Get Well Soon Love (Pt2)
Featuring Kaedehara Kazuha 🍁
(part 1 featuring Diluc) *both can be read separately they just share the time of sickness/stress comfort*
Where academic stress and adverse weather exposure makes you sick. Really sick and delirious. You somehow find your way to Kazuha’s house. And our sweet anemo boy promises to take care of you. (^ - ^☆)
Tags: reader x Kazuha, hurt/comfort, sickfic!, fluff, comfort.
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“Ugh this is getting nowhere” you groaned to yourself and put your head down on the table with an exasperated sigh. You had been working on this paper all day and it seemed to be nowhere near over! You have to send this to the academia within the next two weeks. And that was all the way in Sumeru! It was almost 7 pm now. Your head was swimming as if insisting you to finally take a break. Did you have a fever? Or was it just hunger? After all you have been surviving on one cup boba tea. Maybe you can grab something to eat too? You decided to go take a walk outside to clear your head first. So that you could focus better.
The sky was overcast with clouds and the wind was strong. But your brain was so scrambled you paid it no mind as you strolled past the perimeters of Inazuma city. You were pulled out of your train of thoughts by the splatter of a big water droplet on the tip of your nose.
“Oh Come on!” Your cursed under your breath looking up at the overcast sky. The rain was picking up quickly. You ran to take shelter under a tree. You were far from the city at this point and it was already almost nightfall. The wind picked up speed as the rain continued pouring in torrents. This was not looking good. Your wet clothes were clinging to you. You decided to head towards the nearest village.
Getting drenched in the rain was better than staying out in the middle of nowhere. Especially with those pesky ronins running around everywhere. You wrapped your arms around yourself hoping to preserve your body heat, but it was of no use. You were shaking like a leaf in the storm. Your teeth chattered together painfully, you tried to maintain your composure but it was impossible. You could see the twinkling lights of Konda village in the distance. But your fatigue from the sleep deprivation and being out so long in such adverse weather conditions made it really hard for you to continue. You forced yourself to keep putting one step infront of the other and continuing despite the wind whipping at your face. The only thing illuminating your path was the occasional thunder. You somehow made it past the village gates and stumbled towards the nearest house. You knew Kazuha had rented a place there temporarily. You knocked on the door weakly.
Moments later Kaedehara Kazuha answered the door. He was shocked to see you there at this hour but your condition alarmed him more.
“Y/n?? Oh my God you are drenched!!”
You reached out to hug him and he instantly had you in his arms. His warm scent of ocean and pine enveloped you. And your knees gave out.
Kazuha wasted no time. He could feel your knees buckle and strength give out. Not unconscious but delirious with high fever. He brought you in carefully and laid you down on his futon, wet clothes and all. He could see you were slipping in and out of consciousness with the way your eyes rolled. You were shivering. This was bad, very bad. He pulled his hair back in a sleek motion and knotted it on top of his head. He brought in a shirt from his closet and kneeled down beside you to change you out of your dripping wet clothes. If you were awake you would giggle at the way he was looking away trying to take off your clothes as modestly as he could. Ever the gentleman.
Your skin was burning up. Kazuha had no time to loose, he felt an almost mechanical efficiency overtake him as he tried his best to tend to you. He nestled you in all the blankets he had. He had no idea how cute he was, fussing over you like that.
“I am in love with you” you slurred out without even thinking what you were saying. Your fevered brain was too foggy to think.
Kazuha froze. His hands going absolutely still. He felt his face match your fevered temperature as a blush crept up his neck. He felt like his stomach was doing summersaults. He slowly turns to look at you to confirm if what he heard was indeed true.
But your eyes had already fluttered shut. The sleep taking you over finally that your temperature was going down. He softly called out your name. You didn’t even stir.
Kazuha sighed to himself and chucked softly trying to calm his nerves. He had always longed to hear you say those words. But he certainly didn’t expect it to be like this. Guess he will just have to wait till tomorrow morning. He was content with that.
“I have always loved you” Kazuha whispered under his breath as he quietly changed the wet cloth on your forehead and replaced it with a soft kiss.
(P.S. Kazuha stayed up all night keeping a watch on you and writing poems with words befitting enough of your admiration)
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If you can and want to please consider supporting me on https://ko-fi.com/amethystcrystalfly 🌸 (it’s a cry for help at this point) But If you are also struggling like me I hope you find the support you need and I am grateful for your like and for your existence💕 You matter, don’t forget that. I love you *puts a Sanrio bandage on your emotional suffering*
🍰Have a pleasant visit 🍰
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hi! Diluc reacting to accidentally hurting s/o while training w/ them? He feels rlly guilty and promises to help u get better because he thinks it’s his fault.
thanks you!
A/N: Ooooohhhh hello there! I really like this prompt! Thank you for the ask! This is my first time doing a request and I am so excited! Let’s see what we can cook up 🧪 welcome to my blog and I hope you have a pleasant stay! 🤍🎀
Warnings: mentions of blood, like a LOT of it, mentions of injury.
Character: Diluc
Kiss it Better
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The hours right after Dawn are your favourite. The air is filled with chirps of birds and the cool Mondstadt breeze brings a certain sense of peace with it. This is also the time you get to train with your beloved partner, the roguishly handsome wine tycoon of Mondstadt, Diluc. The flaming red of his hair matches the early morning sun. You have never felt more alive, as you do now, training against him in a clearing just outside Dawn winery.
He is strong and his movements are steady, his high ponytail doesn’t seem to have a single strand out of place, even though he is drenched in sweat. Your agility never seems to stop amusing him. You could feel droplets of sweat trickling down your back. But oh it feels so good. Neither of you are quitters, the playful competition is infact the best part of it all! You swipe your sword at him and he swoops past effortlessly. His movements are like that of a mountain lion. But you are no less admirable yourself. You dodge his attacks and parry his sword with just as much grace. It’s like you two are locked in a dance . Each matching the other’s movements flawlessly.
Oh but the sun is starting to feel hotter today. As expected in the middle of July. You both had been going at it for a while now. Your breaths were paced out with little pants in between now, but neither of you wanted to give up. Did the sun seem brighter? Was the heat getting higher? Or was it all in your head? You really should have had a better breakfast this morning. Why did your sword suddenly feel heavier? Your ears were buzzing. You tried to shake off the feeling with a quick shake of your head. But oh! You felt Diluc’s sword hit your side, the same moment he realized that you missed the dodge.
