andiandyandee · 2 years
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andiandyandee · 3 years
If you send death threats or rude ass comments to a fic author bc they wrote/ended a story in a way you didn’t like you can unkindly fuck off.
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andiandyandee · 3 years
Okay so it turns out my wife is cracked at writing and was straight up lying when they said they couldn’t do it but I forgive her bc she’s cute lmaoooo
So if you have a wife and kids why do you write gay fanfiction lmaoo
Well, one, I can have a wife and kids and not be straight, so jot that down
I write gay fanfiction because I’m a huge fucking simp and my wife makes pouty faces at me when she has an idea for a story because she can’t write to save her goddamn life, so I write it for her and post her favorites here for others to read (:
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andiandyandee · 3 years
Me: makes up a convoluted mafia system to stress out my players in d&d
My wife: I’m stealing this to turn it into an SBI fanfic, thanks
Why is she like this?? They’ve been going on about character designs for 5 hours now.
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andiandyandee · 3 years
My wife wrote a 100k word fanfic for her first ever writing that’s managed to be like one of the top ten of the most read sbi fics in their fandom and it’s hilarious because when she posted it they told me she hoped it got at least 100 hits
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andiandyandee · 4 years
i cant believe there are really people with family group chats. like if your family has a group chat and yall legit talk regularly and send memes and stuff that’s a different genre of reality i cant conceptualize.. ur family might as well be from a teen tv show im sorry it just sounds like pure fiction
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andiandyandee · 4 years
(Spoilers for today’s streams)
Guys, guys, we can keep the soft Tommy and Wilbur reunion. Man was there for over a month. They could be happy to see each other and then Tommy slowly realizes Wilbur has bad ideas. Please, keep the fluffy reunion even if we then slowly ruin it with angst.
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andiandyandee · 4 years
Theory that neurotypicals are the ones with "communication issues" actually. You're the one who can't communicate with ME, buckaroo
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andiandyandee · 4 years
Who knew a child in a prison and a green bastard could make me cry. Wild
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andiandyandee · 4 years
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to all my fellow ace specs, you are valid and loved
to all my fellow aro specs, you are valid and loved.
happy ace week!!
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andiandyandee · 4 years
ur personality is defined by ur favorite line in hallelujah
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andiandyandee · 4 years
Get the vaccine.
If you have the opportunity, get it. If you’re eligible, get it. If you’re NOT eligible and you have a chance, get it.
If it’s due to a condition. If it’s due to your job. If it’s through a “hey our doses will expire, anybody available come quick” situation. And yes, even if it’s through a “my sister can get me in” situation.
This isn’t a selfish act, no matter how you get it. Every single person who is vaccinated helps everyone. This is a group project. There is no ethical issue with getting vaccinated “ahead of someone else.” That is not a thing. This isn’t a single-file queue and it is impossible to vaccinate everyone in an exact order of priority, all we can do is emphasize higher-risk people, which is being done whenever possible. 
If you can get it, get it. You are only helping.
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andiandyandee · 4 years
Everyone who goes by unconventional pronouns are divine!
He/him lesbians? Lovely
She/her gays? Grand
Neopronoun nonbinarys? Beautiful
She/her trans guys? Terrific
He/him trans gals? Splendid
Neopronoun binary trans folks? Amazing
It/it’s pronoun users? Incredible
People who use no pronouns? Wonderful
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andiandyandee · 4 years
If would have told people “we” were pregnant when my wife was pregnant she would have rocked my shit
I highly dislike that “we’re pregnant” has somehow become common vernacular. I think the intention is to present both parents as equal caregivers but at the same time um... only one of you is going through nine months of side effects and a painful delivery in first person so maybe no.
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andiandyandee · 4 years
the end of being alone (4)
warnings: mentions of Roman’s tragic backstory, health concerns, chronic fatigue mentions, but really mostly fluff
“Roman!” A hushed whisper-yell came from halfway across the cave.
Roman looked up from where he was carefully taking apart and cleaning out his communicator, feeling a stab of exhaustion upon seeing Patton crouched next to their resident baby Human. They’d just spent what felt like half a suncycle entertaining the kid, who seemed to wake up with more energy than all three of them combined.
Virgil was in fact the source behind the crumbs of mud and dirt that had worked their way into the cracks of his communicator: Logan was currently at the ship working inventory, and the kid had insisted on checking up on him as often as he remembered that the Ulgorii wasn’t with them, which was often.
Still, they’d managed to tucker him out eventually, and he’d fallen asleep in their presence for the third time ever, which felt like some kind of accomplishment in itself.
Keep reading
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andiandyandee · 4 years
I know so little about dream smp but this made me sad
What if Tommy haunts the prison
What if Tommys ghost can’t leave the prison
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andiandyandee · 4 years
"My ChIlD iS fInE"
Your child just had an existential crisis when throwing away the box the garbage bags came in
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