andhereisthetea · 1 day
i really like looking at google image searches for “firemen rescuing cats” or something because you get super cute pictures like
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andhereisthetea · 5 days
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Messing around with @im-not-buying-it-ether grown up Imp idea.
OMG sweet bby <3
(This is a screenshot edit, I claim no right for recolored screenshots. You can repost it, I don’t care.)
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andhereisthetea · 14 days
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I’m sure Entrapta was devastated when she realized that she really had been left behind by her supposed friends. And that they wouldn’t be coming back. This certainly led to sleepless nights for her. Hordak, on the other hand, seems to have his own reasons for not being able to sleep... but in the end, their reasons don’t seem very different to me.
Hiiiii my friends I’m back from the dead! 💜
Sorry for my inactivity (again) but this last year of school is extremely stressful for me, which is why I can‘t find the time or energy to draw or interact on social media much:P
At the moment I have a lil bit more time so I was finally able to finish this comic^^ Hope you enjoy!!!✨
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andhereisthetea · 28 days
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Hey babe, do you want to go conquer some lesser planets with me???
Finally completed for Valentine's Day!! What can I say? Motu Rev did a good damn job and I have to fangirl XD
Support me on patreon.com/alexology 💜
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andhereisthetea · 28 days
This whole parallel is the reason I made this gifset four years ago:
Paradise Lost - Hordak as an Miltonian fallen angel
She-Ra is not devoid of religious imigary - especially when it comes to the galactical Horde - and I really love what that does with Hordak.
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If Horde Prime is God and the clones are angles, then Hordak is a fallen angel and Despondos is the place he fell. Hell.
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One specific concept of hell, when it's not used as "heaven's prison", is 'the place where God isn't. The place where God can't or won't reach.
That's where Hordak found himself, beyond the omnicognicent eyes of the deity who had created him and watched over his entire life, free to do something of his own.
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And like an abused child, he took the clumsy tools available to him and did his best to recreate the only thing he had ever known in a desperate bid for the attention of the God who had cast him away. He even comitted the hubris of trying to match God's creation of life, with a twisted and imperfect results.
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For decades he toiled in despair in the futile hope of redemption, until a certain science princess made him realise that he had something better than the graze of God right here, in this place where God would leave him alone.
It's something awfully Miltonian about this Hordak. If we for a moment indulge in his fantasies, he was heaven's top general before he fell, mirroring Arch Angel Lucifer in Paradise Lost.
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Like Lucifer, Hordak's defining trait was pride. Like Lucifer, Hordak aspired to rule Hell when he couldn't serve in heaven. He created a brutal construct of machinery and darkness - in stark contrast to Horde Prime's alien "Ipod" heaven - but unlike Lucifer, Hordak came finally to realize that neither ruling nor serving would make him happy, but love would.
Of course, by then it was too late and the hevenly host came for him and for the paradise he had built in hell, the dimension of Despondos no longer safe from the prying eyes of God.
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And despite him crawling back to heaven, despite him gaining what he thought he wanted for all these years of toil, he soon came to realize the true horror of the God he had returned to.
Only one thing to do! Go Nietzsche on his sorry ass!
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andhereisthetea · 1 month
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Entrapdak (&Imp!!) from Patreon
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andhereisthetea · 1 month
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andhereisthetea · 1 month
Twin Pattern
Another Masters of the Universe: Revolution story. Hordak confronts Adam, and phones home.
The castle was his.
Hordak sat on the great throne of Grayskull and felt the power thrumming at his fingertips — power now safely contained by Motherboard’s hand. He felt triumph, yes, and the thrill of conquest, but even more than that he felt relief. His mightiest enemy lay neutralized. At last, Eternia was safe. He let out a breath.
There was a commotion at his feet. He deigned a glance.
“Keldor! How could you?”
It was the champion. He-Man. Except he was only Adam now, without his precious powers. The boy struggled against his bonds.
“He was your brother! You sold out your family for…”
Skeletor cackled as he lorded over the scene, discarding his disguise before the shocked prince. “Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle!”
Hordak thought about family.
“That’s right, you boob!” Skeletor gloated. “It was me all along. And you fell for it! You were simply too nice for your own good!”
Adam crumpled in defeat, the spirit draining from his body. Hordak leaned forward. He was watching closely now.
Skeletor made an exaggerated yawn. “Well, this is all terribly exciting, but it’s getting late, so I should probably get my baby nephew here into his playpen.” He patted Adam roughly on the head. “By which I mean the dungeons. I’m going to put you in jail. Only it’s like baby jail, because you’re a baby. That’s the joke. Get it?”
“I got it.” Sighing, Adam struggled to his feet and turned to leave at Skeletor’s prodding.
