andrew-j-hoskins · 7 years
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Being a dad is fun...
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andrew-j-hoskins · 7 years
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Being a dad is fun...
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andrew-j-hoskins · 7 years
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Being a dad is fun...
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andrew-j-hoskins · 7 years
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Being a dad is fun. :-) 
0 notes
andrew-j-hoskins · 8 years
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Just found out the title for Star Wars episode 9
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andrew-j-hoskins · 9 years
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Never too early to get your ship on.  
(This is a slight update to an earlier posting)
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andrew-j-hoskins · 9 years
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Diggle isn’t the only one surprised by Andy’s return..
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andrew-j-hoskins · 9 years
The one day of the year when parents encourage their kids to take candy from strangers.
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andrew-j-hoskins · 9 years
In the Arrow elevator
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andrew-j-hoskins · 9 years
A dude’s review 4x2
Episode one gave us all that we might want from a season premier.  
There was joy!
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There was frustration!
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There was excitement!
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There were surprises!
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And there was mystery!
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After all of that, is it any wonder that episode two might have felt like a bit of a letdown?  Well it wasn’t really a letdown per se, but I guess we really couldn’t expect it to be another premier.  I mean you have to have some set-up episodes too, right?
That being said, maybe I was hoping for more because Wednesday was my birthday.  On that note, please allow me to provide some timely jokes about my age…
I’m so old that when I was in school, we did not need a history class.  We called it Current Events.
I’m so old that my social security number is 4.
I’m so old that if I act my age, there is a slight chance that I might die.
Should I be worried that my birth certificate has expired?
Back to important stuff. It’s easy to nitpick at the things in Arrow episodes that bother me, and I will get to several items shortly, but let me take a moment to say that most of what the writers do is Awesome!  I mean, why else would we keep watching the show.   So, that being said, it’s great to be part of a fandom that is able to analyze and critique this show so intelligently, but let’s always remember that they are doing a great job!
The opening fight scene was done very well and I absolutely loved the side conversation between Oliver and Felicity.  It was definitely a throw-back to seasons 1 and 2.   One thing that did kind of stand out to me though was that the fight seemed too easy for team Arrow.  This makes me certain that the team will not last the season.  There will be changes, if nothing else, because the show is still called, “Arrow” and the focus will eventually turn back more to the lead character.  If Oliver has too much help, we lose some of the suspense.  We need to feel like he can fail in order to get the same jubilation for when he does not.
I like that the team learned how to get along without Oliver over the summer and have made great strides as a team.  It’s not like they suddenly started working as a team just because Oliver and Felicity are back.  For this reason, I can understand Laurel being able to get Diggle to talk with her. However, when did she become the team shrink?  Maybe they are taking advantage of her attorney / client confidentiality privilege.
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On that note, don’t hate me people, but I think Dig and Oliver need to remain at odds for much of this season.  Let’s get past the fact that Oliver did not trust Dig enough to bring him in on the plan to take down Ra’s last season.  Let’s ignore that Oliver kidnapped Dig’s wife and put his child in danger…  As long as Oliver is on the outs with Digs, I don’t think the writers will mess with Olicity. They can’t let Oliver be completely happy.  There would be no drama.  So, for all of us Olicity fans, we need Oliver and Dig to maintain their tension. It’s the same old story again.
Speaking of old, I can remember when rainbows were only in black and white.
I’m so old; Indiana Jones keeps trying to break into my house.
Did anyone else notice that Digs has been shooting baddies in the chest, Laurel threw a dude off of a very high structure, and Oliver shot two guys in the chest to get to the bomb they were trying to disarm at the beginning of the episode, yet Thea was the one he was worried about killing someone?!  Okay, I can get him not wanting her to have blood on her hands, but if he may want to hand that conversation over to Felicity, cause his credibility is suspect at best.  
Let’s talk about the villains for a bit.  I actually liked this week’s villain.  He had a Joker kind of feel to him.  He was calculating, but a bit demented and unpredictable.  I would like to see this guy more and I’m guessing we will.  A team up with him and Slade would be very interesting.  
Now it’s time to point out Oliver’s oblivious moment of the week.  I’m surprised he hasn’t already figured out how to stop Dhark.  I mean, all he has to do is think about what was going on 5 years ago.  “Let’s see, 5 years ago, I was on the island….again…. There were military guys there… again… I infiltrated their camp… again.  Hmmm what were they looking for?  Oh yeah, a magic root that can only be defeated on a full moon in May.”  See, now he can just sit back and chill for a few months and then stop Dhark in May.  
