anadacsiatoggaf · 7 days
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anadacsiatoggaf · 7 days
Please don’t scroll ‼️‼️
It's urgent🙏🙏. There are only 7 days left until the campaign ends
Only 5,232.50$ raised of 20,000$
Please boost & donation 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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@nabulsi @90-ghost @helppeople @fairuzfan @northgazaupdates @vakarians-babe @sar-soor @tamamita @sayruq 🙏🙏‼️
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anadacsiatoggaf · 9 days
Your charitable donations will be double rewarded by God in your life and your eternity.
i just want from you to have 5 minutes from your time to read my story .. please
Donate if you can
Reblog if you can’t
Verified by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi
@battlebabebeulah @nomoresympathy-eh @lemedstudent2021 @abla-soso @timetravellingkitty @importals99 @redpinejo @kuch-toh-garbad-hai-daya @curtwilde @germany-is-straight @attractivesteaminghunkofflesh69
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anadacsiatoggaf · 9 days
I am Mahmoud from Gaza,
Me and my family which consist of my father, mother, sister, and 3 brothers see death due to war every day 😔
Please, can you help us by publishing gofundme link🙏?
@battlebabebeulah @nomoresympathy-eh @lemedstudent2021 @abla-soso @timetravellingkitty @importals99 @redpinejo @kuch-toh-garbad-hai-daya @curtwilde @germany-is-straight @attractivesteaminghunkofflesh69
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anadacsiatoggaf · 12 days
yeah it is actually insane that literally millions of people have been murdered by the united states in the name of anticommunism, just for daring to want a socialist society, people are permanently disabled or traumatized, children are born with birth defects from us bombs to this day, many countries are still under crushing economic sanctions or still living in the aftermath of us backed right wing coups, and it really is insignificant to most americans
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anadacsiatoggaf · 13 days
Oh my god, I need more yandere ludwig. Your work is amazing! Keep up the good work, but don't forget about yourself!!🖤 May I ask what would Germany's behavior be like if the reader were pregnant? Or if their daughter? (son?) already born? It seems to me that nothing will help the poor reader in this case, I see him twice as protective and controlling than he already is. And if we add the fact of the presence of the "Great Uncle Gilbert" ... Just good luck to the nerve cells and the psyche of the reader :')
(sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language ><)
Omg thank you so much! I am so glad people have been loving my works, the characterization is kinda wobbly in my opinion but still. I really do appreciate the compliments! Your English is quite good doll, don’t worry ;3 love the ask though, the drama would surely be intense. 🐝✨
Warnings; anything traumatic related to pregnancy. non-con. proceed with caution.
Innere Unruhe
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It wasn't necessarily the first thought you had in mind, obviously. You remembered your stomach doing backflips as you wobbled around the kitchen, a rather common occurrence after Ludwig had been significantly rough with you while you were cooking dinner.
His hands pulled up your dress, his fingers tracing your skin as they teasingly played with the hem of your underwear. His other hand snaked across your waist, pressing your back against him as his lips gently kissed your neck. The scent of his cologne overwhelmed you, and you could feel the tension from his workplace leaving his body.
It wasn't the first time, but you still weren't accustomed to it. You wished you were. Sometimes when you wanted him, it was bearable, hopelessly addicting even.
Slowly his fingers begin playing with your silky folds. Never mind you cooking dinner, his hands now pulling at your dress, the apron, your hair messily falling over your back, not caring much about the food Ludwig turns the stove off and seems hell bent on making your thighs shiver from just his fingers.
As you gracefully collapse onto him, he gently lets you slide to the floor while casually starting to wash his hands. You assume dinner comes first, and then it's likely time for the bedroom, where he will carry you off to.
Throwing up half of your dinner was not in your plans though.
Honestly, all you felt was slight discomfort for the past few weeks and you had assumed that was your new normal considering the lifestyle you had with Ludwig. Both of you were active in the bedroom, and even though it was horrible to admit, your lover made damn sure you had reached your climax to the point of blacking out.
It was after when Ludwig had been cuddling with you, seemingly in a sleepy mood today when you might have started breathing heavily alerting the man behind you, it was disgusting and you might have cried out of frustration as gentle but strong hands carried you to the washroom and in a short time, freshly cleaned up, the moment your head landed on the pillow, you were out.
And then you began noticing the symptoms, a woman’s body is bound to act up in a complicated manner during stress, right? So the absence of your period? Must be the stress. The throbbing pain? Well, Ludwig could get very rough at times. Throwing up? Maybe your stomach wasn’t digesting food properly. Sore breasts? Again, rough sex. Excuses after excuses. And with what you were going through, this was simply accepted as your new normal.
Ludwig had begun to take care of you, making sure you were fed and hydrated well, stressing over your health which seemed to take a drastic turn all of a sudden. It was probably just a fever. Perhaps he had been too harsh on you? Nonetheless, he encouraged you to take rest and did everything in the home and looked after you. To you, he was being somewhat dramatic.
But again, you had a feeling in your gut that this was something more than a cold. A woman’s body had it’s magical ways of making such things known. In the form of pain.
Of course, you had lost your balance and went tumbling down the flight of stairs, vision blurry and a strong sense of nausea enveloping your body in its strong grip. You tried breathing heavily, trying to calm yourself down but it hurt. Hurt so bad. And Ludwig had gone to a meeting just a while ago.
“Oi Ludwig, are you— Holy Mother—",
Gilbert. Oh how you despised that man, but how did he get in?, the concerning thought flew out of the window as you felt cold hands land on your forehead, caressing your throbbing head, almost as if he was investigating a wounded animal. Which you supposed was a perfect description.
After that, all you remembered was being placed on a couch, and voices whispering in rapid German. Did he call his brother? Obviously. Maybe he had called him to take care of you since you were unable to so yourself. God, that felt pathetic, so so pathetic.
Ludwig stared at your distressed form with a grimace set on his lips, thank god his brother had arrived in time, but that didn’t necessarily explain what was going on with you. If anything, he was getting more and more concerned about your well being. He wasn’t going to take you to a hospital, the thought of that made him feel disgusted, he was not going to let them touch you.
Instead, he thought of calling for Emma first thing tomorrow. He had given her his workload for today, she might be able to help or advice just what was going on with you,
He had helped you reach the bedroom, letting you lay down and decided to leave you alone at the moment, maybe some good rest oughta make you feel better, and some time alone from him. Was he stressing you out? Was he the reason for this? Sighing in frustration, he felt so annoyed and upset at himself.
It was after a moment of silence when you opened your eyes, the house was dark with only a few lights on, alerting you until you remembered what had happened. Ugh, your belly hurt so much. Trying to lift yourself up, you tried to bear the ache on your waist, at least your vision was clear now with no sign of blacking out any time soon.
Slowly but steadily, you made your way to the washroom, easily pulling off your silky dress and tossing it on the floor. Your hands immediately rested on the floor lengthen mirror and that’s when you truly saw your reflection.
Messy hair, it had been brushed by Ludwig just before so it wasn’t a tangled mess but nonetheless still messy. Your skin was sickly pale with dark circles and dry as your lips, your body seemed to be growing chubbier these days, your breasts hurt and your—
Narrowing your eyes, you slowly turned to the side, eyeing your stomach more carefully. Touching the flesh with tender fingertips as if something inside you was telling you to be gentle. As if something was there, your body seemed to be telling you that, your belly had gotten somewhat bigger and the area throbbed in pain at times.
For some reason, you couldn’t breathe.
Thankfully your legs found the toilet seat and you fell right on top of it. Breathing more heavily, you clutched your thighs and tried to clear down your thoughts.
It couldn’t be.
Nations could not get pregnant nor could they make anyone else pregnant. That was explained to you by your agency when you were ordered to spy on the personification of Germany. It was further confirmed by Ludwig. But again, he was a young nation himself, maybe there’s been a mistake. Maybe it was because he had forced you to consume a part of him and become a semi-immortal?
A raspy gasp escaped your throats as you hyper focused on breathing. Just breathe, just breathe.
You know what you had to do.
“Are you doing alright?”, Ludwig asked you as he pulled the blanket over him, his voice laced with genuine concern and a hint of guilt in his eyes. He didn’t bother to pull your body close to him this time.
“It’s fine really”, you lied, obviously. There was a slight tremble in your voice which made Ludwig furrow his brows a bit. Nonetheless, he gave a firm nod and opened his laptop and starting wearing his headphones.
After a while had passed, you slowly pulled yourself closer to him and curled your hands around his arm, nuzzling you cheek against his muscle and sighing tiredly. Stifling a smile of victory as you felt his movements stop.
You heard a sigh and felt his fingers touch your scalp, soothing your roots and soon enough his body was cuddling against yours.
“Feeling well?”, he asked in a whisper and you nodded slightly. Honestly you had done this before to get what you want and you weren’t exactly sure whether Ludwig already knew your intentions or he was just glad to have such soft romantic moments.
“It was just my period acting up”, you mumbled with a fake whimper following soon enough, voice feeble and quite. “I might need to order some supplies, please?”
