andrastespyre · 2 days
the harrowing locations must be the demons' equivalent of shitty bars. like sure you can go there it's got mages you can possess for free but they're also gonna chop your head off there :/ one of a kind experience but not something you wanna do that often
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andrastespyre · 28 days
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andrastespyre · 2 months
duncan: got some straight gas🔥😛 this strain is called the fifth blight 😳 you'll be zonked out of your gourd💯
me: yeah whatever. i don't feel shit
5 min later: dude i swear the archdemon came to me in a dream
my buddy, alistair, pacing: teyrn loghain is lying to us
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andrastespyre · 2 months
Ithelia is trans. I made different blogs for all my special interests to not clog up other's posts with fandoms they don't care for. This is the one for Elder Scrolls.
General and Politics - @asteriaishere
Elder Scrolls - You are here!
Dragon Age - @andrastespyre
ASOIAF - @maloraofthehightower
Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny - @cadegund
DND and Pathfinder (BG, NWN, Planescape etc) - @araznitheunyielding
Soulsborne and Berserk - @kindlingmaidenmelina
Final Fantasy XIV - @on-wings-of-hope
Warhammer 40k - @the-seventh-path
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andrastespyre · 2 months
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Josephine Montilyet - Dragon Age: Inquisition More art of one of my faves
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andrastespyre · 2 months
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The (literal) virgin Warden vs chad Warden-Commander.
My initial experience going from Origins to Awakening. 😎 Oh I'm sure I'll get my butt handed to me as I progress further but for now I'm savoring my OP-ness.
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andrastespyre · 2 months
the warden: and he turned out to be howe's son can you imagine? anyway he's a warden now. oghren told me to be careful around him because he "might just go all zevran on me" but then they started flirting so i guess it all worked out ok in the end
zevran (he just asked if amaranthine was nice):
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andrastespyre · 2 months
it’s just so wild to me that there’s no real mention of the couslands if you don’t pick that origin. they were the second most powerful family in ferelden. eleanor had three siblings. someone should be bringing them up.
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andrastespyre · 2 months
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fhawke: remember how your (dead) noble mother ran off with your (dead) fereldan apostate father. do you think you're repeating a cycle by moving a (possibly-soon-to-be-dead) ferdeldan apostate into her childhood home. do you think you're becoming her?
mhawke: lol your boyfriends gay
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andrastespyre · 2 months
Maybe the real Solas was the friends we made along the way..........
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Salos Leak confirmed true ig
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andrastespyre · 2 months
He has special eyes
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I'm replaying DA:O and I don't even know what's funnier: the hilarious mage cap of my Warden or Alistair's eyes behind the helmet 🤪
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andrastespyre · 2 months
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Sister Nightingale, spymaster Leliana
Happy #DragonAgeDay!💜
🍂 commissions // twitter // inst
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andrastespyre · 2 months
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happy easter
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andrastespyre · 2 months
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This is one of the Dragon Age takes of all time
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andrastespyre · 2 months
another half baked idea i have over the dragon age franchise is they shouldn't have gone back to ferelden at all in inquisition, it should have been solely set in orlais
no i'm serious, i don't think placing a sequel in the same place as the previous game(s) is ever a good idea unless the story is linear bc then you start with multiple plot points you have to consider to either respect and try to work with, or retcon them to make writing easier which Sucks bc then it feels like all the work you did in the previous game was for naught
plus it wouldn't be too hard to change the big explosion to val royeaux bc the chantry was literally Born in orlais, it would make sense to deal with their bullshit in their birthplace. the need to keep up appearances would play a much more important part in the game and make players consider how their actions will affect not only the way the story goes but how they are seen by the nobles in it's hold. you could also have an easier time tearing down the chantry for good instead of Having to work with them just saying
you could even you know, probably fit parts of the masked empire and asunder into the game instead of making them side material books so players actually know what's going on instead of it just being neat references and resolutions to stories the players dont even know.
the whole cole finding out he's a spirit thing? could have been his character quest. the reveal about what celene did, and deciding if you want to side with her, briala, or gaspard? could have been a big choice similar to the landsmeet with in actual game context on what's going on instead of having to have purchase and read a separate piece of dragon age content. felassan could have been a party companion, and solas cold feel more like an ominous built up to villain, or you could have still had solas as a companion and you met him through felassan? solas's betrayal not just being he just fucks off for two years with no explanation, but that he kills another party member (felassan) and then fucks off so your character can have more reason to have complicated feelings on him without the elven god reveal
you could also better center the player characters origins and not just be like Some Guy from elsewhere everyone worships now and actually have a reason to care about what's going on beyond 'i don't want to die'. you could have been a circle mage, or a city elf in orlais, or your noble background as a human could Mean something by giving you a leg up in the politics, or-
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andrastespyre · 2 months
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This is one of the Dragon Age takes of all time
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andrastespyre · 2 months
So depending on how complex non-awakened darkspawn communication is, i want to see them have a linguistic distinction between their alphas and the dwarven/human/elven commanders, but only if uniquely among the non-darkspawn military leaders, Warden-Commanders are referred to as alphas instead of commanders
The Wardens and the darkspawn are kin, and the darkspawn know it
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