They both froze as Hordak suddenly spoke. He rose from his seat and crossed to where they stood, flanked by troopers. Silently, he assessed the young hero, red eyes wary. Adam glared back icily.
“So. You are this generation’s guardian of Grayskull,” Hordak said at last. “What a puny, pitiful paladin you’ve proven to be.”
“What do you know about Grayskull?” Adam replied levelly.
Hordak bared his teeth. “More than you might imagine, mortal,” he growled.
He tried not to think about how familiar Adam’s blue eyes looked. How easy it was to recognize the color of his hair; the shape of his face. It was chance that had determined which crib he’d reached into all those years ago. He could just as easily have taken…
Adam stuck out his chin. “We’ve defeated invaders before. You’re no different.”
“I am singular,” Hordak insisted. He paced a slow circle around Adam, hands behind his back as if inspecting a wayward soldier. Yes, this impudence was familiar to him as well. The fire of Grayskull. He tried to shut out the thoughts that clamored in the back of his mind. The boy was a threat. Perhaps the greatest challenge there was to the future he hungered for, whether he knew it or not.
“You are nothing,” Hordak said, and hoped desperately that he believed it.
“I guess it would seem that way, to someone who thinks in ones and zeros,” Adam countered.
“Bah! This fight is a lot older than you are, boy!” Skeletor cut in. “How about you let the grownups talk for a while?”
“Be silent, acolyte.” Hordak pushed Skeletor away and leaned so close to Adam that he could smell the righteous fury. “It would be so much simpler to succumb, scion. Why do you persist?”
Adam allowed himself a smile. “I’ve died before. Guess I’m just not suited for it.”
“Brave words. But you would not have to die,” Hordak offered. “I am more generous than you may have judged me. The Horde’s order will make a utopia of the universe. Even so rebellious a wretch as yourself could find a future with our family. If you surrender.”
“You’re no family of mine,” Adam spat back.
Hordak snarled and whirled away, his cape an angry wave. “Get out, then!” he barked, careful not to show his face. “Make yourself useful, Skeletor. Put our guest in the deepest, darkest dungeon we have. I don’t care what you do with him after that, so long as I don’t have to witness it.”
He stalked back to the throne, and did not turn to see if his order had been obeyed.
“I live to serve,” Skeletor replied, hardly bothering to hide the sarcasm in his voice. “Let’s go, twerp.”
He dragged Adam away, and the troopers followed.
Hordak waited until they were all gone before he spoke again.
“Motherboard. Open direct communications to the Fright Zone. I would speak with your true master.”
“As you wish, Lord Hordak.” The machine-woman’s eyes glowed, and the room was bathed in purple holographic light. Hordak’s face softened at the image of a cluttered laboratory, and the tireless woman who worked at its center.
The image of the woman looked up. “Hordak! I wasn’t expecting a call. Is the mission going all right?”
“Exquisitely so. Everything is unfolding exactly as I expected. Your marvelous machines have materialized my mastery of these malignant mongrels with miraculous momentum.”
Light years away, in Entrapta’s lab, Hordak was a crimson hologram, large as life. He strode between pulsing engines and crackling instruments. She watched him with laser focus, even as her hands and hair continued fitting parts together.
“Well you don’t have to check in for every little thing,” she said, feigning indifference. “It uses up extra bandwidth to go long-distance like this.”
Hordak drifted closer, eyes piercing. “I can spare it.”
Entrapta shivered. She loved her work. She loved it even more when Hordak looked at her deadly war machines or her technological traps the same way a poet might see the sunset, and praised her just as lyrically. His attention thrilled her. Which was why his next words sent an electric shock straight through her heart.
“Indulge me, Entrapta… are you happy here, with the Horde?”
“What?” Despite being firmly zipped up in her baggy mechanic’s clothes, she couldn’t help feeling suddenly exposed. Unbidden, her hair curled closer around her, the lights in their neural links flashing anxiously.
“I pride myself on employee satisfaction,” Hordak explained. “Does it please you, to be a part of our paradigm?”
Entrapta thought back to when she first saw the dark skull-and-bat banner of the Horde. To the day their troops arrived in her kingdom. To the moment she had looked the mighty conquerer Hordak in his burning eyes, as he bared his teeth for her. She thought of the flames that followed.
“You’ve made my life better,” she said at last.
Hordak might have said something else, but at that moment the door to Entrapta’s lab slid open. A young woman with cropped hair and fierce eyes strode in, crossing straight to the center of the room.
Hordak’s expression changed rapidly — he seemed to grow distant, then suddenly start and remember himself as he warmed into a paternal smile. If Entrapta noticed, however, she didn’t say anything.