The blunt edge of the wooden sword crashed against your ribs sending you flying off your feet. Everything was happening so quickly. You felt your head knocking against something hard sending a sharp jab of pain through your body and then nothing.
Diluc couldn’t believe his eyes, you missed! You didn’t dodge! How is that possible?? You always dodge! He saw the exact moment your eyes started to look out of focus, but it was too late. His sword was in motion and he tried to soften the blow, but it was too late. And then he heard the sickening sound of the sword hitting your body. It was all playing out in agonizingly slow motion for him, yet he couldn’t do anything, as the impact knocked you away. Then your head hit that rock and he felt his heart beating through his chest. He rushed to you instantly and found your blood already drenching the grey rock crimson. No no no this can’t be happening. He used his handkerchief as a makeshift bandage to stop the bleeding. You were loosing so much blood. He swooped you up in his arms and rushed back to the winery.
“Charles!! Adelinde!!” Diluc called out as he neared them, they rushed to your aid. They had never seen their young master in such utter state of panic since…it didn’t matter now. You needed immediate help! One of the maids instantly went to fetch a doctor. Adelinde had tended to multiple wounds of the Dark Night before, but this one, it needed stitches. Blood gushing from your bleeding temple had run all the way down your neck, and mixed with the sweat it was a terrifying image. Your breath seemed shallow and pained. One of the maids, brought a rag and a bucket of water to clean your wound, but Diluc simply thanked her for it and started cleaning your face and your neck with his own hands. Carefully he swiped the wet rag over your face and neck. He was not thinking, right now his priority was making sure you were okay. Barbara burst in through the door, and quickly ushered everyone out so she could begin working on you. Diluc too had to leave, although he was reluctant but he knew that it was necessary.
Once outside the room, it all started sinking in for him. He could still hear your sharp cry of pain as the sword connected with your side. He could just pray that he was able to soften his blow enough to not break a rib. He felt waves of guilt wash over him. It was all his fault, it was him. He never wanted to hurt you. He was so sure you would dodge like you always do, that he didn’t think of holding back. Why didn’t he realize earlier that you were not okay. He was internally cursing himself as he bent over clutching at his hair. Tears started streaming down his face. Tears of frustration at his own failures, tears of guilt, pain and of fear, the fear of losing you. He never wanted things to become this way. Yet here he was. Pathetic.
Barbara opened the door and Diluc shot up to his feet, jostled from his world of inner conflicts. She saw the worry in his eyes and her heart broke for him a little. She always thought of him as somewhat of an elder brother. She tried to calm his fears the best she could, she said that you were going to be okay. The bleeding had stopped and she put in about 6 stitches on your forehead. Your ribs were bruised but no signs of breakage, there was some internal bleeding, but she healed it to the best of her abilities. She showed one of the maids how to change the dressing of your bandage, the stitches will take a little while to heal.
“She needs rest, plenty of it, not even light activities, her wound is pretty deep, thankfully it was not the back of her head” Barbara said. After prescribing some medicines she offered whatever words of comfort she could and took her leave. She could see it in Diluc’s eyes that no words of comfort would sooth him right now, unless they were from your lips.
Diluc gently opened the door to your shared bedroom, and found you laying there still on the bed. The gentle rise and fall of your chest the only indication of your beating heart. The maids had changed you into a one of your soft white cotton night dresses. Barbara gave you some painkillers to help. The dosage was strong enough to lull you into a gentle sleep. Diluc vowed to take it upon himself to tend to you, to repent for his sins.
You woke up the next morning to the sound of pleasant bird chirps, a gentle breeze wafted in through the open window as if softly caressing you with its healing touch. Your peaked from underneath your lashes at the soft morning light washing the room in its pure light. You felt a weight on your hands, and looked to discover Diluc asleep on the bedside clutching your hand. Your head throbbed a little at the movement and your groaned at the sudden pain. This woke Diluc up. He was surprised to see you awake. You tried to sit up, Diluc was instantly there by your side, helping you, he put a pillow against the exquisitely carved headboard to ease your discomfort and propped you against it gently. He silently offered you a glass of water from the bedside which you didn’t realize you needed till you drank it, the delicious cooling effect of the water felt healing to you. You sighed happily with your eyes closed as he carefully took the glass from your hands and placed it back down. You opened your eyes and cracked a sleepy smile at him, “good morning handsome”. Diluc had not said a word till now, you realized why as he instantly broke down after seeing you smile. He kneeled by the bed with his arms around your waist, with his head down. You could feel his body shake with the tears spilling down his pretty face.
“I am sorry I am sorry I never meant to hurt you I love you so much I am sorry” he kept saying as he poured his heart out to you, he revealed all those thoughts that had been tormenting him, all the painful what-ifs that had been holding him hostage, he confided all of that to you.
You let him say it all, as you quietly ran your hands through his hair, offering him comfort. When he finished, you took cupped face in your hands and made him look up to you in your eyes. And you said intently, meaning it with all your heart, “it was not your fault love” you could see the tears brimming in his eyes as you continued. “ I am okay am I not? You controlled your movements the best you could, I know it, if you had not slowed yourself in time, archon knows I wouldn’t get away without a single broken rib, I faltered because of my own fault, but you saved me” you sighed, “to be honest, I should have told you that I wasn’t feeling well, I know you would have understood and taken care of me, just like you did now, but my silly pride got in the way, I didn’t want to give up…if anything I am sorr”—- you couldn’t finish the sentence as Diluc captured your lips in a kiss. You leaned back, tugging at his collar, and he joined you in bed with you. Saying all the things he left unsaid with his kiss, it was not a hot kiss of burning desire, but a gentle kiss of affection, care and love. He cared for you deeply and he promised to never let you go.
Find more work here ☀️ happy browsing!! ^o^
If you can and want to please consider supporting me on https://ko-fi.com/amethystcrystalfly 🌸 (it’s a cry for help at this point) But If you are also struggling like me I hope you find the support you need and I am grateful for your like and for your existence💕 You matter, don’t forget that. I love you *wishing on my eyelashes for your happiness*
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
He is so pretty 🥺
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Forest Watcher Tighnari ♡
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
i understand disliking ads but getting mad on a blazed post of a cats 5th birthday makes me think... perhaps we are losing the thread here
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
Confessions of a Dandelion
Diluc x reader, Venti x reader (platonic)
Fluff with a lil bit of crack hehe ( ^ω^ )
Warnings: mentions of alcoholism, slightly suggestive actions? I am not sure if it really counts?