Fluttering your eyelashes, you gave him a meek expression and you tried hard not to smile or have your heartbeat give away to your plans. You saw him contemplating until you saw a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. He must have been so tired, poor thing,
“Whatever you want”.
He continues watching his show as you scrolled through his phone, putting several items in the bucket list as well as some supplies which you would experiment with later, not that he would know. Ludwig was kind of a simp really.
Finalizing you order, you gave his phone back to him and continues to muzzle with his arm until you fell asleep.
The delivery came quickly enough, you had to contain yourself from showing growing dread and absolute tension in front of Ludwig the whole day, especially when you carried the delivered boxes towards your bedroom as Ludwig helped you and then left you alone to go to his office.
Quickly you grabbed onto a loose dress, some pregnancy tests, a pad and headed to the washroom. Your hands were shaking terribly but you had done it.
You stared at the floor in a newfound terror, as each and single one of the tests showed positive. Each single one. positive. The marks were all you could see as your heart plummeted. Pregnant.
You were with a child. A baby was growing in your stomach which was supposed to be impossible. And it honestly felt as if it was growing faster than a normal child would. Because you could literally feel your body changing at times. It could be, considering the fact this was a nation’s child. Germany’s child. If Ludwig came to know?
You had to escape. Fast.
Knock. Knock.
“Everything alright?”,
Shit. Your head whipped around to stare at the doorknob turning and quickly hid the supplies you brought to the washroom. The used tests were stashed in the pad’s packet and you put on a pad just for the act.
“Do you need help?”, his voice sounded worried and you internally cursed, oh you have helped a lot Ludwig. Fucking thanks.
“Coming! Just making sure it wouldn’t leak!”, you heard a slight cough and rolled your eyes at the man who was probably blushing on the other side of the door.
Seriously what did he expect you were doing? As much as he was sharp, he could be a dimwit. Stupid meathead. God, the anger towards him was growing day by day, especially at your predicament.
“Sorry, I was just concerned Schatz, take your time”.
This was bad. Ludwig was already so strung up about you even though you had tried so hard to show him that you were alright, you had to subdue his worries fast or else escaping with your child would be hard to do so. No wonder, your health would plummet sooner or later and your chances would plummet as well.
You knew he would be waiting just outside for you, so washing yourself properly, putting on a relaxed expression you decided to put on an act.
“Finally, everything good?”, Ludwig asked after an exasperated sigh, pissing you off slightly but you managed to subdue the anger. He grasped your hands and stared at your face, pulling your body closer to his as he took in your scent.
“Of course. My health’s gotten a lot better, you really don’t have to worry so much. I am doing well Ludwig, trust me?”,
There was hitch in his breath as you asked the last question, and in your too. Trust. It was about trust at the end wasn’t it?
You betrayed him the moment you stepped into Germany as a spy, his trust afterwards when you attacked with a gun, knife or a frying pan, trying to escape him over and over again. He couldn’t trust you that easily, that’s been few years ago and yet sometimes you can feel his eyes scrutinize you.
"I made dinner", was the only thing he replied with, holding your hand and leading you downstairs, uncertainty began to bubble up under your skin and it didn’t go away for the rest of the day.
Emma had said that nothing was wrong with you, only a fever which humans had once in a while which subdued Ludwig's and your worries, you supposed she wouldn’t even think of pregnancy being possible. Ludwig only ate in silence as the television played an action movie, your eyes following the scenes.
It was a new show which you saw Ludwig watching, sensing your interest he decided to connect it to the tv. At first, you avoided it like the plague but being bored enough, you decided to give it a try. Which was a common occurrence these days, whether it was something you liked or he liked, it ended up being shared or brought up quite frequently.
Strangely domestic. It unnerved you at times.
"I was thinking",
Your eyes met his, and you suddenly realized that he had been staring at you all along. You noticed him glance at your hands, causing you to quickly unclench them. Was your anxiety that apparent? Damn.
"I checked your bucket list", he did?
Narrowing his gaze, your heart skipped a beat as he gently held your hand. Which he had broken quite a few times while interrogating you. He took in a deep breath and placed a chaste kiss on your hand and eventually your cheek causing you to flinch, which he noticed keenly.
He stared at you with an empty expression for a while, while you did your best to avoid making eye contact. Your senses became more alert, and you could sense him gradually moving closer to you on the couch. He balanced his plate on his thigh while holding your hand, and his breath gently brushed against your neck as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
You attempted to control your breathing while hyper focusing on the movie. However, the weight on your shoulder provoked your resistance as his hand gradually encircled your back, pulling you closer to him.
"Ludwig, what are you doing?" you asked firmly, but it didn't seem to faze him at all, which only heightened your concerns. This was what worried you at times. While you could usually dissuade him easily, there were moments like this when he didn't play into your hands so easily. This was the man who had hunted you down and single-handedly defeated the rest of your team with his intelligence and strength alone.
"Emma pulled me aside after your test," he said slowly, causing your thighs to clench together. "She concluded me that all the symptoms you displayed were indicative of…" He trailed off and you attempted to push him away, but was forcefully pulled back towards him, his fingers digging into your waist.
He turned off the tv.
You tried to speak up but Ludwig shushed you as his palm was placed on your mouth, "I know you're not on your period," he whispered into your ear, causing your eyes to widen. Your chest rose and fell as you began to breathe heavily, and your thighs trembled as Ludwig nuzzled your neck, planting firm kisses.
He kissed you gently, yet possessively, his warm breath causing you to shiver as you struggled to contain your tangled emotions, trying not to struggle too much. Why did he start doing this all of a sudden? You believed you had finally caught him, but it appeared as though he willingly fell into your trap, as if it was his only opportunity to earn your affection.
"I don't know what your deal is, but don't keep playing the same game that you failed in repeatedly. I'm not begging you like I did last time," he whispered harshly.
"It’s a warning".
He let go of you, placing the plate harshly on the table and stood up. Hastily wiping his hands on a napkin, thinking quickly you clutched onto his thigh, "Ludwig— I was only worried I swear—“, you started, but he only clicked his teeth.
"And? You didn't even try to consult me?" He only gave you a glare, effectively ending the conversation as he left, leaving you in a state of meltdown on the couch.
"Forget it, you can’t get pregnant", he hissed sharply before storming out of the room. You wondered if he was disappointed by that fact or simply fed up with your constant schemes of escaping his grasps.
You had to escape tonight. Though could you even? It wouldn’t be the first time, but that was the issue. Ludwig was constantly on the lookout for any signs of disobedience from you, a man doesn’t suddenly lose his intelligence and brain after fucking a woman, for a while perhaps. But Ludwig despite being hopelessly in love, wasn’t going to play into your games again. Especially if he would end up finding out that you can be pregnant.
You take in a shaking breath, composing yourself and putting your act together as you head towards the bathroom. Throwing away your pad with a dissatisfied grumble, frustrated tears clinging to your lashes. You wipe them away hardly with your hands, exiting the washroom only to crash onto Ludwig, who catches you firmly, both of his hands on your waist.
“what’s wrong— shit—“, he wipes your tears and holds your face tenderly, you wondered if he thought that you were upset by what he said. He stared at you for a while before he hugged you, making you feel conflicted.
You didn’t think you could escape. This would be what? The nineteenth time? Or twenty-two? You didn’t quite remember, every time you were dragged back and punished, whether it was making you beg or cry, in the end Ludwig always made damn sure that you would be his. Even if sometimes you had disappeared for months at a time.
You had escaped to Southern Asia, Central Africa, South America and each time, he found you and brought you back. Nothing helped, your connections and underground friends were all gone and useless because Ludwig made sure that Gilbert disposed off them entirely.
All the drowsiness and sickness seemed to engulf at once as your knees gave out, Ludwig swiftly caught you by your waist, your legs wrapped around him as he layer you down on your bed. His eyes stared at you apprehensively as he towered over you.
You hunched up your dress, sniffling and gazing at the ceiling above. What were you attempting to plan, anyway? You were in a hopeless situation. How could you forget that you had been with Ludwig for years? Years of running away and getting caught again. Even if you managed to escape, you would still be searching and longing for someone to love you as deeply as him. This realization shattered you, made you angry, but ultimately… all you did was take a moment to catch your breath.
"I can’t—", you began but he silenced you, traces of the previous argument evident in his tensed muscles. His jaw was clenched tightly as he stared at your flushed form.
"Trust me?", Ludwig whispered softly, hunching over you as you looked at him with fresh tears falling off your eyes. Understanding what he meant as he traced your thighs, moving your dress to expose your skin, you hastily gripped his naked shoulders, broad frame overtaking your vision.
Soon enough, he began venting all his frustrations onto you. Your thighs were on his shoulders as he relentlessly thrust into you, biting your shoulder and breasts, planting harsh kisses on your skin. His hot breath and deep murmurs sent shivers down your spine, and loud, explicit moans escaped your lips as your eyes rolled back. It was a steaming delirious pleasure coiling around and drowning you.
Once again, the bed trembled from the intensity of Ludwig's thrusts, as he pounded into you with an animalistic force, leaving bruises on your thighs, waist, and back. It seemed like Ludwig was determined to make a point, although you couldn't quite understand what it was.
