anakin-alterverse · 6 years
Basically the domesticated version of my headcanons coming to life
If Rey and Kylo Ren had grown up together, would they have joined forces for an epic game of dodgeball? Would Poe have been a hotshot video gamer teaching a hapless Finn the basics of virtual space battles?
These are some of the questions running through the mind of Jeffrey Brown, the author and illustrator behind the forthcoming Rey and Pals. Told in the style of his bestselling series Darth Vader and Son and Vader’s Little Princess, the new book will feature pint-sized versions of Rey, Kylo Ren, Finn, Poe Dameron, Rose Tico, and other characters from the sequel trilogy and the hilarious hijinks that ensue in some very relatable situations.
Today, Brown answers a few questions about his creative process and reveals some charming new sketches from the forthcoming book.
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
Anakin Never Turned Headcannons- R2D2 & C3P0
-R2D2 and C3P0 pretty much the same as they are in this au as they are in the canon
-Still clinging to the Skywalker family and following their drama, their relationships with Padme, Anakin, Ahsoka, Bail, Luke and Leia pretty much the same
-Artoo is a lot more happier as he never had to see Anakin who would die for him turn to the dark side, or see his original owner Padme die. He also never parts from C3P0 and gets to oversee Luke grow up and not just Leia.
-C3P0 remembers everyone from the prequel trilogy and probably struggles the most out of everyone to continue keeping Padme and Anakins relationship secret, especially when the twins are misbehaving and he nearly refers to Anakin as their father while telling them off (Often exclaiming that their father made him first and therefore he has authority over them)
-Leia and Luke enjoy dressing up the droids when they’re young, with Leia polishing them up and Luke forcing them in his mother’s outfits, despite C3P0′s protests. Artoo embraces it, thinking it better than being shot at in battle with their father. Plus he looks amazing in it. Anakin jokes that he might leave Padme for Artoo when he catches them one time.
-Ben prefers C3P0 to Artoo, same as his mother. This is because C3P0 is the one who taught him calligraphy, and while he does also love Artoo he has the unfortunate habit of setting things on fire (many of Ben’s greatest works have sadly been lost to Artoo’s flames, which while Artoo has apologised about Ben has never truly forgiven him for. The first time it happened Ben had a tantrum which lasted days and broke everything he went near. Han and Leia wouldn’t let the droid near him for months afterwards fearing it would happen again. Ben’s come to accept this is part of the risk of seeing Artoo now, and just sees it as an annoyance when it happens.  Poe finds it hilarious however)
-C3P0 getting incredibly stressed when he finds out about Ben’s secret relationship, cause he could barely deal with the stress the first time round. Artoo accepting this as part of the Skywalker life and just rolling with it. He actually thought it would happen sooner and was surprised it took this long, especially as he had noticed Ben and Rey’s feelings for each other ages before anyone else, even before they themselves had figured it out (though practically everyone who knew them knew before they did).
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
Final chapter of First Time! Ben and Rey are chased by a Sith who shares a history with Ben. Rey and Ben finally confront their feelings for each other.
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
Original Trilogy Anakin Never Turned Headcannons pt4
-Han Solo constantly stressed out because since the Jedi are still present he can’t just say that it’s a load of nonsense which means he has to deal with it daily
-Han having an irrational fear of the Force
-When he first meets Leia she’s relieved cause at least she’s not a Jedi (Luke weirds him out a bit but he warms up to him)
-Han becoming terrified when Leia casually mentions she’s strong with the Force as well
-Han slowly accepting it but Leia brings it up now and again when he’s particularly annoying her which shuts him up pretty quick
-Luke thinking Han might be strong with the force (great flier, strong charisma, natural luck) and constantly teasing him with it because Han is so creeped out by the Force
-Chewbacca winds him up as well with tales of the great Yoda who is a personal friend of his
-Han being very disappointed when he first meets Yoda
-Yoda taking a liking to Han and messing with him constantly like he does Luke   
-Han being plagued by Anakin who doesn’t like him cause he’s an overprotective father. This just affirms Han’s fear of the Force as Anakin is a giant with a metal hand making him pretty intimidating and he so happens to be born from the Force
-Han exasperated when his own son turns out to be strong with the Force
-Han particularly hating Ben’s temper tantrums when he’s young because he wasn’t ever prepared for fatherhood never mind having a child that can throw everything in the room at him at once
-Han devastated when Ben chooses to be a Jedi cause he always hoped that he would take after him, even if he knew it was unlikely
-Han strongly disliking Skywalker family reunions since nearly all of them are Jedi, including a girl Ben brings one time, though he becomes extremely happy when she comes straight to him asking about his life as a smuggler because that’s what he’s notorious for in Jakku
-Han after all these years finally accepting the Force when he realises nearly everyone in his life is Force-Sensitive
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
Penultimate Chapter of First Time.
Ben and Rey share a dance which leads to revelations.