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seriously though, I think that the way Oliver is going to have to go about defeating Dhark is to make him mad.  Dhark seems to be very big on respect, honor, and people doing things his way.  It really appears to be a struggle with him to keep his composure.  So all Oliver really needs to do is completely disrespect him.  You know, TP his house or something.  That’s the oldest trick in the book… and since was on the subject of old…
I am so old, that when I sing “London Bridge is falling down”; it’s a first-hand account of the incident.
I remember when the Dead Sea was only feeling a little unwell.
Just two more topics – As a man that has been in a management roll for over a decade now, I can tell you that having to fire someone is the worst part of the job.  It has never been the least bit enjoyable to have to let someone go, so I can totally understand why Felicity would try her hardest to find a way to save the jobs of the people at her company. However, there is no way in hell that the CEO of a major company would be directly involved with firing people that did not report directly to her.  That bugged me a bit.  I do think there is going to be some new drama at work though.  I firmly believe that there will be an attempt by the board to oust Felicity.  Of course, Ray will come back just in time to save the day.
Now it’s time to wrap this entry up on a high note and start a new section where I will rate my certainty on who will be dead in six months.  The higher the percentage, the more likely they will be the dead one.
Quentin Lance 87% - teaming up with the baddie, this just screams self-sacrifice
Thea Queen 79% - well, she died once already… she’s had practice
Random character not part of team arrow 50% - Oliver just didn’t have the anger I would have expected for someone close.
Laurel Lance 20% - I just don’t buy it
Felicity Smoak 8% - Extremely unlikely based on that cemetery scene alone
John Diggle 7% - He is still Oliver’s conscious, not likely at all
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andrew-j-hoskins · 9 years
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andrew-j-hoskins · 9 years
A dude’s review 4 x 1
Soooooooooo.... how was your summer?  Uh huh... yep... oh SHUT UP! Arrow is back on!
Like all of the rest of you, I was watching season 4 episode 1 of Arrow last night and trying my hardest to keep my thoughts to myself so that my wife wouldn’t ban me from watching it with her again like last season.  
I am very interested in what will happen this season as I have a theory about television shows.  The even seasons (2, 4, 6, etc) are always better than the odd ones.  This held true with Star Trek movies too.  In any case, I believe that any television show that can make it to the 5th season must have been at least a half-way decent show and a good season four is critical to getting a season five.
Spoiler Alert from here on.  (as if any of you didn’t watch the episode)
Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room first - the grave site scene.  I know it was the end of the episode, but other than Oliver getting ready to propose to Felicity, it was the biggest thing on the show.  Who’s dead?  Why did they make sure not to show Oliver’s ring finger? Why did they make sure to bring in Barry for that scene? Well, I don’t know who is dead, but I’m certain that they tried to set it up to make us believe that it is Felicity, and they did not show the ring hand to keep us further in the dark.
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I, for one, am not buying it.  For starters, Oliver would be way more upset, and actually would have already taken Dahrk out or been taken out himself before the funeral ever happened.  My guess is it will be a lesser used character.  Possibly his son or the mother of his son.  Either way, pretty good cliff-hanger to start the season.
Now as for the rest of the episode - gotta say I loved the beginning.  I’m actually a little disappointed that they leaked the jogging and domestic scenes for Olicity ahead of time now.  But when he showed the ring,...
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Olicity fans were all like...
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But then the writers effectively proved to me again that they truly want Olicity shippers to hate Laurel Lance, cause guess who showed up and completely cock-blocked the proposal?
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And if that wasn’t bad enough, she brought Thea in on it too.  That being said, Thea is another strong candidate for death.
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So, in a bit of a different stretch, they decided to introduce the main baddie in the first episode of the season as opposed to making us wait for half a season to meet him.  Bravo on making the change.  However, other than Dhark showing that he could fight, what the hell was up with his hygiene and other issues?! Dude seriously needs some Purell or something, cause I don’t know what he’s got on his hands, but it must be NASTY!
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He also apparently needs a laxative, cause his old school methods of slicing his arm didn’t appear to be working.
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Oh yeah, the twist of bringing Lance as an accomplice was a seriously bold move by the writers.  I did not see that coming at all!  Bravo for the third time writers!!!!
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That of course makes Detective.. uh Captain.. wait City counsel... (what the hell is his job now anyway?) Well it makes him a candidate for death too.
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Not sure I liked Dig’s helmet, but I totally liked his no-nonsense approach of kill the bad guys.  His aim was pretty much on target every time he shot.  On that note though, you would think that highly paid mercenary groups like the Hive would hire people other than the A-team to train their thugs.  Those guys unloaded with everything they had and couldn’t hit shit.  If they fell out of a boat, I doubt they would have hit water.
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Just can’t get good help these days, I guess.  Anyway, good episode and looking forward to another great season!
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andrew-j-hoskins · 9 years
It begins...