He fondled your breasts in a gentle manner when he was done filling you with his load over and over again, your body shook from the force it went through. Painful pleasure made you throb, both of your fluids, tears and sweat drenching your figure. Ludwig panted heavily, his muscles flexing in all its glory as you grasped his shoulders and moaned pathetically.
Giving a toothy kiss to your breast, he murmured hotly near your ear.
"You are going to be a great mother".
Your heart plummeted.
Ahem, so what happens now? (I was getting way off topic)
Ludwig would eventually find out about your pregnancy one way or another, whether by some indication or snooping around your damn business. And when he does, he is going to have a breakdown at first. Firstly, because such a thing should not be possible, but lo and behold. The power of a woman knows no boundaries.
However, he would also be ill-equipped to raise a child. Ludwig lacks emotional depth and has little experience with children , he would be uncertain about his ability to care for a child. after having a deep conversation with his family and friends, he would take it as his responsibility since he was the one who put that child into you. And in the end, that was his baby too.
After collecting himself, Ludwig would actually be quite elated. His wife was pregnant, and deep down, he had always fantasized about and desired to have a wife and a child whom he could care for, just as his siblings had cared for him. To have some sort of normalcy and an escape. Soon enough, after throughly researching and studying, he would feel confident enough in himself to shoulder on the responsibilities. Also with you beside him would make him feel more secure.
"Ludwig, it’s not that much of a big deal!", you yelped as Ludwig carried you upstairs, near your newly furnished bedroom where he placed a tv and everything else you might need. Last thing he wanted was for you to move around carelessly and needlessly, unless it was for exercise and hygiene. Gilbert trailed behind him with a grin on his face, apparently he was your especially appointed bodyguard with Emma and Lily as your maids. This was ridiculous.
He would be extremely protective, constantly hovering over you and ensuring your well-being. He would prioritize your comfort and relaxation, carefully managing your eating and sleeping schedule. He would exert control over every aspect of your life to ensure everything goes smoothly. He is afraid of losing you, and his overbearing nature might eventually lead Gilbert to intervene and set him straight. because he would be stressing you out too.
Gilbert would thwart any of your attempts and antics immediately. It was fun back in the days, but now with you being very vulnerable with his brother's child, he would be very firm and protective over you as well. Watching you like an eagle.
Ludwig already has the entire nursery planned and baby proofed, with your input here and there, including everything else a child needs. This man is brainstorming every possibility. He has everything prepared and protected. The medical team is one of the best in Germany, and you have top security from the government themselves after Ludwig requested so.
Considering the fact that your predicament is basically a miracle, it might bring about some curious nations and Ludwig is not going to let that slide. This man is just itching for someone to mess up.
I feel like he would want a boy. He’s not sexist ofc! it’s just that he would personally love to have a son to take care of and raise him properly with discipline that Gilbert inflicted on him but also the affection he needed too. Eventually, it wouldn’t matter. It’s just a preference if he was asked about it.
He wants four btw, two boys and two girls. Ludwig would be embarrassed to admit this, but you will definitely end up with four kids if he can’t help it. He can, he chooses not to.
Eventually, you have twins - a boy who is slightly older than the girl. Ludwig, upon holding their tiny bodies, almost dies. He may have cried, but in that moment, he couldn't care less.
As a Nation, Ludwig's genes would end up overtaking yours, meaning the children would mostly look him with some of your features. Ludwig ofc notices this and makes sure that you don’t end up having a breakdown because of him over the children.
He knows, you might end up having depression and stress, which is why he would be present at home often. Gilbert would also be visiting often with his darling, taking care of the children and ensuring that you don’t lose your mind and hurt the kids. I feel as if Ludwig would be okay with Lily and Emma visiting as well, his children need to socialize.
As they grow up faster, being the children of a nation, I believe that his son would resemble Ludwig right away, with his shiny blond hair, eyes a striking blue, the only in resemblance being your eye shape and eyebrows. Unfortunately, his possessive attitude towards you also starts to develop. Being the oldest son, he feels responsible for taking care of you, which leads to daily arguments between the two of you and Ludwig. He wouldn’t dare argue with his uncle tho.
The girl, on the other hand, sort of resembles you in personality. She has the same confidence as Gilbert and is passionate in everything she does. However, she also possesses an unwavering honesty. She is obsessed with gaining your and Ludwig's approval and desires for both of you to always be together. She is very affectionate and sweet, but also quite anxious, much like you. The only thing that resembles you are her eyes.
You could say that, Ludwig raises them to be equally responsible and have proper sense of duties. But he is softer on his girls, Gilbert is not tho, but he isn’t as harsh on them as he is with the boys. Which is probably why their yandere tendencies are much more apparent— in the end, you suppose it’s a cycle. Little did you know, your girls were taking after you— only that they were yandere too.
Ludwig would end up spoiling them, but at the same time he would be very strict. Mostly because his oldest son gives him very doubtful vibes, his daughter seems to rather dainty, his other son is a nervous wreck, his youngest daughter is a shy bean. But in the end, they aren’t really that innocent. And he knows. You hope they turn out normal though (they don’t.)
He would be enrolling them in the best educational institutions, they will be known as the rich cool kids in school, extremely smart and intelligent. With a confusing aura unnerving but also attracting many people, in the end they end up twisted as Ludwig, when their weight of immortality and power catches up to them.
They would also be very protective over you but you can easily deter them to have some sort of privacy and control. In the end, Ludwig expects them to respect and listen to their mother, and the kids wouldn’t cross any strict boundaries.
Also, Ludwig would be the one making sure you get a proper bath, his hands gentle and soft as he slowly cleans you, while also making sure you were comfortable. This man can’t keep his hands of your pregnant body, whether it’s for a massage or physical affection he can never get enough of.
He will also make sure to pleasure you, especially when your feeling particularly needy or cravings, he will be there between your legs, softly sucking any area he can find. He would especially be fondling your breasts and yes, he would develop a lactation kink. And a breeding kink, honestly this man is kinky af when it comes to his woman.
As much as he would be suffocating, he is also very gentle because he would so nervous that he might end up fucking this up like everything else in his life and he simply cannot have that. He can’t mess this up too.
Constantly asks his brother for advice on how to take care of the kids, and maybe his boss would end up babysitting them or something when he takes them to work lol. You will actually get a lot of help for taking care of the child. Especially if you would be easily tired and vulnerable, you won’t have to worry about a thing.
Although Ludwig would still be very protective with the kids, they would grow up quite quickly and stronger too, which will tone him down. But he would be strict with what they do and how they do it. He would still be possessive over you and paranoid that since his attention won’t be fully on you, you would try to leave him again. So he trusts the kids to take care of that. And they do so.
Things are alright, you could say, obviously not the kind of life you had in mind back in the days. With having strong immortal kids and a husband, but is what it is. Gilbert would tease the shit out of you and sometimes belittle if you act up too much. Ludwig wouldn’t suddenly loose his teeth when it comes down to your or his kids' disobedience.
Things are relatively tame, aside from few arguments, disagreements, tension brewing between nations. You would be rather stable as time goes on, Ludwig would be tamer as well if you behave and stop trying to stir shit up. It’s all good.
That is until….
The winter breeze rushes in as the front door is forcefully opened and then locked. You set your book down on the table next to your armchair as you stand up, the blanket wrapped around you falling carelessly to the ground. You don't care; your eyes are fixed on your eldest son.
"Leonard, what is this?" you cautiously ask him, your breath catching in your throat as you take in the scene. Your senses are overwhelmed by a strong smell of copper, quickly rendering you motionless.
It reminded of you when his twin came in, announcing her utterly obsessive devotion to her boyfriend, who avoided Ludwig's eyes at all cost.
However, she was relatively tame in comparison to this.
Your son, towering over you, almost his father’s height, stood with a manic grin on his face. His dark blond hair messy, eyes glinting with joy but his face— …… they were stained with blood. But that was nothing alarmingly shocking.
It was the poor, shivering girl bundled up tightly in his arms, she was also covered in dark blood, which stained her face and clothes. Sniffling, she attempted to hide her face.
You saw Leonard's eyes roll and frown at her feeble attempt, he brought her closer to give a kiss on her forehead, not minding her flinching away as if it burned. His eyes, lighter than his father's, clashed with yours. A smug look comes on his face along with his familiar grin.
Is he taunting you? Challenging your authority? Or is it a warning?
You wonder if Ludwig knows, or ever wondered that his son committed a bloodbath—
"Fühlt sich vertraut an, Mutter?"
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anadacsiatoggaf · 13 days
Hi, um, so I LOVE your writings on Prussia and Germany. Glad to know there are people out here still blessing us with yandere hetalia content. I find it interesting how you mention in Germany's oneshot that Prussia told him he should be harsher with you from day one... So, the morbid curiosity wants to know, pretty please, what that would look like in detail?
Thank you very for such lovely compliments, warms my heart, it keeps me going and pumped up for writing more! 🌻 I would love delve deeper into such concepts although it will be rather short and simple. Gilbert is a bastard when it comes to giving advices, it’s always a clean cut which he’s aiming for. 🐝✨
Warning: Contains usual yandere themes, mentions of violence and drinking.
