angstydays · 2 months
i just want to say that i genuinely love your writing so much. every fic you post is like a full course meal
Awww thank you :DDD that means a lot
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angstydays · 7 months
The rewritten version of my Kamisato Swap AU.
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angstydays · 7 months
Crying because I thought Commisioner!Ayaka and Lumine is an actual thing and I found nothing about it.
My girls deserve that au about them
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angstydays · 9 months
OK U DONT NEED TO REPLY TO THIS BUT I GENUINELY LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH 😭😭😭 idk if we were supposed to answer those questions that u left us somewhere else but idfk anymore so whatever
1) I feel like mondstadt would be a lot more comfortable for Ayato because of his feelings towards the fatui (that psycho blonde lady was part of the fatui, right??? 😭) I feel like mondstadt is a much more peaceful place than somewhere overrun with fatui members. I feel like the snow and cold outdoors of snezhaya would just remind him of when he tried to run away.
2) I feel like diluc would try to get Ayato back to Inazuma asap, whilst childe would start treating Ayato like family or maybe an apprentice of sorts. If he were taken under childes wing, Ayato would probably start fighting for the fatui in some way. I think that would be a really interesting plot but it would probably be unnecessary in the overall plot of the story.
3) if diluc were chosen, I think Ayato would probably be affiliated with the nights of favonius in some way. I don’t think he would be in a position where he would have to fight, because of everything he witnessed and went through in that fortress. If childe were chosen, I think ayato would probably be convinced by childe to fight or something along the lines of that. Maybe he would work for the fatui? I think that would be a very interesting way for ayaka to find her long lost brother- maybe during a battle? I feel like no matter who takes care of him, it would be earth-shattering to have Ayaka find out ayato is even still alive through a business deal or something.
4) for visions, i was thinking anemo or electro (maybe cryo??. But ayaka already got a cryo vision sooooo) I feel like if ayato enters mondstadt an anemo vision would make more sense since it is the city of freedom.. therefore he would feel free.. hence the anemo vision.. I’m not sure about an electro vision since it’s a vision for social outcasts and such, but I think ayato could possibly feel like an outcast because of what happened in that fortress. He could maybe start to feel like he is alone in everything because of it- but in the way he has been written so far in the story leads me to think that he is just in denial. Trying not to think about what has happened, like his parents corpses rotting in his cell for probably a prolonged amount of time.
I am so late in answering this but thank you for reading and your answers to the questions!! ^^ I'm so glad you're enjoying the story and hope you continue to do so ^^
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angstydays · 9 months
Poll thing
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angstydays · 2 years
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Click and drag or screenshot to see who you end up with this Valentine’s Day 🥰
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angstydays · 2 years
Second work for the Ayalumi BigBang on twitter
Is There Beauty in Tragedy?
Artist: lio @liohnne on twitter
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angstydays · 2 years
First work for the @AyalumiBang on twitter ! Thank you to the mods, fellow participants and the artists I worked with for this to happen!
Harmony's Collapse
Kaylan (first artist) @fanficwolf105
Ribbon (second artist) @Ribbon_nyao on twitter!
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angstydays · 2 years
Requested by: @talesofmetalandmagic
Prompt: Dislocated Joint
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters involved: Pantalone, Rosaria
Additional notes: Based on a headcanon that Rosaria is Pantalone's daughter
Summary: Pantalone is betrayed by some subordinates.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
All he had to do was deal with the unexpected emergency in Mondstadt and leave, that was it.
Being ambushed by a few traitorous subordinates was not on the agenda.
Of course, he managed to handle them easily, being the Ninth of the Fatui Harbingers, but they weren't slouches when it came to fighting either.
And that became glaringly obvious when he felt extreme pain in his leg, causing him to fall on his back, a hiss escaping him. He gripped his weapon tightly, looking up to see that the agent who was responsible for delivering the blow was right above him.
"Not as powerful as you thought?" He mocked, beginning to kneel down with his knife when Pantalone knocked him away with his weapon, the agent stumbling back from the attack.