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
Chapter 4 of First Time (Decided to start posting fanfiction on here instead but will continue to link it here)
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
Original Trilogy Anakin Never Turned Headcannons pt3
-Due to Luke no longer needing to focus his energy on restoring the Jedi as the Jedi were never lost, Luke never becomes the bitter hermit he is in The Last Jedi
-(though he still keeps his sarcasm)
-Luke being a little more lenient with Jedi teachings as he doesn’t feel a commitment to them as he’s no longer the sole survivor of the Jedi, and with Anakin as a role model growing up he’s not going to be a strict Jedi (not to mention even as the Last Jedi he never even read the Jedi texts)
-Luke still wandering the galaxy, but this time as a padawan and later as a Jedi Knight on missions
-Luke meeting Mara Jade (sidenote: would love her to be canon again) who is still an assassin trained by Palpatine who is sent to kill Luke
-Luke earning Mara Jade’s respect and eventually the two having a relationship
-Luke having to hide his relationship like Anakin
-The Skywalker family recognising straight away that Luke is in a relationship. Anakin is proud, Padme is happy that her son is happy, Leia teases him, Obi Wan just constantly eyerolling whenever Luke tries to cover up where he’s been because Obi Wan has heard all the excuses before
-Mara Jade considering joining the Jedi Order and becoming Luke’s apprentice. This however is short-lived when it’s revealed she’s pregnant
-Luke still staying in the order while Mara Jade becomes a smuggler (like she is in legends) but this time Han offers her a job on the Millenium Falcon which she accepts to keep close to the family during her pregnancy
-Luke having a daughter though not being able to see her often as she’s constantly travelling with her mother and it’s becoming harder to keep seeing her and her mother while keeping their relationship secret, especially when he starts to concentrate on training Ben
-Ben having a cool older cousin to look up to who’s shooting skills rival Poe’s and is the only one his age who can put up a fight with him in hand to hand combat, despite him nearly being double her height. He always becomes excited when he hears rumours of her coming home to visit
-Luke’s daughter seeing Ben as a complete nerd who loves his books and calligraphy, but would still attack anyone who said a bad word against him
-Poe terrified but also in awe of Luke’s daughter
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
First Time (Chapter 3)
Link to first chapter: https://anakin-alterverse.tumblr.com/post/169045958724/first-time-chapter-1
Link to second chapter: https://anakin-alterverse.tumblr.com/post/169095273304/first-time-chapter-2
Don’t know if anyone still reads this but I’m enjoying writing it. I wanted to write more from Ben’s perspective since the last chapter was all Rey, but this turned into a very Rey dominated chapter. Ah well. Also wanted to include some stormpilot into this as that’s another ship from the new trilogy that I’m fond of.
Rey struggles with her forbidden feelings for Ben, her master. Ben however can not  notice the turmoil within her as he is pulled back into the world of politics and is forced once again to adopt the persona of a prince. 
“What was I thinking?“ was the main thought Ben Solo had as he pulled on his black ceremonial robes. He had to acquire them earlier that day, with a droid buzzing around him to get his measurements. His old robes no longer fit, which wasn’t surprising. 
How long ago was it since he last had to wear anything like this? Ten, fifteen years? No, longer. He was twelve years old when he joined the Jedi Order. Ben looked at himself in the mirror. They were black like his usual robes, though the material was thicker and heavier and embroidered with an intricate silver pattern. The assistant droid had tried to tame his mess of black hair which he usually left ignored, pulling through it to look somewhat respectable. Yes, he looked like a Prince, he could pass for his mother’s son again.
Why had he chosen to do this? Hadn’t he chosen the Jedi Order to avoid this?
He wasn’t quite sure why he volunteered now, but he remembered feeling strong about it back in the Jedi council’s chamber. Was it merely to wipe the smug expression of Carise’s face? Surely not. This wouldn’t have been worth it, even if it did undoubtedly put Rey in a better mood. He had felt the anger rising within her during the whole encounter, which he knew he had to quell before there was an outburst. But there must have been other ways to accomplish that without agreeing to do this...
Was it due to some sense of duty to the Order to assist them when they had need? He didn’t think so, he knew there were plenty of other options the council could have chosen for this mission, so why had he put himself forward?
His comm buzzed, Rey’s voice coming through over slight static “Master, I’m currently at the hangar. We’re meant to be departing in five minutes.”
He hastily picked up the comm “I’m heading down now.”
He slipped his lightsaber into the folds of fabric at his side so that it was concealed and with one final look in the mirror departed for the hangar.
Rey felt ridiculous standing in the packed hangar in a full ballgown dress. Pilots in crumpled, grease covered overalls bustled about her with purpose, while she stood in the middle of it all in a floor length silk gown which flowed from hues of gold to pink. It was a beautiful dress, no mistaking that, it was definitely the most indulgent piece of clothing Rey had ever worn. But it was way too extravagant for her current settings, and it definitely wasn’t something she would have chosen to wear. It was a little too revealing for her usual tastes, with the gown dipping at the back to the base of her spine, and when she had looked in the mirror she couldn’t recognise herself, which when she considered now was a good thing since she was meant to be in disguise at the gala . Handmaidens had accompanied the dress when it had arrived at her modest bed chambers, insisting that they assist her with changing. She had allowed them, not able to put up too much of a fight after another restless night, and they had swarmed her giggling and gossiping as they pulled her hair into elaborate braids and layered her face with make up.
