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take care of yourself, okay?
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Barely breathing
Hey everyone, 
I’ve been MIA due to a lot of medical issues relating to my car accident. I got my first epidural without being in labor. Lets just say, it wasn’t bad mainly because I wasn’t awake to feel the needle go in my spine. I’m totally good with that decision. Seems like I feel better, my back isn’t acting up today but I do feel sore. 
I had my midterm today on chapters 1-17. WHO in the hell gives a midterm on 17 chapters..??? I barely passed with an 84. That’s really not good enough seeing as I have to apply all of this to real life. I keep having to question if I am really going to need to know how cells form and how to transcribe DNA and RNA. I guess I’ll find out in a couple of years and answer my own question. 
In other news, my older sister is pregnant! I am going to be a first time Auntie and I am really excited. Hopefully she has a healthy pregnancy, I say this because three months ago she had a miscarriage but I am praying for great full term. 
Now, I am half way through this semester and feel like I am overwhelmed. Im making it but overwhelmed nonetheless. I feel like I need to study more and the I am studying I feel like I need to relax more. Haven’t found the perfect balance yet but not giving up. Is there any studying tips anyone can give me? I’d greatly appreciate it. 
Till Next time..
It’s a beautiful day to save smiles,
A Perfect Stranger
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Human Organs Made from Flowers and Plants by Camila Carlow Buchanan
This delicate series of floral sculptures is part of a project called Eye Heart Spleen by Camila Carlow, a Guatemalan artist based in Bristol. This photographic work consists of 13 images representing human organs made from plants and flowers. What Camila Carlow says about this project: “We rarely pay attention to the organs inside our body, whereas they are the most fascinating and complex biological structures. Regardless, if we fill them with toxins or nutritious foods, if we take care of them or not, they support us and work without too much notice … In the same way, the plants flourishing in the urban environment is a testimony to the indifference of nature to our actions. They grow on the sides of buildings, in brick walls and between cracks in concrete, despite traffic and pollution. ”
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Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.
Frederick Buechner (via thoughtkick)
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Let the immensity of the universe remind you that the grand does not outweigh the good.
Think of the power of the sun.
The speed of light.
The age of hills and width of our galaxy.
Humanity is a humble thing and a warm drink and a kind word are as potent as anything we create.
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I’m bummed..
My professor emailed me and let me know I failed my quiz... I’m so bummed. I really thought I passed. It was math by the way. 
I know I should have studied more but I’m more focused on Anatomy and Chemistry than math. I just need to balance my time. I often think when I want to lay down or just do something fun that Kim Kardashian is studying to become a lawyer so if she can do it and her life is really busy then I can become a nurse. 
I know who wants to compare their life to Kim Kardashians but it is what it is. It’s one of the few things that keeps me motivated when I am studying and taking notes. 
Furthermore, I stopped studying Chemistry and am currently studying math. Why couldn’t I be blessed with photographic memory or the ability to know how to solve math problems?? I can tell you this much... I will be passing the next one. I am not a failure.
Till Next time..
It’s a beautiful day to save smiles,
A Perfect Stranger
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Chemistry kind of night.
Remember, you wanted this.
A perfect stranger
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When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.
Alexander Den Heijer (via qvotable)
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First Quiz...
Good Evening Nursing world! 
I’d just like to come on here and say that I passed my first major Anatomy Quiz/test. It was 25 nerve wracking questions from chemical bonds to feedback control loops. 
At least now it’s over.. but must.. prep.. for.. Anatomy lab test that's next week. I don’t feel like myself. I went from laying in my bed questioning my life to being way tooo productive where I have left an imprint of my ass cheeks on my computer chair with the amount of hours I am putting in to these classes. 
I digress, hope everyone enjoys their weekend. I’ll be here.. studying.. organic compounds.. 
It’s a beautiful day to save smiles, 
A perfect stranger
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First semester as a LPN student to eventually merge onto the RN program ;)
Reblog if you’re a Nurse, in Nursing School, or are a pre-Nursing major!
I need more nurses to follow!
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This was me today, trying to create visual flashcards of chapters 1-5 of Anatomy. 
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The health hazards of sitting
“We know sitting too much is bad, and most of us intuitively feel a little guilty after a long TV binge. But what exactly goes wrong in our bodies when we park ourselves for nearly eight hours per day, the average for a U.S. adult? Many things, say four experts, who detailed a chain of problems from head to toe.”
(via Washington Post)
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Quick Question...
Am I really going to use the information in my Anatomy class when I actually become a nurse? I am not referring to the anatomical structure, nor the names of the body parts and if they are dorsal or ventral. I am referring to the subatomic particles in chemistry, the, how many electrons are in Carbon part. lol 
Kill me now... my brain is refusing to cooperate in retaining information. 
It’s a beautiful day to save smiles..
A perfect stranger 
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Don’t want two patients
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