Pantalone took this as an opportunity to quickly analyze his injury, sitting up to properly look at it. Despite his leg being thoroughly covered by garments, he can still see that the joint in his leg was out of place, disfigured.
Ah, he had a dislocated leg. That would prove to make this fight more difficult than he once thought, considering the fact that he won't be able to walk much less stand up.
The agent recovered from the earlier assault and looked up at him, a glare likely on his face behind the mask. Flaming blades circled around him, a clear sign that he was about to utilize his limited invisibility. He couldn't get close, even if he wanted to with his bad leg, and besides, having burn marks would not fair well for him either.
He would have to predict where he was going to be once the invisibility wore off.
Pantalone tightened his grip on his weapon, prepared for the moment the agent to turn invisible.
He wasn't prepared for the moment when a large, Cryo made spear was thrusted down onto the ground, nearly skewering the agent, but it did make him tumble down onto the ground, his flaming blades disappearing as a cold aura emnanted from the spear, threatening to freeze anyone who dared to get close to it.
In the next moment, a woman appeared with a polearm in her hands, pointing it directly at the agent's neck, her foot on his back for good measure. Her dark pink hair was shorter than before, and her skin showed no signs of turning blue from the chilling breaths of frost from the Cryo spear.
Pantalone knew that hair colour, as well as the face, though aged, was still the same as the little girl he tried so desperately to raise.
There was no way this could be true. She was gone for so many years and despite thinking otherwise, he had small hope that someday she would return to him, or he would find her again.
His wishes have long since been rejected by the gods, another reason why he did not believe in them.
He watched as Rosaria used the butt of her polearm to smack at the agent's head, knocking him out if the lack of movement from him afterwards was any indication. She did it without any consideration or remorse, her heart must've been as cold as her Cryo Vision by now.
Her gaze locked onto Pantalone's, no signs of recognizing her father were in her body language or expression.
"Even Harbingers can get backstabbed by their so-called loyal subordinates, huh?" Rosaria said, walking over to him, still keeping her polearm in her grip.
Pantalone soon found his voice again, the need to know the worst or best case scenario overwhelming him.
"Rosaria, is that you?"
She was confused, her eyes narrowing on him. Once she was close enough, she knelt down and made sure he could see the entirety of her gaze, her weapon ready to strike at a moment's notice.
"I'm sorry, have we met before? Because I don't recall having any contact with the Ninth of the Fatui Harbingers."
Pantalone thought he had experienced a parent's worst nightmare when the village was attacked and Rosaria was nowhere to be found once the everything had settled. But this kind of pain rivaled that moment.
"You don't recognize me?"
"Frankly, no. Except for when I saw you in Mondstadt earlier today." Rosaria looked down on him, examining every detail of his body. "Got a dislocated joint on the job? Surprising, considering your status."
Pantalone decided it would be best to choose his words carefully, until he could find a way to remind his daughter of who he was.
He didn't care how long it would take, he's not leaving Mondstadt without at least reminding his little girl of who he is.
I never got to tell you that I loved you one last time, never got to say goodbye, never got to see you grow up into the woman you are now. Is Mondstadt treating you well? Is there anything I can do to make you happy?
Would you be willing to come to Snezhnaya with me?
"Y'know, I could just leave you here. It would be impossible to move with that kind of leg." Rosaria said, getting up. "However, I sense that you would be useful in a certain operation the Knights of Favonius are on. Could use the help, those bumbling fools."
Pantalone, under normal circumstances, would've been spouting out some well used words to weasel his way out of this kind of situation, or at least lower the other person's guard to get them when they turn their back to him. But this was his daughter, whether or not she recognized him.
Rosaria grabbed a nearby branch, using it to make it into a makeshift splint to his leg. He made sure to keep himself quiet during the process, though a few inevitable winces managed to slip through his teeth. In place of bandages was his own jacket, although it wasn't like he needed it here in a warm nation like Mondstadt, though the winds could get merciless at times, like Barbatos knows he had set foot upon his land and wanted to personally punish him for that.