Now she wished she had been more forceful in turning turning them away as her new look was getting stares from the people around her. She wished she could go inside the ship but Ben had told her to wait outside for him. She addressed her comm to hurry him up, interrupted when one of the pilots whistled at her as he walked past, stopping briefly to take her in, his BB unit making irritated beeping noises. According to the droid they were already late. Luckily Rey recognised him as Poe Dameron, a pilot who had a complicated relationship with her friend Finn. Otherwise she would have used some choice phrases which would have strongly contrasted the ladylike persona she was trying to don tonight. He gave the droid a shrug before regarding Rey “You look dolled up. Have a fancy date too?”
“No, official Jedi business. What do you mean ‘too’?”
“Official Jedi business eh? With Ben?” his eyes gained a glint which looked like his usual flyboy mischief.
“Yes, with Ben. You didn’t answer my question” Rey didn’t feel like having the same conversation with Poe again. He seemed to think there was something more to her and Ben’s relationship, which was ridiculous. Her dreams didn’t count, they were just fantasies. Powerful one’s maybe, but fake all the same.He didn’t have the right to make assumptions about her relationship anyway, considering the turmoil that was his relationship with Finn. For over a year now the two had been in a constant state of flirtation, which even Rey who had no romantic experience could recognise. Recently though Finn had begun courting a young engineer called Rose, which had sent Poe on a frenzy of flings in retaliation.  
“If you must know, I am having dinner with a very handsome Twi’lek who was impressed with my flying on the battlefield”
“Really?” replied Rey sardonically, cocking an eyebrow in disbelief. “What does Finn think of your little date?”
His smile simpered slightly at this. “Finn? He was happy for me. At least, that’s the impression I got from the brief encounter we had. I haven’t been able to see him that much lately, he’s been spending a lot of time with that engine girl- Rouge I think her name was?”
“You mean Rose?” 
BB8 was making some very rude remarks now, obviously stressed with how late they were. Poe gave the droid a strained look. “Okay, okay, let’s get going.” He turned back to Rey, his usual smirking grin back in place. “Good luck with your mission Rey. Say hello to Ben for me.” He darted off into the crowd before Rey could say her own good bye.
It seemed that Rey was having a very unfortunate week, ‘cause no sooner had Poe disappeared than Lady Carise had emerged from the crowd in a sparkling blue gown, peering around shrewdly. Rey did not have the amount of sleep and patience needed to deal with her today, though Carise didn’t seem to recognise this as she sauntered her way towards her.
“Lady Carise, were you not aware from yesterday’s meeting that your presence was not needed for this mission?” 
Carise ignored this, casting her own caustic comment “My my, don’t you look the part? You look every bit the desert sex slave you were destined to be in those rags.”
Rey boiled with anger, opening her mouth to make her retort, only to have her words overlapped by a male voice.
“Do you really think so Lady Carise? My grandmother will be very interested to know what you think of her dress. It was one of her favourites apparently”
Ben strode into the hangar purposefully, his black robes swirling at his feet. Rey felt slightly awestruck as she gazed at him. In those robes he looked the part of a prince. She wondered what he thought of her attire, hoping that she didn’t actually look as ridiculous as she felt. He cast his eyes down her as he stopped to face her and Carise, mouth slightly ajar as if he was about to speak. There was slight colour in his usually pale face. Rey started to feel her own cheeks flush with heat as he continued to stare at her. She was suddenly very thankful for the thick layers of make up which concealed her blush.
Cairse broke the silence, craving Ben’s attention once again and concerned about insulting the former Queen of Naboo “I retract my remarks. They were tactless and unfitting of me, I apologise”
It was only to acknowledge this that Ben pulled away from Rey to address Carise, who seemed unaware that it was Rey who held his attention  “Lady Carise, surely you have preparations you should be attending to? The election is in little under a month now, I’m sure you’re sorely needed in the senate.”
Carise looked from Ben to Rey and back again. She seemed upset that she was dismissed so quickly, though there was little she could do since it was the election that she herself used as her own excuse to get out of the mission. “As you wish, your highness. I had merely come down here to wish you luck in your mission.” With this she strolled past Ben towards the exit, but not before fleetingly kissing him on the cheek.
Rey felt a strangled pain in her chest. Maybe there was more to Ben’s and Carise’s relationship than she feared.
