anime-shitposts · 5 years
So, some facts to consider:
-> Katsuki Bakugou sweats nitroglycerin from his palms
-> He sweats a lot of it, particularly when in combat/excising (see: the giant bracers he can fill on his arms).
-> Quirks often have negative side effects on their users, usually related to not being immune to some element of the quirk ex: being able to create fire but not being fireproof.
-> Nitroglycerin is used medicinally as a strong vasodilator (lowers blood pressure).
-> Nitroglycerin can lower blood pressure dangerously even at low dosages.
-> While people can build up some immunity to it over time, high exposure like Katsuki would have would still be dangerous. Unless his body had some sort of counter.
-> There’s lots of ways a body could raise blood pressure. One of them? Stress.
-> Stress (adrenaline and cortisol) can significantly raise blood pressure and do so fairly quickly.
My conclusion? Katsuki having No Chill Ever is actually his body’s way of keeping his blood pressure even. He’s constantly at 99/100 stress level for everything because of this. It’s why he does everything so intensely, he’s got near max levels of Adrenaline in him at all times.
Now whether or not this is canon or what canon intended is up in the air, but it’s now my personal canon. Ideal results of this:
-> Katsuki’s stress levels are discovered when he and his classmates/maybe teachers are exposed to a fear/panic quirk that shoots your adrenaline and cortisol through the roof. His classmates are sent into a panicked frenzy, running around and hiding. His teachers are either also panicked or just barely holding on to rational thought through many years of practice. Katsuki…. is just fine? Mostly he’s confused as to what the hell is wrong with everyone else. Whoever they’re fighting isn’t actually that tough without their quirk, so Katsuki takes ‘em down. Everyone is put through medical to determine what happened and why Katsuki wasn’t effected. They discover the quirk didn’t work because like, the quirk is made to take someone from 5-10% stress to a sudden 90-95%. Katsuki has a resting 96.7% or something. The extra 3.3% doesn’t change much.
-> They try to put him on anti-anxiety meds or something to help. He starts to calm down for the first time in his life which lasts all of 5 minutes before he passes out and almost fucking dies from the blood pressure drop.
-> “So you’re telling me being calm for once in my life literally almost fucking killed me?”
“Basically, yeah.”
“Hang on, I need to call my mom. I have an argument to win.”
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
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1-A Fallen Heroes [COMPLETE]
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
I need a tumblr miracle right now please
I met this really really cute girl on Saturday at the Lollapalooza in berlin. We met while twenty one pilots was playing and we kissed and we holded hands for the rest of the evening.
It was the perfect moment when we were on top of the ferriswheel and swedish house mafias "dont you worry child" played and were were holding hands and spinning around in the ferriswheel and there were fireworks all around us.
Mia if you're seeing this I'm really sorry that we didn't meet on Sunday and I think I gave you (totally by accident because I was a bit drunk) the wrong number.
But thank you so much for this evening.
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
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happy belated birthday, bakugou! comic dialogue is from @perdizzion’s very good tweet
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
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“I have a slideshow of diagrams from Midnight that, unfortunately for all of us, adhere to the curriculum. Mic will be over later with a disturbing puppet show. If any of you have less-than-human anatomy, I don’t want to know about it. That’s what masturbation and the internet is for. We have to do this today while Mineta is away. Bakugou, doing that will give you brain damage, stop. Oh, Midoriya, you’re allowed to sit outside, I got the note from your mother. Now. God, I need a pay raise. Does everyone know what a penis looks like? …Don’t answer that.”
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
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I forgot I drew this
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
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Soooooo I read a fanfic with Bakugou styling his hair like this and I couldn’t get it out of my head. The author is @unbreakable-red-riot   :’D 
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
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Low quality photoshop of some high quality boiis
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
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another shinkami + buzzfeed unsolved au 
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
Everything involving kaminari is a shitpost
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this is a shoutout to a scene in the fic ‘Kaminari’s Declassified Coming Out Survival Guide’, that made me ugly laugh at work today.
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
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Join in if you’re girl positive but also ready to throw down
(i’ve been waiting for a good excuse to play with this style again and then remembered I’ve been sitting on this quote from @incorrectfmaquotes for almost two months)
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
Neo Yokio Makes a Lot More Sense if you take the Christmas special as canon.
Spoilers below. So if the whole “Magistocrats are demon descendants” isn’t a one-off joke, the series kind of gets super intriguing. That means magistocrats are demon/human hybrids, with who knows how many relatives out there in the world. the Kaans can’t be the only ones, either, there were probably many others that maybe keep their heritage/powers secret. And if demons are beings of pure chaos, then do their half-human babies have a tendency towards chaos/vice? because now, i can’t get it out of my head that the main characters represent Deadly Sins. or maybe, just by building a city alongside demons, the characters themselves are possessed/driven by a certain kind of demon.
seriously, the world gets a lot more interesting when you picture each of the characters as either a literal embodiment of a deadly sin, or driven by a particular personal deadly sin. Aunt Agatha will do anything to satiate her needx for more money, despite not needing anymore, and she uses Kaz to get it, so obviously she’s a demon of Greed. Kaz is despondent and passive to the point of gilded stagnation, content to live his life without any change or hard work whatsoever, so he’s Sloth. Arcangelo is an arrogant bastard, so at first i wanted to say he’s Pride, but he literally will do whatever it takes to get Kaz’s attention, be it positive or negative. He coerces him into spending Christmas with him, buying him gifts, calling him homie, tries to break up a budding relationship between him and Sailor Pellegrino and KISSES HIM ON THE CHEEK WHILE WHISPERING THE WORDS “SWEET PRINCE IN HIS EAR.” he’s not Pride - HE’S LUST.  And what of the other characters? Hard to say, but the city itself is driven by other sins - constant Envy, constant Gluttony, constant Pride - so maybe it’s a mix of all three that motivates the general public at large, on some level or another. and as for those demons who snake their way into Neo Yokio - all of them are Wrath. if what the Great Demon said is true, then Neo Yokio was once a great pink void where the demons resided, and it was taken from them by their own and by arrogant, invasive humans. no wonder they’re angry - a weaker force came up out of nowhere and took everything they had. now where do they live? do people even talk about that in the show? where did the demons go once Neo Yokio was built? is the rest of the world cursed by demons? did demons learn to coexist with humans? do they live normal lives in secret, a marginalized people waiting for the day the towers of Neo Yokio fall so they can finally go home? people say this is a stupid series, but honestly? i want to know more. i want to see Kaz grow. i want a fucking toblerone.
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
Soft boyfriends in each other’s hero merch!
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
yall ever think about how wild it is that people got so horny over an anime water commercial an actual anime was created based around it and got like 3 whole ass seasons
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
‘so what’s banana fish about? should i watch it?’
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anime-shitposts · 5 years
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man FUCK capitalism
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