"There. Good to see that you did not allow yourself to squeal." She said, before lifting him into her arms, her polearm forgotten.
If there's one thing I can say, is that my little girl has grown stronger in all these years.
"I'm not going to do the explaining. You have to do everything yourself once we get back to the city."
Pantalone didn't particularly cared, and knew he would get an earful by his fellow Harbingers and the Tsaritsa later, but his daughter took priority over anything else at the moment.
He wasn't going to lose her a second time.
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angstydays · 2 years
(note I am so sorry for being so late to respond to this T_T)
Requested by: @poisedava
Prompt: Near Death Experience
Fandom: Pokémon
Characters involved: Cynthia, Lucian, Flint
Summary: A simple Pokemon battle turned deadly which nearly resulted in the death of a Champion.
Achieving the rank of Champion took dedication, hard work and taking care of your Pokémon.
These were Cynthia's thoughts when she took the title for herself and continued to keep it throughout the years, watching as challengers come and fight with all they can and feel the rush of adrenaline and excitement that she felt in her bout against the previous champion.
These battles would end with her defeating their last Pokémon and more often than not a speech would be spoken to her about how they would train even harder to beat her one day.
Cynthia would smile and wish them luck, patiently waiting for the day of their rematch.
Of course, not all battles end with cordial farewells. There were times when opponents had...less than pleasant reactions to losing. Some were subtle about it, while others were explosive and oftentimes they would try to get their fainted Pokémon to straight up attack her, but those attempts got thwarted by nearby trainers or guards since most of her battles take place in public places.
This time however, that wasn't the case.
She had decided to take the trip to Snowpoint City to check on Candice after the gym leader had urgently called her to ask her to help investigate some mysterious attacks that have been happening to the residents. The Pokémon Center in the city was getting crowded and ships can't always come to deliver supplies, so they need to resolve the problem as soon as possible.
She made it about halfway through the snowy routes to the city when she was stopped by a passing trainer who was insistent on battling her. She tried to decline, having much more important matters to take care of, but soon caved in after it was clear that the trainer would not go away without a challenge.
Things were smooth sailing throughout the battle, and it ended with Cynthia securing her victory as always.
But after the trainer's last Pokémon had fallen, the glint in their eyes changed, so sudden and so quick. Before, they appeared to just be looking for a good battle, but now, after their loss, they seem to become a completely different person..
Cynthia took notice of this and decided to leave Garchomp out of its Pokeball for a while longer, just to be on the safe side as she called out to the trainer.
All of a sudden, they lunged at her, letting out a battle cry as several other trainers appear out of the shadows, their Pokémon ready to attack.
She and her Pokémon fought as hard as they could, but with the amount of trainers present and their own Pokémon powerful in their own way, things started to go bad.
Just as the battle started to shift in her favour, an avalanche fell from the snowy mountains. Due to the cacophony of sound from the fighting, it was barely heard as it headed for all of them. And she was careless enough to be caught in it.
And now she's here, buried underneath piles of cold snow, slowly but surely freezing to death as her limbs begin to lose functionality and her mind begins to fade away.
To die a dishonourable death... quite unfitting for a champion like herself.
But there wasn't anything she can do now. She felt herself slipping away under the harsh cold, feeling hopeless and useless as her eyes closed.
Her heart was slowing down as voices were heard from above the snow, a light beginning to consume her.
Cynthia let out a groan as she dragged her eyes open, finding a bright light above her that caused her to shut them again. Her entire body ached, feeling as if she slept for years, warmth enveloping her.
Is she dead? She didn't think the afterlife hurt like this.
"Cynthia! You're awake!" A voice called out, a very familiar voice in fact.
And that gave her the motivation to try and keep her eyes open this time, looking to see Lucian and Flint above her.
"We were worried you wouldn't wake up after that avalanche." Lucian muttered.
"What happened?" Cynthia internally berated herself for how scratchy and raspy her voice sounded. She was supposed to be a champion, and they don't sound like this.