A/n Hello!! I’m so glad you are here! Hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself (^ - ^) If you like my work feel free to explore more here🌸 Or simply drop by and say hi! Happy reading^o^
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Diluc Ragnvindr, such a beautiful name. It flows off your tongue so effortlessly. You find yourself daydreaming about him ever so often. Thinking about him gives you butterflies all the time. You visit the tavern almost every other night after your shift at the Favonius Headquarters in hopes of catching a glimpse of the handsome owner. Although you usually just stick to drinking juice.
Today, however was different, you found yourself in company of Mondstadt’s beloved bard, Venti. He was fun to have around . Diluc wasn’t there yet, Charles was managing the counter, but you decided to stay because of the bard’s refreshing company. And before you knew it you had downed two glasses of dandelion wine. You were laughing away with Venti as if you two had been friends since forever. While sipping on your third glass of wine you ended up spilling all your secrets to him and being the ever-curious-about-other-people’s-business bard he is, he was delighted to hear about your romantic interest towards Diluc. He nudged you to tell you more and more you said. By the fourth glass you were a giggling mess.
“Oh and his eyes…did I tell you about his eyes?”
“Ah hehe yes y/n you did *hiccup* they are like flaming….cheetos?”
“No!! Like two flaming sunbirds! Or-or phoenix!”
“Eh-heh my bad, although eyes of cheetos are admirable too” ( ^ω^ )
Only a few patrons were left by this time, and those who were there were far too drunk to care about you babbling with Venti about your crush. Venti indulged you, he was having so much fun, especially considering the fact that he noticed something that skipped your attention in your drunken state. Diluc was there. He had walked in around the time when you were on your third glass of wine gushing about how you thought he was so cool and hardworking. As the night went on and you kept talking,his ears turned more and more red. Although he might pretend as if he was not bothered and simply doing his job, Venti could tell he was truly flustered. And his ears matched his hair now.
Diluc had actually come to the Tavern, wishing to see you, under the pretence of helping Charles close up. It had become a little routine of his, he tried to come help at the tavern as often as possible, in hopes of being acquainted with you. He has seen you helping people around the city many a times before. Before joining the knights of Favonius you used to help out at the adventurer’s Guild too, and Diluc knows that. He admires you for your kind soul and dedication to help others. You once fought an entire group of Hilichurls alone to save someone’s lost kittens from becoming their next meal. Armed with just a barely sturdy rod and a very recently earned vision which you weren’t even familiar with using yet. Diluc has seen you multiple times around Windrise with a book and a box of berries. On your day offs you would often go there with your satchel and read books or paint, the wind in Mondstadt has always been your friend, you are never alone, the wind always goes with you. Diluc too, has admired you for a while now.
So imagine his utter surprise when he heard you talk about how you adore him! What?? (OvO) no one told him??? The feeling was MUTUAL??
Venti couldn’t take this anymore this was too cute. Funny as it already was to watch the fearless Darknight hero be so bashful, it wasn’t enough. He wanted to take it up a few notches. So he did.
“Y/n look! Diluc! You should go and tell him how you feel else he will go away and he will never know how his eyes are like flaming cheetos!”
“Sunbirds!! And yes…you are right.. oh no-oh no he needs to know someone needs to tell him..I will tell him”
Diluc looked like a deer caught in the headlight. He didn’t know what to do as you got up, flipped your hair over your shoulders and walked towards him. Well the walk did not look as well composed as you thought it did considering the fact that you could barely walk straight. But my God you looked hot. Diluc could only watch with wide eyes as you made your way to the counter. Looked straight into his eyes and reached up and grabbed him by his collar. You tugged him forward by the collar and with your faces merely inches apart you said
“Diluc Ragvindr, you are beautiful. Your eyes…” you stumbled. There was heat blooming across your chest and the world wouldn’t hold still. It kept spinning, “…you eyes..are—are like…”
That’s when it happened. Diluc couldn’t stand this any longer. You looked so kissable at the moment. Your cheeks slightly flushed from all the alcohol, your eyes staring into his, as if searching for something, his heart was about to beat out of his chest. He had to do it, so he did. He cupped the side of your face with one hand and kissed you. At first you were surprised then you returned the kiss with equal fervour. You leaned into his touch and the hand that was on his collar made it’s way to the back of his neck while you put your other hand on his chest. Diluc leaned forward across the counter and wrapped his free arm around your waist pulling your torso closer. Venti and Charles who were the only remaining people at the tavern by this point, took this as their cue to leave and hurriedly departed. When the two of you finally pulled back for air you two were left gasping and panting yet wanting more. Diluc made his way across the counter towards the side you were on, looked you in the eyes, grabbed your waist with both hands and in one Swift strong motion of his arms lifted you on the bar counter. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him closed with your hands grabbing his shirt again and—-and then you passed out and almost fell off the counter. Thanks to Master Diluc’s quick reflex, he caught you. He quietly chuckled to himself and shook his head. He couldn’t quite believe what just transpired between the two of you. Well thankfully he did have a personal room upstairs in the tavern for days he couldn’t make it back to Dawn Winery. So he scooped you up in his arms and lovingly bridal carried you to the room upstairs and gently laid you down.
He is a gentle man so he won’t share the bed with you obviously…or well he wasn’t going to…until you tugged on his hand and drowsily asked him to stay with you. When you wake up the next day you are probably going to be embarrassed but for now, who cares? It’s just you and him, him and you. For tonight, there is nothing but the giddiness of new love.
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
diluc x reader hurt/comfort
F/n- Friend's name
a/n- sorry for the amount of self indulgent fics, i don't feel comfy talking ab it with most of my irls because i dont want to worry them or push them away- im writing this because a (now ex) friend of mine just cut me off to focus more on their partner and because i was more of a deadweight (hence the fic name) than a friend
sorry for the dump ty if you actually read it LMAO
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You were walking back towards Mondstat. Another lonely day, doing commissions and helping other people with their problems. All you could even feel nowadays was jealousy and hair-ripping stress.
The sun was setting, the colors of the sky mixing together to form a light purple. It was truly gorgeous. You stood on the bridge to Mondstat looking at the sky with a sullen expression, not like your normally happy one. You found thoughts flitting through your mind- thoughts you weren't supposed to be thinking:
"What color sunset would I make?"
You shook your head to rid yourself of the thought. You had been having these suicidal urges and tendencies for a while- just no one had exactly picked up on them.
You took a deep breath and walked through the gates of the city of freedom. It didn't feel like freedom to you, though. It felt like endless lonesomeness and work.