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The aroma of coffee permeates the air as he is pulled back by his shoulders, his head meeting a solid, sturdy chest while his brother playfully ruffles his hair. In that moment, he feels like a mischievous teenager caught in the act, rather than a towering young man he has become.
A small cough escapes his lips, accompanied by specks of blood staining the pristine white shirt, drawing a disapproving glance from his older brother. However, his brother remains silent for a while, taking deep drags from his cigarette as they both stand beneath the glow of a streetlight.
Ludwig winces as he wipes his bruised nose, attempting to compose himself and maintain a semblance of dignity. He is already embarrassed about being forcibly removed from the bar by his brother.
"Eine ziemliche Schlägerei, aye junge?" his brother remarks, exhaling smoke that twists and weaves into intricate patterns as it ascends, Ludwig pointedly disregards the accusatory taunt. Both of them hear a crashing sound coming from inside the bar, followed by the slamming of a door.
They catch a fleeting glimpse of Lovino supporting a drunken Florentyna, their figures visible for a moment before disappearing around a corner. 
"Was it him?"
Ludwig offers a slight nod, opting not to elaborate further, although he knows his brother wasn’t known to let such incidents slide so easily. It could work in his favor or against him.
The cigarette beneath Gilbert's polished boots is crushed, his gaze scrutinizing Ludwig until their eyes finally meet. 
"Well? I expect more than just a nod from you," Gilbert presses, his disappointment evident. It was far from ideal that his older brother had been urgently summoned due to a bar brawl. Damn it, that cantankerous bartender should have kept his nose out of it.
"Don't curse that old man in your thoughts," Ludwig winces audibly at the retort, confirming Gilbert's suspicion that Ludwig had indeed cursed out the elderly man for doing precisely what Gilbert had instructed him to do in such situations.
"Francis— that French Arschficker— was the one who started it all",
Ludwig's attempt to shift the blame onto Francis, earns him nothing more than an exaggerated eye roll and an indifferent look, further dampening his mood.
"I'm not here for a game of blame, Ludwig. What I witnessed was you nearly tearing Feliciano’s head off with a shard from a broken bottle."
In response, Ludwig merely huffs with pride, which promptly results in a firm smack to his head.
"Just tell me what caused all of this and who was involved. And don't you dare feed me some bullshit, you hear me, junge?" Gilbert's voice carries a stern warning.
Ludwig rubs the back of his head and his neck, his embarrassment growing by the minute. Here he is, being scolded by his brother in the dead of night. He wonders if Gilbert had been sleeping or simply lounging around, which would explain the presence of the cigarette.
When Gilbert made his entrance into the bar, there was a contemplative air about him. Swiftly, he had landed a powerful punch on Antonio, knocking him down, and forcefully slammed Francis' face against the wall. It appeared that he had been suppressing his frustrations and had finally found a way to release them.
"They were making comments about her," Ludwig admitted, studying Gilbert's expression closely. In response, Gilbert simply shrugged and let out a deep sigh.
"So what? They insulted your manhood? Is that what this was all about? Antonio is going to whine like a little bitch about his broken nose, you know."
"That would be Francis," Ludwig spat out the name as if it were burning his tongue, causing Gilbert to raise an eyebrow.
"He was... well, he kept going on about how I wasn’t experienced enough and how I couldn't handle her if it came down to it. He was insulting me, Brüder, and then he just HAD TO BRING UP SOME BURIED SHIT!! And then Lovino... that damn bitch had a lot to say about love and pleasure and shit”,
Gilbert simply let Ludwig vent out his frustrations in a stream of jumbled and incomprehensible sentences, while he attempted to wipe away the previous droplets of blood off his shirt. His efforts were futile, sadly.
"I just hate that I feel so inferior compared to them. I….. I don't know what to do anymore. Even she makes me feel that way, as if I'm just pathetic. I try to be patient, but Verdammt!"
"You let her think that, holding yourself back and all, don't you?" Gilbert interjects.
Ludwig runs his hand through his hair, smoothing it down after nearly tearing it out in frustration. He closes his eyes, admitting that yes, he does let her think that way. He holds himself back, afraid of scaring her or confirming the doubts others have about him. He nods in agreement.
"Well, then you're a dumbfuck. Stop caring about what others say and handle her directly. Put your foot down instead of tiptoeing around like an uncertain school kid," Gilbert asserts.
Ludwig groans in response, ignoring the intense stare from Gilbert. He knows deep down that it shouldn't matter what others say, but he can't help replaying their demeaning words in his mind. It becomes too much, especially when they start speaking about you, insinuating that he can't please you or even handle you. That's when he lost control.
When they began to critique your relationship with him.
"Lutz, it's not going to be easy to handle a fully grown woman if you continue down this path," Ludwig's hand descends slightly to his cheek as he attentively listens to Gilbert's words. "You have to be tough, be patient if you want that, but if you fold so easily, then you're in for a difficult time."
"It's not about them demeaning or underestimating you, shit."
Gilbert's lips purse as he opens a soda can with a resounding clang, swiftly followed by a massive gulp. His gaze fixates on the empty streets ahead, his eyes narrowing as he mutters, "It's you belittling and underestimating yourself."
Ludwig raises a brow as Gilbert grabs him by the shoulders again, both of them stumbling along the sidewalk. A couple of minutes pass as Gilbert empties the soda can and effortlessly crushes it in his fist.
"Some women require a bit of building, some require a bit of molding, and others a bit of breaking. Not everyone is made the same."
"I'm not... uh, I'm not quite sure about that," Ludwig responds, voicing his uncertainty.
Gilbert pays no heed to his comment as he continues, seemingly pondering how to ensure his brother doesn't mess things up too badly, or else he would have to intervene himself.
"That's the issue, you're not sure about yourself in the first place. Buckle up, Bruder. Your woman isn't going to be a walk in the park. She's bursting with passionate fire, and she'll end up stinging your ass if you don't get yourself together."
Ludwig remained silent for a while, his brows furrowing slightly as he walked alongside his brother. Gilbert's gaze was fixed on the moon, which hung in the sky above them. 
"We don't get to love so easily, Ludwig," Gilbert spoke softly, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "We never had that privilege. For beings like us, humans have always been transient beings, fleeting like dust that settles for a few brief years."
Ludwig's gaze shifted to his brother, his features reflecting a mix of understanding and sadness. He knew that all too well. 
"You remember your pretty little Snow White?" Gilbert's voice took on a nostalgic tone, breaking the previous melancholy atmosphere. Ludwig turned to him with a bewildered expression, caught off guard by the sudden shift in topic.
"Bruder! That was different. I was a child!" Ludwig replied, his tone laced with exasperation.
"Well, you sucked at wooing a lady back then, and it seems you haven't improved much, maybe those cunts do have a point" Gilbert remarked, his words laced with a hint of mockery. Ludwig shot him an offended glare, but Gilbert responded with a half-hearted smirk.
"If I hadn't caught you being so captivated by that young Mädchen, I wouldn't have even known she was your type," Gilbert continued. Ludwig let out a frustrated sigh, 
"Okay, that's enough," he interjected, his voice firm. "Let's just go home."
"I even considered arranging a marriage between the two of you, you know, get you a wife," Gilbert added, his tone filled with reminiscence. "Do you have any idea how proud this old man was? to see his young boy finally muster some manly balls?"
Ludwig stared at him with a nonchalant expression, a look of surprise on his face. 
His confusion is ignored once again.
Gilbert's grip only tightened on Ludwig's forearm, who had a hint of embarrassment coloring his expression. "My point is, it's alright to chase your romantic dreams and indulge in all that teenage shenanigan bullshit," he began, his voice tinged with sarcasm and sincerity.
"But now you're dealing with a strong-headed woman, not some delicate Victorian-era Snow White. It's okay to have lovey dovey expectations, but as a man, you need to stand your ground and make your intentions clear," Gilbert continued, his tone firm. "Don't play around or mess things up, Ludwig. Tread carefully, or you'll end up with a tangled mess of threads."
Ludwig hummed, his expression growing more grounded as he narrowed his eyes in deep thought. He absorbed Gilbert's words, carefully considering their implications.
"So, you're suggesting that I should be more assertive and dominant," Ludwig started with a thoughtful tone.
“I am suggesting that you don’t fuck around too much, don’t be too arrogant-minded or violent like that Danish imbecile or that Russian brute”.
The blond shifted awkwardly with his boots, gaze fixated on the beer stains which he grimaced at. His brother better not see that unless he wanted to hear another lecture.
He had heard Mathias bragging about his darling, apparently a daring young woman herself. Although his comments were, uh, quite something.
“And also, don’t think too much with your dick”,
Ludwig roughly choked on his own spit, taken aback by the unexpected comment.
Gilbert, however, responded with a dismissive eye roll. He casually took out the car keys from his pocket and opened the passenger door, signaling for Ludwig to get in, even though it was Ludwig's own car. Reluctantly, he made his way to the passenger seat.
With a smooth purr, the car’s engine roared to life and soon they were on their way to wherever Gilbert wanted to go.