Flint was the one to answer her question, as she barely registered that his Flareon was nuzzling against her, explaining the warmth she felt earlier. "Candice went out of Snowpoint to meet you halfway, and she found you under that pile of snow. She managed to get you back to the city to warm you up and contact us."
"Ah..." Cynthia murmured, mentally reminding herself to thank her for her assistance. If it weren't for her, she would've actually met Arcues.
"Go back to sleep. You'll need to rest a lot after that." Lucian advised.
Too tired to protest, Cynthia closed her eyes again, knowing that when she drifts back to sleep, it won't be permanent.
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angstydays · 2 years
Hi!! In case you have an idea for this: genshin impact, kazuha (and maybe beidou) x taking you with me from the bingo!!
Greetings and hope your’e having an amazing day!
Sorry I forgot to answer this >_<
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angstydays · 2 years
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Requested by: Anonymous
Prompt: Taking You With Me
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters involved: Kaedehara Kazuha, Fatui Skirmishers, Cicin Mages, Fatui Agent
Summary: Kazuha has a bad run in with the Fatui.
Kazuha walked along the shore of Nazuchi Beach, the night sky and moonlight shining down on him, the winds calming and soothing. A smile was on his face, thinking about the day he had prior to this moment.
He had just visited a few old friends in Inazuma, taking the chance to reconnect with them after his time away from his homeland. The activities they did and the conversations they shared were unforgettable to him. As much as he would like to stay and continue making memories with them, he knew that his true calling was being a wanderer and visiting the world, and as such tomorrow was to be his last day of his visit. Of course, he would still come back ever now and again, just not too often and for not too long.
His thoughts were soon interrupted when he heard a rough voice behind him.
"There he is."
As the voice belonging to the man was unknown to him, Kazuha instinctively went for his blade and turned around to find two Fatui Skirmishers and a Cryo Cicin Mage, with the supposed leader being a Geobracer and likely the one who spoke out the words he heard just now.
"Oh come on, you blew our cover when you said that!" The Electro Vanguard berated, a growl present in his voice, presumably and justifiably angry about being caught, glaring at the Geobracer.
"What do you wish to do with me?" Kazuha demanded, ignoring the comment the Vanguard made. His hand griped his sword tight as he drew it, prepared for a fight to break out at any second.
The Cicin Mage took over speaking with him, a callous smirk on her face. "I believe you don't need an answer to that, little boy."
"Alright enough chit chat. Let's have some fun, shall we?" The Geobracer said, firing crystals at him while the other two acted, with the Vanguard charging in his direction and the Cicin Mage summoning Cryo Cicins.
Kazuha swiftly dodged the hazards they threw at him, managing to get out of the hammer's way before he got crushed by it, deciding to focus on the two enemies that are capable of disappearing and reappearing at will.
As expected when he went to slash at them, they vanished temporarily and he could hear them reappearing somewhere around the beach. He turned to see where they are now when he felt a stinging sensation cut his back, amplified by the fact that it was infused in Pyro.
A strangled cry involuntarily came out from him as he stumbled forward and soon lost his balance when he felt himself being turned around and pushed onto the ground, a boot stomped onto his chest to stop him from getting back up. With him in this position, the Cicin Mage and Geobracer took away his sword and Vision, leaving him defenseless.
"That was easier than I thought." The Fatui Agent that had harmed his back said, smugly. "You're coming with us, kid."
"What do you wish to do with me?" Kazuha questioned, voice trembling, trying hard to not make it obvious that he was scared.
He thought he had abandoned that immature version of himself long ago, but it still lingered within him.
"Awww, look at him. He's scared!" The Cicin Mage cackled. "Don't worry, it's nothing permanent." She leaned down, as if wanting to have a closer look at the fear on his face.
"Alright, get the kid unconscious. We can't afford to alert anyone about this." The Geobracer advised, turning his head up to someone else who seems to be behind him.
That was the last thing Kazuha heard before something collided with his head and blacking out.
