anime-one-shot ¡ 8 years
treat yourself like you would treat your favorite character
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anime-one-shot ¡ 8 years
Me writing fanfic:
Too, many, commas,,, 
Is this ooc?? 
I used that word already 
Do people even blush this much?? 
*squints* Is that canon?
 *cries while writing death scene* 
Wait what happened last chapter? 
I wrote like a thousan- 354 words!? 
*googles the lifespan of a tropical fish* 
have I spelt his name wrong all this time? 
Would they say that tho? 
Changes plot 539932 times 
Looses inspiration, goes back to tumblr
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anime-one-shot ¡ 8 years
writing fanfic more like:
have I used that word recently *ctrl + f* shit
“are you still working on that fic?” last edited: 24th January 2005 “haha of course”
that feeling when someone comments
planning a fic down to the words you’ll use without anywhere to write it down and getting home and remembering none of it
it’s just a fic no one will care about inaccuracies *spends four hours researching a 2000-word one-shot*
*sees word in advert* yes that’s a good word I’ll remember that word *never uses word*
my last four fanfics are centred around this character and while it means their characterisation is perfect, people are yelling at me
“oh you write? can you name a character after me” “ummm”
is that a real word *red line appears* well why isn’t it
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anime-one-shot ¡ 8 years
Could you do a fluffy one shot for Sinbad from magi
(I am so sorry this took so long! I actually had to watch the anime Magi in order to write this. But don’t worry! I made it extra fluffy!… I hope - Legion)
He has been gone for two days! Two days! Where in the world could this man be? I knew Sinbad was the type to sometimes disappear for maybe a day, but no more. What if he was mugged? No, no negative thoughts. I am a Magi and I can’t freak out right now.
I walk around the palace, searching through every room. Sinbad left two nights ago and had claimed he would return before morning. I walk up to Ja’far and tapped his shoulder. He turns to look at me and a concerned look is apparent on his face.
“Oh, y/n! Have you seen Sinbad?” He asked me. I sigh in frustration and grab him by the shoulders.
“Where could he be Ja’far?! He has been gone for days! We need to go out there and start looking for him!”
“Calm down! He always leaves, he’ll eventually come back. I think.”
“I think? There is no time for ‘I think’! Come Ja’far, you’re going to help me search for him-” I stopped and saw the door open. A seemingly drunk Sinbad walked in with only a few rags. “You were mugged?! Again?!”
“Oh, hi y/n. How, how are you?” He asked. Ja’far and I both shook our heads in disapproval and walked towards him. Sinbad trudged towards the carpet before collapsing onto it and instantly fell asleep. 
“When will he learn?” I muttered. 
“I will go get him some fresh clothes,” Ja’far said. I nodded and watched as he exited the room. I looked at Sinbad and a smile crawled onto my lips. At least he’s alright. That’s all that matters right now.
“What am I going to do with you?” I whispered and kneeled down. I combed through his purple hair and watched as he was sound asleep. He reeked of alcohol and sweat though, so that a major setback in this serene moment. 
“Has he woken up yet?” I asked Ja’far. He had just walked out Sinbad’s room with a wet cloth in his hand.
“Yes, but he has a bad headache,” he said. It was expected since Sinbad did come drunk and all.
“Thank you for watching over him while I was gone,” I said. Ja’far smiled and only nodded before walking past me. I stood near the edge of the door and peeked inside just a tad. Sinbad was sitting on his bed, rubbing his forehead. I stepped inside and coughed a little to catch his attention. He was startled but happily greeted me.
“Oh, y/n! How are you doing?” He asked. 
“I’m fine, it’s you I’m worried about. Tell me, why were you gone for so long?” I asked. He only groaned in pain and looked up at the ceiling.
“How long was I gone?”
“A few days.”
“Days? Well then, I guess I got out of hand with the drinks,” he said.
“You think? How many more times are you going to this? You know how stressful it is when you go missing? It kills me every day that you’re gone! You could’ve been killed in the state that you were in!” I scolded. I know I was treating him like a child, but he needs to stop this habit of just leaving and not returning when he’s supposed to. 
“Did my absence really bother you that much?” He asked. I raised a brow at the question. What did he mean by that? Of course him being missing was bothersome, but why do I have a feeling that he means something else?
“Yes, it did.”
“Oh, well then I guess I owe you an apology,” Sinbad said. I sat on the edge of his bed and crossed my arms.
“And how will you do that exactly? You’ve been mugged, you don’t have money on you right now,” I said.
“You want me to pay you with money?”
“I just assumed that that was what you meant, didn’t you?” I asked. Sinbad laughed and pulled me next to him. His arms tightened around my shoulders in a form of an embrace. I blushed and tried to break free from his grasp. “S-Sinbad! What are you doing?!”
“Showing my appreciation,” he said. “Stop fidgeting because I’m not letting you go.” 
“Fine,” I said and let him hug me. His arms were warm and comforting. I smiled and accidentally nuzzled into his chest. He chuckled and I became a blushing mess. 
“You really are one interesting Magi,” I heard him say.