“You gotta wait for the right moment to strike, bide your time patiently, you would be surprised what France goes through with his Dame or any other nation”,
“What did she do?”
Ludwig's curiosity got the better of him and couldn't help but ask eagerly, for someone who was commenting on his lack of experiences, it was amusing to know the Frenchman had issues of his own when it came to his darling.
Gilbert smirked, his eyes glimmering with amusement. "Turns out she's quite the escape artist. She's resourceful and has a way with words and her cunning mind."
Ludwig raised a brow in interest as his brother continued,
"The last I heard, she caused the poor man to have flashbacks when she decided to reenact the events of the French Revolution using a butcher knife."
The blond snorted, well that’s what he gets, as he turned on the radio to some shitty pop song.
The romantic man had gone on and on about how to treat a woman, wooing them and intending to jab at Ludwig's lack of experience when it came to such things.
That’s where the Italian brothers had joined in, with their unwanted advices which turned into passive insults. Soon enough, Antonio retorted how Lovino was like a neutered cat when it came to his bella. Which resulted in a furious bar fight which others joined in.
It hadn’t taken long after that, when Feliciano in his drunken confidence commented on Ludwig's misfortune with women. And how his darling would be better off with someone else.
This led to Ludwig's attempt to send him to the heaven above using a piece of broken glass shard, after punching the shit out of him.
A serene atmosphere filled the car as both brothers listened to the radio, only one of them was cringing with disdain at some of the lyrics. After a while, Gilbert started again, turning down the volume of the radio.
“That’s the issue with these so-called romantic nations, they don’t think critically when they need to. Diving head first into situations with a bleeding heart only leaves you vulnerable and not to mention, with a fucking mess to clean up after”.
“You gotta be careful and tactical, don’t let emotions and feelings cloud your judgment and think with a straight mind about how to tackle the situation”.
He gets a firm nod with a determined resolve.
The radio's volume increased again. Neither Ludwig nor Gilbert had spoken for a while, and the world seemed to be at a standstill in the late hours of the night.
As the car slows down to a crawl, Ludwig blinks in confusion, taken aback by the sudden change in pace.
Then, an overwhelming surge of boiling anger courses through Ludwig's veins, threatening to consume him. 
The frustration within him intensifies, and he clenches his fist tightly, wanting to shatter the noisy radio into pieces.
Ludwig quickly realizes that his dear older brother had carefully arranged for someone to monitor her every action, collecting any possible information and meticulously organizing every aspect beforehand.
“Consider this a tutorial, huh?”,
Even though it is late, he observes that you radiate a lively energy, your laughter echoing loudly. A rosy hue adorns your cheeks, overflowing with an infectious joy that fills his heart with warmth, you looked so beautiful, even with tired eyes and wild, messy hair.
He doesn’t register his brother’s words. No, his eyes are on you. And some piece of swine who’s holding you so intimately, brown hair and judging by the light, he had gray eyes. Both of you looked like a youthful couple after a casual date. He didn’t know who he was, was he your date or just some random cousin?
Nonetheless, he had to go. Cut out of the picture, burnt, for all he cared.
“Was für eine Schönheit”
Ludwig’s eye twitches with barely contained jealousy.
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anadacsiatoggaf · 13 days
Oh my gosh I love your writings so much. Don’t apologize for sending in work late, you do such amazing work and you shouldn’t feel pressured about it. ❤️ Anyways, I’ve been loving your “hetalia and nyotalia sharing a darling” writings, and I was wondering if you could do the same but with 2p Italy and 2p nyo Italy? Or If you don’t do 2ps anymore can you do Arthur and Alice? (I’m sorry if this is too much 😥)
thank you so much for the compliments my love, absolutely warms my heart to receive these messages from y’all. always a pleasure to read truly! and don’t worry I will try my best with the request. hope you enjoy honey ♡︎ @lady-cap
Warnings: Descriptive violence, non-con acts, blood and the like.
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"Il nostro tesoro prezioso"— 2p!Italy: Luciano Vargas || 2p!nyo!Italy: Lucrecia Raffaella Vargas
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Her auburn hair glows from the fireplace just behind her, ruby lips giving a peck to her smoking companion. The knife grasped loosely in her hand falls to the floor as she carelessly tosses it aside, a blissful sigh before a loud chuckle comes from her and the man besides her resorts to rolling his eyes.
"Ve~~~, that was quite fun, wasn’t it?", Lucrecia practically throws herself at him, hands wrapped around his shoulders as she rests her head on his shoulder, despite Luciano clearly being discontent with her clinginess. Nonetheless he stays completely silent, not bothering to entertain her any further and the lady slowly withdraws her arms back with furrowed brows then pouts playfully at the lack of reaction.
She stares as he scrutinizes their surroundings, cigarette still lit as he slowly spins it, a smirk slowly forms on his face, which she gives a crooked smile in response knowing he had something in mind for their precious treasure. There’s a deep breath from him and his bloody eyes seemed to pour ice on your soul as they stare straight at yours.
The tape all around your body felt as if they were burning, tightening with every second that passed, itching your skin and making you sweat with dread and possibly inducing a panic attack. If not the tape then perhaps the previous events which included a rude invasion of your boss’s mansion and the all out shoot out, murders that followed, the shards of glasses, blood stains, dead bodies slumped around being the core evidence, would probably be the prime reason.
You didn’t even realize what was happening until you were shoved aside by their men and you only ended hurting a few of them, nonetheless you weren’t going to give up despite only being an assistant to your boss, who wasn’t even a mafia boss for goodness sake. Apparently it was chaos, a battle even which ensued itself out of nowhere.
Though being aware of Luciano's inappropriate stares, whispers and touches, you presumed he was simply like that with all of the women he encountered, which was true, he was a goddamn fucking prick. You didn’t expect this from his counterpart though, although there were definitely a few signs that you probably missed or overlooked. But you weren’t aware of how absolutely deranged they were about you. A simple lady who was caught up in this mess.
"The fun has only just begun",
Identical blood red eyes continued to eat up your withering form, the atmosphere heavy with panicked breathing and the blistering heat from the fireplace, the sound of Lucrecia's heels echoed through the room as she giddily made her way towards you, Luciano watching her every movement until his eyes once again landed on your form.
You couldn’t help but flinch away from her as she got close to you, although with being tied, the armchair you were placed on wasn’t much spacious either, with a single confident stride she seated herself on your lap, her breath hitting your face as you cringed at the smell of wine and cigarette making her frown and sigh slowly.
Her fingers cautiously traced your jawline as you gulped, remembering the knife she had used to end several of your co-workers, she seemed to be studying every detail on your face, eyes unwavering and unblinking, it was unnerving and her sudden closeness to you didn’t make anything better, trying to move your body didn’t seem to deter her one bit either. If anything, she ignored your fidgeting much to your chagrin.
After observing the both of you on the armchair for a while, Luciano takes a long drag of his cigarette, his boots not making a sound yet his presence was hard to miss as he got closer to you both, gloved hands harshly grabbed your chin making you face towards him as he licked his lips, the scared look on your face was absolutely delicious, once again he gave a slight smirk and captured your trembling lips with his with no hesitation, and oh god, was the taste of your fear so exhilarating.
"What a belladonna".
Both of them are sadistic no doubt, I feel as if Luciano would control himself around you to not draw blood at the very least. Meanwhile, his female counterpart is far more sadistic than him, although with you she would prefer saving her blood thirst for when you really manage to piss her off. Or when she’s feeling extra unstable.
They aren’t much better for that though, Luciano is very controlling, even with Lucrecia who rebels against him in subtle ways. Although most of the time he lets her do her thing, she is surprisingly obsessive and clingy towards him, much to everyone’s confusion including his. She could be the most terrifying nightmare for most people so it’s confusing why doesn’t she head butts with Luciano more often or isn’t so violent as him (she is).
You can expect every aspect of your life to go according to what Luciano wants, and you can’t help but not utter a word since just because he’s more lenient towards you than he is towards other people, it doesn’t mean that he won’t be pissed off at your defiance. He won’t hesitate leaving pretty bruises on your skin for Lucrecia to tend after, and most of the time she ends up making it worse with an oblivious tone in her voice, but you just know that they both simply get off your pain, tears, bruises, so you have no choice really.
They will make you do several chores around the house, basically a personal maid just for them, you won’t meet anyone else in the house expect for few maids, who don’t converse much anyways, always scurrying about with heads down and mouth shut. Basically tidying up their beds, personal rooms, cooking just for them and tending to their needs. Your duties revolve around them. Wearing your pretty little dresses that leaves no room for imagination nor any cover against their advances.
Lucrecia is actually the dominant one in the relationship you could say, although her male counterpart is no pushover either, he willingly lets her take the reigns the most. I can see her being in charge of disciplining you as well, although there’s no specific structure for you to follow with them. She will gladly feed you until you can’t eat anymore, smother you with overbearing affection, make you wear embarrassing dresses, pinch your cheeks until it bruises, temporarily fracture your fingers because you did something she didn’t like, eat your ears off with her chatter, it’s fucking exhausting to be around her and it shows on your face whenever Luciano gets out of his office or comes home late.