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
Original Trilogy Anakin Never Turned Headcannons pt2
-Luke and Leia actually growing up together as siblings
-As children they used the force to trip each other over and lift each others possessions above the others head while the other screamed for them to stop
-Leia was the one who used to do it most since she was shorter, though she always found ways of not getting caught
-Leia was a child prodigy and incredibly intelligent
-Luke less so, but he’s good-natured and still strong with the force
-Padme frustrated ‘cause of course the most powerful Jedi in existence will have equally powerful children, but that doesn’t mean she was prepared to practically be a single mother (Anakin was always dragged into conflict) for two force sensitive toddlers
-Bail therefore offering to help out since he always wanted children anyway
-Bail slightly regretting his offer when he walks through the door into chaos (though they were still better behaved than most senators)
-Leia becomes completely fascinated with Bail and always insists on him sitting down as soon as he comes through the door so that she can read him a story
-Luke glad that his sister’s attention is drawn away from him when Bail comes around and spending more alone time with Padme
-Luke becoming a complete mother’s boy
-Both children incredibly excited when Anakin comes back
-Leia excited because she knows Anakin is her father, she can feel it through the force. She absolutely adores him. He’s the only one who can calm down her temper tantrums
-Luke excited because whenever Anakin comes home because he always brings Luke a toy ship. Luke has a fleet of them all around his room. When Anakin’s home they play with them together, using the force to make them fly as they re-enact battles
-Obi Wan taking them to various Cantinas when they’re a little bit older and both Padme and Bail are at the senate and Anakin is preoccupied. Obi Wan makes them promise not to tell their mother, who he’s sure wouldn’t want them going to these kind of places, but what else is he going to do with two five year olds?
-Obi Wan especially fond of Luke who calls him Ben and always holds his hand when walking with him
-Obi Wan eventually asking Padme and Anakin if Luke can be brought into the Jedi Order to be his padawan, and for Leia to join as well
-Anakin and Padme having domestics over this, because she doesn’t want either of her children taken away from her but Anakin would like them to follow in his footsteps
-The children end up deciding for them, with Luke choosing to be a Jedi and Leia deciding she prefers politics
-Luke and Leia sending each other messages through the force as they grow up, even if they’re galaxies apart
-Luke and Leia constantly saving each other when they enter their teenage years and start going on missions
-Luke basically the maid of honour at Leia and Han’s wedding
-Luke being the third person to hold Ben, behind only his parents, and sensing straight away that he needs to be his teacher once he’s old enough
-Luke being the only person Leia would trust to supervise her son other than her mother, Ahsoka or Bail. Han and Chewie always took him to watch the races, Lando would take him gambling to help pick up girls, Obi Wan she remembered taking her and Luke to cantinas and she wasn’t making the same mistake, and her own father would always use the force to levitate Ben, which always made Ben laugh but scared her. C3P0 and Artoo were also unreliable, as she remembered how when she was a child she could always manipulate C3P0 and Artoo was down for anything she suggested, even if her parents had instructed him otherwise, and she was sure even at Ben’s young age he had inherited her intelligence
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
New Trilogy Anakin Never Turned Headcannons pt3
-Ben and Poe had a rivalry growing up
-Well, at least Ben thought they did (it was mainly one sided)
-Leia sneaks snacks out for both of them when they’re very young, which Ben doesn’t like ‘cause it’s his mother and his mother should only be bringing snacks for him
-Ben and Poe seen as opposites, with Poe being tall and strong for his age and Ben being quite short and seen as scrawny by people
-Ben becomes jealous ‘cause everyone says Poe is a mini Han Solo, which is wrong since technically people should be saying that to him
-Ben therefore tries to be more like his mother, though this fails as he hates public speaking and is awkward at social events. Poe however excels at both
-Leia and Han constantly having to correct people who think Poe is their son (well, he is their son but not officially). Ben always upset by this but less so each time as he becomes accustomed to the idea that he’s inferior to Poe, and starts to think that Poe’s more their son than he is
-This forms part of the reason Ben joins the Jedi Order, as Leia senses this unease in him and tells him about Anakin and how similar the two are, which Ben latches onto, ‘cause at least he can be like someone in his family
-Ben comes back from training after a few years, now in his teenage years, 6 foot, and muscles where there had previously just been bone.  He meets with Poe, dreading what he’s turned out like, though to his delight he finds himself looking down to speak to Poe, the shortest member of the New Order
-Poe just happy to have his angsty younger brother home
-(Though he has to admit, he’s a little more intimating now that he can’t call him titch)
-Ben slowly becoming more content with himself as he realises that he doesn’t have to conform to his family to be seen as valid
-His Padawan Rey just strengthens this for him as he becomes his own person around her
-Ben slowly realising that maybe Poe wasn’t that bad and attempting to be more civil around him
-Poe gladly accepting these advances, glad to have his brother accept him
-Poe and Finn having unofficial double date dinners with Ben and Rey
-Leia and Han happy cause finally their sons are happy with each other
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
First Time (chapter 2)
First chapter can be found on this blog.
Rey struggles with her forbidden feelings for Ben, her master. Ben however can not  notice the turmoil within her as he is pulled back into the world of politics and is forced once again to adopt the persona of a prince.
Lady Carise stood before the Jedi Council, head held high as they addressed her, her permanent all-knowing smirk still in place even though she was in the presence of the most powerful Jedi left in existence. 
Maybe that was part of the reason Rey despised her. How could she show no respect to any other than royalty? How did the deeds of these masters have no affect on her?