Instead, she turned to greet the newcomer. “Ah, you’re just in time, Despara. Hordak wants to know if we’re happy.”
Despara folded her arms. “I’d be happier if you had let me come with you to Eternia.”
“Soon, my child,” Hordak said. “This world is nearly ready for you.
He gestured grandly, and the hologram expanded to show the castle walls and the mighty throne, covered in Motherboard’s circuitry. “See how I have secured the seat of your supremacy. You will rule this wretched realm righteously, once I have eliminated our enemies.”
“You could eliminate them faster with me there,” Despara insisted, but her tone was playful.
“Perhaps.” Hordak rubbed his spiked chin. “Do you desire your destiny so dearly? I cannot fault you for it. It is how I raised you, after all. And I am proud of your progress.”
He looked at her as if noticing something for the first time. “Yes, I daresay I have delayed your deployment long enough.”
Despara and Entrapta shared a surprised glance.
“My lord?” Entrapta ventured. “What are you saying?”
“I am saying I wish to see you at my side. Both of you.” Hordak knelt before the two women and extended a clawed hand. “Despara. Entrapta.”
“Will you join me?”
They returned his gaze with an intensity that transcended words. Of course they would. There was no other way. And this, they all knew, was how things were meant to be.
They would depart with the next fleet. In a matter of days, their family would be whole again. It was safe. Their greatest enemy lay conquered.
Every threat was neutralized.
At the center of the universe, on the Planet Eternia, Hordak stood alone in the great throne room of Castle Grayskull. The communication was closed, and Motherboard was once again diligently downloading data. He breathed in. And told himself that He-Man was no concern of his.
He had the power.
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andhereisthetea · 1 month
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while hordak shoulder match with she-ra chin, horde prime shoulder matches SHE-RA entire head, like???????
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andhereisthetea · 1 month
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andhereisthetea · 1 month
Can we just talk about how terrifying Entrapta can be?
She’s like doctor Octavius but you can’t disconnect her ‘tentacles’ from her. If you throw her into battle she’ll be able to just strangle everyone on the field with her hair.
She can lift herself with it and drag Hordak with STRANDS OF IT. I honestly think she can just lift people by their feet and keep them there for a while because you can hardly do anything about it if you’re hanging feet up.
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andhereisthetea · 1 month
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Merry Christmas from your Secret Santa to @tallysgreatestfan! o(〃^▽^〃)o
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andhereisthetea · 1 month
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while hordak shoulder match with she-ra chin, horde prime shoulder matches SHE-RA entire head, like???????
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andhereisthetea · 1 month
So, I watched She-Ra recently, took me a week, but that’s not the point.
While I was doing that I really liked Entrapta(why am I not surprised?).
So at some point, in between the end of s3 and the middle of s4, I had an idea that Hordak would find out about Entraptas whereabouts from Emily.
And let me explain my thoughts, Emily during the entirety of Entraptas ‘exile’ was always following people she saw as Entraptas friends, so those were people who she saw with her a lot. She tried to get help from Catra, and later started following Scorpia around, but what we never saw is her trying to get close to Hordak. I don’t think it was because she didn’t see him as Entraptas friend or because she was told by Scorpia to not go anywhere near him.
I love how it happened in the end, with Double Trouble and all, but have you thought how much more devastating it would’ve been if it was Emily? She has a recording of Catra electrocuting Entrapta. She knows what she would need to show Hordak to get his attention. And Hordak knows that Entrapta would not live Emily behind.
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andhereisthetea · 1 month
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andhereisthetea · 1 month
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NEW ART I posted on Cara!
Cara is a social media REALLY made by artists for artists (and everyone who genuinely loves human made art!) AI is firbidden here. It has WebGlaze implemented in it, totally free! And I'm quite sure they'll also implement Nightshade when possible 🥰
A few days ago I've drawn Evil-Lyn from Masters of the Universe: Revolution. I've just finished watching this last season on Netflix, she keeps being my ultimate favourite character and I am obsessed with her design in this last series. I wanted to draw her and I hope you'll like it! 💜💕💖💜💖💕
Please do not repost/steal. Reblogs and comments are very welcomed! Remember to opt-out from tumblr's third parties scraping.
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andhereisthetea · 1 month
catra in s1: leads the attack on brightmoon by herself
catra in s2: starts making plans for the horde and making her own decisions, decides to capture and mind control adora without anyone else telling her to
catra in s3: makes the conscious decision to open the portal, despite even hordak telling her not to
catra in s4: literally takes over the horde and controls all of the horde's decisions, including the destruction of salineas; even hordak is technically under her command
catra stans: catra didn't know any better, she was brainwashed! she only stayed in the horde because she was scared of leaving. hordak was abusing her!
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