This is a friendly reminder to give your OC a firm and unmistakable L every now and then.
This is a necessary action to keep your OC healthy for the long term.
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((Disgruntled muttering))
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I made something
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If you're not answering coding questions then please feel free to let this ask dissolve in the Ether. I was wanting to know if it was possible, when setting a variable in radio button, to set other variables along with it for example: Say I'm allowing MC choose a type of horse on a radio button, is it also possible to set a variable within that, dependent on the type of horse. So if player chooses a $horsebreed that is a smaller breed it would set the $horsesize to small. Then if they choose a $horsebreed that is medium size, the $horzesize would = medium. (Sorry if I made next to no sense.)
So, a few things to think about here:
01. What are you using this for and does this double up on information?
Basically, are you setting two variables where one will do the trick?
For example, say you have a situation where you have different results based on the size of your horse. If you only have 3-4 choices of horse, you could just reference the horse breed itself in your if statement to get different results.
<<if $horse <= 2>>[result for the small horse] <<elseif $horse is 3>>[result for the medium horse] <<elseif $horse >=4>>[result for the large horse<</if>>
in this case I've assigned each horse a number and I am using those instead of strings. 1 and 2 are small horses, 3 is the medium horse, 4 and higher are large horses.
02. Do you need to store descriptive words in your variable?
Generally speaking, you want to avoid using strings (words) in your variables due to how the game history functions. Having too many will slow your transition passages down.
If you assign the breed a number, then you can use that to generate a descriptive passage with a widget when you need it.
This thread has more information on this and may be helpful.
Alternatively, if you really need to set two variables with one radio button, there's some code to make that happen at the bottom of the thread linked above.
You could also set the second variable on the following passage depending on what the player's first choice was (this will only work properly if the player can't navigate backwards to where their original choice was made). Something like this:
First Passage
Horse <label><<radiobutton "$horsebreed" "falabella" checked>> Falabella</label> <label><<radiobutton "$horsebreed" "hanoverian">> Hanoverian</label> <label><<radiobutton "$horsebreed" "dutch draft">> Dutch Draft</label> [[Next.|Second Passage]]
Second Passage
<<if $horsebreed is "falabella">> <<set $horsesize to "small">> <<elseif $horsebreed is "hanoverian">> <<set $horsesize to "medium">> <<else>> <<set $horsesize to "large">> <</if>>
If you intend to have a lot of variables for your horses, I would definitely look into using property access so you can store multiple points of information on the same variable rather then creating multiple variables for the same thing. It could look something like this:
[put in your StoryInit passage]
<<set $horse to { "breed:" "falabella", "size:" "small", }>>
[setting breed with a radio button]
Horse <label><<radiobutton "$horse.breed" "falabella" checked>> Falabella</label> <label><<radiobutton "$horse.breed" "hanoverian">> Hanoverian</label> <label><<radiobutton "$horse.breed" "dutch draft">> Dutch Draft</label> [[Next.|Second Passage]]
[setting size on the next passage]
<<if $horse.breed is "falabella">> <<set $horse.size to "small">> <<elseif $horse.breed is "hanoverian">> <<set $horse.size to "medium">> <<else>> <<set $horse.size to "large">> <</if>>
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My dream as a writer isn’t to get published and make a lot of money, it’s to have a fanbase devoted enough that I can post a story about a background character that had four lines or drop a piece of obscure lore and they go crazy over it
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reminder to worldbuilders: don't get caught up in things that aren't important to the story you're writing, like plot and characters! instead, try to focus on what readers actually care about: detailed plate tectonics
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When inventing a fantasy religion a lot of people a) make the mistake of assuming that everyone in fantasy world would worship the same gods and b) assume that polytheistic religions see all of their gods as morally good
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speculative biology/fantasy/fictionalized large predators that kill indiscriminately and don't eat what they kill drive me up the fucking wall. it is so, so dangerous and exhausting to be a large predator. you don't want to get into a fight, you don't want to exert too much energy, because if you fuck up you can die. and once you manage to kill something, you eat it. you don't go and kill the rest of the herd, you scare off the rest of the herd and eat the thing you killed until something scares you off.
did you know tigers only have a 10% success rate as hunters? TIGERS.
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Edward Elric Sketch ✍️
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Søren Kierkegaard, Diaries 1813-1855
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to be a small kitten in the pines 🌲
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I'm working on it, I swear!
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random fire nation diplomat #492 will never understand the complex and fucked up relationship between the water siblings like I do 🙄
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I need everyone’s best character advice. STAT.
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