Though admittedly that wasn’t the entire reason for Rey’s hatred. She had been angered when she heard that it was Ben who had been sent to retrieve Carise, and her fears had been realised when she was then sent to find both of them when it had taken too long. Seeing her leaning into Ben, his eyes fixed on hers...
No. This was wrong. She couldn’t afford to think of him like this, to feel jealousy... If the Jedi sensed it her secret would be for nothing and they would reassign her, or worse expel her from the Order. What would she do if she wasn’t a Jedi? She was nothing without it, she had no value to the New Order. She would lose everything. It would have been like she never left Jakku.
So Rey tried to keep her thoughts and feelings quiet as she stood to the side with Ben, onlooking the briefing. It seemed the Council were trying to convince Carise to partake on an reconnaissance mission on a planet located in the Inner Rim, which was risky as it was a planet with Empire influence. However, Carise had connections with the Banking Clan who were hosting a funding gala there and it was thought that powerful members of the Empire would be present. It was a good opportunity to try and seek intel on the Empire’s upcoming plots. It had become a Jedi matter however, as they were needed to provide security to the Senator attending the gala. Rumours were circulating that a Sith Lord might be present in the area to make sure the evening ran smoothly and to catch insubordinates. 
“It seems you have dire need of me Jedi.” Carise soothed, lavishing the words. How she loved being needed, to have others come crawling to her. Rey felt sick looking at her. “Though unfortunately, I am far too busy to take part in your little escapade, as much as I do love parties.” she smiled sweetly as she said this, tilting her head slightly to show her sincerity “Especially with the upcoming election”.
The New Order would be electing their new leader soon, which Rey had forgotten about in her recent episodes of restlessness. She never did have the aptitude for politics anyway. The current leader, Padme Amidala, had retired due to illness in her old age. Rey hoped her daughter would be her successor. It was ridiculous for Carise to think she even had a chance, though Rey always did link Carise with ridiculousness.
“Lady Carise, surely you see the importance of this mission? It was commissioned by Senator Amidala herself, and will give the New Order a much needed advantage.” It was Ahsoka Tano who spoke, a representative of the leaders of the New Order. She spoke swiftly, and despite her age her voice still portrayed her strength and conviction. Rey smiled. She had always been fond of her. Ahsoka Tano, general at 14 years old and padawan to the chosen one, Anakin Skywalker. Now Ahsoka was adviser to the leaders of the New Order and one of Padme Amidala’s closest confidants. Even Carise recognised her importance, even if she wasn’t royalty.
“Of course, I mean no disrespect. I was just wondering, with this being such a prudent time for me within the New Order, why another Senator will not be more suitable?” Carise asked, though this was just her attempt of making the Council tell her what made her special; what made her different to the rest of the senate. She wanted them to beg for her.
“We found your connections with the Banking Clan of use. With your prior knowledge, we hoped you could make the mission more seamless. However, as you are unavailable we shall find another senator to attend in your place.”
Carise did not like this. The pretty smile she’d been holding slipped for a second, like a mask falling to show the horror beneath. Carise Sindian did not like someone telling her she was replaceable. “Someone else? With the election so close, who do you hope to find?”
“I will put myself forward for this mission if the Council is in need.”
Rey turned to her master along with everyone else in the room. He famously hated being royalty and anything to do with politics, so Ben Solo would be the last person you’d expect volunteering for this mission, and yet he didn’t retract his words. When there was no immediate opposition he continued “I have prior experience of events similar to this, and a Jedi is required for this mission anyway”.
Carise seemed to have recovered from this shock and was now scrambling to gain back her necessity, blurting “And what about your apprentice? Surely you can’t halt her training for this mission?”
Ben turned to Rey, who was in disbelief as to what was happening. “She can accompany me and gain valuable field experience. It’s common for senators to bring escorts to this event, so we wouldn’t look suspicious.” he said evenly, rationale ringing in his words.
Rey couldn’t quite see the same rationality he could though. As a scavenger, she had no idea how to act in a gala ball, never mind attend one under a guise. Though the idea was tempting her now; her and Ben attending a ball alone together. She considered slapping herself. Not only was that thought non Jedi-like, but it was foolish as well. This mission was important to the New Order, she couldn’t afford to act like a love-struck child.
“Very well, it’s decided then” Ahsoka said, rising from her chair and already making her way towards the exit. “General Solo and his apprentice will attend to this mission. Senator Amidala will be so glad.”