Though he would just grumble and be bombarded by whatever bullshit Lucrecia spills, her clingy hugs and things about you which is the only part he bothers to pay half a mind to. It’s after a bottle of wine that his day truly starts tho, especially when you look so endearing and breedable with your maid costume showing off your curvy figure, he might accidentally spill some on you, feigning innocence as he attempts to help you but you know that he simply wants to take the damn thing off your body and bruise you all over again.
Surprisingly, Luciano prefers to take his sweet time ravaging your body, biteful kisses on your breast, as his hands hold your waist so possessively, straddling your waist and whispering dirty things, which quickly turns lewder, his touches rougher, your hair almost ripped off from your scalp, bites and scratches decorate you body, when he’s done with you and finally he falls right then and there, staining your walls white and burying his face on your soft chest. He’s almost playful after whenever the day he’s fucked you, in a cruel way though, pulling you on his lap, your hair, calling you names, basically just being a nuisance.
Lucrecia is rather spontaneous, like everything she does, pulling you by your dress as you are fixing the bed, drunk and high as fuck, blubbering about the things, the stuffs she wants to do to you, her hands always fixated on you hips as her nails claw at your waist, always wanting to pull a muscle and have you sore, pained when she’s done with you, her aftercare is showing her art piece off front of the mirror as she fixes you up, ignoring your tears, and whatever she had caused. In her eyes, it’s just the way she had always loved.
I would say both of them are insane and deranged, they don’t really differ much in that aspect but their perspectives on few things are different and a few quirks of their personalities as well. It’s probably easier to know when you are trapped with them, that’s for sure but also Luciano is more composed than his counterpart, more savvy and has bloodier moody issues.
No one is touching, seeing and even knowing about you, they both wouldn’t have it especially Luciano. Although you can expect Lucrecia to brag everything about you, and she wouldn’t mind showing you off to their most closest companions, although in their world such people are hard to come by. It’s safe to say it’s going to be a rough back breaking ride for their precious girl, that’s for sure.
"You are everything to us, our beloved"— Nyo!England: Alice Kirkland.
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Her voice is rather annoying, no scratch that, actually it’s making you want to commit a massacre. It’s as if you are listening to a plate being scratched by forks, yes definitely that, she can screech all she wants with her bloody haughty accent it won’t stop making her sound similar to a dehydrated chicken. Fuck's sake.
She had always been like this, compared to her Arthur was at the very least tolerable. You just could not deal with her constant mood swings, demands, insecurities and what not. Always wanting to prove that she was better than her male counterpart and how the past sexist world was so unfair towards her, basically trauma dumping and she just really needed to stop. She had always held a considerable amount of power, just that Arthur was mostly send off to conquer the world, during wars and shit, not on a bloody vacation.
There she goes berating you for one thing or another, sitting on the sofa across from you, knitting a sweater and very much upset that you couldn’t maker her a cup of tea as well. Or rather, that was the fact that brought up this whole speech of hers in the first place, frankly you did not want to and confined to sip your very delicious cup of tea. She could go—
"You are not listening to a word coming out of my mouth, are you?",
You slowly set your tea on the saucer and calmly stared right into her furious glare directed towards you, used to it at this point. She huffs and before she could utter another word,
"Perhaps you should stop claiming yourself to be a victim all the damn time and actually realize the privilege you have always had over the other truly underprivileged women whether you wanted it or not, quit whining and stop letting what happened in the past drag you down. Have you considered a bloody therapist? I am not your trauma dumpster Alice, I am tired too".
A look of surprise takes over her face which quickly turns into a sneer as she crosses her arms, glare unwavering and a reddish tint of anger still lingering on her appearance,
"Oh you are the one to talk, your generation of women are the privileged ones, you have no idea what …",
Soon enough, it’s safe to say that the whole manor would have been cleared by how loud, ferocious and bitter both of your tones were. Arguing back and forth, with heated glares and firm stances, Alice was probably going to break and honestly you would love a hot cup of tea to soothe your nerves because god forbid, if this woman doesn’t shut up
It wasn't that you didn't sympathize with her, as a woman you had done your best to support her when it came to such things, but what you wouldn't accept is her unwillingness to stop blaming others for her misfortunes in the past or painting herself as an absolute powerless victim. Sometimes you had to brush off your pain, get your ass up and fix shit, like most of the women in your family. Like you had done so, which is why you became a hardened deteticive with a strong resolve none could easily crack.
Not to mention, that you were trapped in her and his mansion with no escape in sight. Of course, you were going to annoy the shit out of her.
"Goodness, just what is going on in here?",
Arthur quickly took off his coat, eyes already scrutinising the scene in front of him, both of you were breathing heavily from all the yelling and he seemed to be beyond irritated himself. It was one thing to deal with Alice in this state, with you in the mix?
He could already feel the migraine he was about to endure from dealing with two stubborn, headstrong woman.
Honestly, both of them are a chore to deal with. I feel as if Alice is used to working harder and striving to be heard which mixed with her desperation, insecurities and possessiveness over her darling is bound to be exhausting quickly. Even aggravating since the only true victim over here is you, not her. If anything, she would treat you as her pet, it’s infuriating obviously.
Arthur on the other hand, would rather not paint himself that way regarding his pride, and is much more collected in the way he represents himself in front of you. He's much more intimidating than Alice, and would be the one to dish out the punishments, hence making you more wary and careful of him than Alice. As she prefers ofc, who do you think encourages Arthur to bring out the cane? She knows Arthur can be a hell of an intimidating person, it has always worked in her favor a lot of times. she bloody loves it.
Not saying that Alice should be taken lightly, when her mind is in the right state, she can be very manipulative even towards Arthur, she knows how to twist her words and render you into trouble. Both of them would be tricky, cunning and charming enough to strip you off your security by any law. Whether labeling you as a spy, as corrupt and spouting rumors. You won't even know what is going on until the answer is right in front of you.
Even though they both would bicker most of the time amongst each other, it’s more of a harmless banter at this point. It’s how they communicate since both of them most of the time than not, suppress their emotions which are bound to burst once they crack. And the target of their actions is you of course. They both are quite closer than they might seem, although Alice is more likely to piss Arthur off and have him torment you one way or another. It’s a power trip, a display of her cunningness which even Arthur gets caught in.
You could be a powerful lady, not in status but perhaps it’s your wits, the way you carry yourself and remain a distinct lady with her own bold ambitions she strives hard to achieve. Maybe one day, Alice stumbled onto you, umbrellas crashing to the ground as both of you curse each other as politely as possible, which quickly turns into playful arguments. Maybe it’s Arthur who looks into you after hearing Alice’s thoughts about you, calling you personally in his office and both of you hit it off from there. All it takes is a specific glance towards each other which seals off your life once and for all.
It won’t take much for an intelligent woman to understand what is going on, a bit too late or early even, not that it matters. You may punch and scream at them as much as you want, Alice does not hesitate retorting with sharp and hurtful words and Arthur isn’t the one to back down either. These both won’t always physically harm you, it’s more mental and emotional punishments with them. Chipping away at your insecurities, controlling your actions, monitoring your emotions and suffocating you with their possessive behaviors. Also I like the idea of Alice getting into petty fistfights with you, she would definitely do that once she’s off her high horse once in a while.
Obviously there is no escape, being as observant as both of them are, they have already planned quite ahead. They have powerful connections and allies who would be willing to help them, even if Alice has to act flustered in front of Antonio and drop her dignity to gain few favors if it concerns you, she will do it. You would be given the royal treatment as long as you stay on your tiptoes and behave mannered. If not, then punishments would be followed.
Honestly, Alice is the dominant one in this relationship I would say, not sexually necessarily, but she does has her way of controlling and manipulating any situation she is in, if she put her mind into it. It’s sort of a switch between her and Arthur, the gentleman though would rather drop dead than be the bottom and let her boss him around just like that.
Arthur does understand what’s going on, but he knows Alice more than anyone else does, and vice versa. They both have this understanding between them which is quite hard to explain and believe. With you in the mix tho, Arthur trusts Alice to share you with her, he knows she’s a cunt but she’s also the one who has soothed his wounds and he’s the one who endured her breakdowns. Even though they might have their moments, once you’re in the mix, they are dead set on claiming you as theirs. They both understand the loneliness they have gone through, your presence is an addiction to themselves.
Arthur is more likely to talk down to you while Alice would talk against you, as if your mere opinions bother her, as if she hates that you think independently and not follow what she says. Arthur, as said before simply disregards your stand on most things, such as why it’s morally unacceptable to hold a woman captive. You will suffer from being mentally unstable at some point, until things get worse and worse and the dam breaks. To them though? It’s entertaining. They love you, but there are few things that have to broken so that they may be mended in a more say, preferred form.
Of course, both of them would show you off to others, and also make sure you don’t misbehave and ruin their reputations in front of their peers, that would result in a swift punishment. You would be their pretty blooming rose, a wonderful woman who will forever be in a cage of their making, and no one’s going to save you darling, to beings like them? it’s more entertaining than anything. And these both would make sure to drill that in your head. The world is a disgusting place, not suitable for a beloved lady such as yourself.