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angstydays · 2 years
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Requested by: @poisedava​
Prompt: Tortured for Information
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters involved: Scaramouche, Treasure Hoarders
Summary: Even the Sixth of the Harbingers can have off days like these.
It was embarrassing to see that Number Six of the Fatui Harbingers, known to be feared and respected amongst the Fatui, would succumb to a faction like the Treasure Hoarders.
Then again, getting thrown off a cliff at a non-lethal height and blacking out seems like a justifiable excuse to be in this situation in the first place, for literally any other person in the world that is.
He should've been more cautious when fighting, he was careless and look where he ended up because of it.
"Looky here boys, we got ourselves a big catch!" One of the Treasure Hoarders exclaimed as Scaramouche came to his senses, the blurry image of a potioneer specializing in Cryo appearing as his eyes adjusted.
"The Balladeer huh? Thought we'd get a bigger fight out of this pipsqueak!" Another one of them said, seemingly boasting about their victory over him.
Scaramouche scowled. How dare they insult him like that? He would teach these brutes a lesson if it weren't for the lingering ache in his body and the fact that he felt rope securing his hands behind his back, tied down to a chair. He couldn't feel where his Vision should be, likely having been taken off his person when he had been defeated.
"Ya think we can ransom this boy? He'd make us a whole lotta Mora for sure! The Fatui won't be able to resist getting their Harbinger back!"
Typical move for the Treasure Hoarders. Mora seems to be on their damn minds every single day of the week. Besides, there's no way he's sitting around helpless, not only would that likely damage his creditability as a Harbinger, but also because he's not giving these guys the satisfaction of exploiting him for cheap ways to make Mora.
"You know, why stop there? We have a Harbinger at our disposal. You know what that means, don't you boys?" A more feminine voice entered the area, as a woman wearing a hood and some Treasure Hoarder style clothing and an Anemo Vision hanging by her belt stopped in front of him with a devious smile as all the other Hoarders gave out a collective gasp. "What an honour it would be to tear out some information from your lips."
Scaramouche scoffed at her claim. "My lips won't say a thing."
"Going the hard way I see." The woman, who seems to be the leader of this batch of Treasure Hoarders, looked over her shoulder and snapped her fingers. "My hammer please."
Her lackeys agreed and ran off to find her weapon of choice as she herself leaned closer to him, close enough that it's considered uncomfortable.
"I'm giving you one chance to make this easy for both of us. Cooperation is better than seeing what I can do to those who disobey me."
Scaramouche honestly couldn't believe what this lady is saying, thinking that he, the Balladeer, would cower before her like a dog. He didn't get this position by mere chance.
"You have no idea who're you're dealing with, lowly scum."
"Got quite a mouth for someone who got recognized by the Tsaritsa herself." The lady smirked. "I'm going to have a great time breaking you apart while we await for hard earned Mora to come our way."
"Madam, here's your hammer. Do you want some elemental potions to splash onto this kid?" The other hoarders returned, the supposed muscleman of the group carrying a heavy looking and well crafted hammer over his shoulder. The potioneers were all too eager to give up their potions over to the woman, as if they were blindly loyal to her.
"Of course. Dinner will start early for you all once you finish a message for the Fatui that we have their oh so precious Harbinger. Allow me to have some fun first." The leader's sickeningly malicious grin grew as she took the potions into her arms given from the hoarders, watching as they ran off afterwards. She turned back to Scaramouche and placed the potions down on the ground, just near enough for her to grab, but far enough to prevent him from taking it himself, not that he could anyway.
"Now then, first question. How did you get the rank of Harbinger?" Twirling the hammer in her hands, the supposed leader demanded.
"What? You planning on joining the Fatui? They won't accept people like you." Scaramouche thought that she would want to know the very inner workings of the organization, not how to achieve his position. Then again, it does make sense for greedy and senseless people like the Treasure Hoarders.
"That's not my question."