"Oh, F/n! Hey!" you called. You hadn't seen them in a while since they had started to recover from their own mental illness. You heard that recently they had a new partner!
"Y/n, hey."
"How have you been?" you asked, smiling at them.
"Good. I've been meaning to come talk to you actually- I think it's best if we go our separate ways- you know, you're a bit of a downer sometimes, no offense."
You felt your heart shatter- again, it happened again. A deadweight.
"Right. That's okay, if I'm not needed anymore then by all means, we should go our separate ways." you smiled again, trying to show that there was no harm done.
"Thank you for understanding. You're a good friend, and I'm thankful that you helped me recover."
"Yeah, anytime!"
You both waved and you hurriedly walked towards Angel's Share. You needed a drink. You and your boyfriend, Diluc, had been strained for a bit- only because you were both never home. Both of you were busy, and you weren't really a drinker. You didn't know he was supposed to be bartending tonight.
You took a seat at the bar and ordered a death after noon. One turned into two- and you nursed the second drink for about an hour before finishing it.
You were certainly an unusual patron at the tavern- and seeing you holding a particularly strong drink, sitting in silence and staring at the table was definitely not what Diluc expected to see when he came to help out Charles that night.
You laid your head down on the bar and just held your drink, not wanting to look at or talk to anyone. It was easier to look drunk than to explain why you were there.
But what you didn't expect was that the death after noon took a bit to kick in- you WERE drunk- and you knew you had to get out of that tavern.
Diluc knew you hadn't noticed him. His heart dropped when he had first seen you in the tavern and he was still worried about you as you shoved yourself up from the position you were in and left a tip on your tab. He looked at it out of curiosity and- 3 DEATH AFTER NOONS???
"Go, you don't have to explain, just go"
"Thank you."
He tore off his apron and threw it behind the bar. He came up behind you and scooped you up bridal style with ease. You made a tiny struggle but he held you tighter.
"It's Diluc. Calm down."
He felt you relax in his arms and he began the trek to the dawn winery.
"Hey Diluc." you slurred out
"Why do you have me?"
"You're drunk."
"No. Why are you with me?"
"I'm sorry?"
"I weigh you down. Both of us are depressed, but I slow down your recovery. Helping me isn't an easy task and I don't need anyone else leaving because I made them. So if you want to leave just put me down and let me find my own way home. Go live your life without a deadweight pulling you down all the time."
Good god- the alcohol had really loosened your tongue
"Excuse me? Oh Barbatos- darling, I love you. Nothing is going to change that. I love every part of you, mental, physical, personality, you're YOU and I wouldn't change that. You've helped me in my recovery process. You found me at my worst and lifted me up. Why wouldn't I do the same for you? I will never let you go unless it is something that you truly want- and this? This is coming from a different problem. I don't know how long exactly this has been brewing in your pretty little head, but whatever has happened will pass, and whatever will happen, we will be together. I promise."
He kissed your forehead, and looked down at you to admire you. You had wet, tearstained cheeks, your head was leaned against his chest, and you looked as perfect as ever.
"It's okay. I've got you." he whispered.
After arriving at the winery, he cleaned you up and slipped you into your pjs. He put you down in your shared bed. You were only partially awake and aware of what was happening, but you knew you felt something you hadn't felt in a while. A warm fuzzy feeling that welled up from your stomach. You found new tears slipping down your cheeks but you didn't know why.
After telling the maids to prepare a hangover remedy for you to drink in the morning, Diluc joined you in bed. He noticed your starstruck expression and tears, and used his thumb to wipe them away.
"I've got you now. You're alright. Just rest. We can talk about this in the morning, when you're coherent."
He pulled you into him, the smokey scent from his vision mixed with the vanilla shampoo he used filled your senses. His warmth enveloped you, and you felt your eyes begin to close as he combed his fingers through your hair.
"Goodnight, dove. I love you."
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
Get Well Soon Love
A/n: This is a comfort sick fic because I’m a sucker for hurt/comfort fics. Hope you enjoy it and remember to take care of yourselves! Thank you for reading (^-^)
Diluc x fem! Reader
Part 2 featuring Kazuha
Trigger warning: mentions of sickness, fever, headaches, fainting, Diluc helps you change your clothes but it’s completely non sexual.
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The day seemed unusually long today, exhaustion was slowing your work down even more. Just when you finished all your paperwork at the winery more seemed to materialize out of thin air. The steady headache you’ve been nursing since the afternoon just kept getting worse, the words on the papers infront of you seemed to be swimming. The light hurt your eyes and you were all but moments away from breaking down. You sat there in the plush velvet chair of the study with your head clutched in your hands, pressing your palms into your eyes in hopes of decreasing the pounding headache.You didn’t know how long you had been there like that when you were startled by A soft knock at the door.
You looked up to see Diluc standing in the doorway, “Love? Are you alright?”
The worry was evident in his voice. You all but sobbed to see him. You wanted nothing but to just be held by him. He made his way to you and kneeled down beside your chair with a concerned look on his face.
“Luc…I don’t feel good” you hated how vulnerable you sounded, but you couldn’t help it.
Diluc was saying something but you couldn’t hear it anymore, you saw his lips move but couldn’t clearly understand any of the words over the ringing in your ears. Your vision was terribly blurry, you blinked a few times to help clear it, to no avail. The world was spinning, you could vaguely feel a hand on your shoulder, there were black spots all around. You could hear someone calling your name from far away. Then it was all black.
Diluc was calling your name to get you to respond, his panic rising with every moment. His heart stopped as he saw your eyes roll back and body slump forward on Him as you lost your consciousness all together.
Diluc didn’t know what to do. You were burning up with fever, there were little beads of sweat along your brows. He picked you up in a swift motion, steadily cradling your body close to his chest even in his frantic state. He rushed you to your shared bedroom while he ordered one of his house helps to fetch a doctor immediately. You were delirious with high fever, you kept slipping in and out of consciousness. Your glassy eyes were out of focus whenever you opened them and your face would scrunch up as if you were in pain, which you indeed were in. Your entire body felt sore and your head hurt. Coherent thoughts were an effort.
