name. So, why’d you move here?”
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“I dunno could be that, or you could know me from I dunno my music career, or my cooking career.” She said, most didn't recognize her but it would be nice if one did. She blushed at his words. “Thanks. I wanted a fresh start, so I am opening my restaurant here. What about you?”
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
“It’s all about getting the right people on your staff” Romeo nodded, “Makes or breaks ya” he spoke from his own anxiety over finding the right people to hire at his shop. For this exact reason he had only hired one other barber to work with him. He watched as she cooked, mouth watering, “I bet it does. Kind of like the way that I feel when a client sees their cut for the first time” he related. Then he grinned as the spoonful was held out to him. Romeo grabbed the spoon and took a bite, chewing it over. “Holy shit, this is amazing” he beamed.
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Amara nodded. “Yeah and I have never hired anyone before, my staff and crew were all hand  picked by the label so its scary.” She smiled. “I think its just like that! We all have our own talents and when they are recognized its a beautiful thing.” She watched him and smiled brightly. “Nothing like that look of enjoyment over your food.” She moved to grab the pie crust and a bowl. “Once I get the pie in the oven we can eat. Lucky for you I made my pie crust earlier I have been dying to make this pie all week.” 
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
“Well some apps are better than others I hear,” Heathcliff admitted.  “And honestly you being a woman would probably want to try different apps than I would, and it would also depend on what you were looking for I guess, like if you wanted something casual or more serious.  I don’t pretend to be the expert though.”  Yeah, Heathcliff had heard about them from various people and read articles and such, but he had never actually used a dating app (or even a hookup app).  “I meet people,” Heathcliff told Amara, “so I think I do put myself out there.  I just haven’t gone to the apps.  I guess you don’t either.  You could just try going to places around town to meet people too.”
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Amara looked down to her food. “I don’t know. I don’t know what I want or what I need to be honest. I guess I just... really want someone I could talk to about things, get along with and laugh with. Everything else can be worked out you know?” She sighed. “Talking to people as friends is one things, going around town to meet people to date is different and not in a good way either. I am scared that I will make a fool out of myself.”
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
He could have sworn that he had ever seen her somewhere else. Ivan hummed to his own blank thoughts before smiling back at the other. “So am I. It’s been about a month for me, I think?” he rambled on, before offering his hand. “I’m Ivan. Nice to meet you.”
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She looked at him and smiled. “You are trying to figure out how you know me aren’t you?” She teased, wondering if he really did know her from her music or MasterChef. “Two weeks for me. I am Amara. Its nice to meet you Ivan.”
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
where: the hub! who: closed for @amarazolakingson​ !
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Ivan hummed while tapping his feet as the beat to accompany his non-sensical melodies. He was a little hesitant to turn to the stranger beside him. Alas, you only live once. “Hm, pardon me,” he said, tapping them on the shoulder. “You look so familiar. Have we met before?” Before offering her his signature smile.
Amara had been humming along as she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned around and smiled brightly as someone asked if they met. She shook her head no recognizing him. “No I don’t think so. I am new here actually.”
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amarazolakingson · 2 years
“Yeah but I guess they’re not all that bothered, and you never know, this crap might be popular down here…” he shrugged, smiling wildly when the gilr agreed to shots, heading toward the bar. Ordering four tequilas for them both. When they were poured he lifted one, and raised it to the other “To crappy food.” 
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Following the stranger to the bar she accepted her two and lifted it with him. “To crappy food, something I never thought I would toast too.” She said downing the first shot, feeling the burn slide down her throat. “Woooo.” She said putting the glass down. “Its been a long time since I have taken a shot.”
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