ambrosialstudies · 4 years
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a lot of you have asked how I actually use notion in my day to day life, so I’ve broken down my task manager for all of you! hope this helps :) happy notion-ing! 💖
my other posts on notion: goal setting 📚
edit: i’ve made my template available for everyone to duplicate here! happy notion-ing!
entire post below!
Keep reading
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ambrosialstudies · 5 years
Monosyllabic words
胃 「い」 stomach 絵 「え」 picture, painting 尾 「お」 tail 蚊 「か」 mosquito 木 「き」 tree 気 「き」spirit, moon, ambience 区 「く」 ward, district 毛 「け」 fur 子 「��」 child 差 「さ」 difference 詩 「し」 poem 死 「し」 death 市 「し」 city 巣 「す」nest 酢 「す」 vinegar 背 「せ」 back 田 「た」 rice field 他 「た」 other 血 「ち」 blood 地 「ち」 earth, ground 手 「て」 hand と and 戸 「と」 door 名 「な」 name 二 「に」 two 根 「ね」 root 野 「の」plain, field 歯 「は」 tooth 葉 「は」 leaf 火 「ひ」 fire 日 「ひ」 days 屁 「へ」 fart 間 「ま」 space, time 実 「み」 fruit, seed 目 「め」 eye 矢 「や」 arrow 湯 「ゆ」 hot water 世 「よ」 world, era 輪 「わ」 ring, loop 和 「わ」 harmony, Japan
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ambrosialstudies · 5 years
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合う: to come together; to merge; to match
話し合う(はなしあう) ・ to discuss; to talk together
間に合う(まにあう) ・ to be in time for
付き合う(つきあう) ・ to associate with; to go steady with (dating)
似合う(にあう) ・ to suit; to be like
知り合う(しりあう) ・ to get to know someone
見合う(みあう) ・ to exchange glances
助け合う(たすけあう) ・ to cooperate
競り合う(せりあう) ・ to compete with
向き合う(むきあう) ・ to be opposite; to face each other
抱き合う(だきあう) ・ to embrace each other
触れ合う(ふれあう) ・ to come into contact with; to touch (each other)
隣り合う(となりあう) ・ to sit side by side; to adjoin each other
絡み合う(からみあう) ・ to be intertwined
溶けあう(とけあう) ・ to melt together
釣り合う(つりあう) ・ to balance; to be in harmony
落ち合う(おちあう) ・ to meet; to rendezvous
呼び合う(よびあう) ・ to call out to one another
組み合う(くみあう) ・ to form a partnership; to join together
切磋琢磨し合う(せっさたくましあう) ・ to work hard together; be in a state of friendly rivalry
These are just a few words you might see with 合う tacked on the end. Luckily, it’s auxiliary function is pretty much the same as its meaning by itself, so it’s easy to remember that if there’s an 合う at the end, something/someone is involved with something/someone else.
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ambrosialstudies · 5 years
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ambrosialstudies · 6 years
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february 27, 2019 // i kept forgetting to post this but i had my french test yesterday and pretty sure i failed all the questions about whether certain verbs taken direct or indirect objects
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ambrosialstudies · 6 years
My Study Aesthetic: warm sunlight streaming in through windows, sipping fancy coffee drinks with my friends in a cafe with acoustic music playing at the perfect ambient volume, we joke and laugh as we leisurely type and review our notes
My Study Reality: i haven’t seen sunlight in a week and i gulped my matcha latte within ten minutes.
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ambrosialstudies · 6 years
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thank u, next semester
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ambrosialstudies · 6 years
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ambrosialstudies · 6 years
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january 17, 2019 - 9:44 pm
this is from last weekend
i think i lost the vocab one
i wrote 60 more words in the writing part of my french final woops
i didn't do well on my ap world history final but it's not like i was surprised
only one final left at least!! this has been so stressful
and then grades will reset for the spring semester - i haven't been caring enough and i need to be more motivated next semester
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ambrosialstudies · 6 years
“hey how are you studying for the AP World History test tomorrow?”
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ambrosialstudies · 6 years
Studying for Finals in a Nutshells:
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ambrosialstudies · 6 years
Final Exam Tips
If you couldn’t tell by the things I’ve been reposting lately, finals week has arrived. My first exam is at 8am tomorrow (wish me luck), and I wanted to share some tips and things I’ve learned over the years. Most of this applies to both college and high school, but everyone’s method is gonna be a little different. You do you boo. 
Self Care
This is super important. It may seem like you don’t have time to worry about these things but your body is just as important as your mind. Nurture it. 
Make your bed. Every morning. If you have to wake up early to give yourself more time, do it. Someone somewhere once said “the state of your bed is the state of your head.”
Brush your teeth. Floss if you can. I know it’s a pain in the ass but it’s literally 2 minutes of your time. 
Put on chap-stick. Bring it everywhere, to all your exams, leave some in your car, in your pocket. It’s never fun to have chapped lips. 
