anaantf · 3 years
“you’re not a bad person for the ways you tried to kill your sadness.”
— 𝘜𝘯𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳.
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anaantf · 3 years
“Why do you not fear me as the others do” asked Ares, “do you not know that I am the God of tragedy and pain?”
Aphrodite’s hand stroked his hair gently, “my darling, what do you think love is if not a synonym for tragedy and pain. We are both a darkness and a devouring, just in different ways.”
- Nikita Gill, Excerpts from Maidens, Myths and Monsters
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anaantf · 4 years
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selected diaries, virginia woolf / abandonment (the pair), henri de toulouse-lautrec / pillow thoughts, courtney peppernell / in bed, henri de toulouse-lautrec / work song, hozier / the two friends, henri de toulouse-lautrec / portrait of a lady on fire (2019), dir. céline sciamma
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anaantf · 4 years
“i remember you”
i say
as i
i watch his lips curve
into a smile
it fills me
with warmth
and i’m
starting to feel
“how do you do that?”
i ask
“what?” he says
and the familiarity
is insane
“make me feel like i know you
like we’ve been
together for lifetimes now”
we’re in a field
picking strawberries
and every time
i hear him
say my name
the world isn’t the same
i feel like a hero
i feel like the galaxies lie at my
and his goodness
it feels like honey
it drips down
onto me
holding onto
the last touch
before he leaves
i’ve only adored
lifetimes ago,
and here we are.
it’s nice to
see you
and he walks away
leaving the
weight of
the world
to sit on my heart
with an
it was beautiful
while it lasted
until my mother
woke me up
with a
@reminiscingagain on instagram 💓
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anaantf · 4 years
a few days ago
i realised
i had a caution sign
on my heart
i was too scared of it
being broken
so much that i
refused to let anybody in
because i feared
anyone who
would walk
all over it
chew it up
and spit it out
in seconds
it was too delicate
to be dealt with
in any way
other than
being carried
in hands just like a
bed of clouds
ever so soft
but i knew
it would never
go as i planned
for even
a bed of roses
has thorns
that would eventually
this fragile heart
make my vision
i was too scared
of being vulnerable
with my scars
open for the world to see
too scared of
what would become
of me
if i ever
happened to find this heart
in someone’s
@reminiscingagain on Instagram💓
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anaantf · 4 years
if i spoke about you
to every stranger i came across
there would be
so many
in love with you
the way i once was
there would be
so many
whose eyes shine
at the thought of
so many who are
reminded of
every time that one
comes on
if i spoke about you
to every stranger i met
they would all
be shattered and hurt
and maybe
turn into poets
because that’s what you do
you make people
on the bathroom floor
and on paper
you cut them open
each word you
if i spoke about you
to every stranger i saw
maybe i’d finally
to let go
of you
as i tell them about the time
you put flowers in
my hair
and maybe they’d
fall in love
with you more
and i’d fall out of it
so if you ever
come across a stranger
who looks at you
like they’ve
known you
for a while now
don’t be surprised;
that was me
trying to
get over
the ghosts of
our past.
@reminiscingagain on instagram 💓
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anaantf · 4 years
they tell me to go to sleep
like there isn’t a whole war being fought in
my head
like it’s as easy as resting my head
on a pillow
and forgetting that misery has its
arms around me
like the weight
of my blanket doesn’t remind me
of every little thing that’s been
me down
it reminds me of
how i made my mother cry
when i didn’t eat for days
about that one time
i fell in love
with this guy
with dreamy eyes and
a voice so beautiful it could
make the birds sing along
but i was too afraid
to tell him
because i knew
i wasn’t good enough
not for him, but to be loved
i convinced myself
i did not deserve to be happy
because what have i truly
contributed to this world
so i drove away every little thing
that made me
and i lay in bed at night
flinching at memories of
when i could’ve
been genuinely happy
but i chose to be
only because i decided
i did not deserve good things
those are for good people
and i’m not
one of them
for i have failed to make
anyone happy in this life
and the weight of
not being good enough
and every other little thing that i
have denied myself
keeps me up every
single night
and this is why
i can’t
@reminiscingagain on instagram💓
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anaantf · 4 years
Study advice from a former/still procrastinator🧠🔍
So I’ve always stuggled with procrastination. I would stress myself out over doing no work and my solution was to continue doing no work. I got okay GCSE grades but if I would’ve revised/studied harder I could’ve done a lot better. These tips aren’t going to motivate you by themselves, unfortunately nobody can motivate you but yourself. I hope these help someone :)
Visual learners👀
Mindmaps help so much. Use as many or as little coloured pens and highlighters as you like. They really help you visualise the basic content of each topic.