Clicking her tongue, annoyed by his answer as her smirk turned into a frown she slammed the hammer down onto his leg as hard as she could, forcing out a hiss of pain from him, only muffled from him grinding his teeth against the sudden explosion of agony.
"So you're not immune to pain after all. Interesting." The woman tapped a finger to her lips in fascination and glee at managing to draw out a reaction from the Balladeer. "Now then, if you don't wish for me to do that again, then best answer the question, little boy."
"What did you just call me?"
"A little boy."
Again, because of his inability to give a satisfactory response, though he wasn't planning on giving her any information anyway, she brought the hammer down on his already hurt leg again, a more audible wince dragged out of him.
"I'm a very patient woman, little boy. We can be here all day if you wish to be uncooperative, and that's just sad...for you at least. I'm having the time of my life right now, but I do want some form of intel to come out of you to make this trip worthwhile."
"Dream on, not even one bit of information will come from me."
She stayed silent for a while before her frown turned upside down. "...you know, I've always wanted to see how Swirl reactions work inside a body. Luckily for me, I have a few elemental potions to try out."
This caught Scaramouche's attention, knowing full well of what elemental reactions can do in a person's body. His time in the Fatui taught him that and he certainly wasn't going to be a victim of such.
As the woman was putting down her hammer to pick up the potions, Scaramouche used his bound feet that are thankfully not tied to the chair to kick her away from the bottles, knocking her away and leaving the Electro user to kick the potions to the side, smashing them and spilling the elemental properties onto the ground. It wasn't much as he knew that the potioneers would definitely make more but it would provide him more time to find a way to escape from this embarrassing situation.
The Treasure Hoarder did not take it too lightly at seeing that the potions were effectively wasted this time around, as she got up with a hand clutching the side of her that was smacked with a look that could kill.
"You're going to regret that." She growled, her Vision resonating at her belt as she held her free palm up and a blast of harsh Anemo energy came from it, sending him and the chair tumbling to the ground from the blast.
"Information. Now." The woman towered over him as she pulled out a dagger that was besides her Vision, stabbing it into his cheek and creating a small wound in his skin, another hiss came from him.
"No." Scaramouche responded.
"Fine. Let's run an experiment: how much pain you'll be in when I insert some Anemo energy into your body?"
The woman places her palm onto the wound she made on his cheek, her Vision glowing.
The next thing that was heard was screams.
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angstydays · 2 years
just found your blog and I love your fics!! In case u wanna reach out to more people u could maybe use „genshin impact whump“ or „hurt/comfort“, „genshin hurt“, „genshin whump“ as hashtags!! :D
just a suggestion& absolutely random 😂 but I think this way more people can find your page and fics!!
Oooh that's a good suggestion! Thanks a lot!
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angstydays · 2 years
Bad things happen Bingo x genshin impact- xiao and Hu Tao x infected wound & grabbed by the chin (maybe xiao overdid himself and Hu Tao found him and kinda forced him to rest because he’s denying his injuries and stuff as usual :D)
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Edit: had to edit and remove a prompt since it goes against the event rules, sorry requester for the inconvenience.
Requested by: Anonymous
Prompts: Infected Wound + Grabbed by the Chin
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters involved: Hu Tao and Xiao
Summary: After finding Xiao injured, Hu Tao forces him to take care of himself.
Wuwang Hill's eerie silence would be anxiety-inducing for most people, the fear of the unknown having the capability to overtake any common sense when something out of the ordinary happens.
Hu Tao can't be considered as part of the majority of people, for she loved the atmosphere the hill provided, and her little ghost companion manifested from Pyro energy can agree on that with her. She found it comforting even, strolling through the spooky mountains seem to garner a soft spot from her, and even if something went wrong, she can easily defend herself if need be.
Everyone pretty much gave up on trying to change her mind on going there so often, even the normally persistent ones didn't bat an eye anymore, knowing that she'll come back without harm.
Usually her hikes on Wuwang Hill are relatively uneventful, aside from the occasional run ins with Treasure Hoarders or Hilichurls or Cicins or people who have no idea how jumpscares work, there wasn't any real danger around.