Tempted to write a one shot
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anadacsiatoggaf · 13 days
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Yandere Hetalia x F! Reader: God au!
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Just some short headcannons about some other deities!
Ukraine: Goddess of Fertility & Agriculture.
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A very loving & loved deity by everyone. Her motherly and generous nature is known by all.
She can be pretty teary at times since she is sensitive but is very resilient and won’t give up for the sake of others.
People love honoring and gifting her to acquire her bountiful generosity, whether its for their farming or to have a family.
So if they come to know she wants you; if you are a mortal they won’t hesitate sacrificing you for her.
Many deities would help her too because massive spread of devastating famine & starvation isn’t favorable to anyone.
Is a good yandere to have since she is pretty tame & very loving towards you; she will keep you happy and her siblings will keep you well behaved uwu.
Would let you do your thing but would be very clingy and overwhelming with her emotional outbursts.
Belarus: Goddess of Winter.
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Another ruthless but fair deity.
Natalya isn’t cruel neither finds any pleasure in cruelty unless the victim deserve it.
When she’s fixated on you though she can become pretty unstable and lose control.
She will definitely stalk you and threaten anyone that would dare to harm you.
Would love your domain and visit often, all the time prying more information about and trying to make you closer.
Natalya wants you to be protected and wouldn’t care whether you want it or not, clearly you can’t ever be sure if you are safe or can trust anyone.
Probably defrosts your domains as a warning if you try to fight her too much.
Can be very demanding when she wants to be and won’t hesitate to make sure you behave.
Can’t you see? She just wants to take you away from the other curious deities.
Like I said she is fair, if you are docile she can be very protective and suffocating but won’t ever harm you but if you try to defy her, well she knows how to punish someone and make them behave.
Belgium: Goddess of Spring.
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Another sweetheart who is a deity loved by many, you both have certain attributes you both share and she will take advantage of that fact.
Emma would use her friendly nature to get close to you; offering you many sweets and being there for you if you ever need a friend.
She will use her charming aspects to lure you in a relationship and is manipulative; although she’s not the best at it, still not someone to anger though.
Will probably speak shit about others to make you more suspicious of others and makes them stay away from her. Uses your shyness to her advantage (as many other would).
Not much on the strong spectrum so uses some other methods to make you behave or asks other deities to help.
Is sweet and loving, can be controlling and very affectionate. So cuddles without your consent is on her list.
Spain: God of fire and blacksmith
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A very passionate and affectionate person; would smother you in cuddles and practically suffocate you with his presence.
He’s also liked by everyone although many are wary of him, angering Antonio is asking for destruction, he won’t hesitate burning anyone alive or have molten lead poured over them.
He’s very loving towards you, making wonderful handmade crafts from metal for you and making sure you are always happy and smiling.
He’s pretty lax towards you let’s you do whatever you want as long as he knows about it and if you are with him.
Is also obsessed with you and possessive which can be harmful towards other men.
Will burn down your domains if you do something drastic towards him and is fierce. Of course he would tend to your wounds while chatting happily as if nothing’s wrong.
Just don’t piss him off or don’t have anyone else piss him off and you are good mostly. Know his buttons and don’t push them for everyone’s sake :3
Monaco: Goddess of Autumn
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A rather mysterious deity to most but is fair to everyone and generous with her followers.
She is manipulative and would make her words honey coated, all the while twisting your words against you.
Can be merciless with her tongue if you question her toxic behavior, basically guilt tripping you and making it seem as if it’s your fault.
Is happy your both domains are somewhat connected and like Emma uses it to her advantage.
She will punish you with humiliation mostly; she’s very big on humiliation kink and is very affectionate while being cruel towards you.
Loves going to picnics with you and reading, although it’s an isolated park, because she is possessive and makes it pretty clear.
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anadacsiatoggaf · 13 days
Hey sweets, fellow Yandere hetalia writer here ( I also write for other fandoms too ). This is my own headcanon of a Yandere America, the 1p one and the 1p Nyo one too. I feel like the both of them has a southern accent, especially the male counterpart. I also headcanon them as the ones that will move their darling deep in the south in a big open secluded area where not a single soul lives for miles. So the darling won't be able to escape very easily. Even if they do, they won't be able to get help since the closes locals that lives near won't really believe them. They see Alfred and Amelia as some really good people who wouldn't hurt no one, plus they told them the darling has a tendency to be delusional and they're schizophrenic; so chances are they won't be in the best state of mind when the darling comes to them telling them these "lies". Alfred and Amelia also told the locals, if the darling comes to them and said something similar to what I said above; call them because the darling forgot " To take their medication ". But in reality when the first chance they get back to their darling, they'll punish them. So yeah Alfred and Amelia are manipulative like that, I'm a firm believer that their "Hero" and "Heroine" is a facade and a mask to hide their more calculated and sinister side. ( Also this goes for both separate and Poly. But if the darling was in a Poly-relationship with the BOTH of 1p Americas..... I pray for them )
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First of all, I would like to say that your writings are beautiful, love them. And these headcannons are on point. I would love to hear more from you. ‧₊˚ 🍯⋅♡ 🐝༘⋆
Warning: Yandere themes. Also, cringe attempts at accents.
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I completely agree with your headcanons. It makes perfect sense for them to have Southern accents, especially if they were raised in that culture. I can totally see them embracing the whole cowboy and cowgirl lifestyle. I imagine they'd love the iconic elements like rodeos, country music, and wide-open spaces. As for Amelia, I picture her with a Valley accent, capturing that laid-back, California vibe. (I'm not American, so I hope I'm conveying this accurately!)
I also imagine that they'd usually speak with a standard American accent in front of other nations. But when they get emotional or angry, their Southern accents slip out. It's kind of charming and humorous, actually. They're not ashamed of it at all; it's just that their accents can be a bit hard to understand sometimes, especially for non-native English speakers.
They definitely call their lover a variety of nicknames, especially if you fit the damsel stereotype. You'd hear them say things like "sweetheart," "peach," "pumpkin," "honey," "sugar," "cutie pie," "baby doll," and even "darling," much like old Southern ladies. They'd only use your real name when they're really pissed off.
"Well honey, ah would be damned if anybody's escapin' from here no matter how much ya try, not on mah watch," Alfred drawled, tightening the chain around your ankle as he sighed and glared at your defiance. His female counterpart approached from behind with a washing rag, gently cleaning the dirt off you. "Oh sweetheart, what in the darn tarnation have ya done to ya self!"(XD )
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No matter the nationality, they are going to treat you as their "American sweetheart." They definitely own a huge plot of land in the countryside, complete with a mansion, picket fence, and all that "American Dream" stuff. And that mansion definitely has top-tier security due to Amelia's paranoia.
Basically they planned the whole scenario and you are throughly fucked in the countryside where the community is tightly knit and love these two American psychopaths in the middle of fucking nowhere.
I like thinking most of the few people around you, would be a closely knit society or a yandere cult themselves or mostly veterans who are very close with the nations or some other agents or so on. But they would definitely notify the nations if you do escape. And would probably think you aren’t quite right in the head.
Also depending on the darling, if they are very rebellious then they will be kept in an old fashioned house until they start to behave. If they are rather timid then the house would be modern and they would have certain privileges.
“Oh mah, sweet peaches!”, Amelia exclaimed as she hugged you close to her chest, suffocating you as Alfred chatted up some made up illnesses with the closest neighbors you could find, the woman’s harsh hold on you a reminder of what was to come once you got home.
Btw if you did make them angry, you surely are in for it, one of them is a nightmare alone but the both of them? you are done for.
Basically Amelia’s bat will come in handy although I feel as if she’s more emotionally abusive, making you feel like shit while Alfred is more physical and sexual as well. Amelia will probably cuddle with you afterwards the ‘lesson’, the other tending to your wounds and giving a lecture.
Also they will definitely deploy some security team or some agents to patrol around the area, time to time if they are really paranoid (prob Amelia) and put a tracker on you 🥰. And if that wasn’t enough there are security cameras watching over you.
Their hero mask is definitely a facade which goes away when you act out of the line, they might prefer being the villains if you don’t appreciate their ‘heroic acts’. They have a way to twist people with words and also their fists if it is necessary to do so.
These both can be pretty intense, sadistic and unstable so yeehaa you are screwed, not to mention they are pretty experimental and kinky af too, while also being a superpower who have powerful influences all around the western world.
you are throughly damned.
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Sorry if this was disappointing and short, I am still new to this. Although I will probably write something based on these headcannons, its rather interesting.
Anyone else is free to send something as well, something yandere about the other nations, flood the chat box lol.
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anadacsiatoggaf · 13 days
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it wouldn't matter if hamas cured every illness the hostages already had & sent them off with a complimentary rolex watch. the zionists will always accuse them of 39681496 things they didn't do & kill random children about it.
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anadacsiatoggaf · 15 days
An AU Where...
Todoroki Natsuo accidently destroys the League of Villians while out buying milk.
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anadacsiatoggaf · 15 days
Todo-fam Quirk Headcanons/Theories.
I imagine that Rei's ice quirk works by freezing the moisture in the air around her. And, like Shouto, when she's agitated, her quirk will create a layer of frost on her body due to the moisture on the outer layer of her skin freezing.