Diagrams! But I don’t study a subject that uses diagrams? It doesn’t matter! Draw little diagrams and doodles to help you picture the content in a more fun way!
Colour code everything! Colour coding really helps you create cues. Cues are essential in recalling information so if you write your notes for one topic in purple and there is something purple in your exam you will activate that cue!
Sticky notes! You can put these everywhere. For my GCSEs, I had sticky notes: on the hallway mirror, in my sock draw, on the fridge, stuck to the TV remote. Literally everywhere you go on a regular basis or everything you use. Use digital sticky notes on MacBooks or set alarms with the info as the title of the alarm.
Use kahoot! Everyone knows what kahoot is so I’m not going to explain it. However, it is very fun and competitive and if you struggle to enjoy the content using a kahoot makes it a lot more fun.
Audio learners🎶
Record lectures or online lessons. You can use these to look back and listen to what your teacher is saying, listen to what they emphasise.
Watch YouTube videos on the topic. Honestly, ASAPScience’s songs helped me so much in GCSE science. It’s easier to understand and it gets stuck in your head if you want it to or not. (Just don’t listen to songs before opposing subject exams: I once had the periodic table song stuck in my head during an Literature exam- not helpful.)
Create mnemonics!! Just liked in primary school when we learnt the colours of the rainbow by remembering “Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain”, it’s so helpful. And, the stupider and funnier the more you will remember it.
Written learners📝
Rewrite them notes!! Rewrite them in different colours, type them up. Write them and see how much you can remember after 10 minutes.
Revision/note cards are amazing. You can lay out revision cards however you like. You can have them as questions with the answers on the other side, you can use it for the basic information or to just rewrite your notes in a form you can easily carry around with you.
Exam questions. This isn’t only for written learners, it’s for everyone. Anyone who ever has a test or exam for something. Use past exam papers or practise questions. Answer them and then use mark schemes to grade them. You’ll learn how to structure answers for different types of questions and you’ll also learn timing. It’s the best way to revise!
Overall tips🪄
You need to find something to motivate you. For you it can be getting into university, to show off to someone or even to just reward yourself. In all honesty, I use spite to motivate me. To prove people wrong and show that I’m more capable than they thought is an easy way to get myself to study.
You have to force yourself sometimes. There is never going to be a time where you want to study that extremely difficult topic that you haven’t been able to grasp. So you have to push yourself- this is harder for some than it is for others. But once you get into the swing of pushing yourself a little, it does become easier.
To counteract the point above, you have to take breaks. And I’m now taking, an hour break for 10 minutes of work. I mean, study for 25 minutes and have a five minute break and continue that. Get up, stretch, walk around, listen to song, get a snack and some water. Shake your body because sitting at a desk for hours on end is only going to hurt you.
Find a study buddy. Some people work better alone, I know I do. But some people need others to keep them on track and that’s perfectly okay! In my opinion, you shouldn’t choose your best friend as your study partner unless they are going to be strict with you. If you know that the person you plan to study with is only going to distract you, then pick somebody else.
Use a study group! Similar to a study buddy but in this case you can discuss the material you are going over and ask for other’s help. Peer mark fake questions for each other or again, do a quiz. Pick the right people and a study group will work perfectly!
Find a way to shut your brain off. Easier said than done, I know. But if you’re brain is pumping out thoughts about what you’re having for dinner or the show you watched last night, then you aren’t going to get anywhere. Some people use rain sounds (like me!!) but I wouldn’t recommend listening to music. You may think you’re new Playlist is going to get you excited to work but it’s only going to distract you. If you want to listen to music I would recommend purely instrumental music of songs that you don’t know- they’re plenty on YouTube!
Use reminders on your phone or study apps to keep you on track. I’ve heard so many people talk about the app, Forest. I have given it ago and I’d fully recommend it too. It has built-in reminders, sounds to listen to (and we know I love rain sounds) and small achievements to keep you motivated. You get rewarded with a tree or a few trees after your study session and if you get enough coins you can plant an actual real tree!! If you don’t want to pay £1.99, I completely understand so I would recommend Flora. It’s free and has almost all the same features as Forest. Give them a go!! (I will make another post about the differences:))
Speaking of phones, turn yours off!! Unless you’re using it for studying, in which case disable all notifications for a select period of time. You can set screen time limits on IPhones and if you really need it, get someone else to set the password so you can’t simply override it.
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