This particular trip however, was different, but in the worst way possible.
It started off well and normal, as normal as it can get with the gloomy atmosphere the hill gave. Hu Tao had managed to dodge a few Cicins and played a few tricks on some naughty Treasure Hoarders. It was quite a fun day for her.
That is, until she hears a distant thud followed by a strangled noise.
She followed it to the source, her curiosity piqued. It could just be someone who is pretending to be injured to get the jump on some poor, unsuspecting soul to mug them, or someone who genuinely needs help. Although she has no evidence that either case is correct, she decided to take a look anyway.
Soon enough, she came across the person who made the pained sound. She expected it to be a Treasure Hoarder with fake blood, or at least a civilian from the harbor, but it's neither of them.
It was Xiao, with very much real, authentic blood dripping from his body, infecting the ground with its colour. Ugly-looking wounds were all across his figure, only a few were covered up by his arm clutching his chest, for better or for worse. His polearm was clenched in his free hand, attempting to use it as a crutch and failing miserably, forcing out another groan of pure pain as he tried to stand up.
"Xiao?" Hu Tao called out, cautiously approaching the Adeptus, her feet stomping on the grass creating a distinctive sound that alerted him to look around instinctively.
"Hey hey, it's me." Hu Tao reassured, quickening her movement until she's right in front of him. Once he knew who it really is, he sighed.
"Hu Tao." Xiao bit his lip, still trying to get up. Typical. "You shouldn't be here. There's something wrong here."
"Aiya, why should I care about that now?" The eccentric funeral director pursed her lips, glaring at him for his blatant disregard for his own wellbeing. She grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him over to a nearby tree for him to lean against.
"You should-" Xiao's statement was interrupted by him coughing up blood, his condition worsening. "Should care. Enough to leave that is."
"Well right now I'm caring about you, idiot." Hu Tao wasn't too well versed in the art of medical practices, but she knew a thing or two from her grandfather, his skills were used to save those who haven't reached their limit yet in many situations. Or when they discovered the supposed dead person their clients wished to bury are still alive.
Pulling the arm that was hiding the rest of his condition - that of which also looked really painful - she can see the true horror of the wounds. Large scabs stretched across his body, looking far too red to be considered healthy.
Hu Tao grimaced at the sight. "Aiya, your wounds are infected."
"Infected?" Xiao, the cold yet honestly oblivious idiot, asked as if it was clear enough.
"Of course it is." Hu Tao's seemingly exasperated sigh disguised her true feelings over the situation. In truth, she really is concerned over him. While Adepti are known to be ageless, they are not immune to dying from other external factors that do not involve aging. Xiao is one of the only few people who tolerate her for who she is, she can't lose him, not now and perhaps not ever. "Qingce Village isn't too far away, you need to be patched up."
"I can't leave yet, there are demons around here and I simply cannot allow them to remain here any longer." Xiao shook his head in disapproval, against the idea of leaving a task like this unfinished.
"You are in no condition to do anything. You can barely walk."
"Hu Tao-"
"I can take over that role if you want."
"You cannot." Xiao looked away from her with scanning eyes, likely looking for whatever demon is here.
Out of frustration, Hu Tao grabbed onto his chin and turned his face towards her. "Do you see yourself? Are you expecting to be fine fighting whatever in Wuwang Hill even in this state? Can't you see how this would affect your abilities?"
Xiao seems to be genuinely taken aback by her action, but strangely enough he doesn't resist this. Either it's because he thought it would make him feel more discomfort or another reason. "The demon must be weak now, I must finish the job."
"If it's weak then surely it's not impossible for me to take it down for you, would it?"
"Come on, Xiao. You can teleport right? Just go somewhere safe and heal up, I'll be back before you know it. Leaving an infected wound without proper medical attention would produce disastrous results." Hu Tao didn't notice she let some worry slip into her tone, but it's not like she cares anymore. If he doesn't take care of himself things would get worse later down the line.