Wash your face. Morning and night, depending on skin type, etc. This is super important to wash away all of the dirt, makeup, and toxins your skin is exposed to. It also helps to wake you up and get you started. And if you’re anything like me, stress breakouts are always a possibility.
Moisturize. Your face, your arms, your legs, etc. A good facial moisturizer and body lotion can do wonders for your skin and your mood. Do a face mask too, if you really wanna pamper yourself. 
Keep your space clean. Where you sleep, where you get ready for bed, and especially where you study. This goes back to making your bed, your surroundings play an important role in your mood and state of mind. 
Eat Healthy. Don’t skip meals, your brain needs good nutrition to function. Take it easy on the sugar, you might be on a high for a little while but the crash is real. 
Drink. Water. Lots of it. I’m terrible when it comes to this, but I find that keeping a refillable water bottle on me, one that’s easy to take quick sips from, helps a lot. You need to be hydrated in order to function properly. Drink juice to help you stay awake if you’re not a fan of coffee or tea (Idk why but this really helps). 
Stay active. Keep moving, get that blood circulating. Whether it’s running, yoga, or a walk in the park, the movement is sure to clear your mind and get those endorphins kicking. 
SLEEP. 7-8 hours, ideally. No all-nighters. Don’t even think about it. I limit myself to one all-nighter a semester, and never on the night before an exam. Your brain works to learn and memorize at night, so get your rest and study in the process.Take catnaps between study sessions if you get tired during the day, but don’t sacrifice that sacred sleep for a few extra hours of studying that will haunt you the entire next day. 
Now that you’re all zenned out, you can fill your brain with all that dope knowledge. 
Go to review days. Your teacher should explain what’s on the exam and what she expects of you, and if you skip you could miss out on important details like room and time. It may seem like skipping gives you more time to study, but you’ll be at a disadvantage in the end.
Summarize. Outline/summarize/prep class content expected on the exam. Being able to summarize content and place it in an order that makes sense shows understanding, and it’ll help you figure out what you need to work on most.  
Find study stations. Coffee shops, the campus library, bookstores, diners, you name it. Study anywhere but home, at least not alone. I sometimes crash at my friend’s place and we’ll have silent study sessions, keeping each other in check. 
Use a time management tool. I use the app Forest, or the chrome extension. When you use the timer, you plant a tree or a bush and it grows until the timer is up. I like it because when I use it on my phone, I set the timer for 25 minutes and I can’t exit the app or the tree dies. On chrome, you can blacklist certain websites that distract you, and if you visit that website during your study session, the tree dies. Don’t kill trees people. 
Prioritize. What exam do you have first? How prepared are you for it? Which exam will be the hardest/are you least prepared for? Use your sessions wisely and focus on the material you don’t know as well. 
Method. What works for you? Are you an auditory learner? Record your notes and listen to them in the car or while you work out. Kinesthetic? Rewrite your notes, make models, etc. Visual? Find good pictoral representations of your content and try drawing diagrams. It’s super important to find a study method that works for you, and everyone’s is gonna be a little different.
Come prepared. Buy pencils, scantrons, and erasers beforehand and come to your exam with everything you need (i.e. calculator). Hand lotion, chap-stick, and deep breathing are great ways to calm yourself before an exam. If you’re religious - pray, spiritual - meditate/center yourself, non of the above - have faith in yourself and your abilities. 
Dress comfy. If sweats are the way you roll, then go with it. If you feel more productive dressing a little nicer, have at it. 
Trust yourself. Stop second guessing yourself. Trust in your work. Honestly, we doubt ourselves way more than we should. Don’t underestimate yourself, love. You show that exam who’s boss. 
Celebrate. You’re done! Congrats on another exam finished, another day slayed, and another semester behind you. 
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ambrosialstudies · 6 years
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january 11, 2019 // just checking in to say i am Stressed and good luck on finals if you have them! (basically i have to study for ap world and french finals this weekend and finish my very long ap world hw and finish this children’s book we have to make for this competition that we have to participate in for english?? how am i gonna do that? who knows maybe i’ll just die)
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ambrosialstudies · 6 years
fyi there is no such thing as “getting back on track” after the holidays because you were never “off track” you were simply living life because you are a human being and you deserve that
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ambrosialstudies · 6 years
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january 1, 2019 // happy new year guys!! started off the year with a mini supply hull (planned to just get the notebooks for my new planner and journal, then saw blick and decided i'm gonna treat myself to brush pens). i made banana and apple cinnamon bread/cake and read a lot during this break - i really don't wanna go back to school tomorrow
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ambrosialstudies · 6 years
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J.P. Berame, from This Year
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ambrosialstudies · 6 years
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december 26, 3:20 pm // finished notes on the internet for my upcoming ap comp sci principles exam (let's pretend i didn't spell "cryptography" wrong)
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