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
New Trilogy Anakin Never Turned Headcannons pt2
-Skywalker family reunions were always interesting
-Everyone shared stories. You had the elders (Ahsoka and Padme) reminiscing about ones they lost (Obi Wan, Anakin etc.) and the times they shared (clone wars stories are a particular favourite to talk about). The new generation completely fascinated with these stories. Han, Leia, Luke, and Chewbacca telling their own stories. Chewie’s retellings always had Han tearing up 
-Rey nervous at her first reunion, but Padme, Leia, and Ahsoka all make sure she’s with them whenever she looks alone
-Rey fascinated with Han’s stories and Han happy to have particular attention, since he’s not royalty or force sensitive so never particularly liked these reunions
-Ben always awkward at these reunions, but with Rey there becomes a lot happier
-Poe is there because Poe is part of the Skywalker family. He is Han and Leia’s unoffical adopted son 
-Ben initially scared of Rey and Poe meeting cause he’s always seen Poe as superior (basically his father reincarnated, and his mother always had a soft spot for him)
-Ben’s worries proved to be unnecessary as Rey ensures him that she’s not interested
-Ben’s worries proved especially unnecessary when Poe arrives with his new boyfriend Finn
-Rey welcoming Finn into the family like other Skywalker family members did for her (because she remembers how nervous she was first time round and she’s going to make sure her best friend is comfortable)
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
First Time (chapter 1)
First Reylo fanfiction I’ve written (also first fanfiction that I’ve ever posted online). Takes place in the AU I’ve created on this blog of if Anakin never turned to the dark side (feel free to have a a look around the headcannons I’ve posted there to get context for this). 
Rey struggles with her forbidden feelings for Ben, her master. Ben however can not  notice the turmoil within her as he is pulled back into the world of politics and is forced once again to adopt the persona of a prince.
Rey woke up, not for the first time, in the middle of night soaked in sweat and tangled in her sheets.She’d had the same dream again, so it didn’t surprise her to wake up once again to the cold silence of her room in the Jedi Academy, the early morning darkness still taking it’s hold.
She sighed and sat up, knowing that sleep would be impossible for the rest of the night now. It always was when she had the dream, and it was the third time this week alone that she had it. It had become more and more frequent recently. This worried her. She could keep it secret when it happened occasionally, in fact even though she knew she shouldn’t have, she actually enjoyed the dreams initially once she realised that no-one else knew so there was no harm to them. However, with them becoming more frequent the lack of sleep was surely going to have an effect on her training, and Rey didn’t feel like explaining to Ben why her performance was lacking.
Though there wasn’t much appeal to asking one of the Jedi Masters about her problem either. The dreams were too personal and she didn’t know what the consequences would be. What if the only remedy to this was to separate her from Ben? She didn’t think she could bare doing that, yet she knew there must be instances of it happening throughout the Jedi’s history, instances of padawans getting a little too attached to their masters. Attachment, what a dirty word to the Jedi. Rey leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, trying hard to keep her head blank. 
But still, she’d have to do something soon or she would collapse of exhaustion on the battlefield, and she didn’t want to be such a hindrance on the New Order or her master.
Her master. How she wished she could stop thinking about him. With her eyes closed, the images of him flowed more freely. Images from her dreams. She continued to shut her eyes as she tried to swipe away the pictures in her mind. It was what younglings were told to do when they had issues meditating, merely push away what occupies your mind and move forward to the blank space where you can then let the Force move through you freely. However, despite her best efforts, every time she swiped away an image of him, another took it’s place. It seemed that even meditation was impossible for her now. 
She sighed and stood up. She may as well start getting ready for the day ahead.
Ben Solo was frustrated. He had become a Jedi to avoid tedious conversations such as this, and yet here he was listening to Lady Carise give a vigorous speech on the importance of royal family in the galaxy and how heritage should be the defining factor on our leaders. Ben wasn’t invested enough to inform her once again that as a Jedi he had abdicated all birth rights he had previously to the throne, and that there was therefore no need to call him “Prince Solo” or have this highly animated speech thrown at him. Ben was already aware when he received orders from the Council to retrieve and guard Carise that she would be like this though. She always had been from the moment they met. She was always self righteous and she seemed to have something of an attraction to him, though he didn’t pay any attention to that. She was a similar age to him and considered beautiful by many, but Ben found her incredibly dull and sycophantic and so was completely uninterested in her even when he was still royalty. He had guessed that she was only interested in him due to his title and his mother’s and grandmother’s influence anyway. He knew that he looked unconventional, he wasn’t ugly but he certainly hadn’t inherited his father’s roguish good looks or his mother’s beauty. He didn’t even look anything like his uncle, in fact he looked the opposite. Ben didn’t mind though, he was never interested in his own looks and there wasn’t any girls who had caught his eye. Besides, by the time he was old enough to start thinking about that he had started his training under Luke and it was forbidden to think about that anyway.
No, being a Jedi suited Ben Solo absolutely fine. A politician’s life just didn’t suit him as well as it did his mother, which was why he was so empathetic with his uncle who had also been raised by one. It was no coincidence that they both chose to join the Jedi Order, Ben knew it was inherited from his grandfather. The great Anakin Skywalker. Jedi master and chosen one born from the Force. Also the father of Luke and Leia Amidala, though that was a less known fact.
Ben became saddened at thinking of his grandfather, the funeral occurring just over a year ago now. Rey had barely started her training when it had happened, he was so worried of what she would think of her new master after seeing what a wreck he had been. He was worried that she would have thought him weak and asked to transfer to a new master, and Ben wouldn’t have blamed her. But she hadn’t. Instead she had supported him, stood by his side during the funeral. She even held his hand as the pyre burned. It wasn’t Jedi-like, but Ben was relieved for the comfort. Ben smiled at the memory of her small hand in his.
