anlikhuysuzluklar · 19 hours
My overall impression from that d&d post’s comments: there are “smug X players” for every game X out there.
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 20 hours
Looking at the comments, i once concluded that i have highly skewed expectations for “math skills”. It’s an interesting challenge, to design a game with as little math as possible, or to hide it behind a curtain.
Imagine a person who only consumes Batman-related media. That is, they only watch movies and TV shows that have Batman in them, only read books that are novelisations of Batman media, only play licensed Batman video games, and so forth. This is not so absurd an idea; Batman-related media is sufficiently popular, varied and widespread that restricting one's media consumption in this way is completely feasible. However, I trust we can agree that if you actually do this, you will be left with very strange ideas about what popular media looks like.
The next step in this analogy is undestanding that if the only tabletop RPG you're acquainted with is Dungeons & Dragons, you have the same grasp of the tabletop roleplaying hobby as our hypothetical Batman Guy has of popular media.
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 21 hours
As a designer i’m curious
Small numbers: between 1-6
Multiple operations: only addition and subtraction but at least 4
Big numbers: between 10-50
Few operations: at most 3
Imagine a person who only consumes Batman-related media. That is, they only watch movies and TV shows that have Batman in them, only read books that are novelisations of Batman media, only play licensed Batman video games, and so forth. This is not so absurd an idea; Batman-related media is sufficiently popular, varied and widespread that restricting one's media consumption in this way is completely feasible. However, I trust we can agree that if you actually do this, you will be left with very strange ideas about what popular media looks like.
The next step in this analogy is undestanding that if the only tabletop RPG you're acquainted with is Dungeons & Dragons, you have the same grasp of the tabletop roleplaying hobby as our hypothetical Batman Guy has of popular media.
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 21 hours
Tumblr is recommending me fitness related tags (probably because i follow @hybridcalisthenics , who is very chill and positive)
Unfortunately, porn of every kind has overtaken those tags. “I’m fit, now look at my naked body” no thanks, i’d rather not. Well, one more reason to stay away from fitness, i guess.
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 5 days
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The Octagon of Chaos, Joe O'Niel cover art, Theatre of the Mind Enterprises, 1986. This 3rd-party adventure for Chaosium's Stormbringer RPG features the exploration of an abandoned Melnibonéan citadel, with the twist that the party cannot include any Melnibonéans.
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 5 days
Ortalama bir Avrupalı’nın döner hakkındaki düşüncelerini gördükçe bu kesif ırkçılıktan tiksiniyorum.
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 6 days
one of my favorite this american life segments of late is about the people who played orchestra pit for phantom of the opera on broadway and how, like, a sizeable majority of them had literally been playing the show since it opened in 1988 (on broadway. I know it opened in 86 on the west end, you random pedants, but I am specifically talking about broadway musicians) because their contracts stipulated that they'd have jobs throughout the show's entire run... but nobody anticipated that phantom would become the longest-running broadway show of all time.
and none of these people wanted to walk away from a guaranteed job, so very few of them ever quit. they just kept doing the same show eight nights a week... for twenty or thirty years... and by the time it finally closed last year most of these musicians (who had been working together for DECADES) hated each other and really really fucking loathed phantom. I can't stop thinking about it. it's indescribably hellish to imagine but also the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life.
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 7 days
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Burning Steamer, Marcus Larson (1825-1864) and Ship on Stormy Seas, Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900)
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 8 days
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 8 days
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Alarums & Excursions 139, March 1987, with Ward Miller's cover illustration -- This issue included the first printed appearance of Richard Aronson's tale "Eric and the Dread Gazebo," which quickly made its way to the early Internet:
The Tale of Eric and the Dread Gazebo by Richard Aronson [[email protected]]
In the early seventies, Ed Whitchurch ran "his game", and one of the participants was Eric Sorenson. Eric plays something like a computer. When he games, he methodically considers each possibility before choosing his preferred option. If given time, he will invariably pick the optimal solution. It has been known to take weeks. He is otherwise, in all respects, a superior gamer. Eric was playing a Neutral Paladin in Ed's game. He was on some lord's lands when the following exchange occurred:
ED: You see a well groomed garden. In the middle, on a small hill, you see a gazebo. ERIC: A gazebo? What color is it? ED: [pause] It's white, Eric. ERIC: How far away is it? ED: About 50 yards. ERIC: How big is it? ED: [pause] It's about 30 ft across, 15 ft high, with a pointed top. ERIC: I use my sword to detect good on it. ED: It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. ERIC: [pause] I call out to it. ED: It won't answer. It's a gazebo. ERIC: [pause] I sheathe my sword and draw my bow and arrows. Does it respond in any way? ED: No, Eric, it's a gazebo! ERIC: I shoot it with my bow. [roll to hit] What happened? ED: There is now a gazebo with an arrow sticking out of it. ERIC: [pause] Wasn't it wounded? ED: OF COURSE NOT, ERIC! IT'S A GAZEBO! ERIC: [whimper] But that was a +3 arrow! ED: It's a gazebo, Eric, a GAZEBO! If you really want to try to destroy it, you could try to chop it with an axe, I suppose, or you could try to burn it, but I don't know why anybody would even try. It's a @#$%!! gazebo! ERIC: [long pause. He has no axe or fire spells.] I run away. ED: [thoroughly frustrated] It's too late. You've awakened the gazebo. It catches you and eats you. ERIC: [reaching for his dice] Maybe I'll roll up a fire-using mage so I can avenge my Paladin.
At this point, the increasingly amused fellow party members restored a modicum of order by explaining to Eric what a gazebo is. Thus ends the tale of Eric and the Dread Gazebo. It could have been worse; at least the gazebo wasn't on a grassy gnoll. Thus ends the tale of Eric and the Dread Gazebo. A little vocabulary is a dangerous thing.
The above is Copyright © 1989 by Richard Aronson. Reprinted with permission. The author grants permission to reprint as long as all copyright notices remain with the text.
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 9 days
aparently in the latest fantastic 4 comics johnny storm has been in a relationship with an alien, and that would be pretty standard affair for marvel heroes, right.
except someone at marvel with fucking balls of steel and the biggest brain in the known universe made the alien look... actually alien
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this is the greatest thing ive seen in my life, is almost enough to make me want to read the comic
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 10 days
I slew mine own Empyrean flesh, casting it away. I would not be controlled by that thing.
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 11 days
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 11 days
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new kind of guy dropped
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 11 days
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12 September 2024
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 11 days
Amerikan ordusunun (ve military-industrial complex’in) küresel bir baskı ve dehşet (aka. terror) aracı olduğunu reddetmek için çırpınan askerleri görmek ne ilginç ya. Yaa, demek iş bulamadığı için “mecburen” orduya yazılan trans erkek eşin senin hayır kurumunda çalışmana imkan sağladı, peh peh peh.
Aklıma, kafasına yağan bombalar feminist başkanın hükümetince atıldığı için rahat bir nefes alan insanların karikatürü geldi ama bulamadım.
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anlikhuysuzluklar · 12 days
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