amazonchic · 17 days
Hey baby how’s the stage?
Did you like the limelight when it turned into a spotlight?
The circle when you felt the heat?
Congrats you’re now one of the boys, and the handcuffs they slipped on you are 400 degrees.
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amazonchic · 17 days
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amazonchic · 1 month
Happy With You
You know they love you,
when they call you out the blue 
To tell you they saw you through windows and laughed too
At the lit-tle jokes he made 
And all  the kiss-es he laid 
& how he spun you around the kitchen 
With dinner made 
When you hear their sigh, 
Feel the twinkle in their eyes 
Even across seven hundred twenty six miles 
You’ll know, 
well over due..
That when he kisses his wife, he’s still thinking of you. 
Of you in his truck, 
wearing his hat for good luck. 
Cheering him on, 
and the sound of your song. 
Dancing by dirt roads, 
kissing on fields- 
with the lights shining down, 
And him dying to kneel.
But you won’t know then, 
he’ll wait till it’s not safe to feel. 
I guess the theories true 
Now when I see cabs 
I just think of you 
Of “I’m not ready”
Not till I’m married
Not till the band round my finger is heavy
Not till I’m in love
And over you bud  - I hope it hurts, and really cuts you up. 
Wounds you Like 
when you called my phone
While i wore white trying to attone. 
“I can be your man.
I know that I can.
Let me prove it to you, I’ll do anything you ask. “
Well, get on a flight, 
be here by tonight, 
let’s run away together, 
just you and I. 
Was it fear or immaturity that we all ended up here. 
Between love you and lost you 
Her and I 
The future and past 
That one night 
Your kids or your heart
The passing of time 
Is too late to jump Jack 
Is it too late to fly?
I know, I know, you know I know, 
You didn’t know you loved me 
till you couldn’t let me go. 
From I wish you the best, 
to I plead the 5th 
Blue light rendezvous, 
midnight calls with you. 
The chips on the table, 
A decade ago. 
You went all in 
just to lose big. 
I wore a revenge dress, 
But you got a revenge wife. 
I tossed mine when the zipper broke 
But you, well youre locked for life. 
So now windows are where you'll go 
And he has me in ways you’ve never known.
But you & me will always have 143, 
and 2013, 
and your lifted red jeep. 
It was too late 
And I don’t tempt fate 
But sometimes like you do
I rehearse our days.
And just know I hope you find happiness too
Even with her and the fake life you tried to prove.
You know you love someone, 
when you’re happy 
they’re happy
Even if their happy’s 
happy with you. 
That’s when you’ll know for sure, 
he really did love you. 
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amazonchic · 8 years
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amazonchic · 8 years
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These cartoons depict the relative scale of things. 
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amazonchic · 8 years
Pretty Slam Poem
Girl Black girl Mixed girl Native girl Never White girl that's half white Pretty girl "What are you?" -The question that follows me and clings to me like a toddler to his mother. -The eyes that ogle me like I'm the result of some failed lab experiment. "Is that your real hair?" -The question that only furthers the feelings of my inadequacy and stands proudly on the idealism of the "white girl." "Did you know you're white washed?" -The question that suggests that to be my color I should act "my color" right? I should think tan sand, or speak c-8 or be medium deep, or whatever shade the next brand of make up tells me is the label I should embody. No- What is my color. How do I act "my color". How do I speak "my color". How do I think "my color". Well I don't apparently. Because apparently I'm "pretty for a black girl" -The sentence that plays over and over in my head. The "compliment" that stares me back in the mirror. The song I brush my teeth to. The answer to the question of why I apply make up and the hand that selects my outfits. Pretty...What is the definition of "pretty?" Pretty is to be "attractive in a delicate way". In so delicate of a way, pretty doesn't fight back. Pretty doesn't forsake your compliment drenched with prejudice. Pretty doesn't stand up and fight. Pretty is much too delicate for that. Pretty nods. Pretty clings to the belittlement. Pretty says thank you. But "pretty" is getting pretty old. Pretty for a black girl For a black girl. Like being black isn't something pretty. Like God himself didn't paint the night sky shades even darker than the melanin in our skin. Like being "dark as the night" doesn't mean you're also as beautiful as the night as well. Pretty. For a black girl? A compliment wrapped in a slam is the best you can do. Like my genetics are an archer that pulled back the bow, shot and came so close. Like the best I'll ever have is just missing the mark. Don't put me in your box shaped by narrow minded pre-conceptualists that will never know me. That will never know that what I am is strong. I am strong to be alienated and segregated from ideal and still be kind. I am patient to stand by and listen to all of the presuppositions about me and politely answer, "no I don't like kool aid, no my dad didn't leave, no fried chicken gives me a stomach ache, and NO I can not "twerk". And still smile. I am meek to smile when you reach up to pet me like a dog because you've "never touched a black girls hair before." I am strong. I am strong to not cry when you call me white washed because you've just reduced my entire races intelligence with one derogatory sentence. I am not "white washed". I am literate. Surprise a nigger can read. Surprise I've read Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment. Surprise I've read Tolstoy's War and Peace. Surprise I've read Plato's Apology. I'm more than just "pretty for a black girl". Surprise.
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amazonchic · 8 years
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amazonchic · 9 years
May the next few months be a period of magnificent transformation.
(via lontanodallapaura)
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amazonchic · 9 years
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amazonchic · 9 years
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It’s time to rise above those negative circumstances and believe what God says about you.
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amazonchic · 9 years
Girl, why’re all your posts about love and loss. Making me miss the ex I didn’t have.
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amazonchic · 9 years
*is in love w myself bc bitch, I'm me*
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amazonchic · 9 years
Girl, why're all your posts about love and loss. Making me miss the ex I didn't have.
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amazonchic · 9 years
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amazonchic · 9 years
Don’t study because you need to. Study because knowledge is power. Study because they can never take it away from you. Study because you want to know more. Study because it enhances you. Study because it grows you.
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amazonchic · 9 years
God puts things in your heart for a purpose! For you to go after it! So don’t be scared to follow your dreams.
(via words-of-emotion)
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amazonchic · 9 years
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Find a person who will write you poetry and never let them go
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