anim4lkingdom · 5 months
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Vaquita is a very shy member of the porpoise family (a distinct subgroup within the cetacean family!). Though it's not yet extinct, considering theres only 20 left in the wild (that we know of), its very likely that in a few years it'll be gone. And its all due to entanglement in illegal gillnets. Lets just hope that changes and that these cute mammals get to live on much longer than we think.
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anim4lkingdom · 5 months
The Tasmanian tiger
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Lets start this blog off with one of the most famous extinct animals. The thylacine (Tasmanian tiger). Apparently, the last thylacine had died in a 1936, in Hobart Zoo, though sights of it have been reported all the way up to the 70s. That leaves me to believe that they either died out during that time, or theres still a small amount of them somehow still alive somehwere, away from all people and mastering hiding.
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