The doctor said it was the flu made worse with the added stress and days of piled up exhaustion. Thankfully it wasn’t very communicable. She prescribed some medicines for you and took her leave. Diluc remained seated beside your bed. The medicine the doctor gave you seemed to have relieved some of your headache,your expression seemed much more peaceful, but you were still running a high fever. Diluc dutifully wiped the beads of sweat off your brow and helped you change into a soft white cotton night gown that you often wore to bed. You were barely awake but he couldn’t let you fall asleep yet, you needed to take the medicine, and for that you needed to get some food down in your system. He propped up some pillows against the headboard to help make you feel comfortable, atleast as comfortable as you could be in this state. You could barely keep you eyes open yet every time you closed them there was a burning sensation behind your eyelids. You felt so useless, Diluc had been busy all day and now that he was home he had to tend to you, you were causing him so much trouble.
Tears rolled down your cheeks, “I am sorry”
Diluc was caught off guard by your sudden tearful words, he took your hand in his and asked, “ why are you apologizing my love?”
“I’m sorry for being such a burden, I didn’t mean to cause you…” you hiccuped “more trouble”
Looking at you being like this made Diluc’s heart hurt, your cheeks were flushed from the fever, your eyes were glazed and tears were freely flowing down your face, your each soft sob resonated through him and it felt as if he was in physical pain. He reached forward and gently wiped the tears off your face with his thumb, while cupping your face with both hands. Your face looked so small and delicate, cupped in his big hands like that, he held you as if you were made of glass.
He then spoke in the softest voice, as if speaking any louder will break you “ Love, never say that again okay? You are never a burden to me, never will be. I am taking care of you because I love you”
he helped you to a glass of water to calm you down, and then continued, “ I will always be here for you, you don’t have to feel guilty about it, just let yourself rest and allow your body to heal, and let me take care of you, okay?”
You sniffled and nodded your head in answer, as one of the maids entered the room with a tray of soup. Diluc took the tray from her and thanked her. He placed the tray carefully on your lap and spooned up some of the soup with one hand while holding a napkin in the other hand to prevent any of the liquid from spilling on you. You obediently had the soup without any complains. How could you complain when your gorgeous boyfriend was ever so lovingly feeding you with his own hands. His flaming red hair was tied in a ponytail atop his head, his sleeves were rolled half way up, revealing his toned arms, he had taken off his coat, leaving just the black shirt that he wears under all those layers. The first two buttons of his shirt were undone and his gloves were off. The view was medicine itself.
By the time you finished the soup and downed the medicines, you were so tired you could barely stay awake. Diluc sensed your exhaustion catching up on you again and helped you get comfortably tucked in for the night.
“Do you need anything else love? More blankets? Water? Maybe some—”
He stopped talking when he felt you tug on his hand, “You” he heard you mumble, “please”
He understood what you meant, And who was he to deny you? Especially when you looked like that, you seemed so small in that big bed nestled amidst the pillows and blankets, peeking at him through tired half lidded eyes. He wanted nothing more to oblige. He quickly changed and climbed into bed with you, pulling you close, blanket and all. You let out a small satisfied sigh as you cuddled closer into his chest. You were out in a blink in the comfort of his arms.
He smiled a bit to himself admiring your peacefully resting face and pressed an affectionate kiss to your forehead as he whispered, “Get well soon love”
If you can and want to please consider supporting me on https://ko-fi.com/amethystcrystalfly 🌸 (it’s a cry for help at this point) But If you are also struggling like me I hope you find the support you need and I am grateful for your like and for your existence💕 You matter, don’t forget that. I love you *puts a Sanrio bandage on your emotional suffering*
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
Wtf we don’t?? I’ve been waiting all day to play it just because I thought I’d get to interact w Diluc
Screaming crying throwing up
why don't we get to talk to diluc in today's event. seething with rage. pounds on doors of dawn winery. let him out NOW i need to see him or i will DIE
also, diluc and albedo are pen pals LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
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Genshin Impact
Stay ( Childe x reader)
A sleepy saviour (Childe x reader)
Diluc Headcanon (Diluc x reader)
The way he loves you ( Childe x reader)
Childe Headcanon ( Childe x reader)
The Genshin boys and their Love language Part 1 ( Kazuha, Diluc, Childe, Albedo, Thoma x reader separately)
Get well soon Love (Diluc x reader)
Get well soon Love part 2 (Kazuha x reader)
Confessions of a Dandelion (Diluc x reader)
Kiss it better (Diluc x reader)
The stars in your eyes { Haikyuu ( Akaashi Keiji x reader)}
A fever dream { BnHA ( Shōto Todoroki x reader)}
Helloo!! 🌸I’m so glad you are here!! 🤍
I hope you enjoy your stay! Feel free to drop by and say hi (^-^)
!!Asks are open!!
If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me. It will mean the world to me. I am a university undergrad trying my best to support myself. Thank you so much for your kindness and support 🍰 https://ko-fi.com/amethystcrystalfly
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
The Genshin boys and their love language (pt 1)
A/n: Full disclosure I do not think that people stick to their one particular love language, I think everyone uses all the 5 love languages, but people just have preferences about which one they like more, if that makes sense? Anyhoww here is a little something 🤍
Ft: Kazuha, Diluc, Childe, Albedo, Thoma
Warnings: none, just fluff
Masterlist🌸 thank you for reading ^ - ^
Love language: Words of Affirmation, Quality time
Kazuha is the kind of person who understands the power words may hold, he is gentle and observant and that’s why he always has the exact words you need to hear
If you are feeling insecure about something it won’t escape his watchful eyes, he is also very intuitive and can sense emotions, so good luck hiding your insecurities
He will tell you exactly how much he adores and admires you through beautifully crafted words and make you feel better in no time
His words are so genuine and filled with so much love that you can not help but feel loved
He believes any conflict can be resolved through conversation and my God he actually can resolve anything with his words, he is just so eloquent
That’s why even when you have arguments they don’t last for too long, because Kazuha is the type of man who doesn’t only know exactly how to get his point across sensibly but he also is a good listener, he listens to your concerns and apologizes sweetly if he is wrong, not the type to hold grudges
He loves travelling and seeing new things, but what does he love more than travelling? Travelling with you.
He loves having you by his side, being able to share his every thought with you and listening to your thoughts on that topic is just priceless to him
He will take every morsel of your conversation and hold onto those precious memories forever, how you looked at the moment,how you sounded, the way the wind played with your hair as you laughed, the way he can see the ocean sparkling in the reflection of your eyes, you are his muse.