“Interesting? Is that it? That’s disappointing,” I told him. He laughed and planted a kiss on my forehead. 
“But you’re my Magi, y/n. Always will be.”
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anime-one-shot ¡ 8 years
I Have Car Problems & You Need A Jacket, a Geoff Ramsey X Reader Fic
Word count: 1,933
Warnings: Trashy drabble, and and a crappy title. Probably my first and last RT fic.
Summary: Your low-self esteem has been getting to you lately, affecting your performance at work and regular daily life, you had not intentions of doing anything fun anymore. And It didn’t go unnoticed at work, bringing an awkward aura to the office. People tried their best to bring your spirits up. Some, like Lindsay and Barbara, tried throwing some compliments at you once in awhile. But to no avail, none of their techniques seemed to work. 
Your tired eyes darted across your computer screen as you edited a Let’s play that the guys recorded last night. Yet, you had no intentions of editing anything, you weren’t very focused. Your low-self esteem has been getting to you lately, affecting your performance at work and regular daily life, you had no intentions of doing anything fun anymore. And it didn’t go unnoticed at work, bringing an awkward aura to the office. People tried their best to bring your spirits up. Some, like Lindsay and Barbara, tried throwing compliments at you once in awhile. But to not avail, none of their techniques seemed to work. 
So here you were, at work, absent mindedly clicking you mouse as your co-workers awkwardly passed by, shooting sweet gestures at you. But there was one person who would always pass by as you sat at your desk, but he would make no effort to comfort you, not like you cared anyways. Okay, maybe you did care, a bit. A lot. There was literally nothing he wasn’t good at, he made you look like utter trash. Who was this man? Well, he was your boss, Geoff Ramsey. His reasons were unknown, it always seemed like he was busy with things. But when he wasn’t, he tried his best to avoid you while you were in this state.
Once you had finished up editing the video you got ready to leave and go home, where solitude could consume you. You collected your stuff and left, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone. As you walked towards your car, you could feel little droplets of moisture hit your skin. You cursed under your breath as you quickened your pace towards your car. You wasted no time in getting in and putting your key into the switch. You expected the engine to roar to life once you had turned the key, but to your dismay it did not. 
“It was working this morning,” You cursed. “Why isn’t it working now?” 
You turned the key once more, but the only sound that could be heard was that of a chocked up engine. You growled, banging your fist against the steering wheel in frustration and jumping at the sound of the horn going off. The rain began to grow more intense, soaking the windshield. Suddenly, there was a soft tap at the passenger window. You turned around to see the last person you’d expect to see. Geoff. You were surprised to why he even bothered to knock the window. As you thought up ideas as to why, he was already soaked. You gasped before quickly reaching over and unlocking the passenger door, and as soon as you did Geoff threw open the door and jumped in. You cringed. Great, wet seats. 
“Sorry about the seats.” He said. 
“It’s fine! They were old anyways.” You said, with a feigned smile. 
Geoff nodded. “Why haven’t you left yet?” 
“I can’t,” You groaned. “Battery’s dead.” 
“Are you sure you turned the key all the way.” 
You took those words way to seriously, to you he was basically saying you weren’t even good at starting a car, which caused your heart to sink. You glared down at your trembling hands instead of responding. Geoff cleared his throat awkwardly. 
“Let me just…” 
Geoff reached over and turned the key that was left in the switch, nothing but a chocked up engine. You gave out an audible sigh. 
“Come on, I’ll drive ya’ home.” Geoff said, before walking out and running towards his car. 
You grabbed your bag before walking out and locking your car. You hurried into the passenger seat of Geoff’s car. You sat there for a moment as Geoff fumbled to get his keys out from his pocket, once he had found them he turned on the car. You watched as he quickly adjusted his mirrors before pulling out of his parking space. He knew where you lived since he had been there a couple of times for business reasons, like dropping off stuff that you left at the office, he never stayed though.
It was silent for the first few minutes of the car ride. Geoff watched the road as you looked out the window, watching people walk the sidewalks slowly or couples holding hands. You smiled at this, because you knew you couldn’t relate to such a thing. Your heart was always played with by most of the men you dated, it wasn’t uncommon to find your so called ‘significant’ other cheating on you with a girl who was prettier than you. Others were just total jackasses treating you like some slave. That was how you developed your low self-esteem and Geoff and his greatness were only making it worse. Said person was of course, the one to break you from your thoughts. 
“So, I’ve noticed you haven’t been yourself lately…” 
“Hasn’t everyone.” You said in a sardonic tone. 
“What’s been bothering you?” Geoff asked, ignoring your tone. 
You shook your head. “It’s nothing.” 
Geoff chuckled, looking over at you when he stopped at a red light. 
“You know it’s not just “nothing”, Y/N.”  
“I’ve just been feeling down lately, that’s all.” You told him. “You don’t seem like the type of person to care.” 
“Hm,” Geoff hummed. “So you think.” 
Geoff was now entering the highway, which led straight to your house. You narrowed your eyes towards his hands as they gripped the steering wheel tightly. Your eyes wandered down his arms, looking his tattoos up and down. You’ve always admired his tattoos, the way they curved around his arms in an almost seductive manner. But now was literally not the time to admire how hot his tattoos made him seem.
