Did you eat something poisonous
No. I didn't
Zack can read these asks and I don't want him worrying, so..
I've just been really, really sick. When I asked my parents what was going on they told me they'd tell me what it was after it was over.
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I knnooww
I have herr in my lllapp right nnow
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<zack stops responding>
Wwhat just happenedd??
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You are vampires?
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"Unfortunately, no. We're not vampires. We might be something else, though, so why don't you keep guessing?" - Maestro
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Hello! This is me! Zack! Taking photos is hard-_- anyways! Yeah. Have fun and i will open asks soon!
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Is this on....?
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Oh! There we are! Do forgive me if I'm bad with technology, I'm still fairly new with all of this. Anyways, this is Maestro!
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Here's a non-objective digital peice with neon colors. (I realize now they look sort of like the Bisexual flag. Isn't that interesting? It might just inspire me to make more neon pride flag style pieces.) I think we limit ourselves when it comes to digital artistry. I mean, there's no way to cheat at art, (unless you're stealing art), but we all seem to be convinced that there is. You don't see non-objective digital peices, or abstract digital art, or other non-conventional movements. I think we should do more art like that. Art that exists specifically because you decided to make it. -Maestro
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Hi! Im zack and i am one of two peeps running this account!!! Here are some facts about me!
I love music and art!
My pronouns are he and him
I have 'tics' witch are just involuntary movements and noises
Im trans male
Anyways thank you for paying attention to me! I will be sharing what i love here and follow us cause you never know if you might love it to!!
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Hello, everyone. My name is Maestro and I'm going to be one of two people who share our creations, content, art and lives with you. Please enjoy our work, and while you're at it, follow us! Here's some things about me;
I'm 14
I'm autistic
I enjoy indulging in music, art, and writing.
I go by all pronouns
I'm non-binary.
Soon enough I presume my dear friend Zack will be with you shortly with his own post.
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