(UPDATE: We now know that Rei's quirk is called Frost.)
I'm not quite sure why, but for some reason, I've always imagined that Natsuo's quirk was being able to create dry ice utilizing the moisture in his body. He hardly ever uses it because it can make him super dehydrated if he's not careful. (Although, I have seen some theories that Natsu is actually Quirkless, which I enjoy, but I feel would have been mentioned if it was true, given how much of a big deal being Quirkless seems to be.)
I imagine that Fuyumi's quirk is temperature regulation. She can't create ice or fire, but she can regulate the temperature of objects when she touches them. She can also consciously regulate her own body temperature. Like, if she's sick, she'll run a fever to burn the virus out (like Saike). Because of her quirk, she can handle ridiculously hot or cold objects no problem. She's never burned herself eating hot food, never gotten a brain freeze, and when she's baking or cooking, she just grabs the pan out of the oven without oven mitts. (I've seen this headcanon in a couple of different places before, and I absolutely love it, and, yes, I've adopted it now.)
UPDATE: Since we learn in Dabi's Dance from Endeavor that Fuyumi "only inherited Rei's quirk", it's implied that Fuyumi only has Frost, but she has those red streaks in her hair, and it's kind of implied that the hair and eye color is a kind of side effect of the quirk, hence why Shouto's hair and eye color corresponds with his Half Cold, Half Hot quirk. In regards to Fuyumi, she has Rei's eyes, and mostly white hair, but she has those red streaks in with the white. So it's possible that Fuyumi has Rei's ice quirk, and she can't make fire, but maybe she can generate enough heat needed to melt her ice. Shouto can only melt his ice, but only because of the heat from his left side, so it can be assumed that if Shouto didn't have fire on his left side, then he wouldn't be able to make the heat necessary to melt the ice. But I personally prefer my first theory.
(I've read a couple fics where Touya and Fuyumi are twins, and they basically have the opposite quirks. Touya has Endeavor's fire quirk but Rei's cold tolerance, while Fuyumi has Rei's ice quirk, and Endeavor's heat tolerance. And I adore this little "what if" scenario.)
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anadacsiatoggaf · 15 days
i'll explain it later but we talked about how none of Endeavor's kids have a smoke/fog/steam quirk or a water quirk cause ice and fire can produce that so im changing Fuyumi and Tatsuo's quirks
Fuyumi: She has a body made to hold ice and fire but instead of it being half and half like Todoroki her skin is cold and her insides are hot but she has a ice quirk but when she uses her quirk it instantly melts into water because of her weird body temperature she has makes this a water quirk rather then a Ice quirk
Natsuo: He has a body made for fire so when he makes ice it instantly comes out as a hot steam
but of them if they try super hard can produce ice but it would be something they would have to train
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anadacsiatoggaf · 15 days
Yandere soldier
Yandere soldier that was drafted into the war on his 18tj birthday
Yandere soldier that hates everyone and goes against direct orders from his captains because he’s smarter
Yandere soldier that one day got hurt and was force to go to the medic center to heal
Yandere soldier that saw the first woman in what seemed like years
Yandere soldier instantly got obsessed with you because you where just so fragile and innocent, you needed him to protect you from the evil world that destroys people like you
Yandere soldier that all of a sudden becomes the embodiment of a perfect soldier, always listening to orders and following them to a T
Yandere soldier the quickly got promoted to captain because of this and the first thing he did was go to you
Yandere captain that now is your superior and is on your ass 24/7
Yandere captain that loves making you cook him food and do all of his chores as if you where hos stay at home wife
Yandere captain that makes you accompany him to all of the meetings even if they are classified because it physically pains him to be away from you
Yandere captain that somehow convinced the higher up’s to let you **force you** to be his private medic and makes you stay in a safe house far away from the war
Yandere captain that sets strict rules for you once you arrive at the safe house; you have to provide 3 meals a day for him, you have to give him all of your money and he’ll give you what you need for living cost and anything, you will not go outside without him, you will not talk, text, or mail anything to others, you are not allowed to have a boyfriend, you are not allowed to wear clothes and can only where thongs when on your period, he will put in your tampon/pad for you (don’t ask where he puts the used ones unless you want a sore butt), you WILL have sex with him and enjoy it
On and if you don’t follow any of these rules he will spank you, not in a soft sexual way but in a harsh manner that makes you never question him again
Yandere captain that got you pregnant the first month you stayed with him and made you resign
Yandere captain that also resigned once he could because he only care about you
Yandere captain that his rich from all the money he made in the military and is set for 10 life times
Yandere captain that still makes you follow the rules even though your not his subordinate any more
Another shot post 😜
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anadacsiatoggaf · 16 days
Summary: When Dabi agrees to leave you untouched until morning, you don’t expect him to break his promise.
18+ // minors dni // manipulation, noncon, yandere
Excerpt from Thief
You don’t struggle when he places a gentle kiss on your neck. The warm metal of his staples send an uncomfortable shiver down your spine. Still, this is better than having him inside you. If he wants to shower you in sweet pecks this evening, you can endure.
"What time you got, doll?" He asks, voice raspy.
Your glare flickers to the clock. Confusion clouds your mind, but you can’t see a reason to withhold this information from him. Unsure why it matters, you reply.
“Past twelve.”
A pregnant silence ensues. You remain unmoving in his grasp. After a while, you think the interaction is done; you don’t expect him to speak again. You jump when he does.
A horrible, conflicting feeling boils in the pit of your stomach. The tiny hairs on your body are standing on end despite the warmth of his body. You nibble on your lower lip. Something isn’t right. You can tell it isn’t merely your anxiety rising to the peak of your throat; that the atmosphere has soured since his initial question.
Unfortunately, he proves you right before you can even think to counter him. You don’t feel him shift until it’s too late. Within the blink of an eye, he’s rolled you onto your back and mounted you. He kicks the sheets off the bed so that the only remaining items are you, him, and a few pillows — just in case you need to muffle your screams.
Your eyes grow wide with horror. Reflexively, your arm shoots up to slap him, punch him, elbow him, or something, but he doesn’t let you make contact. He snatches your wrists in an iron-like grasp, pinning them to the mattress. There’s no leeway; there’s no escape.
"I think I've waited long enough to have you, baby," he whispers, leaning down so that you’re nose-to-nose. “And I only said I'd leave you untouched all night. It's morning… and you fuckin' owe me."
Your jaw drops. Of course he would use time against you like this. How did you miss it? When you agreed to his proposition, you assumed he meant all night as in the whole duration of the time you would be sleeping. You were a fool.
"Y-you… oh my god, Dabi," you hiss, sputtering your outrage. “You're a fucking monster."
His eye twitches. Monster. You’re not the only woman to call him that. It barely hurts at this point, so he elects to laugh in your face. He laughs at your stupid expression and the way your tears stream down the sides of your head. He laughs at the memories of others hurling that thoughtless insult at him. And he laughs at the pain that you, of all people — you, the only person he’s ever trusted with safeguarding his feelings — have caused him.
Maybe he is a monster. Maybe he is vile. Maybe he doesn’t deserve a prize like you. But to hear you spit vitriol at him, using every last drop of venom in your body to reject him, makes his head feel like it’s splitting apart.
Fine. Okay. If that’s what you want, he’s happy to oblige you. He’ll be the monster you think he is. Perhaps you’ll be grateful for his leniency once you witness how terrible he can truly be.
"Thought you already knew that, doc," he muses, tone frigid. "In your notes, you called me highly aggressive and delusional, remember?"
“You’re really doing this to get back at me for something I wrote in my notes?!” You ask him incredulously.
He doesn’t reply for a moment. He simply stares down at you — a ravenous beast appraising his live meal. The playful grin vanished when you called him a monster; his teasing demeanor dissipated a few moments after that. The only thing left is turbulent anger and insatiable, rapacious lust. He’s turned his logical brain off.
He scoops both of your wrists into one large hand and pins them to the headboard. The back of your head smacks against the wood. There’s barbarous intention in his movements. They lack fluidity and ooze cruelty.
He chuckles humourlessly when you buck against him, like you’re the bull and he’s the matador. He has you wrangled, though. There‘s no one to interrupt him this time, and you’re weak. He waits for you to tire yourself out. It doesn’t take long. As you tucker yourself out, his cerulean eyes burn through you in the darkness.
“You know why I’m doing this, doll?”
His breath smells strongly of spearmint. You might have enjoyed it on anyone else. On him, it’s nauseating. Your vision is blurring and your skull feels heavy. Air is leaving your lungs faster than it blows in. Grasping your chin to domineer your focus, he shakes you back to a vivid, lucid reality.
You swallow when he creeps closer, running his thick, slimy tongue across your upper lip. When he tows back, you gaze through the shadows at his grinning, deformed face.
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This is totally not my art! BrattyBatty whipped this up and gave me permission to embed it into chapter 10 of Thief. I wanted to share it, with its little excerpt, here ☺️ pls give her so much love, she deserves it
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anadacsiatoggaf · 20 days
fathers casually dropping the craziest lore of their lives in the middle of a conversation
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