“What is that supposed to mean?” You asked in a stern voice
“Its not supposed to mean anything.” Geoff said. 
You groaned, now glaring at him through the rear view mirror. He thought he was so perfect, treating you like you were some kind of peasant, even if he was your boss. It was pretty obvious that you had feelings for him, yet he made himself seem too perfect for you. You knew you would never be able to be with him, and he was almost teasing you, his eyes would always tell you that you would never be able to capture his heart the way he captured yours.
“Why do you have to be so damn perfect?!” You blurted. 
Geoff seemed quite surprised by your sudden outburst, he was a bit angered by it. You were quite shocked as well, you didn’t intend on blurting it out but your anger got the best of you. 
“What are you talking about?! I was only trying to act nice, but you’re taking everything so damn seriously–shit!” Geoff shouted. “The car is smoking up!”
You looked at the hood of the car to see, dirty gray smoke emitting from underneath it. Geoff quickly turned the wheel and pulled over on the side of the highway just before it broke down. The rain was still pouring hard, the small loud thuds as the rain hit the windshield was now audible. Geoff sighed, popping the hood before reluctantly getting out of the car into the pouring rain. 
You stepped out as well, leaning against the door as he looked into the hood. As of now, none of you really cared whether you were wet or not, all you two were worried about was just fixing the car. Geoff informed you that he would have to call the mechanic, as he did, he tried his best to look anywhere but into your eyes. As he was in the amidst of a call, you watched the highway, blurs of cars passing by. You were lost in your own thoughts. What did you do to get stuck with all the bad luck, and to get stuck with Mr. Perfect. Did the gods hate you now, was that why? A low growl emitted from your throat unknowingly. 
“Okay, thank you.” 
Geoff sighed, turning to look at you. “We’re gonna have to wait about twenty minutes until they bring the tow truck.” 
Instead of replying, you gave him a glare, similar to the one you gave him earlier. The older man growled at you. 
“What is up with you?!” He shouted. 
“What’s up with me?” You asked a bit taken aback. “ What’s up with you?! Why do you act like your some kind of god i must worship!” 
“Just because your making yourself feel low doesn’t mean you can go on my ass, Y/N!” Geoff hissed. “Is it attention your looking for?” 
He was taunting you. 
“Maybe if you knew what you were doing to me, how low you make me feel, I wouldn’t be seeking attention from you! Maybe if you knew how much I liked you I-I…” You choked.
You couldn’t continue, you were sobbing hard. Geoff was shocked, his anger quickly dissolving. He opened his mouth to say something, but his words were stuck in the back of his throat, no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t comfort you. He looked down at his hands in shame. He never realized he made you feel this way, he didn’t know he made you feel so low. He watched you as you cried into you hands. If he couldn’t comfort you or tell you how he felt in words, there was always another way. 
Geoff discarded his smoked up engine, running over to you and bringing you into an embrace, his arms wrapped around your waist. The embrace told you everything, how sorry he was and how much he cared for you. You were quite surprised by the physical contact, but you buried your face into his chest none the less. You could feel the cold wet fabric of Geoff’s shirt against your cheek. You shivered, looking up at him you could see that his hair was flattened down by the rain. He looked into your e/c orbs as you looked into his blue ones. He leaned down towards your ear. 
“I’m sorry.” Geoff whispered, which caused shivers to run down your spine. His grip on your waist grew tighter as his face inched closer towards yours.
You looked away, embarrassed by his closeness. Geoff tilted your chin towards him, giving you an assuring smile before capturing your lips with his. You could feel heat creep up towards your cheeks as your lips moved in sync with his.
You both stood there, discarding the rain, sharing a kiss that seemed to last forever. The heat of your bodies being flush against each other was the only thing keeping you two warm.
As Geoff pulled away, he whispered something that you couldn’t quite make out. You cocked an eyebrow before asking,
“What was that?”
Geoff chuckled.“I said, I love you.”
You smiled, wiping a mixture of rain and tears, that were from earlier, from your face. His confession may not have helped obliterate your low self-esteem but it made you realized how important you were to others, how important you were to him.
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anime-one-shot ¡ 8 years
Blog of imagination
How many blogs are out there that write imagines? Probably billions and quadrillions and we just now joined the club!
Quick rules:
- Requests don’t have to just consist of anime, they can be about famous people or movie characters and stuff. 
- Everyone can ask, so anon get over here and ask if you’d like!
- *loud dramatic music*  We accept nsfw/lemon/smut requests.
- If you have a problem with something we wrote, message us and we’ll try to resolve the situation, don’t just flag us because then we won’t know what it was we did wrong. Criticism is not taken lightly either.
Legion is a goofball and is basically Hange #2, so she’ll go all out on requests, especially for the nasties hehehehe *continues giggling before breaking into a coughing fit*
Jinx is socially awkward but is willing to make friends. She loves to write, so she'd be happy to take any of your requests (Of anyone she knows of that is) whatever it may be as long as it follows the rules.
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