He says he has left his past behind and has matured and it doesn’t bother him anymore but on stormy nights aboard the Crux when the sound of the storm keeps him up, sometimes he can not help but reminisce his past, all that he has lost
He greatly appreciates it if you gently hold him on such nights and tell him how much you love him and are proud of him, let him know that it’s okay that the path he chose was right and how much you appreciate him for the person he is, he will really love it
After all, you are his only anchor when his world is troubled with storms
Love language: Acts of service, gift giving
Well well look who we have here if it isn’t our favourite vigilante hero, Master Diluc
Diluc is the type who isn’t the most eloquent when it comes to expressing his admiration, he will silently admire and pine for you for forever before he decides to express how he truly feels
But how he truly feels couldn’t be more obvious, you have a lot of extra commissions to take care of? No problem he’s got it he will help no the tavern is gonna be fine he will ask some of the help from the mansion to back up Charles. You have a letter you need immediately delivered? He’s got it he will send for someone right away. You want a drink after a long day of commissions? One House special drink coming right up carefully made by yours truly
He is a shy lover boy who is so in love but just doesn’t know how to say it, so he shows it in every way he can, hoping you’d catch on
He will always be there for you, if you need anything you’ve got it right away.
Once you start dating be ready to be showered with gifts
That’s not to say that he will thoughtlessly buy things for you, the gifts are very well thought and carefully picked
It’s not always the most lavish of gifts it is sometimes more like “hey when I went to Liyue I saw these glaze lilies and I thought you would like them so I bought a two pots filled with Liyue soil and planted two Glaze Lillies in them so that they would stay in bloom and I could show you” he would try singing and talking to the two flower pots too on the way back because he had been told that doing so will make the Glaze lilies bloom better
As the dark night hero and the owner of A very big and flourishing business and Tavern, work can some times pile up too high, if you take a little bit time out of your own busy day to take care of a few documents for him, he will melt right there.
He knows how busy you are and the fact that you took out time to do something to ease his work means more than you could imagine
He is not into being presented with grand luxurious gifts, but he absolutely adores the little trinkets you bring back for him from your own travels, he will hold onto them forever, just like the vase Kaeya gifted him.
He is actually a very soft guy, beneath the facade of toughness is just a child who yearns for love and comfort of family, and ever since you have been together, that wish has been answered
Love language: physical intimacy, quality time
Now beware when I say “physical intimacy” I do not by anyway just mean sex exclusively
I mean the little things like holding hands, playing with his hair while he lays on your lap, giving him hugs after a long day of harbinger-ing, cuddling till you both fall asleep
Childe wants to fight every breathing thing he can find in his vicinity that is a well known fact, but as much as he loves testing his skills in combat, he also really loves being held gently and spoiled with love
He is basically a big puppy who thinks he is very ferocious, barking at every passing mail man but the moment you ask “where is my good boy?” He is lying at your feet on his back, wagging his tail, ready for belly rubs
Cuddle attacks and kiss attacks are a common thing in your household, tickle fights aren’t uncommon either
Even kissing is sometimes a competition for this adorable blockhead, the one to pull back first looses
He is crazy about you and can not stop himself from having some or the other form of contact with you, he will always hold your hand in public
When he is anxious or pondering on something really hard, he has this habit of unconsciously bouncing his leg, when you gently place a hand on his leg to calm him he adores it
A lot of people may have the opinion that Childe’s love language will be gift giving, but I beg to differ, I think that is something he does just because he can, he has a lot of mora to spare and loves just buying stuff in general.
But remember he is the type of boy who prioritizes his family a lot and he always emphasizes on us visiting them and his home country with him.
He loves playing with his younger siblings if you enjoy spending time with his family too?? He is on cloud 9, don’t be surprised if he shows up with a diamond ring within the next week.
He is a busy man and is always running about and travelling but whenever he is free he will arrange for the fanciest dinners and dates will even send you an outfit as a gift to wear on the day
He plans your dates out thoroughly he will take into account your likes and dislikes and makes sure that everything is perfect
Life of a Harbinger is filled with difficulties and hardships, he literally puts his life on the line every day for the Tsaritsa, he never knows what new challenges the next day might bring, even though he is determined to make his way back to you everytime, he doesn’t wanna take his chances
He wants to spend every moment he has for himself in your company in case he might never feel your love again.
Love language: words of affirmation, quality time
Albedo is a thoughtful guy, he harbours an appreciation for art and admires the little things around him a lot, he takes a great interest in details and has a keen eye for it too.
Like all artists of the world, our favourite painter boy also is a romantic at heart. He has a sketch book filled with portraits of you and sketches things you admire, he paints them not only because they remind him of you but to also better understand why you adore them so
He is very good with words, even though he is a man of science, he has high emotional intelligence. He is intrigued by the way human body reacts to different circumstances and how people react to different situations differently based on their personality traits
Man could have been a modern day psychologist if he wanted to because he is so well versed with human emotions
He enjoys sharing his discoveries and studies with you and cherishes your comments on his thoughts, he thrives on sharing a meaningful conversation
Your thoughts and opinions matter to him, that’s why when you tell him how much he means to you and how much you appreciate him and everything he does, he melts into a puddle. He will chuckle and kiss your forehead nonchalantly but you will know from the way the tips of his ears are tinted red and the little smile gracing his lips for the rest of the day, he feels so loved.
He knows your insecurities and your triggers very well being the keen observer he is, and he knows the exact words you need to hear when you are feeling a certain way.
He is a philosophical guy and when he expresses the way he sees you with that soft expression of adoration on his face, your insecurities don’t stand a chance.
He admires you a lot and hates to see you down or see you belittle yourself, so he makes every effort to make you feel loved and let you know how wonderful he finds you, hoping that you will see yourself through his eyes
Albedo is a busy alchemist, when he is very serious about his research and will often spend days working in his lab at a stretch
He doesn’t force you to be there obviously, but if you are there with him during this time, he will cherish your presence.
Picnics around Mondstadt is common with you two, basking in the sun accompanied by the signature sweet scented breeze of the nation of winds. Sometimes this party of two might also include our Spark Knight Klee and a day filled with laughter joy and fish blasting.
Even silence is comforting with Him. He might be working on a new invention while you sit and read but as long as your are doing it together, it makes you both feel so much closer
For when you are in love with a person, spending time together doesn’t always have to mean putting aside everything and doing things together, sometimes it might also mean just doing things in each other’s company while cherishing the proximity and presence of your beloved.
Love language: acts of service and quality time
Thoma is the number one house Husbando, do I need to say more?
Domestic love with Thoma is practically heaven. Baking together, cooking together, even cleaning is enjoyable with Thoma!