So here is my wife’s favorite ship, (no surprise) “Olicity”
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and my daughter’s current favorite ship....”Robian”
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Can’t imagine where she gets it
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andrew-j-hoskins · 9 years
Getting closer to football season - make your commitment and then challenge someone else to do the same.  Do you know a hard core football fan that feels that their team is the best - get them to back it up with a commitment to an autism related charity.
Sack Autism
Hi all - I am hoping to get a movement started this football season.  The goal is to help as many autism related charities as possible by increasing donations to them.
Here’s how it works, go to the below linked Facebook page or use the twitter handle @sackaustim and make a commitment to donate $x amount of dollars to the autism charity of your choice whenever your favorite football team, college or pro, sacks the other team’s quarterback!  Then, once you have made your commitment, challenge a friend to do the same.  
Do you know a die hard fan for a school or pro team - challenge them to put their money where their mouth is.  It’s a win for everyone, well, maybe not the quarterbacks.  
I am committing $1 to Surfers Healing every time the University of Tennessee Volunteers sack a quarterback this season - what team and charily will you commit to?
We can make difference!  Please help me get this movement started by reposting as much as possible before the football season starts!
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andrew-j-hoskins · 9 years
Thank you  Jbuffy and Tall and Feisty!!!!  We can make a difference!
Sack Autism
Hi all, as you all know most of my posts are all in good fun and focused on my thoughts and insights regarding Arrow and Olicity.   
I am also the father of a beautiful nine-year-old girl that has autism.  If you know anyone that deals with autism or has a family that is dealing with autism, please read on and help me get the word out on this idea.  Thanks in advance!
I am hoping to get a movement started this football season.  The goal is to help as many autism related charities as possible by increasing donations to them.
Here’s how it works, go to the below linked Facebook page or use the twitter handle @sackaustim and make a commitment to donate $x amount of dollars to the autism charity of your choice whenever your favorite football team, college or pro, sacks the other team’s quarterback!  Then, once you have made your commitment, challenge a friend to do the same.  
Do you know a die hard fan for a school or pro team - challenge them to put their money where their mouth is.  It’s a win for everyone, well, maybe not the quarterbacks.  
I am committing $1 to Surfers Healing every time the University of Tennessee Volunteers sack a quarterback this season - what team and charily will you commit to?
We can make difference!  Please help me get this movement started by reposting as much as possible before the football season starts!
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andrew-j-hoskins · 9 years
Yeah carly2118h!!!!!!  Way to get things started!!!!  I’m sure your local respite care provider will appreciate your support.
Sack Autism
Hi all, as you all know most of my posts are all in good fun and focused on my thoughts and insights regarding Arrow and Olicity.   
I am also the father of a beautiful nine-year-old girl that has autism.  If you know anyone that deals with autism or has a family that is dealing with autism, please read on and help me get the word out on this idea.  Thanks in advance!
I am hoping to get a movement started this football season.  The goal is to help as many autism related charities as possible by increasing donations to them.
Here’s how it works, go to the below linked Facebook page or use the twitter handle @sackaustim and make a commitment to donate $x amount of dollars to the autism charity of your choice whenever your favorite football team, college or pro, sacks the other team’s quarterback!  Then, once you have made your commitment, challenge a friend to do the same.  
Do you know a die hard fan for a school or pro team - challenge them to put their money where their mouth is.  It’s a win for everyone, well, maybe not the quarterbacks.  
I am committing $1 to Surfers Healing every time the University of Tennessee Volunteers sack a quarterback this season - what team and charily will you commit to?
We can make difference!  Please help me get this movement started by reposting as much as possible before the football season starts!
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andrew-j-hoskins · 9 years
Sack Autism
Hi all, as you all know most of my posts are all in good fun and focused on my thoughts and insights regarding Arrow and Olicity.   
I am also the father of a beautiful nine-year-old girl that has autism.  If you know anyone that deals with autism or has a family that is dealing with autism, please read on and help me get the word out on this idea.  Thanks in advance!
I am hoping to get a movement started this football season.  The goal is to help as many autism related charities as possible by increasing donations to them.
Here’s how it works, go to the below linked Facebook page or use the twitter handle @sackaustim and make a commitment to donate $x amount of dollars to the autism charity of your choice whenever your favorite football team, college or pro, sacks the other team’s quarterback!  Then, once you have made your commitment, challenge a friend to do the same.  
Do you know a die hard fan for a school or pro team - challenge them to put their money where their mouth is.  It’s a win for everyone, well, maybe not the quarterbacks.  
I am committing $1 to Surfers Healing every time the University of Tennessee Volunteers sack a quarterback this season - what team and charily will you commit to?
We can make difference!  Please help me get this movement started by reposting as much as possible before the football season starts!
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