“and furthermore- Oh Prince Solo, have you found something I’ve said amusing? I do live to amuse” Lady Carise interjected, a schmaltzy smile twisting her features; making her look like a predator about to devour her prey. She leaned towards him, hand on his shoulder, making sure to bend forward enough to show off what limited cleavage she had. Ben averted his eyes, keeping them fixed to hers instead.
“Then please amuse me by using my correct title Lady Carise. I am a Jedi and wish to be addressed as one. I am no Prince.“
This sharpened her smile, making her predatory look a little less metaphorical. “As you wish, General Solo”.
The room’s door opened behind them, with Rey walking in and looking slightly furious. Lady Carise straightened herself and removed her hand from Ben, but the smile lingered as she regarded Rey.
“Oh how lovely. Another Jedi to escort me. Though this one is only in training correct? And her heritage as I understand it is a little less... desirable.”
Rey looked like she was about to attack the esteemed senator, which Ben considered letting her doing. Sadly that wouldn’t reflect well on himself or Rey though, and it would give Carise great satisfaction to make sure Rey was punished for the assault. No, Ben needed to diffuse the situation before it came to that. He thought on his mother’s teachings on how to deal with difficult Senators.
“Ah, Lady Carise, surely you remember my padawan Rey? Mind you, she has had a considerable amount of training from when you last saw her. Her abilities have increased dramatically“
This seemed to ease Rey down, whose attention was now drawn to him now, her face not concealing the gratitude for him handling Carise rather than her. Ben knew she immensely disliked her, which Ben couldn’t blame her for, though that would have to be handled. Jedi couldn’t be seen as wanting to throw senators out of the window. Luckily, Carise couldn’t resist once again being distracted by Ben.
“Oh really? No doubt due to your excellent teachings, your Higness.“ She said sweetly, threading her arm onto Ben’s and sauntering towards the door, pulling him behind her.
Rey followed behind, teeth gritted. 
Yep, she definitely wanted the senator dead.
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
New Trilogy Anakin Never Turned Headcannons pt1
-Ben Solo never becomes Kylo Ren as his grandfather never fell to the darkside, so he knows that he can control the dark within himself as well, even when he hears it calling
-Ben and Anakin becoming incredibly close as Ben recognises himself in him and only feels like he belongs when with him
-Jedi council now completely certain that Anakin is Luke and Leia’s father as they see this extremely tall angry boy (his parents are still larger than life so it’s hard for Ben to make connections with them still) who has strong affiliations with the dark side yet is still a powerful Jedi who is holding onto the Light
-Jedi Council not doing anything about it ‘cause they still don’t have proof and it’s gone on this long anyway
-Luke still becoming Ben’s master, but this time doesn’t become scared when he sees the darkness in Ben cause he’s seen that darkness in his Father and he did fine
-Luke instead seeking out a Padawan for Ben to balance him out
-Luke finding the perfect person for Ben to train when a stormtrooper who has rebelled against the Empire arrives with a girl from Jakku who is strong with the Force but untrained
-Ben and Rey feeling a connection as soon as they meet through the force bond that binds them
-Rey’s Light counteracting Ben’s darkness and balancing them out
-Council in awe ‘cause they haven’t ever seen a pair of Jedi as powerful as them when they are together
-Padme sharing knowing glances with Leia whenever she sees Rey and Ben together
-Padme loving Ben and Ben being more open with his grandmother than anyone else because she absolutely adores him, always telling him he’s so handsome and tall, just like his grandfather. He becomes especially important to her when Anakin dies
-Padme joking to Ben that they both have the same type (good looking desert people who are younger than them)
-Rey basically adopted as part of the Skywalker family (Han joking by telling her to run while she has the chance). Padme and Leia constantly having talks with Rey because there aren’t many female members of the Skywalker family and they have to stick together
-Rey and Ben having feelings for each other but keeping it secret because the Jedi Council STILL is against Jedi attachment. Skywalker family groaning cause <i>not again</i>.
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
Original Trilogy Anakin Never Turned Headcannons pt1
-Anakin and Padme still kept their relationship secret since the Jedi Order was still well established, therefore Luke and Leia’s true father is kept secret (though anyone close to Anakin and Padme knows who the father actually is- i.e. Obi Wan, Ahsoka, Bail, Rex). Luke and Leia aren’t told while growing up to stop it slipping out, though Leia senses it almost immediately with Anakin constantly visiting her, Luke, and Padme when he’s back from the war
-Leia and Luke not only enjoying when Anakin comes around because he’s their father, but because he brings Artoo with him and they absolutely love that droid (C3PO slightly salty about this)
-Luke is completely oblivious about who his father is until he reaches adulthood and he’s told by Anakin with Leia also present, frustrated at her brother’s own ignorance
-Rumours are spread throughout the New Order on who the father is, with Luke following Anakin’s footsteps and becoming a powerful Jedi Knight under Obi Wan’s tutelage and Leia rising through the political ranks, even serving a term as a Naboo queen. As two prodigies, there’s lots of gossip surrounding who their father is, some saying Anakin, some saying Bail Organa, some saying that it was actually a Separatist politician. However, anyone paying close enough attention could see that Luke looks just like his father and Leia has his exact same temper and passion.
