anerdykat · 6 months
Also a Chicagoan, in my experience, it’s rude in the Midwest not to start a conversation with strangers with some form of a “how are you?” This is not an invitation to answer the question. The polite answers are good day, bad day, or fine, and move on, unless you know them *very* well because it’s polite to listen to the answer but you don’t want to waste the asker’s time.
Natalie Portman being confused by the fact that you have to say “hi” to someone before starting a conversation in France got me like ?????
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anerdykat · 1 year
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anerdykat · 1 year
Reminder that “Karen” was originally a term used to describe a racist white woman who used her societal position and portrayal to motivate an attack on a Black person or people.
the state of tiktok skits about having a rude customer is getting out of control i just saw one from a pharmacist and the whole skit was like someone comes in and goes “you shorted me on pills” and the pharmacist goes “no we didn’t you can see on the prescription it said to give you this many” and the patient goes “well i usually get more so i’m gonna call my doctor about this” like how is that customer being unreasonable or a karen or whatever
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anerdykat · 1 year
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Hey yeah in the midst of all the hype and the strikes, can we PLEASE fucking talk about this
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anerdykat · 2 years
I’m so happy for you!
I was diagnosed with hEDS when I was 16, but my doctor never told me. I didn’t know until I was going through my medical files by hand and came across it when I was 25.
Officially got an hEDS diagnosis!
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anerdykat · 2 years
No idea if anyone can relate to this, but my Dad has a severe peanut allergy and so from birth I was taught to never cross-contaminate the peanut butter. It always got its own utensil. It’s been 10 years since I lived with my Dad and I still panic when I see someone put the peanut butter knife in a jelly jar.
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anerdykat · 2 years
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anerdykat · 2 years
Me: “I’m borrowing spoons to complete this move”
My mother: “What spoons? Why would you need spoons?”
Me: “Never mind.”
Note: I have explained spoon theory before.
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anerdykat · 2 years
I also want to note that telling a disabled person that “being negative” is somehow bad is ableist and patronizing. It’s telling the disabled person that they’re not allowed to be in a bad mood, which everyone should be allowed to do.
I'm not "giving up" or "being negative" I'm adjusting to my reality - which is actually a lot healthier than repeatedly pushing myself past my limits and then getting mad at myself when it doesn't work.
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anerdykat · 2 years
I laughed at my own grandfather’s funeral. He was a WW2 veteran and died in May. One 21 gun salute later, there were a dozen terrified honking geese overhead flying away from the guns. I held it in as long as I could, but eventually cracked and burst out laughing
i think the worst thing ive ever done in my entire life was when i was 13 and on dA i replied with “zomg kira!!!! O.o” to someone informing me that their grandmother had a heart attack and died.
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anerdykat · 2 years
To the stranger who stopped his car, got out, crouched down like he was talking to a dog, and tried to push my chair even though I repeatedly told him “no”… you couldn’t have been creepier.
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anerdykat · 2 years
Accessible bathrooms are more than just “a big stall”
There are a lot of disabled people. And a lot of disabilities. Therefore, there are a lot of ways to make a bathroom accessible.
An actually accessible bathroom would have:
A large amount of space that can accommodate mobility aids, medical equipment, a personal care assistant, and/or a service animal.
Sturdy grab bars around the toilet.
An emergency pulls string that calls EMS if a disabled person has fallen and injured themselves (this is common in the UK).
An adult changing table.
A trash can for medical-related waste, such as catheters, -ostomy bags, etc.
A safe sharps-disposal bin.
Floors that aren’t slippery.
And tbh, there’s probably more things that can be made accessible. But those are the bare minimum.
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anerdykat · 3 years
“It’s not 300”- my mother after I was asked how bad my migraine pain was while I was being admitted to the ER. it was so bad, a blood vessel in my eye burst.
did your parents use "growing pains" as a catchall to dismiss any and all pain you felt your entire childhood or are you normal
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anerdykat · 3 years
I would take you out on a carnival day you bat loving cutie (signed a rat loving lesBEAN)
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anerdykat · 3 years
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anerdykat · 3 years
Alexa (and other equivalent devices) is also easily hackable from outside of your network which makes it much easier for hackers to steal your identity, credit card info, etc.
I’m absolutely not against robits in the home, I think the possibilities are really cool but like… Alright actually, here’s a side by side comparison: 
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anerdykat · 3 years
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colorblind pride flag just dropped
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