Xiao appears to be deep in thought about this, and for a moment he opened his mouth, likely to say something about how he can handle it himself or some other nonsense, but he closes it and it stayed like that for a while. Finally, he allowed the words she wanted to hear come out.
"...fine. You better come back alive Director."
"Course, don't worry." Hu Tao grinned from ear to ear at his response. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared from her sight, leaving her to wave at the now empty spot. "Tootles!"
Now that she was alone, she got up and held her polearm in her hand, following the blood trail left by Xiao in the aftermath of battling whatever kind of demon.
"You'd better keep that promise of yours." She muttered along the way.
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angstydays · 2 years
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Requested by: noodle-of-sunshine
Prompt: Passing Out From Pain
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters involved: Venti, mentioned Fatui members, Jean
Summary: Being the weakest of the Seven has its setbacks.
Venti fought to stay conscious as he dragged himself to find where Windrise is, away from the battlefield where he knew multiple Fatui Skirmishers laid, having tried to take him by surprise and succeeded. The smell of his own blood didn't help the feeling.
Even after his Gnosis got taken, the bard remained an enemy of the Fatui. Mainly due to the fact that the Tsaritsa hates his guts, not having gotten over what had happened centuries ago. Venti knew her hatred is justified, but her methods were far from pure, especially when it was towards Mondstadt in particular since he knew that the Fatui had taken part in many schemes in the nation.
He just wanted to take a nice stroll around the plains and mountains, maybe play a few tunes here and there, and never expected to be jumped by the Fatui. Although he is the weakest amongst the Seven, he did put up a decent fight and ultimately won, but it also caused him to be hurt to the point where he felt that he could pass out.
After it was all done and over with, his first priority is getting to Windrise, where he knew he would be healed of the pain. The ache in his head didn't leave him though, and unconsciousness threatened to consume him, but he pressed on, knowing full well that he can rest when he gets to his destination. For all he knows, backups are being called over to search for him, so he must first rid himself of the agony before anything else.
The winds were starting to calm, only serving to remind him that his state is getting worse.
It took a while, but Venti eventually spotted Windrise's tree alongside his statue, prompting a minuscule smile from him. As if on cue, a wave of pain overwhelmed him, alongside the black teasing around his eyes, indicating that time is running out. Venti tried to remind his body to not rest just yet as he took each seemingly agonizing step forward to get closer to the statue, where his condition can be healed.
His feet failed him as he stumbled to his knees, using his hands to stop himself from falling onto the grass, which while soft, would only serve to worsen his state. Venti can hear yelling behind him, and he knew well that the Fatui will find his location sooner or later.
Through his blurry vision, he made out a figure with blonde hair and familiar clothing that belonged to the Dandelion Knight of Mondstadt, kneeling before the tree.
The bard forced himself to stand up to give himself a better chance at reaching her, while calling out. "Jean..." His vocal cords were damaged in the battle, resulting in his plea to come out as a whisper more than anything. He hopes it's not enough to stop him from performing his songs, but he can worry about it later.
As expected, Jean didn't hear him judging by her state. What made her perk up was the approaching Fatui and their obnoxious shouting, causing her to look up to find the source and in the process, spotted Venti struggling to walk. She rushed over to him with a perturbed expression, and it showed in her voice as well. "What happened to you?" She grabbed one of his arms and swung it over her shoulders, helping him to stand without the risk of falling.
"Fatui..." Venti responded, gesturing with his head over to the direction of the yelling, feeling the urge to allow himself to fall into unconsciousness with Jean by his side now.
"I'll get you to the Cathedral, you'll be fine." The Acting Grandmaster said, assisting him in walking back to the city when Venti stopped her.
"Leave me at Windrise." He managed to get out, before he finally succumbed to his body's wishes and drifted off, with the last thing he heard was rapidly approaching footsteps.
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angstydays · 2 years
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Kazuko Hageshi and their flag is Demigirl and Bisexual!
My favourite bird is an eagle!
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WeDrawYourOC Presents!
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