-Obi wan partly terrified when Luke Amidala decides to become a Jedi and is assigned to him as his padawan ‘cause his father was such a handful, however is completely shocked when he actually turns out to be very sweet and quiet, only showing his father’s recklessness when other’s he cares about are in trouble
-Anakin and Luke sharing a love of piloting. Even though Obi Wan is his master, it’s Anakin who teaches him how to fly
-Luke constantly calling upon Leia for strength during his training and while on the battlefield. The Jedi Council initially apprehensive about this due to their hangups on attachment, but Anakin (now a master) and Obi Wan cover for him.
-Leia constantly following Padme around and therefore Bail is constantly in contact with her. Bail becomes basically another father to her still.
-Leia being secretly trained by Ahsoka to fight. She starts to learn  hand-to-hand combat and becomes one of the sharpest shooters of the New order. She also starts to learn how to control the force.
-Leia one day going to Tattooine on a peace mission to gain supplies and getting captured by the Hutts so that she can be ransomed to the Empire. Luke sensing this and seeking help from the council. Anakin and Obi Wan covering for Luke while he left to get her himself once the council refused. Luke crashing his ship and having to seek assistance to help with his rescue mission, finding help with a Smuggler called Han Solo
-Leia and Han still falling in love and still constantly arguing
-Padme smiling when watching them argue because she also has a soft spot for sarcastic bad boy pilots
-Anakin strongly disliking Han Solo until Han mentions podracing on Tatooine and how he wants to mentor future pilots (the novel Bloodline supports this) 
-Anakin, Padme, Luke, Ahsoka, Obi Wan, and Bail present at her wedding (only family, of course). Chewbacca is the one who cries the most. No-one questions why there are 3 Jedi and an ex-jedi attending the wedding of a princess and a smuggler
-Leia calling her son “Ben” as an injoke because that’s what Luke called Obi Wan when they were very young (he found it hard pronouncing his name and it morphed into bi-wen which everyone took as Ben. The Skywalker family all called Obi Wan Ben because of this) and to honour Obi Wan after he had died
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anakin-alterverse · 7 years
Prequel Anakin Never Turned Headcannons pt1
-Palpatine escaped when Anakin refused his offer, with a good portion of the Republic senators still rallied behind him (he was still the chancellor after all, and most senators either don’t care about Jedi/Sith matters or were corrupt to begin with.He would have given the same Spiel about how the Jedi had betrayed the Republic anyway). With the Republic still giving it’s support to him, the Jedi were forced not to pursue him, especially since Order 66 was also still enacted, however this time the Jedi had advanced warning (Anakin with this new revelation that Palpatine was a Sith lord recalls back memories of his own clone troopers such as Fives and how they died trying to tell him the plan that the Republic had against the Jedi and remembers their assassination attempts on the Chancellor because of this. This leads to Anakin informing the Jedi Masters of this which then is passed down to other members of the Order), leading to significantly reduced casualties. Clones such as Rex which had taken out the chip which forced them to enact order 66 (as seen in Rebels and the Ahsoka novel), fought with the Jedi and escaped with them.
-Anakin SAVES the younglings in the Jedi Temple rather than killing them
-The majority of the remaining Jedi all reconvened on an Outer Rim planet which they knew was neither occupied by Republic or Separatist armies. Republic senators who didn’t support the Chancellor (as seen in the Revenge of the Sith deleted scenes, a rebellion was already being secretly organised among a select few e.g. Bail Organa, Mon Momtha, Padme Amidala) also fled here, accompanied by Anakin and many of the Jedi on Coruscant.
-Ahsoka arrives with Rex (they were together during Order 66, as seen in the Ahsoka novel) and she FInAllY rEUnITEs wiTh AnAKin (I’m emotional about this, okay. Still have feels from when she left the Jedi)
-The Republic Senators that supported the Jedi set up a temporary new Government called the “New Order”, led by Mon Momtha and Seconded by Bail Organa, with Padme as their Third. They also incorporated Jedi Masters into their council, including Yoda, Mace Windu, Kit Fitso, and Obi Wan Kenobi (these were shown as having the closest relationships with these senators, making them trusted as well as well as highly respected to many)
-Anakin initially upset that he’s not part of the leadership (he was just offered to rule the galaxy alongside Palpatine, so this therefore feels a bit degrading and makes him question whether this was the correct decision, especially since the Jedi council have slighted him before) but then Padme goes into labour and that’s all that he can think about
-Leia and Luke’s birth is pretty much the same, except Anakin is right by Padme’s side and Rex and Ahsoka are wandering around outside like an anxious Aunt and Uncle. Also, PADME DOESN’T DIE!
-Obi Wan feels a connection to Luke the moment he’s born. Ahsoka feels the same when she meets Leia.
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