He has your back no matter what, be it conflicts outside the house that needs to be resolved or extra housework that needs taken care of. Thoma is on it
He is so quick and so good at what he does that he gets the work done even before you can insist on doing it yourself
He will cook you your favourite meals on the day you are feeling down and will knit you cute scarves and mittens for winters. He will give you the cutest embroidered napkins to take on your adventures.
He is perfect please kiss him and pat his head for being such a good boy
He is charming and that’s a well known fact, he can get you discount on almost any and everything, seriously how is he so ridiculously good?
He will always take care of you, even after being the busy man he is, he always does his best to find time for you
He loves tending to the animals around the city and they all eagerly await his arrival, if you accompany him when he goes to feed them he will be extremely happy, laughing and chatting with you all the way.
He really enjoys playing with the animals with you, you both feed them and pet them and they cuddle up to you and lick you in return to show appreciation. The people passing by can’t help but admire the happy couple you two make.
All the people in the Inazuma city ship you very hard. Like Get married already!!
I hope you enjoyed these little headcanons. If you did please like and reblog. Much love 🤍
If you can and want to please consider supporting me on https://ko-fi.com/amethystcrystalfly 🌸 (it’s a cry for help at this point) But If you are also struggling like me I hope you find the support you need and I am grateful for your like and for your existence💕 You matter, don’t forget that. I love you *gently kisses the top of your head*
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
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Won 3 50/50s in a row!! This is insane!! I have been waiting for this man for a year now!! Finally he is home😭
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
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This is the first time I ever purchased a character skin and I absolutely do not regret it. He is so stunning😭 Fell in love with him all over again 😭❤️
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
I had this weird dream where Yae Miko went around Teyvat bullying our favourite Genshin men, and they were all very sad about it :( but now that I’m awake it’s a very funny thought
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
Aahhh Ayatooo love of my Life
being mistaken for a married couple [genshin men] pt.2
scaramouche, ayato, thoma
“That one’s too simple, I doubt she’d like it.”
“That’s way different from her size!”
“She’s going to go ballistic if you give her a hot pink dress for her wedding day,” you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Honestly, Ayato, I didn’t think you’d be this hopeless when you asked me to help pick out a wedding dress for your friend.”
“Oh? Do I seem to be an expert in this field?” he suggests, eyeing yet another atrocious dress. You contemplate blindfolding him because at this point, that might be a better option. Just as he reaches for it, you slap his hand away to which he laughs. “I really am grateful for your assistance, truly. As you can probably see.”
“Oh, I see alright-”
“Young master, I didn’t expect to see you here.”
An older man, noticeably crouched over from age approaches Ayato, offering a healthy smile despite his stature. “I haven’t seen you in ages–much less somewhere like here.”
“It’s nice to see you again,” Ayato replies, then turning to motion to you. “This is Matsukushi, an old friend of mine.”
“I worked under him for quite some time,” the old man explains, then glances at Ayato. “Though I work selling wedding dresses now, those days aren’t all too far behind me. It seems a lot has happened since I left…I didn’t realize you were engaged.”
Your jaw drops. For a few moments, you convince yourself that Ayato had gotten himself an engagement unbeknownst to you, but considering he prefers being a hermit within his work, you highly doubt such a situation. When you realize what the man is implying, you shake your head frantically. “No, no, that’s not-”
“Eventually,” he says before you finish. “But unfortunately, not for myself today. It’s for a friends’ fiancee.”
At this, you can feel yourself drop the several dresses that had been clutched in your arms, barely allowing Ayato to grab them in time. Was this a proposal? Or was he indicating the far future that had no use in pondering on now? Thoughts flood your head rapidly, making you spin. The old man however, seems to be unable to read the room and nods. “Ah, I see, my mistake. Well please do call me if you need any aid.”
And when he vanishes behind the counter, you’re left dumbfounded staring at Ayato. Sure, you’ve thought about it–daydreamed–about it countless times after the extensive period of time you’d spent with him, but never realized the weight of it in actuality. As your mind repeats his words on echo, its only snapped out of its trance when he places a cool hand on your head.
“Boring way to find out, right?” he smiles. “This one doesn’t count though, alright? When I propose, I’ll do it properly. And if you’re still unsure then, I’ll do it as much as you need me to and I’ll be as patient as you need me.”
You can’t help but go weak in the knees. As a result, you don’t hear him when he says that he does know how to pick dresses. Maybe he just wanted to spend time with you.
He knows anybody who’s heard of his name would never dream of him being in a relationship–much less any positive association with another human being. From his sharp tongue to his cold nature, it’s practically impossible to imagine him being close with someone else.
Yet he makes an exception for his minions. Not just any of them, no, he finds most of them unbearably stupid and bothersome. Specifically, his assistant.
You move to glance around the market. He follows you closely behind, dressed in a more civilian like attire much to his distaste, after relentless begging on your part. He sees no point in dressing so plainly when he knows most people in this foreign nation don’t even recognize his identity as a harbinger. Still, he silently observes you as you anxiously grip the bag of mora he’d given you.
“Here’s the list,” he says, tossing you a sheet of paper which you barely manage to grab. “I’m staying here. Be back in 15 minutes or I’m coming after you.”
“My lord, this list is awfully long to finish in 15 minutes.”
He knows, he wants to say. He would follow after you anyway. “Is there a problem?”
“Well, I guess we are kind of in a hurry after you blew up your office.” The harmless bite in your voice should’ve boiled his blood to no end, but he only finds himself rolling his eyes. At this, he frowns. Perhaps he was being too soft on you.
You flash a bright smile and wave as you disappear into the crowd of people. He halfheartedly shrugs in response and turns to find a decent corner of alley to stay around before your return, but his plans are interrupted much rudely.
“Hello dear. Yes, you.”
He scowls at the soft voice calling for him from another stall. Though he glares at the old woman perched in the flower shop, she only smiles, her skin wrinkling with old age. “Would you like a flower?”
“No,” he replies immediately, turning to leave, but she only lets out a soft laugh.
“I’m sure your partner over there would love it,” she says. “Our flowers are freshly picked you know. And spring’s in full bloom–you can’t get flowers any more beautiful than these.”
He wishes she’d shut up, considering that with a snap of his fingers he could order someone to pick up a thousand flowers from an entirely other region. Especially since the flowers don’t live up to his standards in the slightest. However, he quickly snaps out of his analyzation of the flowers, shaking his head. “We’re not like that. Don’t assume such a-”
“Ah, then you must already be married!” she blinks. “My apologies, I didn’t know.”
Even he’s almost at a loss of words, unsure if he should spit out foul words or simply walk away from the scene. But before he can even decide, she hands him a blue iris. “Here you are. A token of congratulations. These symbolize faith and hope.”
“We’re not-”
“My lord!” your voice tears his attention away. You bolt up to him, holding bags full of items that were certainly not on the list he’d given you. “I couldn’t help it, the groceries were 50% off, and we haven’t gone yet this week, have we? Well, if we have, we could give some to the others, and-”
“My, that looks quite heavy, are you alright?” the woman speaks up again and Scaramouche suppresses the urge to tape her mouth shut.
“Oh, yes, I’m alright, thank yo-”
“This one has what I need, right?” he snaps suddenly, taking one of the bags from you. You nod, and that’s all he needs before he’s walking off. “We’re leaving.”
“Ah, but we haven’t bought the other things on the list yet!”
He places the blue iris on top of the groceries filling your arms, close enough that you could smell its scent. “We’ll get it later. This place is full of mental commoners, and I’m seconds away from getting violent.”
You blink at the flower, opening your mouth to ask but he’s gone in an instant, disappearing into the crowd. You groan and turn to bid the woman farewell, and she laughs. “You two are such an adorable couple. You remind me of my old days.”
At this, your face heats. Unbeknownst to you, the slightest of embarrassment creeps onto his own face–not that he’d ever admit it.
“We’ll stay with you until your mommy and daddy come find you, okay?” Thoma offers to the crying child, holding out a bottle of water he carries in his pocket. You’ve always known that children love Thoma, but you didn’t know of its extent until the child calms down immediately, expression changing into a beam in mere minutes. You can’t blame the kid because even you yourself find yourself in a calmer state the second you’re in Thoma’s presence. How he does it, you’d like to know too.
Soon enough, you’re walking hand in hand with the little boy and Thoma, glancing around the city in hopes of finding a face similar to the boy’s. Unfortunately, you fail to find any despite Thoma asking around the townspeople and your constant searching. 
After a few hours, the three of you decide upon a break. When you see the child eyeing a specific food vendor, you smile and lead the way. “You’re hungry right? Some food might help all of us reenergize.”
There, the cook eyes your group up and down before turning back to his kitchen. “The family discount ended at lunch. You’ll have to pay full price if you want anything.”
You stare in shock (mostly of his rudeness) while Thoma visibly chokes on his own spit. Did he think you were married? With a child? The thought of it is bizarre, but you can’t help but think of how nice it would be. Thoma’s good at everything related to the house–cleaning, cooking, babysitting–he was practically a dream man for some people. But marriage has rarely crossed your mind so why did you feel so….This mere thought makes you look away.
The boy however, seems unfazed as he simply sits himself on one of the stools, happily swinging his legs. Seeing that it’s not the time to address the mistake, you continue to order dishes, ignoring the heat flooding your face.
Finally, when the boy’s mother comes looking for him, you pass him off happily and wave as they disappear down the street. It’s nearly sunset now as you feel Thoma take your hand. “Shall we get home, then?”
The walk back home is silent. Usually, the two of you indulge in a comfortable silence but this one has a cloud of unsaid words swirling around the two of you, leaving you obsessing over your own wishes. Eventually the silence becomes so suffocating that he clears his throat.
“Agh, now I feel bad…” he mumbles, his blond hair falling over his eyes.
You lift your head. “Huh? About what?”
“I think it made you uncomfortable,” he clarifies, sheepishly meeting your eyes. “But I was really happy when he called us a family.”
Your eyes grow wide.
He swipes at his red tinted cheeks and shakes his head. “Maybe I got ahead of myself, or something like that. If you’re not ready for it–if you’re never ready for that, I would never be upset at you. But at the same time, it would be a dream too–to be able to call myself your husband. Sorry, I naturally thought that you’d like it too and I-”
“I do!” you nearly yell, making him jump. “I do. Like it. A lot. I’d like to call you my spouse.”
The two of you stare at one another in surprise before you both laugh. His fingers tighten around yours, making your chest feel as if it’s about to explode with butterflies. It doesn’t take much to guess that he feels the same.
“Let’s talk more about this later, when we get home. I still have to make dinner, you know.”
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
which fictional death has affected you the most emotionally? like had you straight up crying your eyes out or similar responses
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
kazuha is living in my mind rent free and i'm going to make it everyone's problem
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roommate!kazuha who's an early riser and made it his duty to wake you up every morning, quietly stepping into your room and softly shaking you awake while his morning voice called out your name.
roommate!kazuha who rolls his eyes fondly at your drunk-self when your friend calls him to pick you up from the bar, wrapping his arm around your waist and walking you home while nodding and humming to your unintelligible babbles.
roommate!kazuha who helps you with your homework, using his pen to hit your head gently when you're not focusing and praising you when you get the answers right, chuckling under his breath at the way you fluster from the praising.
roommate!kazuha who silently gets closer to you on the couch during your movie nights, wrapping his blanket around your sleeping figure and leading your head to rest in on his shoulder, a soft smile painted on his lips.
roommate!kazuha who shakes his head every time you mention a date you're going to, giving countless reasons as to why they're not the right one, hoping you couldn't tell that he was supposed to be the one for you.
roommate!kazuha who hates himself a little for being possessive over you but gives you a smug smile when you complain about being stood up, rolling your eyes when he subtly mentions that he was right all along the way.
roommate!kazuha who at first playfully pinned you to the couch when you refused to admit that he was right but the close proximity had your giggles dying down, his laugh quieting and his lips brushing yours, a hand craddling your face gently.
roommate!kazuha who has always been caring and sweet with you, who you though you'd never have a chance with, who hovered over you while waiting for a permission you granted him with a tug to his hoodie strings.
roommate!kazuha who's gently and soft with the way he's kissing you, cupping your cheek with his hand as the other maintains him up, a smile curling on his lips while he parts away, cooing teasingly at the heat underneath his fingertips.
roommate!kazuha who has always been in love with you but was too scared to tell you, telling himself that he was content to be in your life but ended up being greedy for more, craving for you until you were finally his and he was finally yours.
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reblogs are highly appreciated! this is not proofread, sorry if i made any mistakes
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
sabikui bisco is so funny bc they have a forced romantic scene btwn the lead and the #girlpower girl and it’s immediately followed by the most emotional heart wrenching scene about how the main two guys love each other and would do anything for each other
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